Installation instructions ------------------------- Note: In this example, the destination partition is /dev/hda6, and the sources partition is /dev/hda10. 1. Create and/or format the destination partition: >$ mkreiserfs /dev/hda6 2. Mount the partition: >$ mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda6 /mnt/linux 3. In the destination partition root, create a directory that will be used to mount the CD or hard disk partition containing the sources: >$ cd /mnt/linux >$ mkdir -p mnt/hvlinux 4. Mount the sources partition: >$ mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda10 /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux 5. Copy the tools directory to the LFS (/mnt/linux) partition: >$ cp -a /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/tools /mnt/linux This is needed only if you did not run stage1 installation 6. Modify the "/mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/scripts/sysinfos" file to reflect your configuration. 7. If you want a separate boot partition, make sure it is mounted under ${LFS}/boot. 8. Launch the installation of stage 2: >$ /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/scripts/stage2/stage2-install 9. After that, compile a fresh kernel. 10. type 'exit' 11. You can now remove the /mnt/linux/tools directory. 12. Reboot. 13. When the GRUB prompt appears, install grub on the MBR with: grub> root (hd0,0) grub> setup (hd0) grub> reboot 14. login as root, and create the password for the regular user: >$ passwd reguser