#!/bin/bash source ../functions/main source /etc/profile check_for_root_user init_log_file ipkg ${HELP2MAN} ipkg ${GSL} ipkg -m acnb ${CUPS} ipkg -m acnb ${GHOSTSCRIPT} ipkg ${LIBSPECTRE} ipkg ${IJS} " \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static" ipkg ${ITSTOOL} ipkg ${GLIB_NETWORKING} "\ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/glib-networking \ --with-ca-certificates=/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt \ --disable-static" if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o \ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then # Gtk ipkg ${LIBSIGCPP} ipkg ${JASPER} "--enable-shared" ipkg -m acnb ${GLIBMM} ipkg ${CAIRO} "--enable-tee" ipkg ${CAIROMM} ipkg ${HARFBUZZ} # Freetype was installed in stage3, but needs to be reinstalled after harfbuzz ipkg ${FREETYPE} "--disable-static" ipkg -m acnb ${PANGO} ipkg ${PANGOMM} ipkg ${GDK_PIXBUF} "--with-x11" ipkg ${LIBCROCO} "--disable-static" ipkg ${LIBRSVG} "--disable-gtk-doc --disable-static --disable-mozilla-plugin" ipkg ${ATK} ipkg ${ATKMM} ipkg ${AT_SPI2_CORE} ipkg ${AT_SPI2_ATK} ipkg ${GTK} "--disable-gtk-doc" ipkg ${GTKMM} "--disable-documentation" ipkg ${ADWAITA_ICON_THEME} ipkg ${GTK_ENGINES} ipkg -m acnb ${PYCAIRO} ipkg ${PYGOBJECT} "--disable-introspection" ipkg ${PYGTK} ipkg ${EMACS} ipkg ${MMM_MODE} ipkg ${HVCLOCK} ipkg ${WMNOTIFY} ipkg ${DESKTOP_FILE_UTILS} ipkg -m acnb -j ${SHARED_MIME_INFO} ipkg ${STARTUP_NOTIFICATION} ipkg ${LIBWNCK} ipkg ${ISO_CODES} ipkg ${LIBXKLAVIER} ipkg ${LIBGLADE} ipkg -m acnb ${GCONF} "\ --disable-orbit \ --disable-static" ipkg -c -m noac ${CERTDATA} ipkg ${P11KIT} ipkg ${GCR} "--without-gtk" # Needs Gtk3 ipkg ${GNOME_KEYRING} "--with-pam-dir=/lib/security --disable-debug" ipkg ${LIBSOUP} "--disable-static --without-gnome" ipkg ${XSCREENSAVER} "--libexecdir=/usr/lib" ipkg -m noac ${DBUS_PYTHON} ipkg -m acnb ${WICD} fi ipkg ${GPARTED} "--disable-doc" if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o \ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg -m acnb ${EVIV2} ipkg ${IMAGE_MAGICK} "--with-modules --with-gslib=/usr/lib" ipkg ${VIEWNIOR} # xpdf headers are needed by inkscape ipkg ${POPPLER} "\ --enable-xpdf-headers \ --enable-zlib \ --enable-build-type=release \ --enable-cmyk" ipkg ${BABL} ipkg ${GEGL} ipkg -m acnb ${DIA} ipkg ${GIMP} ipkg -m acnb ${GUTENPRINT} ipkg -s boost -m noac ${BOOST} ipkg ${INKSCAPE} "CFLAGS=\"-DPOPPLER_NEW_GFXFONT\"" fi ipkg -m acnb ${QPDF} ipkg ${CUPS_FILTERS} " \ --localstatedir=/var \ --without-rcdir \ --with-gs-path=/usr/bin/gs \ --with-pdftops-path=/usr/bin/gs \ --disable-static" ipkg -m noac ${SPLIX} ipkg ${FOOMATIC_FILTERS} ipkg -m noac ${FOO2ZJS} ipkg -m noac ${CDRTOOLS} ipkg -m noac ${DVDRWTOOLS} ipkg ${LIBDVDCSS} ipkg -m acnb ${LIBDVDREAD} ipkg -m noac ${DVDFS} ipkg -m acnb ${VOBCOPY} if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then rscr once "Installing TexLive texmf" install-texlive-texmf ipkg -s texlive -m acnb ${TEXLIVE} fi if [ "x${SANE_SUPPORT}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg -m acnb ${SANE_BACKENDS} ipkg -m acnb ${XSANE} # Epson scanners ipkg -m noac ${ISCAN_PLUGIN} ipkg ${ISCAN_DATA} ipkg -m acnb ${ISCAN} "--localstatedir=/var" fi ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_XML_SIMPLE} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_PARSE_REDESCENT} ipkg ${ICON_NAMING_UTILS} ipkg ${TANGO_ICON_THEME} ipkg ${TANGO_ICON_THEME_EXTRAS} ipkg ${GNOME_ICON_THEME} if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg ${GSETTINGS_DESKTOP_SCHEMAS} ipkg ${EVINCE} "\ --without-keyring \ --disable-nautilus \ --disable-help \ --enable-introspection \ --enable-pixbuf \ --enable-dvi \ --enable-t1lib" ipkg ${VALA} # Audio if [ "x${SOUND_CARD}" = "xyes" ]; then # Needed by some packages, mostly audio applications. ipkg ${LIBOIL} # Audio applications ipkg ${VTE} "--disable-static --enable-introspection --disable-gtk-doc" ipkg -m acnb ${GRIP} "--disable-id3" ipkg -m acnb ${CDRDAO} ipkg ${ID3LIB} ipkg -m acnb ${EASYTAG} ipkg -m acnb ${FONTFORGE} "--enable-double" # -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable: Fix for newer GCC. CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable" \ ipkg -s guile1 ${GUILE1} # Lilypond 