. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ class Utils { /** * Prints a variable as string * If a boolean is sent, 'true' or 'false' is displayed * * @param string $var * @access public * @return string */ static public function PrintAsString($var) { return ($var)?(($var===true)?'true':$var):(($var===false)?'false':(($var==='')?'empty':$var)); //return ($var)?(($var===true)?'true':$var):'false'; } /** * Splits a "domain\user" string into two values * If the string cotains only the user, domain is returned empty * * @param string $domainuser * * @access public * @return array index 0: user 1: domain */ static public function SplitDomainUser($domainuser) { $pos = strrpos($domainuser, '\\'); if($pos === false){ $user = $domainuser; $domain = ''; } else{ $domain = substr($domainuser,0,$pos); $user = substr($domainuser,$pos+1); } return array($user, $domain); } /** * iPhone defines standard summer time information for current year only, * starting with time change in February. Dates from the 1st January until * the time change are undefined and the server uses GMT or its current time. * The function parses the ical attachment and replaces DTSTART one year back * in VTIMEZONE section if the event takes place in this undefined time. * See also http://developer.berlios.de/mantis/view.php?id=311 * * @param string $ical iCalendar data * * @access public * @return string */ static public function IcalTimezoneFix($ical) { $eventDate = substr($ical, (strpos($ical, ":", strpos($ical, "DTSTART", strpos($ical, "BEGIN:VEVENT")))+1), 8); $posStd = strpos($ical, "DTSTART:", strpos($ical, "BEGIN:STANDARD")) + strlen("DTSTART:"); $posDst = strpos($ical, "DTSTART:", strpos($ical, "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT")) + strlen("DTSTART:"); $beginStandard = substr($ical, $posStd , 8); $beginDaylight = substr($ical, $posDst , 8); if (($eventDate < $beginStandard) && ($eventDate < $beginDaylight) ) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG,"icalTimezoneFix for event on $eventDate, standard:$beginStandard, daylight:$beginDaylight"); $year = intval(date("Y")) - 1; $ical = substr_replace($ical, $year, (($beginStandard < $beginDaylight) ? $posDst : $posStd), strlen($year)); } return $ical; } /** * Build an address string from the components * * @param string $street the street * @param string $zip the zip code * @param string $city the city * @param string $state the state * @param string $country the country * * @access public * @return string the address string or null */ static public function BuildAddressString($street, $zip, $city, $state, $country) { $out = ""; if (isset($country) && $street != "") $out = $country; $zcs = ""; if (isset($zip) && $zip != "") $zcs = $zip; if (isset($city) && $city != "") $zcs .= (($zcs)?" ":"") . $city; if (isset($state) && $state != "") $zcs .= (($zcs)?" ":"") . $state; if ($zcs) $out = $zcs . "\r\n" . $out; if (isset($street) && $street != "") $out = $street . (($out)?"\r\n\r\n". $out: "") ; return ($out)?$out:null; } /** * Build the fileas string from the components according to the configuration. * * @param string $lastname * @param string $firstname * @param string $middlename * @param string $company * * @access public * @return string fileas */ static public function BuildFileAs($lastname = "", $firstname = "", $middlename = "", $company = "") { if (defined('FILEAS_ORDER')) { $fileas = $lastfirst = $firstlast = ""; $names = trim ($firstname . " " . $middlename); $lastname = trim($lastname); $company = trim($company); // lastfirst is "lastname, firstname middlename" // firstlast is "firstname middlename lastname" if (strlen($lastname) > 0) { $lastfirst = $lastname; if (strlen($names) > 0){ $lastfirst .= ", $names"; $firstlast = "$names $lastname"; } else { $firstlast = $lastname; } } elseif (strlen($names) > 0) { $lastfirst = $firstlast = $names; } // if fileas with a company is selected // but company is emtpy then it will // fallback to firstlast or lastfirst // (depending on which is selected for company) switch (FILEAS_ORDER) { case SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYONLY: if (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas = $company; } elseif (strlen($firstlast) > 0) $fileas = $firstlast; break; case SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYLAST: if (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas = $company; if (strlen($lastfirst) > 0) $fileas .