%option noyywrap %option noinput %option nounput %{ #include "menu.h" #include "parser.h" #include "hexfile.h" #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result = menu_get_input(buf, max_size); %} digit [0-9] alpha [a-fA-F] hextail ({digit}|{alpha}){1,8} hex1 0[xX]{hextail} hex2 ${hextail} %% {hex1} { /* * No need to check return value of asciihex2int, because lex * always passes a valid ASCII hex string. */ yylval.number = asciihex2int(&yytext[2]); /* Skip "0x" prefix */ return NUMBER; } {hex2} { /* * No need to check return value of asciihex2int, because lex * always passes a valid ASCII hex string. */ yylval.number = asciihex2int(&yytext[1]); /* Skip "$" prefix */ return NUMBER; } [0-9]+ { yylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; } [h?] return TOK_HELP; sb return TOK_SB; rb return TOK_RB; db return TOK_DB; de return TOK_DE; di return TOK_DI; dp return TOK_DP; dr return TOK_DR; r return TOK_RUN; q return TOK_QUIT; s return TOK_STEP; u return TOK_UNASM; we return TOK_MOD_EXT; wi return TOK_MOD_INT; wp return TOK_MOD_PROG; wr return TOK_MOD_REG; z return TOK_RST; zt return TOK_RST_TIMER; all return TOK_ALL; a return TOK_A; b return TOK_B; c return TOK_C; d return TOK_D; [a-z0-9]+ { yylval.string = strdup(yytext); return WORD; } [\n] return TOK_ENTER; [ \t]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ } . { return yytext[0]; } %%