#!/bin/sh LFS_STAGE=stage5 export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(pwd))/packages/${LFS_STAGE}" export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/${LFS_STAGE} export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log export LFS_TMP=/tmp # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list source /etc/profile if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux." exit 1 fi init_log_file # Scripts directory export SCRDIR=$(pwd) if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then # Gtk ipkg_ac ${LIBSIGCPP} ipkg_ac ${JASPER} "--enable-shared" ipkg_ac ${GTK_DOC} ipkg_ac ${GLIBMM} ipkg_ac ${CAIRO} ipkg_ac ${CAIROMM} ipkg_ac_nb ${PANGO} ipkg_ac ${PANGOMM} ipkg_ac ${ATK} ipkg_ac ${GTK} ipkg_ac ${GTKMM} ipkg_ac ${GTK_ENGINES} ipkg_ac ${PYGOBJECT} ipkg_ac ${PYCAIRO} ipkg_ac ${PYGTK} ipkg_ac ${GC} ipkg_cust ${EMACS} cis-emacs ipkg_ac ${HVCLOCK} ipkg_ac ${WMNOTIFY} # Needed by GNOME-2 ipkg_ac ${DESKTOP_FILE_UTILS} ipkg_ac ${SHARED_MIME_INFO} ipkg_ac ${STARTUP_NOTIFICATION} ipkg_ac ${LIBWNCK} ipkg_cust ${ISO_CODES} cis-iso-codes ipkg_ac ${LIBXKLAVIER} ipkg_ac ${LIBGLADE} ipkg_ac ${LIBTASN1} ipkg_ac ${GUILE} \ --enable-posix \ --disable-static \ --enable-networking \ --enable-regex ipkg_ac ${LIBGPG_ERROR} ipkg_ac ${LIBGCRYPT} ipkg_ac_nb ${GNUTLS} ipkg_ac ${LIBIDL} # GNOME-2.X configuration rscr mult "Configuring ${GNOME2_VER}" ./cis-gnome-config source /etc/profile ipkg_gnome ${ORBIT2} ipkg_cust ${GCONF} cis-gconf ipkg_ac ${LIBPROXY} "--with-gnome" ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_KEYRING} ipkg_ac ${LIBSOUP} fi ipkg_ac ${HELP2MAN} ipkg_ac ${GSL} ipkg_cust ${CUPS} cis-cups ipkg_cust ${CUPS_PDF} cis-cups-pdf ipkg_cust ${SPLIX} cis-splix ipkg_cust ${GHOSTSCRIPT} cis-ghostscript if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg_ac ${IMAGE_MAGICK} "--with-modules --with-gslib=/usr/lib" # xpdf headers needed by inkscape ipkg_ac ${POPPLER} "--enable-xpdf-headers --enable-zlib" ipkg_ac ${LIBRSVG} "--disable-gtk-doc --disable-mozilla-plugin" ipkg_ac ${BABL} ipkg_ac ${GEGL} ipkg_ac ${GIMP} "--disable-print" ipkg_ac_nb ${GUTENPRINT} ipkg_cust ${BOOST} cis-boost # inkscape-0.47 has a problem with poppler >= 0.12.2 ####ipkg_ac ${INKSCAPE} "CFLAGS=\"-DPOPPLER_NEW_GFXFONT\"" fi ipkg_cust ${CDRTOOLS} cis-cdrtools ipkg_cust ${DVDRWTOOLS} cis-dvd-rw-tools ipkg_ac ${LIBDVDCSS} ipkg_ac ${LIBDVDREAD} "--with-libdvdcss" ipkg_cust ${DVDFS} cis-dvdfs if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg_cust ${TETEX_SRC} cis-tetex # 'Five years old' bug --> Change the date to something in 2004 before installing. ipkg_cust ${JADETEX} cis-jadetex fi if [ "x${SANE_SUPPORT}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg_cust ${SANE_BACKENDS} cis-sane-backends ipkg_cust ${XSANE} cis-xsane fi ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_XML_SIMPLE} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_PARSE_REDESCENT} ipkg_ac ${ICON_NAMING_UTILS} ipkg_ac ${TANGO_ICON_THEME} ipkg_ac ${TANGO_ICON_THEME_EXTRAS} if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then # Audio if [ "x${SOUND_CARD}" = "xyes" ]; then # Needed by some packages, mostly audio applications. ipkg_ac ${LIBOIL} # ALSA ipkg_cust ${ALSA_LIB} cis-alsa-lib ipkg_cust ${ALSA_UTILS} cis-alsa-utils ipkg_ac ${ALSA_OSS} # Audio raw utilities ipkg_ac ${LIBSAMPLERATE} # Audio file formats ipkg_ac ${LIBOGG} ipkg_ac ${LIBVORBIS} ipkg_ac_nb ${FLAC} ipkg_ac ${LAME} ipkg_ac ${LIBA52} "--enable-shared" ipkg_cust ${LIBID3TAG} cis-libid3tag ipkg_cust ${LIBMAD} cis-libmad ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBFAAC} ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBFAAD2} ipkg_ac ${LIBTHEORA} ipkg_cust ${XVIDCORE} cis-xvidcore # Audio libraries ipkg_ac_nb ${AUDIOFILE} ipkg_ac ${PORTAUDIO} ipkg_ac ${LIBSNDFILE} # Audio servers ipkg_ac ${ESOUND} ipkg_ac ${SPEEX} ipkg_cust ${PULSEAUDIO} cis-pulseaudio ipkg_ac ${JACK} "--disable-portaudio" ipkg_ac ${ALSA_PLUGINS} # Depends on pulseaudio ipkg_ac ${VORBIS_TOOLS} # Audio applications ipkg_ac_nb ${GRIP} "--disable-id3" ipkg_ac_nb ${CDRDAO} ipkg_ac ${SWEEP} "--enable-pulseaudio" ipkg_ac ${EASYTAG} ipkg_ac_nb ${LILYPOND} ipkg_ac_nb ${FFMPEG} "--enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --disable-ffplay \ --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora \ --enable-libvorbis --enable-libxvid" fi ipkg_ac ${SYLPHEED} "--enable-ssl --enable-ldap" ipkg_cust ${NSS} cis-nss ipkg_cust ${FIREFOX} cis-firefox # Plugins for Firefox ipkg_cust ${JAVA} cis-java ipkg_cust ${AGG} cis-agg ipkg_cust ${GNASH} cis-gnash fi ipkg_ac ${LIBGAMIN} "--libexecdir=/usr/sbin" ipkg_ac ${PCMANFM} # Mail ipkg_cust ${SASL2} cis-sasl2 ipkg_cust ${OPENLDAP} cis-openldap ipkg_cust ${KERBEROS5} cis-krb5 ipkg_cust ${SENDMAIL} cis-sendmail if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg_cust ${PROCMAIL} cis-procmail ipkg_ac ${LIBSPF2} ipkg_cust ${MILTER_SPF} cis-milter-spf ipkg_cust ${MILTER_GREYLIST} cis-milter-greylist fi # fcron needs sendmail installed. ipkg_cust ${FCRON} cis-fcron ipkg_cust ${GETDATE} cis-getdate if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg_cust ${CLAMAV} cis-clamav # Required PERL modules for SpamAssassin ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_HTML_TAGSET} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_HTML_PARSER} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_APACHE_LOGGED_AUTH_DBI} ############ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_DB_FILE} # Berkeley DB n'est plus installé... ########PERL_MOD_DB_FILE="DB_File-1.814" ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_DIGEST_SHA1} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_URI} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_LWP} ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_NET_DNS} --no-online-tests # Needed by OpenOffice ??? #ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_ARCHIVE_ZIP} #ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_ZLIB} #ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_BASE} #ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_RAW_ZLIB} #ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_ZLIB} PERL_MOD_ARCHIVE_ZIP="Archive-Zip-1.30" PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_ZLIB="Compress-Zlib-2.015" PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_BASE="IO-Compress-Base-2.024" PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_ZLIB="IO-Compress-Zlib-2.024" PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_RAW_ZLIB="Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024" ipkg_cust ${SPAMASSASSIN} cis-spamassassin ipkg_cust ${UW_IMAP} cis-uw-imap # Apache ipkg_cust ${HTTPD} cis-apache ipkg_cust ${PHP} cis-php ipkg_cust ${SQUIRRELMAIL} cis-squirrelmail ipkg_cust ${MAILMAN} cis-mailman ipkg_ac ${FETCHMAIL} "--with-ssl" ipkg_ac ${MUTT} "--enable-imap --with-ssl" # Subversion server (client was already installed in stage2) ipkg_cust ${SUBVERSION} cis-subversion ipkg_ac ${INDENT} fi if [ "x${USE_SAMBA}" = "xyes" ]; then ipkg_cust ${SAMBA} cis-samba fi if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then ipkg_cust ${TFTP_HPA} cis-tftp-hpa ipkg_cust ${LTSP_UTILS} cis-ltsp-utils fi ipkg_ac_nb ${KVM} ipkg_ac_nb ${BRIDGE_UTILS} ipkg_cust ${UML_UTILITIES} cis-uml-utilities ipkg_cust ${CKERMIT} cis-ckermit # BitTorrent client ipkg_ac ${TRANSMISSION} "--disable-daemon" ipkg_ac ${GNUPG} "--libexecdir=/usr/lib" ipkg_ac ${LIBGEDA} ipkg_ac ${GEDA_SYMBOLS} ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GSCHEM} ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GNETLIST} ipkg_ac ${GEDA_SYMCHECK} ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GATTRIB} rscr mult "Performing post-install" cis-post-install exit $?