= "($lastfirst)"; } elseif (strlen($lastfirst) > 0) $fileas = $lastfirst; break; case SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYFIRST: if (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas = $company; if (strlen($firstlast) > 0) { $fileas .= " ($firstlast)"; } } elseif (strlen($firstlast) > 0) { $fileas = $firstlast; } break; case SYNC_FILEAS_FIRSTCOMPANY: if (strlen($firstlast) > 0) { $fileas = $firstlast; if (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas .= " ($company)"; } } elseif (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas = $company; } break; case SYNC_FILEAS_LASTCOMPANY: if (strlen($lastfirst) > 0) { $fileas = $lastfirst; if (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas .= " ($company)"; } } elseif (strlen($company) > 0) { $fileas = $company; } break; case SYNC_FILEAS_LASTFIRST: if (strlen($lastfirst) > 0) { $fileas = $lastfirst; } break; default: $fileas = $firstlast; break; } if (strlen($fileas) == 0) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Fileas is empty."); return $fileas; } ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "FILEAS_ORDER not defined. Add it to your config.php."); return null; } /** * Checks if the PHP-MAPI extension is available and in a requested version * * @param string $version the version to be checked ("6.30.10-18495", parts or build number) * * @access public * @return boolean installed version is superior to the checked strin */ static public function CheckMapiExtVersion($version = "") { // compare build number if requested if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $version) && strlen($version) > 3) { $vs = preg_split('/-/', phpversion("mapi")); return ($version <= $vs[1]); } if (extension_loaded("mapi")){ if (version_compare(phpversion("mapi"), $version) == -1){ return false; } } else return false; return true; } /** * Parses and returns an ecoded vCal-Uid from an * OL compatible GlobalObjectID * * @param string $olUid an OL compatible GlobalObjectID * * @access public * @return string the vCal-Uid if available in the olUid, else the original olUid as HEX */ static public function GetICalUidFromOLUid($olUid){ //check if "vCal-Uid" is somewhere in outlookid case-insensitive $icalUid = stristr($olUid, "vCal-Uid"); if ($icalUid !== false) { //get the length of the ical id - go back 4 position from where "vCal-Uid" was found $begin = unpack("V", substr($olUid, strlen($icalUid) * (-1) - 4, 4)); //remove "vCal-Uid" and packed "1" and use the ical id length return substr($icalUid, 12, ($begin[1] - 13)); } return strtoupper(bin2hex($olUid)); } /** * Checks the given UID if it is an OL compatible GlobalObjectID * If not, the given UID is encoded inside the GlobalObjectID * * @param string $icalUid an appointment uid as HEX * * @access public * @return string an OL compatible GlobalObjectID * */ static public function GetOLUidFromICalUid($icalUid) { if (strlen($icalUid) <= 64) { $len = 13 + strlen($icalUid); $OLUid = pack("V", $len); $OLUid .= "vCal-Uid"; $OLUid .= pack("V", 1); $OLUid .= $icalUid; return hex2bin("040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000000000000000000000000000000000000". bin2hex($OLUid). "00"); } else return hex2bin($icalUid); } /** * Extracts the basedate of the GlobalObjectID and the RecurStartTime * * @param string $goid OL compatible GlobalObjectID * @param long $recurStartTime * * @access public * @return long basedate */ static public function ExtractBaseDate($goid, $recurStartTime) { $hexbase = substr(bin2hex($goid), 32, 8); $day = hexdec(substr($hexbase, 6, 2)); $month = hexdec(substr($hexbase, 4, 2)); $year = hexdec(substr($hexbase, 0, 4)); if ($day && $month && $year) { $h = $recurStartTime >> 12; $m = ($recurStartTime - $h * 4096) >> 6; $s = $recurStartTime - $h * 4096 - $m * 64; return gmmktime($h, $m, $s, $month, $day, $year); } else return false; } /** * Converts SYNC_FILTERTYPE into a timestamp * * @param int Filtertype * * @access public * @return long */ static public function GetCutOffDate($restrict) { switch($restrict) { case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1DAY: $back = 60 * 60 * 24; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_3DAYS: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1WEEK: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_2WEEKS: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1MONTH: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_3MONTHS: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3; break; case SYNC_FILTERTYPE_6MONTHS: $back = 60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 