#!/bin/sh # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(pwd))/packages/stage2" export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage2 export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log export LFS_TMP="/tmp" init_log_file ipkg ${BZIP2} cis-bzip2 ipkg_ac ${DIFFUTILS} ipkg_ac ${FILE_PKG} ipkg ${FINDUTILS} cis-findutils ipkg ${FLEX} cis-flex ipkg ${GRUB} cis-grub ipkg_ac ${GAWK} "--libexecdir=/usr/lib" ipkg_ac ${GETTEXT} ipkg_ac ${GREP} "--bindir=/bin" ipkg ${GROFF} cis-groff ipkg ${GZIP} cis-gzip ipkg ${INETUTILS} cis-inetutils ipkg ${IPROUTE2} cis-iproute2 ipkg ${KBD} cis-kbd ipkg_ac ${LESS} ipkg_ac ${MAKE_PACKAGE} ipkg ${MAN} cis-man # Obsoleted ipkg_ac ${MKTEMP} "--with-libc" ipkg ${MODULE_INIT_TOOLS} cis-module-init-tools ipkg_ac ${PATCH_PACKAGE} ipkg ${PSMISC} cis-psmisc ipkg ${SHADOW} cis-shadow ipkg ${SYSKLOGD} cis-sysklogd ipkg ${SYSVINIT} cis-sysvinit ipkg_ac ${TAR_PACKAGE} "--bindir=/bin --libexecdir=/usr/sbin" ipkg ${TEXINFO} cis-texinfo ipkg ${UDEV} cis-udev ipkg ${UDEV_CONFIG} cis-udev-config ipkg ${UTIL_LINUX} cis-util-linux # End of standard LFS packages installation. ipkg_ac ${WHICH} ipkg ${REISERFSPROGS} cis-reiserfsprogs ipkg ${PCIUTILS} cis-pciutils ipkg ${NET_TOOLS} cis-net-tools ipkg ${DHCP} cis-dhcp ipkg ${PKG_CONFIG} cis-pkg-config ipkg_ac_nb ${POPT} ipkg ${PAM} cis-pam ipkg ${OPENSSL} cis-openssl ipkg ${OPENSSH} cis-openssh ipkg_ac ${EXPAT} # expat is needed by apr-util. ipkg ${APR} cis-apr ipkg_ac ${APR_UTIL} "--with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config" ipkg_ac ${NEON} "--with-ssl" ipkg_ac ${SUBVERSION} ipkg ${SUDO} cis-sudo ipkg_ac ${WGET} ipkg_ac ${NANO} ipkg ${EMACS} cis-emacs ipkg ${TCPWRAPPERS} cis-tcp-wrappers # Needed by portmap ipkg_ac_nb ${PORTMAP} ipkg ${NFS_UTILS} cis-nfs-utils run_script_log "Installing bootscripts" cis-bootscripts run_script_log "Installing HV-utilities" cis-hv-utilities run_script_log "Compressing man pages" cis-compressdoc ####action_checkbox "Stripping" ./cis-stripping echo "Total build time: $(get_total_build_time ${LFS_LOG_FILE})h" # Creating root password passwd root || exit 1 action_checkbox "Performing post-install" ./cis-post-install ldconfig lasterror=$? if [ ${lasterror} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Stage2 successfully completed." echo "You must now compile a new kernel (go to /usr/src/linux)." echo "After that, you can reboot and try your new system." else echo "Error in script 'install-2'" exit ${lasterror} fi exec /bin/bash --login