"Please enter your username", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD" => "Please enter your password", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL" => "Please enter your email address", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL" => "Invalid email address", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Username or email address is invalid", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_PASS_INVALID" => "Username or password is invalid", "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" => "Your account is already activated", "ACCOUNT_INACTIVE" => "Your account is in-active. Check your emails / spam folder for account activation instructions", "ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Your username must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Your display name must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "ACCOUNT_PASS_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Your password must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Titles must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH" => "Your password and confirmation password must match", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "Display name can only include alpha-numeric characters", "ACCOUNT_USERNAME_IN_USE" => "Username %m1% is already in use", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE" => "Display name %m1% is already in use", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE" => "Email %m1% is already in use", "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT" => "An activation email has already been sent to this email address in the last %m1% hour(s)", "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT" => "We have emailed you a new activation link, please check your email", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD" => "Please enter your new password", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Please confirm your new password", "ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH" => "New password must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID" => "Current password doesn't match the one we have on record", "ACCOUNT_DETAILS_UPDATED" => "Account details updated", "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_MESSAGE" => "You will need to activate your account before you can login. Please follow the link below to activate your account. \n\n %m1%activate-account.php?token=%m2%", "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" => "You have successfully activated your account. You can now login here.", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE1" => "You have successfully registered. You can now login here.", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE2" => "You have successfully registered. You will soon receive an activation email. You must activate your account before logging in.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "You cannot update with the same password", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED" => "Account password updated", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED" => "Account email updated", "ACCOUNT_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" => "Token does not exist / Account is already activated", "ACCOUNT_USER_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "Username can only include alpha-numeric characters", "ACCOUNT_DELETIONS_SUCCESSFUL" => "You have successfully deleted %m1% users", "ACCOUNT_MANUALLY_ACTIVATED" => "%m1%'s account has been manually activated", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATED" => "Displayname changed to %m1%", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_UPDATED" => "%m1%'s title changed to %m2%", "ACCOUNT_PERMISSION_ADDED" => "Added access to %m1% permission levels", "ACCOUNT_PERMISSION_REMOVED" => "Removed access from %m1% permission levels", )); //Configuration $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "CONFIG_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site name must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "CONFIG_URL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site name must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "CONFIG_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site name must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "Email activation must be either `true` or `false`", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_RESEND_RANGE" => "Activation Threshold must be between %m1% and %m2% hours", "CONFIG_LANGUAGE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Language path must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "CONFIG_LANGUAGE_INVALID" => "There is no file for the language key `%m1%`", "CONFIG_TEMPLATE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Template path must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "CONFIG_TEMPLATE_INVALID" => "There is no file for the template key `%m1%`", "CONFIG_EMAIL_INVALID" => "The email you have entered is not valid", "CONFIG_INVALID_URL_END" => "Please include the ending / in your site's URL", "CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Your site's configuration has been updated. You may need to load a new page for all the settings to take effect", )); //Forgot Password $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN" => "Your activation token is not valid", "FORGOTPASS_NEW_PASS_EMAIL" => "We have emailed you a new password", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED" => "Lost password request cancelled", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_EXISTS" => "There is already a outstanding lost password request on this account", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" => "We have emailed you instructions on how to regain access to your account", )); //Mail $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "MAIL_ERROR" => "Fatal error attempting mail, contact your server administrator", "MAIL_TEMPLATE_BUILD_ERROR" => "Error building email template", "MAIL_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_ERROR" => "Unable to open mail-templates directory. Perhaps try setting the mail directory to %m1%", "MAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_EMPTY" => "Template file is empty... nothing to send", )); //Miscellaneous $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "CAPTCHA_FAIL" => "Failed security question", "CONFIRM" => "Confirm", "DENY" => "Deny", "SUCCESS" => "Success", "ERROR" => "Error", "NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Nothing to update", "SQL_ERROR" => "Fatal SQL error", "FEATURE_DISABLED" => "This feature is currently disabled", "PAGE_PRIVATE_TOGGLED" => "This page is now %m1%", "PAGE_ACCESS_REMOVED" => "Page access removed for %m1% permission level(s)", "PAGE_ACCESS_ADDED" => "Page access added for %m1% permission level(s)", )); //Permissions $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "PERMISSION_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Permission names must be between %m1% and %m2% characters in length", "PERMISSION_NAME_IN_USE" => "Permission name %m1% is already in use", "PERMISSION_DELETIONS_SUCCESSFUL" => "Successfully deleted %m1% permission level(s)", "PERMISSION_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Successfully created the permission level `%m1%`", "PERMISSION_NAME_UPDATE" => "Permission level name changed to `%m1%`", "PERMISSION_REMOVE_PAGES" => "Successfully removed access to %m1% page(s)", "PERMISSION_ADD_PAGES" => "Successfully added access to %m1% page(s)", "PERMISSION_REMOVE_USERS" => "Successfully removed %m1% user(s)", "PERMISSION_ADD_USERS" => "Successfully added %m1% user(s)", )); ?>