#!/bin/sh # This file is 'sourced' by other scripts, therefore the above line is of no # use, except when modifying the file in emacs to have syntax highlighting. # Constants for return codes EXIT_SUCCESS=0 EXIT_WARNING=1 EXIT_FAILURE=2 # The starting position for displaying the "X" sign inside the check box [ ] CHECK_POSITION=2 SET_CHECK_POSITION="echo -en \\033[${CHECK_POSITION}G" # NORMAL prints text in normal color NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m" # SUCCESS prints text in a green colour SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m" # WARNING prints text in a yellow colour WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m" # FAILURE prints text in a red colour FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m" # It seems that when compiling bash-4.0, using # "make -j 1" is causing problems... if [ "x${MAKEJOBS}" == "x1" ]; then HVMAKE="make" else HVMAKE="make -j ${MAKEJOBS}" fi # Extracting the version number from a complete package name. # Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: firefox-3.5.5.source will output 3.5.5) get_pkg_ver() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi echo ${1} | sed "s!.*-\(\([0-9]\.\)*\).*!\1!g" | sed 's!\.$!!g' } # Extracting the base version number from a complete package name. # Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output 3.4) get_pkg_ver_base() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi echo ${1} | sed "s!^.*-\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*!\1!g" } # Extracting the base version number from a complete package name. # Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output 3) get_pkg_ver_major() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi echo ${1} | sed "s!^.*-\([0-9]*\)\..*!\1!g" } # Extracting the name from a complete package name. # Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output gcc) get_pkg_name() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi echo ${1} | sed "s!^\(.*\)-.*!\1!g" } # Saves the content of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables. save_flags() { export OLDCFLAGS=${CFLAGS} export OLDCXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS} return ${EXIT_SUCCESS} } # Saves the content of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables, and then # set them to empty strings. save_flags_no_optimizations() { export OLDCFLAGS=${CFLAGS} export OLDCXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS} export CFLAGS="" export CXXFLAGS="" return ${EXIT_SUCCESS} } # Restores the previous values of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables. These # must have been saved first using save_flags(). restore_flags() { export CFLAGS=${OLDCFLAGS} export CXXFLAGS=${OLDCXXFLAGS} return ${EXIT_SUCCESS} } # Create log directory and log file for current stage if necessary # This should be done automatically... init_log_file() { mkdir -p ${LFS_LOG_DIR} && if [ ! -f ${LFS_LOG_FILE} ]; then touch ${LFS_LOG_FILE} || exit 1 fi } # Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d # # Arg #1: script name # Arg #2: start number # Arg #3: stop number # Arg #4: level static_bootscript_add() { local SCRIPTNAME=${1} local START=${2} local STOP=${3} local RCLEVEL=${4} local START_LEVELS="" local STOP_LEVELS="" if [ "x${RCLEVEL}" = "xS" ]; then START_LEVELS="S" STOP_LEVELS="0 6" elif [ "x${RCLEVEL}" = "x3" ]; then START_LEVELS="3 4 5" STOP_LEVELS="0 1 2 6" else echo "${FUNCNAME}(), invalid level argument : ${*}" return 1 fi # Making sure bootscript has correct permissions chmod -v 740 /etc/rc.d/init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} && # Removing any old links for level in S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; do cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d && rm -v -f $(find . -name "???${SCRIPTNAME}") || exit 1 done && if [ ${START} -ne 0 ]; then # Creating new start links for level in ${START_LEVELS}; do cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d && ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} S${START}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1 done fi && if [ ${STOP} -ne 0 ]; then # Creating new stop links for level in ${STOP_LEVELS}; do cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d && ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} K${STOP}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1 done fi } # Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d # # Arg #1: level # Arg #2: script name # Arg #3: start number # Arg #4: stop number bootscript_add_manual() { local RCLEVEL=${1} local SCRIPTNAME=${2} local START=${3} local STOP=${4} # Making sure bootscript has correct permissions chmod 740 /etc/rc.d/init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} && # Removing any old links cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d && rm -v -f $(find . -name "???${SCRIPTNAME}") && if [ ${START} -ne 0 ]; then # Creating new start link cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d && ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} S${START}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1 fi && if [ ${STOP} -ne 0 ]; then # Creating new stop link cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d && ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} K${STOP}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1 fi } # Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d # # Arg #1: script name # Arg #2: start number # Arg #3: stop number bootscript_add_rc3() { static_bootscript_add ${*} 3 } # Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d # # Arg #1: script name # Arg #2: start number # Arg #3: stop number bootscript_add_rcS() { static_bootscript_add ${*} S } # Add "export" before the variable name # # Arg #1: variable name # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located var_export() { VARIABLE=${1} FILE=${2} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi # Checking if file exists if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}" return 1 fi # Checking if variable exists if ! grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable not found: ${VARIABLE}" return 1 fi # Checking if variable is already exported when it is defined if grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} | grep "export " 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable already exported in definition: ${VARIABLE}" return 0 fi # Checking if variable is already exported, in # a "export VARIABLE1 VARIABLE2..." statement if grep "export " ${FILE} | grep " ${VARIABLE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable already exported in export list: ${VARIABLE}" return 0 fi sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=.