#!/bin/sh LFS_PKG_BASE="$(dirname $(pwd))/packages" LFS_PKG_DIR="${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${LFS_STAGE}" LFS_LOG_DIR="${LFS}/var/log/hvlinux-install/${LFS_STAGE}" LFS_LOG_FILE="${LFS_LOG_DIR}/pkg-update.log" WGET_LOG_FILE="${LFS_LOG_DIR}/pkg-wget.log" # URL LFS_BASE_URL="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org" CLFS_BASE_URL="http://svn.cross-lfs.org/svn/repos/cross-lfs/trunk" HV_BASE_URL="http://www.hugovil.com/hvlinux-repository" LFS_PATCHES_URL="${LFS_BASE_URL}/patches/lfs/development" BLFS_PATCHES_URL="${LFS_BASE_URL}/patches/blfs/svn" CLFS_PATCHES_URL="http://patches.cross-lfs.org/dev" HV_PATCHES_URL="${HV_BASE_URL}/patches" LFS_PACKAGES_URL="ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/lfs/lfs-packages/conglomeration" HV_PACKAGES_URL="${HV_BASE_URL}/packages" SOURCEFORGE_URL="http://cdnetworks-us-1.dl.sourceforge.net" GNOME_URL="http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources" GNU_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu" TETEX_URL="http://www.tug.org/ftp/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX" BLFS_XORG_URL="http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/files/BLFS/svn/xorg" XORG_URL="http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual" WGETCMD="wget --directory-prefix=${LFS_PKG_DIR} --timeout=15 --tries=3 -nc --continue --no-check-certificate -o ${WGET_LOG_FILE}" LFS_PATCHES_LIST=${LFS_PKG_DIR}/patches-list-lfs.html BLFS_PATCHES_LIST=${LFS_PKG_DIR}/patches-list-blfs.html CLFS_PATCHES_LIST=${LFS_PKG_DIR}/patches-list-clfs.html HV_PATCHES_LIST=${LFS_PKG_DIR}/patches-list-hv.html # Arg. #1: URL for patches repository. # Arg. #2: Destination filename. static_fetch_patches_list() { PATCHES_URL=${1} PATCHES_LIST_FILENAME=${2} ${WGETCMD} "${PATCHES_URL}/" && mv ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/index.html ${PATCHES_LIST_FILENAME} } # Arg. #1: URL for patches repository. The trailing # slash is absolutely necessary for this to work. update_packages_init() { # Execute a return statement instead of exit, to be able to continue with # downloading other packages export RCMD_NO_EXIT=1 # First create log directory if it does not exists. if [ ! -d ${LFS_LOG_DIR} ]; then install -m755 -d ${LFS_LOG_DIR} || exit 1 fi # Then create destination directory if it does not exists. if [ ! -d ${LFS_PKG_DIR} ]; then install -v -m755 -d ${LFS_PKG_DIR} 1> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 || exit 1 fi if [ -n "${USE_LFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Getting list of all patches from LFS server. rcmd "Fetching LFS patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${LFS_PATCHES_URL} ${LFS_PATCHES_LIST} fi if [ -n "${USE_BLFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Getting list of all patches from BLFS server. rcmd "Fetching BLFS patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${BLFS_PATCHES_URL} ${BLFS_PATCHES_LIST} fi if [ -n "${USE_CLFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Getting list of all patches from CLFS server. rcmd "Fetching CLFS patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${CLFS_PATCHES_URL} ${CLFS_PATCHES_LIST} fi if [ -n "${USE_HV_PATCHES}" ]; then # Getting list of all patches from hugovil.com server. rcmd "Fetching hugovil.com patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${HV_PATCHES_URL} ${HV_PATCHES_LIST} fi } # Get patch package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Patches list file (HTML) # Arg. #3: Patches URL static_checkpatch() { local PACK=${1} local PATCHES_LIST=${2} local PATCHES_URL=${3} local PATCHES_FOUND=$(cat ${PATCHES_LIST} | grep "${PACK}-" | sed "s/.*\(${PACK}-.*\.patch\).*/\1/") if [ -n "${PATCHES_FOUND}" ]; then for p in ${PATCHES_FOUND}; do if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${p} ]; then rcmd "Fetching ${p} from ${PATCHES_URL}" ${WGETCMD} ${PATCHES_URL}/${p} fi done fi } # Get patch package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version static_getpatch() { PACK=${1} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi if [ -n "${USE_LFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Checking if patch is available from LFS. static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${LFS_PATCHES_LIST} ${LFS_PATCHES_URL} fi if [ -n "${USE_BLFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Checking if patch is available from BLFS. static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${BLFS_PATCHES_LIST} ${BLFS_PATCHES_URL} fi if [ -n "${USE_CLFS_PATCHES}" ]; then # Checking if patch is available from