6; break; default: break; } if(isset($back)) { $date = time() - $back; return $date; } else return 0; // unlimited } /** * Converts SYNC_TRUNCATION into bytes * * @param int SYNC_TRUNCATION * * @return long */ static public function GetTruncSize($truncation) { switch($truncation) { case SYNC_TRUNCATION_HEADERS: return 0; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_512B: return 512; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_1K: return 1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_2K: return 2*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_5K: return 5*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_10K: return 10*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_20K: return 20*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_50K: return 50*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_100K: return 100*1024; case SYNC_TRUNCATION_ALL: return 1024*1024; // We'll limit to 1MB anyway default: return 1024; // Default to 1Kb } } /** * Truncate an UTF-8 encoded sting correctly * * If it's not possible to truncate properly, an empty string is returned * * @param string $string - the string * @param string $length - position where string should be cut * @return string truncated string */ static public function Utf8_truncate($string, $length) { // make sure length is always an interger $length = (int)$length; if (strlen($string) <= $length) return $string; while($length >= 0) { if ((ord($string[$length]) < 0x80) || (ord($string[$length]) >= 0xC0)) return substr($string, 0, $length); $length--; } return ""; } /** * Indicates if the specified folder type is a system folder * * @param int $foldertype * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function IsSystemFolder($foldertype) { return ($foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_INBOX || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_DRAFTS || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_WASTEBASKET || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_SENTMAIL || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OUTBOX || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_TASK || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_APPOINTMENT || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_CONTACT || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_NOTE || $foldertype == SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_JOURNAL) ? true:false; } /** * Our own utf7_decode function because imap_utf7_decode converts a string * into ISO-8859-1 encoding which doesn't have euro sign (it will be converted * into two chars: [space](ascii 32) and "¬" ("not sign", ascii 172)). Also * php iconv function expects '+' as delimiter instead of '&' like in IMAP. * * @param string $string IMAP folder name * * @access public * @return string */ static public function Utf7_iconv_decode($string) { //do not alter string if there aren't any '&' or '+' chars because //it won't have any utf7-encoded chars and nothing has to be escaped. if (strpos($string, '&') === false && strpos($string, '+') === false ) return $string; //Get the string length and go back through it making the replacements //necessary $len = strlen($string) - 1; while ($len > 0) { //look for '&-' sequence and replace it with '&' if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '&' && $string{$len} == '-') { $string = substr_replace($string, '&', $len - 1, 2); $len--; //decrease $len as this char has alreasy been processed } //search for '&' which weren't found in if clause above and //replace them with '+' as they mark an utf7-encoded char if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '&') { $string = substr_replace($string, '+', $len - 1, 1); $len--; //decrease $len as this char has alreasy been processed } //finally "escape" all remaining '+' chars if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '+') { $string = substr_replace($string, '+-', $len - 1, 1); } $len--; } return $string; } /** * Our own utf7_encode function because the string has to be converted from * standard UTF7 into modified UTF7 (aka UTF7-IMAP). * * @param string $str IMAP folder name * * @access public * @return string */ static public function Utf7_iconv_encode($string) { //do not alter string if there aren't any '&' or '+' chars because //it won't have any utf7-encoded chars and nothing has to be escaped. if (strpos($string, '&') === false && strpos($string, '+') === false ) return $string; //Get the string length and go back through it making the