#!/bin/sh # First argument of this script is the package name. # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ######################################### # MySQL ######################################### READ_VALID="no" while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do echo "Do you want to set MySQL root password? (y/n): " read SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS if [ "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "y" -o "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "n" ]; then READ_VALID="yes" else echo "Error, answer y or n" fi done if [ "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "y" ]; then # Further configuration requires that the MySQL server be running: mysqld_safe --user=mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null & evaluate_retval PASS_MATCH="no" while [ "${PASS_MATCH}" = "no" ]; do echo -n "Enter new MySQL root password: " >&2 read PASS1 echo -n "Re-enter password to confirm : " >&2 read PASS2 if [ "${PASS1}" != "${PASS2}" ]; then echo "Error, passwords don't match" else PASS_MATCH="yes" fi done mysqladmin -u root password ${PASS1} || exit 1 echo "MySQL root password set." echo "Shutting down MySQL server:" # Configuration of the server is now finished. Shuting down the server. mysqladmin -p shutdown || exit 1 fi ######################################### # Apache ######################################### READ_VALID="no" while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do echo "Do you want to generate SSL self-signed" echo -n "certificate for Apache? (y/n): " read USE_SSL if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" -o "${USE_SSL}" = "n" ]; then READ_VALID="yes" else echo "Error, answer y or n" fi done if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" ]; then /etc/apache/generate-ssl-certs || exit 1 fi ######################################### # imap ######################################### READ_VALID="no" while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do echo "Do you want to generate SSL self-signed" echo -n "certificate for IMAP server? (y/n): " read USE_SSL if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" -o "${USE_SSL}" = "n" ]; then READ_VALID="yes" else echo "Error, answer y or n" fi done if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" ]; then /etc/mail/imap-ssl-certs || exit 1 fi fi # Return last error exit $?