#!/bin/bash # The following cache entries set the values for tests that do not run while # cross-compiling: hvconfig_cache() { cat > ${BUILD_DIR}/config.cache << EOF scanf_cv_type_modifier=as EOF } hvbuild_post() { # Create needed symlinks in sbin for a bootable system: LINKS="agetty blkid fsck" for link in ${LINKS}; do ln -svfT /tools/sbin/${link} ${LFS}/sbin/${link} done # Create needed symlinks in bin for a bootable system: LINKS="dmesg login mount" for link in ${LINKS}; do ln -svfT /tools/bin/${link} ${LFS}/bin/${link} done sed -i -e "s@ /tools/lib/libuuid.la@ ${TOOLS_DIR}/lib/libuuid.la@" \ ${TOOLS_DIR}/lib/libblkid.la }