2.17 ne fonctionne pas encore avec guile2 PATH="/opt/guile1/bin/:$PATH" \ ipkg ${LILYPOND} "--disable-documentation --disable-debugging" # ChordPro utils ipkg -m noac ${CHORDPACK} ipkg -m noac -s guitartex ${GUITARTEX} ipkg ${FFMPEG} " \ --enable-shared \ --enable-pthreads \ --enable-gpl \ --enable-nonfree \ --disable-ffplay \ --enable-libfaac \ --enable-libmp3lame \ --enable-libtheora \ --enable-libvorbis \ --enable-libxvid \ --enable-libfreetype \ --enable-libx264" ipkg ${GSTREAMER} "--disable-tests" ipkg ${GST_PLUGINS_BASE} ipkg ${GST_PLUGINS_GOOD} ipkg ${GST_PLUGINS_BAD} ipkg ${GST_PLUGINS_UGLY} ipkg -m acnb ${GST_FFMPEG} ipkg ${GNOME_MEDIA} # Pour gstreamer-properties et gnome-volume-control ipkg ${WXGTK} "--enable-unicode --disable-compat26" # Bug with system-installed portaudio and ffmpeg ipkg -m acnb ${AUDACITY} "--with-libsamplerate --with-portaudio=local --with-ffmpeg=local" fi ipkg ${SYLPHEED} "--enable-ssl --enable-ldap" ipkg ${LIBNOTIFY} ipkg ${LIBVPX} "--enable-shared" if [ "x${USE_WEBKIT}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg -m acnb -t -j ${WEBKIT} "\ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/WebKitGTK \ --with-gstreamer=0.10 \ --enable-introspection \ --with-gtk=2.0 \ --disable-geolocation \ --disable-gtk-doc" NOCOLOR=1 ipkg ${MIDORI} fi ipkg ${LIBEVENT} ipkg -d "nspr" ${NSPR} "--with-mozilla --with-pthreads \ $([ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && echo --enable-64bit)" ipkg -m noac ${NSS} ipkg -m noac ${FIREFOX} ipkg -m noac ${KEYUTILS} ipkg -s ecryptfs-utils ${ECRYPTFS_UTILS} ipkg -s qt ${QT} source /etc/profile ipkg -m noac ${LUA} ipkg -m acnb ${VLC} "--enable-mozilla --enable-qt4 --enable-ncurses" ipkg ${SDL} ipkg ${AGG} " \ --disable-static \ --enable-ctrl \ --enable-gpc" if [ "x${USE_GNASH}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg ${GNASH} fi fi ipkg ${LIBGAMIN} "--libexecdir=/usr/sbin" ipkg ${MENU_CACHE} ipkg ${GVFS} ipkg -m acnb ${XARCHIVER} ipkg ${GNOME_MENUS} ipkg -m acnb ${LIBFM} ipkg ${PCMANFM} if [ "x${USE_HTTPD}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg -s apache ${HTTPD} fi if [ "x${USE_LIGHTTPD}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg ${LIGHTTPD} fi ipkg ${PHP} if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg -m noac ${PROCMAIL} ipkg -m noac ${LIBSPF2} ipkg ${MILTER_SPF} ipkg ${MILTER_GREYLIST} ipkg ${CLAMAV} # Required PERL modules for SpamAssassin ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_HTML_TAGSET} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_HTML_PARSER} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_APACHE_LOGGED_AUTH_DBI} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_DIGEST_SHA1} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_URI} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_LWP} ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_NET_DNS} "--no-online-tests" ipkg -m pm ${PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_ZLIB} ipkg -m pm ${SPAMASSASSIN} ipkg ${UW_IMAP} ipkg -m noac ${SQUIRRELMAIL} ipkg ${FETCHMAIL} "--with-ssl" if [ x"${SVN_SERVER}" == xyes ]; then # Subversion server (client was already installed in stage3) ipkg ${SUBVERSION} fi fi ipkg ${LIBGSF} ipkg -m acnb ${GOFFICE} ipkg ${GNUMERIC} "--localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-pdfdocs" ipkg ${WV} ipkg ${ABIWORD} "--disable-spellcheck" ipkg -m noac ${MERCURIAL} ipkg ${INDENT} if [ "x${USE_SAMBA}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg -d source ${SAMBA} "\ --localstatedir=/var \ --with-piddir=/var/run \ --with-fhs \ --with-smbmount" fi if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg ${TFTP_HPA} ipkg ${LTSP_UTILS} fi ipkg -j ${QEMU} "--libexecdir=/usr/lib/qemu \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/qemu-1.7.0 \ --target-list=x86_64-softmmu" ipkg -m acnb ${BRIDGE_UTILS} ipkg -m noac ${TUNCTL} ipkg ${TRANSMISSION} "--disable-daemon" # Électronique ipkg ${GEDA_GAF} ipkg ${AVRDUDE} "--disable-parport" # Astronomie ipkg -m noac ${STELLARIUM} ##ipkg ${GTKGLEXT} ##ipkg -m acnb ${CELESTIA} "--with-gtk" ipkg -m noac ${I2C_TOOLS} ipkg -m noac ${HDPARM} rscr mult "Performing post-install" post-install write_completed_stage display_stage_build_stats exit $?