#!/bin/sh export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage4" export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage4 export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log export LFS_TMP=/tmp # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list source /etc/profile if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux." exit 1 fi init_log_file # GNOME-2.X configuration action_checkbox "Configuring ${GNOME2_VER}" ./cis-gnome-config action_checkbox "Reloading /etc/profile" source /etc/profile # Gnome 2 core packages ipkg_gnome ${ORBIT2} ipkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBO} ipkg_gnome ${GCONF} ipkg ${GNOME_MIME_DATA} cis-gnome-mime-data ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_VFS} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOME} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECANVAS} ipkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBOUI} ipkg_ac ${GNOME_ICON_THEME} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_KEYRING} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEUI} ipkg_ac ${GNOME_THEMES} ipkg ${SCROLLKEEPER} cis-scrollkeeper ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_DOC_UTILS} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_DESKTOP} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_BACKGROUNDS} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_MENUS} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_PANEL} ipkg_ac ${GSTREAMER} ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_BASE} ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_GOOD} ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_UGLY} ipkg_ac ${GST_FFMPEG} ipkg ${VTE} cis-vte ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_TERMINAL} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGTOP} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEKBD} ipkg ${GAIL} cis-gail ipkg ${GNOME_APPLETS} cis-gnome-applets ipkg_gnome ${EEL} ipkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS} ipkg_gnome ${YELP} ipkg ${METACITY} cis-metacity ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_CONTROL_CENTER} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_SESSION} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_USER_DOCS} action_checkbox "Updating the MIME-type application database" update-desktop-database # Gnome 2 additional packages - Libraries ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECUPS} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINT} ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINTUI} ipkg_gnome ${GTKHTML} ipkg ${EVOLUTION_DATA_SERVER} cis-evolution-data-server ipkg_gnome ${GTKSOURCEVIEW} ipkg ${SYSTEM_TOOLS_BACKENDS} cis-gnome-nobuild ipkg ${GNOME_AUDIO} cis-gnome-audio # Gnome 2 additional packages - Utilities ipkg ${GEDIT} cis-gedit ipkg_gnome ${EOG} ipkg_gnome ${EVINCE} ipkg_gnome ${GGV} # Gnome Ghostview ipkg_gnome ${FILE_ROLLER} ipkg_gnome ${GCONF_EDITOR} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_UTILS} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_SYSTEM_MONITOR} ipkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS_CD_BURNER} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_MEDIA} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_NETSTATUS} ipkg ${GCALCTOOL} cis-gnome-nobuild ipkg_gnome ${GUCHARMAP} ipkg_gnome ${ZENITY} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_KEYRING_MANAGER} # Needs hal, which needs D-BUS... ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_VOLUME_MANAGER} ipkg ${LIBMUSICBRAINZ} cis-libmusicbrainz ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_SOUND_JUICER} ipkg_ac ${ISO_CODES} ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_TOTEM} ipkg ${GDM} cis-gdm ipkg_ac ${LIBNOTIFY} ipkg ${GNOME_MOUNT} cis-gnome-nobuild ipkg_ac ${LIBGSF} ipkg ${PCRE} cis-pcre ipkg ${GOFFICE} cis-ac-nobuild # Depends on libgsf and pcre ipkg ${GNUMERIC} cis-gnumeric # Depends on GOffice ipkg_ac ${WV} # Needed by Abiword ipkg_ac ${ABIWORD} "--disable-spellcheck" ipkg ${EVOLUTION} cis-evolution ipkg ${EVOLUTION_EXCHANGE} cis-evolution-exchange ipkg_ac ${LIBGPG_ERROR} ipkg_ac ${LIBGCRYPT} ipkg_ac ${GNUTLS} ipkg_ac ${PIDGIN} exit $?