#!/bin/sh # First argument of this script is the package name. # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list CUR_DIR=$(pwd) # Applying patches (if any) apply_patches ${1} && hv_groupadd -g 18 messagebus && hv_useradd -c D-BUS-Message-Daemon-User -d /dev/null \ -u 18 -g messagebus -s /bin/false messagebus && cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build && ../${1}/configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var && make && make install && ldconfig && # Bootscript install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/dbus /etc/rc.d/init.d && # script-name start stop bootscript_add_rc3 dbus 92 20 # Starting the session daemon here has the added bonus that it will exit # when you log out of your GNOME session. If you wish to start the daemon #here, use the following command instead of the one shown above: ######echo "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session" >> ~/.xinitrc && # Return last error exit $?