*\)!export \1!" ${FILE} } # Adding a new environment variable to a file. # # Arg #1: variable name # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located # Arg #3: new variable value # Arg #4: separator string (usually a " " or ":") var_add() { VARIABLE=${1} FILE=${2} VALUE="${3}" SEP="${4}" # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi # Checking if file exists if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}" return 1 fi # Checking if variable exists if ! grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${VARIABLE}=\"${VALUE}\"" >> ${FILE} return $? fi # Checking if variable contains the new value if grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} | grep "${VALUE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable ${VARIABLE} already contains value: ${VALUE}" return 0 fi # Adding new value to variable (case where no export before) # We search for the variable name starting at the beginning of the line # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then # PATH=... matches but not MANPATH=... if grep "^${VARIABLE}=\"" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Variable value is enclosed by double-quotes sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=\".*\)\(\"\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}\"!" ${FILE} else # Variable value is NOT enclosed by double-quotes sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=.*\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}!" ${FILE} fi evaluate_retval # Adding new value to variable (case with export before) # We search for the variable name starting after an export statement, # at the beginning of a line. # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then # PATH=... matches but not MANPATH=... if grep "^export ${VARIABLE}=\"" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Variable value is enclosed by double-quotes sed -i "s!\(^export ${VARIABLE}=\".*\)\(\"\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}\"!" ${FILE} else # Variable value is NOT enclosed by double-quotes sed -i "s!\(^export ${VARIABLE}=.*\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}!" ${FILE} fi return $? } # Adding a new path environment variable to a file. # # Arg #1: variable name # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located # Arg #3: new variable value var_add_path() { var_add ${1} ${2} "${3}" ":" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 } # Adding a new string environment variable to a file. # # Arg #1: variable name # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located # Arg #3: new variable value var_add_str() { var_add ${1} ${2} "${3}" " " } # Adding a new string to a file. # # Arg #1: string # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located string_add() { STRING="${1}" FILE=${2} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi # Checking if file exists if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}" return 1 fi # Checking if string exists if grep "${STRING}" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), string already defined: ${STRING}" return 0 fi echo "${STRING}" >> ${FILE} } # Adding a new environment variable to a shadow password suite file (login.defs) # # Arg #1: variable name # Arg #2: filename where the variable is located # Arg #3: new variable value var_add_shadow() { VARIABLE=${1} FILE=${2} VALUE="${3}" # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi # Checking if file exists if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}" return 1 fi # Checking if variable contains the new value if egrep "^${VARIABLE}" ${FILE} | grep "${VALUE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "variable ${VARIABLE} already contains value: ${VALUE}" exit 0 fi # Adding new value to variable # We search for the variable name starting at the beginning of the line # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then # PATH... matches but not MANPATH... sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}.*\)!\1:${VALUE}!" ${FILE} } # Adding a new group, checking if it already exist before. # Arguments: same arguments as for standard groupadd command. hv_groupadd() { arguments=${*} while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do last_argument=${*} shift done groupadd ${arguments} if [ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 9 ]; then # 9 means the group already exists return ${EXIT_SUCCESS} else exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi } # Adding a new user, checking if it already exist before # Arguments: same arguments as for standard useradd command. hv_useradd() { arguments="${*}" # The last argument is the username while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do last_argument=${*} shift done useradd ${arguments} if [ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 9 ]; then # 9 means the user already exists return ${EXIT_SUCCESS} else exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi } # Evaluates the return value of the process that was run just before this # function was called. evaluate_retval() { if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "*************" echo "* ERROR *" echo "*************" exit 1 fi } # Evaluates the return value of the process that was run just before this # function was called. eval_retval2() { if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ${SET_CHECK_POSITION} print_status failure echo exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi } # Obtain the name of the base directory for the decompressed package. # First argument: package name static_decompressed_dirname() { local PACKAGE=${1} local DIRNAME=$(tar -tf ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 | head -n1 | awk -F \/ '{print $1}') echo ${DIRNAME} } # Applying any patch(es) found for the current package. # Will work only if patches have the same base name as # the package, followed by a dash: # ${1}-*.patch # # 1st argument: Package name # 2: optional target directory. apply_patches() { PACKAGE=${1} local TARGET_DIR=${PACKAGE} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} PACKAGE-NAME" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then TARGET_DIR=${2} else TARGET_DIR=${PACKAGE} fi # Checking if we can find at least one patch. if ls ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${1}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then cd ${LFS_PKG_DIR} for patch in ${1}-*.patch; do echo "******************************" echo "* Applying patch: ${patch}" echo "******************************" patch -Np1 -d ${LFS_TMP}/${TARGET_DIR} -i ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${patch} || exit 1 done fi return $? } # Applying patch # First argument is the name of the patch # Second argument is the package name apply_patch() { PATCH_FILE=${1} PACKAGE=${2} if [ -z "${PATCH_FILE}" ]; then echo echo "apply_patch(): no patch specified." return ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE} ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): patch file '${PATCH_FILE}' not found." return ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi echo "******************************" echo "* Applying patch: ${PATCH_FILE}" echo "******************************" patch -Np1 -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} -i ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE} } # Decompression of a package # First argument: package name # Second argument: directory where decompressing (optional) decompress_package() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then local TOPDIR=${LFS_TMP} elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then local TOPDIR=${2} else echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Incorrect number of arguments (must be 1 or 2)" return ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi local PACKAGE=${1} if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing source package: \"${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2\"" return ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi if [ -d ${TOPDIR}/${PACKAGE} ]; then # Removing old source directory (if any) rm -v -rf ${TOPDIR}/${PACKAGE} || exit 1 fi # Decompressing package # Option 'U' of tar is to remove each file prior to extracting over it cd ${TOPDIR} && tar -jxvf ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 && cd - 1> /dev/null 2>&1 } # Installation of a package, removing source and build directories after. # # First argument: package name # Second argument: script name # Remaining arguments: additional configure options ipkg() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi local PACKAGE=${1} shift local CUSTOM_SCRIPT=${1} shift local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*} static_ipkg ${PACKAGE} ${CUSTOM_SCRIPT} ${PACKAGE} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} } # Installation of a package conforming to GNU autotools. # The package must be able to be built outside the # source directory. # # First argument: package name # Remaining arguments: additional configure options ipkg_ac() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi local PACKAGE=${1} shift local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*} static_ipkg ${PACKAGE} cis-ac ${PACKAGE} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} } # Installation of a package conforming to GNU autotools, # but that must be built inside the source directory. # # First argument: package name # Remaining arguments: additional configure options ipkg_ac_nb() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi local PACKAGE=${1} shift local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*} static_ipkg ${PACKAGE} cis-ac-nobuild ${PACKAGE} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} } # Installation of a GNOME package. # # First argument: package name ipkg_gnome() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi static_ipkg ${1} cis-gnome ${1} } # Installation of a PERL module # # First argument: package name ipkg_pm() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi static_ipkg ${1} cis-pm ${1} } # Multiple installation of a package. This is usefull for packages # that may need to be installed multiple times, at different # times of the build process, like for GCC pas 1 and GCC pass 2. # # First argument: Real package name # Second argument: Installation script name # Third argument: Unique identification label in 'install.log' ipkg_mult() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi static_ipkg ${1} ${2} ${3} } # Installation of a package # # First argument: Real package name # Second argument: Installation script name # Third argument: Unique identification label in 'install.log' # Remaining arguments: Additional configure options static_ipkg() { local START_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`) local PACKAGE_NAME=${1} local SCRIPT=./${2} local LABEL=${3} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument" echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\"" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi shift shift shift local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*} # Checking if script is valid and executable if [ ! -x ${SCRIPT} ]; then echo echo "${FUNCNAME}(): script not found: ${SCRIPT}" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi PACKAGE_LOG=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/${LABEL}.log # Checking if package was previously successfully installed if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} \ 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then return $EXIT_SUCCESS fi # Displaying label echo -n "[ ] Installing" ${LABEL}" " echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} echo "Installing" ${LABEL} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} decompress_package ${PACKAGE_NAME} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 local DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME=$(static_decompressed_dirname ${PACKAGE_NAME}) # Rename the decompressed package as per the package name if necessary if [ "x${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME}" != "x${PACKAGE_NAME}" ]; then mv ${LFS_TMP}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME} || exit 1 fi # Displaying package source size in log file echo " Source size:" $(du -h -s ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME} | awk '{ print $1 }') 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Removing old build directory (if any) if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build ]; then rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 fi # Creating build directory mkdir -v ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 # Executing script. ${SCRIPT} ${PACKAGE_NAME} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 # Displaying package build size in log file BUILD_SIZE=$(du -h -s -c ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME} ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build | grep total | awk '{ print $1 }') echo " Build size : ${BUILD_SIZE}" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Some scripts need to preserve the source or