CLFS. static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${CLFS_PATCHES_LIST} ${CLFS_PATCHES_URL} fi if [ -n "${USE_HV_PATCHES}" ]; then # Checking if patch is available from hugovil.com. static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${HV_PATCHES_LIST} ${HV_PATCHES_URL} fi } # Convert multiple compressed gzip files to bzip2. # Usage: gztobz2 [FILES] gztobz2() { if [ $# = 0 ]; then echo "$0: -- Convert multiple compressed gzip files to bzip2." echo "Usage: $0: [FILES]" return 1 fi while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do local ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME=${1} # Checking if input file exist. if [ ! -f $1 ]; then echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} not found." return 1 fi # Checking if input file is a valid gzipped file. gzip -t ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} is not a valid gzip file." return 1 fi # Obtaining uncompressed name of file local FILENAME=$(gunzip -l ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} | sed '1d' | sed 's/\(.*\)% \(.*\)/\2/') # Decompressing file to standard output and piping result to bzip2 gunzip ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} --stdout | bzip2 --best > ${FILENAME}.bz2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$0: Error converting file ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} to bzip2." return 1 fi # Keeping the original file's timestamp touch --reference=${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} ${FILENAME}.bz2 # Deleting original gzipped file if [ -f ${FILENAME}.bz2 ]; then rm ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} fi shift done } detect_file_not_found() { # HTTP: will return error code 404. # FTP: will say "File not found" if grep "404" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "404 NOTFOUND" return 0 elif grep "No such file" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: URL # Arg. #3: Optional extension static_getpkg() { local PACK=${1} local URL=${2} local MY_ARCH_EXT=${3} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 -a $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi if [ -z "${MY_ARCH_EXT}" ]; then # List of default archive extensions to try MY_ARCH_EXT="tar.bz2 tar.gz tgz tar.Z" fi echo " MY_ARCH_EXT=${MY_ARCH_EXT}" for arch_ext in ${MY_ARCH_EXT}; do # Don't take any chance: remove any partially downloaded file. # If we arrive here, it means the final destination file was not found # so we can safely remove any file prior to trying to download it. rm -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.${arch_ext} ${WGETCMD} ${URL}/${PACK}.${arch_ext} # Failure: if it was a connection timeout, don't try for other file extensions. if grep "failed: Connection timed out" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error, wget reported: Connection timed out" return 1 fi if detect_file_not_found; then # Try next archive extension if web server reported that file is not found. continue; fi # If we arrive here, it means we were able to download the file. if [ "x${arch_ext}" = "xtar.gz" -o "x${arch_ext}" = "xtgz" -o "x${arch_ext}" = "xtar.Z" ]; then gztobz2 ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.${arch_ext} fi return $? done # Failure or file not found return 1 } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: URL # Options: # -e File extension (default is tar.bz2) # -d Fetch directory (default is LFS_PKG_DIR) # -f Filename (default is PACKAGE) # -h Display this help and returns # -s Subdirectory on server fpkg() { local FILE_EXT="" local DEST_DIR="" local SRC_FILENAME="" local SRC_DIR="" while getopts "e:d:f:hs:" flag ;do case ${flag} in e) # File extension FILE_EXT=${OPTARG} ;; d) # Fetch directory (where to put file) DEST_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; f) # Filename if different than package name SRC_FILENAME=${OPTARG} ;; s) SRC_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; ?) echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid option: ${OPTARG}." return 1 ;; esac done shift `expr "${OPTIND}" - 1` unset OPTSTRING unset OPTIND unset OPTARG # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi local PACK=${1} local URL=${2} local FETCH_STRING="Fetching ${PACK}" if [ -z "${SRC_FILENAME}" ]; then # Default source filename = name of package SRC_FILENAME=${PACK} fi if [ -n "${FILE_EXT}" ]; then FETCH_STRING="${FETCH_STRING}.