#!/bin/bash # This file contains the informations specific to the target system onto which # HV-Linux will be installed. INST_TYPE="workstation" HVL_TARGET="x86_64" MAKEJOBS=1 # Destination path where to install new Linux-HV system. This is usually where # you have mounted your new LFS partition, but it can also be any directory. # This is relevant only for stage 0 and 1. LFS="/mnt/stockage/hvlinux-amd64-new" LFS_PARTITION="/dev/sdb7" #BOOT_PARTITION="/dev/sdb1" #SWAP_PARTITION="/dev/sdb2" # New user to create REGUSER="hugo" # Define this if you want the mail addressed to the root user automatically be # forwarded to someone else. MAIL_ADMIN="hugo" XORG_VIDEO_DRIVER="nouveau" # General network settings INTERFACES="eth0" MACHINE_NAME="chambers64" DOMAIN="mongol.com" LAN_NETWORK_MASK="" # Utilise par sane in stage3 # Network interface card eth0 settings BOOTPROTO[0]="dhcp" # Samba support USE_SAMBA="no" # Override some packages #KERNEL="${NOUVEAU_NVIDIA_KERNEL}"