#!/bin/sh # This file contains the informations specific to the target system # onto which Linux-HV will be installed # This is the number of make jobs that can be executed # simultaneously. Normally, a value of 2 per processor # gives good results. MAKEJOBS=4 # Installation type: server, ltsp-server or workstation. INST_TYPE="workstation" # New user to create REGUSER="" # Destination path where to install new Linux-HV system LFS="/mnt/hvlinux" # Destination partition where to install new Linux-HV system LFS_PARTITION="/dev/hda10" # Boot partition (if applicable) BOOT_PARTITION="/dev/hda1" # Swap partition (if applicable) SWAP_PARTITION="/dev/hda5" # Used for setting '-march=xxx' option in CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE="pentium" DEFAULT_EDITOR="emacs" # Keyboard mapping (example: us) KEYBOARD="us" HV_XF86_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT="ca_enhanced" XF86_CARD_DRIVER="ati" # Sound card support: yes or no SOUND_CARD="yes" # Removable media drives CDROM="/dev/hdc" DVD="/dev/hdc" #-------------------- # SCANNER definitions #-------------------- # Set to yes to have SANE support SANE_SUPPORT="no" # Define to the driver name corresponding to your scanner, if you have one # (see SANE documentation for drivers name). Comment out if you will be using # a scanner on a remote computer. SANE_DRIVER="" # If your scanner is located onto a remote computer, define the following # variable to the IP address of that remote computer. SANE_SERVER="" # Define this if you want to use a remote CUPS print server CUPS_SERVER="server.hugovil.com" # Samba support USE_SAMBA="no" TIMEZONE="America/Montreal" # General network settings INTERFACES="eth0" # GATEWAY is not required if using DHCP GATEWAY="" MACHINE_NAME="workstation" DOMAIN="hugovil.com" LAN_NETWORK_MASK="" # Define to yes if you have a dynamic address and you use a dynamic dns # service. #USE_DYNAMIC_DNS="yes" # Network interface card #1 settings (LAN) BOOTPROTO[0]="static" IP_ADDRESS[0]="" PREFIX_LENGTH[0]="24" # DNS server addresses (not required if using DHCP) NAMESERVER[0]=""