${FILE_EXT}" fi if [ -z "${FILE_EXT}" -o \ "x${FILE_EXT}" = "xtar.gz" -o \ "x${FILE_EXT}" = "xtgz" -o \ "x${FILE_EXT}" = "xtar.Z" -o \ "x${FILE_EXT}" = "xtar.bz2" \ ]; then FINAL_EXT=tar.bz2 else FINAL_EXT=${FILE_EXT} fi if [ -z "${DEST_DIR}" ]; then # Default destination directory DEST_DIR=${LFS_PKG_DIR} fi mkdir -v -p ${DEST_DIR} >> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 if [ -z "${SRC_DIR}" ]; then # Default source subdirectory on server SRC_DIR="" else URL=${URL}/${SRC_DIR} fi DEST_FILE=${DEST_DIR}/${PACK}.${FINAL_EXT} if [ ! -f ${DEST_FILE} ]; then rcmd "${FETCH_STRING}" static_getpkg ${SRC_FILENAME} ${URL} ${FILE_EXT} # Move file if source filename is not equal to package name and/or destination # directory is not the default: DOWNLOADED_FILE=${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SRC_FILENAME}.${FINAL_EXT} if [ "${DEST_FILE}" != "${DOWNLOADED_FILE}" ]; then mv ${DOWNLOADED_FILE} ${DEST_FILE} fi fi # Test integrity of archive if requested if [ -f ${DEST_FILE} -a -n "${TEST_INTEGRITY}" -a "x${FINAL_EXT}" = "xtar.bz2" ]; then rcmd "Testing integrity of ${PACK}.${FINAL_EXT}" bzip2 -t ${DEST_FILE} fi # Check for available patches with PACKAGE (TARGET) name. static_getpatch ${PACK} # Check for available patches with SRC_FILENAME name. static_getpatch ${SRC_FILENAME} # Rename any patch fetched (in fpkg call) and replace SOURCE by TARGET in # patch name. if ls ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SRC_FILENAME}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then rename ${SRC_FILENAME} ${PACK} ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SRC_FILENAME}-*.patch fi } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Directory name (optional) fpkg_gnu() { local PACK=${1} if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then NAME=${2} else NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK}) fi # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi fpkg ${PACK} "${GNU_URL}/${NAME}" } # Fetch Gnome package (if it is not in the repository). # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Directory name (optional) fpkg_gnome() { PACK=${1} if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then NAME=${2} else NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK}) fi # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi fpkg ${PACK} "${GNOME_URL}/${NAME}/$(get_pkg_ver_base ${PACK})" } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Directory name (optional) fpkg_sf() { PACK=${1} if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then NAME=${2} else NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK}) fi # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi fpkg ${PACK} ${SOURCEFORGE_URL}/${NAME} } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Directory name (optional) fpkg_hv() { PACK=${1} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then fpkg ${PACK} "${HV_PACKAGES_URL}/${2}" else fpkg ${PACK} ${HV_PACKAGES_URL} fi } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Directory name (optional) fpkg_lfs() { PACK=${1} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then fpkg ${PACK} "${LFS_PACKAGES_URL}/${2}" else fpkg ${PACK} ${LFS_PACKAGES_URL} fi } # Get package if it is not in the repository # Arg. #1: Package name and version # Arg. #2: Subdirectory name (module name) fpkg_xorg() { local PACK=${1} local SUBDIR=${2} # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi fpkg -d ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SUBDIR} -s ${SUBDIR} ${PACK} ${XORG_URL} } # Create a symbolic link to a package that is located in another stage # repository (to not have the same file twice). # Arg. #1: Source stage number (1, 2, 3, etc) # Arg. #2: Package name lpkg() { SRCSTAGE="stage${1}" FILE="${2}.tar.bz2" PACKAGE_NAME="${2}" # Checking for correct number of arguments if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}" return 1 fi if [ ! -h ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${FILE} ]; then # Issue a warning if source file doesn't exist. if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${FILE} ]; then source_link_status=" (missing source file)" else source_link_status="" fi # Create link if it doesn't exist rcmd "Linking ${PACKAGE_NAME}${source_link_status}" ln -s ../${SRCSTAGE}/${FILE} ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${FILE} fi # Create link for patches corresponding to that package: if ls ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then for patch in ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-*.patch; do PATCHFILE=$(basename ${patch}) if [ ! -h ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCHFILE} ]; then # Create link if it doesn't exist rcmd "Linking ${PATCHFILE}" ln -s ../${SRCSTAGE}/${PATCHFILE} ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCHFILE} fi done fi }