Wmnotify Dockable email notification program for single POP3 or IMAP4 account. Wmnotify now supports SSL. If you want to have support for audio notification using WAV or AU sound files, you must install the 'libsndfile' library: http://www.zip.com.au/~erikd/libsndfile/ Program launch: If you want wmnotify to produce sounds even when another program is using the sound card (MP3 player for example), you must use the eSound (ESD) library. This library act as a sound mixer daemon for enabling multiple audio applications to have access to the sound card simultaneously. Hopefully, wmnotify doesn't need to be recompiled to use this feature. Simply launch wmnotify like this: esddsp wmnotify Your other audio applications must be configured for using eSound for this to work however. For example, with the XMMS MP3 player (version 1.2.7), you must specify this output plugin: eSound Output Plugin 1.2.7 [libesdout.so] If you don't have eSound or you don't want to use it, simply launch wmnotify like this: wmnotify Project website: http://www.hugovil.com/en/wmnotify This program was tested on the following systems: "Linux From Scratch 4.0" For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file. For recent project news, see the NEWS file.