#!/bin/sh export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage5" export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage5 export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log export LFS_TMP="/tmp" # Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions. source ../sysinfos source ../functions source ../packages-list source /etc/profile if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux." exit 1 fi init_log_file export TARGET="avr" export PREFIX="/usr/avr" var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "${PREFIX}/bin" && source /etc/profile && ipkg ${AVR_BINUTILS} cis-binutils ipkg_mult ${AVR_GCC_CORE} cis-gcc2 "${GCC_CORE}-pass2" ipkg ${AVR_LIBC} cis-avr-libc ipkg ${AVRDUDE} cis-avrdude ipkg ${SPLINT} cis-ac-nobuild ipkg ${AVR_GDB} cis-gdb exit $?