replacements //necessary $len = strlen($string) - 1; while ($len > 0) { //look for '&-' sequence and replace it with '&' if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '+' && $string{$len} == '-') { $string = substr_replace($string, '+', $len - 1, 2); $len--; //decrease $len as this char has alreasy been processed } //search for '&' which weren't found in if clause above and //replace them with '+' as they mark an utf7-encoded char if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '+') { $string = substr_replace($string, '&', $len - 1, 1); $len--; //decrease $len as this char has alreasy been processed } //finally "escape" all remaining '+' chars if ($len > 0 && $string{($len-1)} == '&') { $string = substr_replace($string, '&-', $len - 1, 1); } $len--; } return $string; } /** * Converts an UTF-7 encoded string into an UTF-8 string. * * @param string $string to convert * * @access public * @return string */ static public function Utf7_to_utf8($string) { if (function_exists("iconv")){ return @iconv("UTF-7", "UTF-8", $string); } return $string; } /** * Converts an UTF-8 encoded string into an UTF-7 string. * * @param string $string to convert * * @access public * @return string */ static public function Utf8_to_utf7($string) { if (function_exists("iconv")){ return @iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-7", $string); } return $string; } /** * Checks for valid email addresses * The used regex actually only checks if a valid email address is part of the submitted string * it also returns true for the mailbox format, but this is not checked explicitly * * @param string $email address to be checked * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function CheckEmail($email) { return (bool) preg_match('#([a-zA-Z0-9_\-])+(\.([a-zA-Z0-9_\-])+)*@((\[(((([0-1])?([0-9])?[0-9])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(2[0-5][0-5])))\.(((([0-1])?([0-9])?[0-9])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(2[0-5][0-5])))\.(((([0-1])?([0-9])?[0-9])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(2[0-5][0-5])))\.(((([0-1])?([0-9])?[0-9])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(2[0-5][0-5]))\]))|((([a-zA-Z0-9])+(([\-])+([a-zA-Z0-9])+)*\.)+([a-zA-Z])+(([\-])+([a-zA-Z0-9])+)*)|localhost)#', $email); } /** * Checks if a string is base64 encoded * * @param string $string the string to be checked * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function IsBase64String($string) { return (bool) preg_match("#^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})?$#", $string); } /** * Decodes base64 encoded query parameters. Based on dw2412 contribution. * * @param string $query the query to decode * * @access public * @return array */ static public function DecodeBase64URI($query) { /* * The query string has a following structure. Number in () is position: * 1 byte - protocoll version (0) * 1 byte - command code (1) * 2 bytes - locale (2) * 1 byte - device ID length (4) * variable - device ID (4+device ID length) * 1 byte - policy key length (5+device ID length) * 0 or 4 bytes - policy key (5+device ID length + policy key length) * 1 byte - device type length (6+device ID length + policy key length) * variable - device type (6+device ID length + policy key length + device type length) * variable - command parameters, array which consists of: * 1 byte - tag * 1 byte - length * variable - value of the parameter * */ $decoded = base64_decode($query); $devIdLength = ord($decoded[4]); //device ID length $polKeyLength = ord($decoded[5+$devIdLength]); //policy key length $devTypeLength = ord($decoded[6+$devIdLength+$polKeyLength]); //device type length //unpack the decoded query string values $unpackedQuery = unpack("CProtVer/CCommand/vLocale/CDevIDLen/H".($devIdLength*2)."DevID/CPolKeyLen".($polKeyLength == 4 ? "/VPolKey" : "")."/CDevTypeLen/A".($devTypeLength)."DevType", $decoded); //get the command parameters $pos = 7 + $devIdLength + $polKeyLength + $devTypeLength; $decoded = substr($decoded, $pos); while (strlen($decoded) > 0) { $paramLength = ord($decoded[1]); $unpackedParam = unpack("CParamTag/CParamLength/A".