build directory. They can # do so by renaming them. if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME} ]; then # Removing source directory rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 fi if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build ]; then # Removing build directory rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 fi # Writing success string to the end of the log file echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Displaying build time after the package name display_build_time ${START_TIME} ${SET_CHECK_POSITION} print_status success return $EXIT_SUCCESS } # Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's # status # First argument: action name (string) # Remaining arguments: command name with it's options action_checkbox() { # Displaying script name echo -n "[ ]" $1 $SET_CHECK_POSITION shift echo $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Executing command $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then print_status failure echo exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi print_status success return $EXIT_SUCCESS } # Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's # status and the time it took to execute. # Note: In case of errors, this function returns an error code instead # of exiting. # First argument: action name (string) # Remaining arguments: command name with it's options action_checkbox_time() { START_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`) # Displaying script name echo -n "[ ]" $1" " shift echo $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Executing command $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ${SET_CHECK_POSITION} print_status failure return ${EXIT_FAILURE} else # Displaying build time after the package name display_build_time ${START_TIME} ${SET_CHECK_POSITION} print_status success return $EXIT_SUCCESS fi } # Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's # status. Write to install log file when successfully completed so it # won't be called again after a successfull installation. # First argument: Message to display during action # Second argument: script name (will be label) run_script_log() { MSGSTRING=${1} SCRIPT=${2} LABEL=${SCRIPT} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi shift shift SCRIPT_ARGS=${*} # Checking if script is valid and executable if [ ! -x ./${SCRIPT} ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(): script not found: ${SCRIPT}" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi PACKAGE_LOG=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/${LABEL}.log # Checking if package was previously successfully installed if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then return $EXIT_SUCCESS fi # Displaying script name echo -n "[ ] ${MSGSTRING}" echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} echo "Running " ${LABEL} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} echo 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Executing command ./${SCRIPT} ${SCRIPT_ARGS} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1 eval_retval2 # Writing success string to the end of the log file echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} $SET_CHECK_POSITION print_status success return $EXIT_SUCCESS } # Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's # status. Write to install log file when successfully completed so it # won't be called again after a successfull installation. # First argument: label (string) # Second argument: script name run_cmd_log() { # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi LABEL=${1} shift SCRIPT=${*} # Checking if package was previously successfully installed if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then return $EXIT_SUCCESS fi # Displaying script name echo -n "[ ] ${LABEL}" echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} echo "${LABEL}" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} echo 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Executing command ${SCRIPT} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 eval_retval2 # Writing success string to the end of the log file echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} $SET_CHECK_POSITION print_status success return $EXIT_SUCCESS } get_total_build_time() { INFILE=${1} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} LOGFILE" exit ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi TIMES=$(cat ${INFILE} | grep "Build time:" | sed "s!Build time: \(.*\)h!\1!g") for time in ${TIMES}; do HOURS=$(( $HOURS + $(echo ${time} | sed "s!^\([0-9]*\)\..*!\1!g") )) # The first SED command extracts the minutes (fractions of an hour). # The second SED command removed the leading zero, if applicable. MIN=$(( $MIN + $(echo ${time} | sed "s!.*\.\([0-9][0-9]\)!\1!g" | sed "s!^0\([0-9]\)!\1!g" ) )) done HOURS=$(( ${HOURS} + ( ${MIN} / 100 ) )) MIN=$(( ${MIN} % 100 )) echo "${HOURS}.${MIN}" } display_build_time() { END_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`) HOURS=$(( ( ${END_TIME} - ${START_TIME} ) / 3600 )) echo -n "("${HOURS}"." echo -n " Build time: ${HOURS}." 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} # Time is inferior to 1 hour... MINUTES=$(( ( ( ${END_TIME} - ${START_TIME} ) % 3600 ) / 36 )) if [ ${MINUTES} -lt 10 ]; then echo -n "0" echo -n "0" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} fi if [ ${MINUTES} -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "1" echo -n "1" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} else echo -n ${MINUTES} echo -n ${MINUTES} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} fi echo -n "h)" echo "h" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} } # The print_status prints a coloured "X" letter inside the checkbox to the left # of the screen (the checkbox is displayed with the action_checkbox function). print_status() { if [ $# = 0 ]; then # If no parameters are given to the print_status function, print usage # information. echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME}() {success|warning|failure}" return ${EXIT_FAILURE} fi case "$1" in success) $SUCCESS ;; warning) $WARNING ;; failure) $FAILURE ;; *) echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME}() {success|warning|failure}" return ${EXIT_FAILURE} ;; esac echo "X" $NORMAL } # Testing GCC toolchain gcc_toolchain_test_stage1() { cd ${LFS_TMP} && echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c && cc dummy.c && readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools' 1> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Testing toolchain failed..." exit 1 fi rm dummy.c a.out }