#!/bin/bash # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions hvtrap_setup source ../packages-list source /etc/profile if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux." exit 1 fi init_log_file rscr mult "Performing pre-install" pre-install ipkg -l "${PERL}-pass1" ${PERL} ipkg -m noac ${KERNEL} ipkg -m noac ${MANPAGES} ipkg ${EGLIBC} rscr once "Adjusting toolchain" toolchain-adjust rscr mult "Testing toolchain" toolchain-test export CC="gcc -isystem /usr/include" export CXX="g++ -isystem /usr/include" export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link,/lib" CPPFLAGS=-fexceptions \ ipkg ${GMP} "--enable-cxx --enable-mpbsd" ipkg ${MPFR} "--enable-shared --with-gmp=/usr" ipkg ${MPC} CPPFLAGS=-fexceptions \ ipkg ${PPL} "--enable-shared --disable-optimization" ipkg ${CLOOG_PPL} "--enable-shared --with-gmp --with-ppl" unset CC unset CXX unset LDFLAGS ipkg -m acnb ${ZLIB} ipkg ${BINUTILS} ipkg ${GCC} rscr mult "Testing toolchain" toolchain-test ipkg ${SED} "--bindir=/bin" ipkg ${PKG_CONFIG} ipkg ${NCURSES} ipkg ${UTIL_LINUX_NG} ipkg ${E2FSPROGS} ipkg ${COREUTILS} ipkg -m noac ${IANA} ipkg ${MFOUR} ipkg ${BISON} ipkg -m noac ${PROCPS} ipkg ${LIBTOOL} ipkg ${FLEX} ipkg -m noac ${IPROUTE2} ipkg -l "${PERL}-pass2" ${PERL} ipkg ${READLINE} ipkg ${AUTOCONF} ipkg ${AUTOMAKE} ipkg ${BASH} "--bindir=/bin --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline" /bin/bash +h -c ./install-2 exit $?