$paramLength."ParamValue", $decoded); $unpackedQuery[ord($decoded[0])] = $unpackedParam['ParamValue']; //remove parameter from decoded query string $decoded = substr($decoded, 2 + $paramLength); } return $unpackedQuery; } /** * Returns a command string for a given command code. * * @param int $code * * @access public * @return string or false if code is unknown */ public static function GetCommandFromCode($code) { switch ($code) { case ZPush::COMMAND_SYNC: return 'Sync'; case ZPush::COMMAND_SENDMAIL: return 'SendMail'; case ZPush::COMMAND_SMARTFORWARD: return 'SmartForward'; case ZPush::COMMAND_SMARTREPLY: return 'SmartReply'; case ZPush::COMMAND_GETATTACHMENT: return 'GetAttachment'; case ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERSYNC: return 'FolderSync'; case ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERCREATE: return 'FolderCreate'; case ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERDELETE: return 'FolderDelete'; case ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERUPDATE: return 'FolderUpdate'; case ZPush::COMMAND_MOVEITEMS: return 'MoveItems'; case ZPush::COMMAND_GETITEMESTIMATE: return 'GetItemEstimate'; case ZPush::COMMAND_MEETINGRESPONSE: return 'MeetingResponse'; case ZPush::COMMAND_SEARCH: return 'Search'; case ZPush::COMMAND_SETTINGS: return 'Settings'; case ZPush::COMMAND_PING: return 'Ping'; case ZPush::COMMAND_ITEMOPERATIONS: return 'ItemOperations'; case ZPush::COMMAND_PROVISION: return 'Provision'; case ZPush::COMMAND_RESOLVERECIPIENTS: return 'ResolveRecipients'; case ZPush::COMMAND_VALIDATECERT: return 'ValidateCert'; // Deprecated commands case ZPush::COMMAND_GETHIERARCHY: return 'GetHierarchy'; case ZPush::COMMAND_CREATECOLLECTION: return 'CreateCollection'; case ZPush::COMMAND_DELETECOLLECTION: return 'DeleteCollection'; case ZPush::COMMAND_MOVECOLLECTION: return 'MoveCollection'; case ZPush::COMMAND_NOTIFY: return 'Notify'; // Webservice commands case ZPush::COMMAND_WEBSERVICE_DEVICE: return 'WebserviceDevice'; } return false; } /** * Returns a command code for a given command. * * @param string $command * * @access public * @return int or false if command is unknown */ public static function GetCodeFromCommand($command) { switch ($command) { case 'Sync': return ZPush::COMMAND_SYNC; case 'SendMail': return ZPush::COMMAND_SENDMAIL; case 'SmartForward': return ZPush::COMMAND_SMARTFORWARD; case 'SmartReply': return ZPush::COMMAND_SMARTREPLY; case 'GetAttachment': return ZPush::COMMAND_GETATTACHMENT; case 'FolderSync': return ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERSYNC; case 'FolderCreate': return ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERCREATE; case 'FolderDelete': return ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERDELETE; case 'FolderUpdate': return ZPush::COMMAND_FOLDERUPDATE; case 'MoveItems': return ZPush::COMMAND_MOVEITEMS; case 'GetItemEstimate': return ZPush::COMMAND_GETITEMESTIMATE; case 'MeetingResponse': return ZPush::COMMAND_MEETINGRESPONSE; case 'Search': return ZPush::COMMAND_SEARCH; case 'Settings': return ZPush::COMMAND_SETTINGS; case 'Ping': return ZPush::COMMAND_PING; case 'ItemOperations': return ZPush::COMMAND_ITEMOPERATIONS; case 'Provision': return ZPush::COMMAND_PROVISION; case 'ResolveRecipients': return ZPush::COMMAND_RESOLVERECIPIENTS; case 'ValidateCert': return ZPush::COMMAND_VALIDATECERT; // Deprecated commands case 'GetHierarchy': return ZPush::COMMAND_GETHIERARCHY; case 'CreateCollection': return ZPush::COMMAND_CREATECOLLECTION; case 'DeleteCollection': return ZPush::COMMAND_DELETECOLLECTION; case 'MoveCollection': return ZPush::COMMAND_MOVECOLLECTION; case 'Notify': return ZPush::COMMAND_NOTIFY; // Webservice commands case 'WebserviceDevice': return ZPush::COMMAND_WEBSERVICE_DEVICE; } return false; } /** * Normalize the given timestamp to the start of the day * * @param long $timestamp * * @access private * @return long */ public static function getDayStartOfTimestamp($timestamp) { return $timestamp - ($timestamp % (60 * 60 * 24)); } /** * Returns a formatted string output from an optional timestamp. * If no timestamp is sent, NOW is used. * * @param long $timestamp * * @access public * @return string */ public static function GetFormattedTime($timestamp = false) { if (!$timestamp) return @strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"); else return @strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", $timestamp); } /** * Get charset name from a codepage * * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd317756(VS.85).aspx * * Table taken from common/codepage.cpp * * @param integer codepage Codepage * * @access public * @return string iconv-compatible charset name */ public static function GetCodepageCharset($codepage) { $codepages = array( 20106 => "DIN_66003", 20108 => "NS_4551-1", 20107 => "SEN_850200_B", 950 => "big5", 50221 => "csISO2022JP", 51932 => "euc-jp", 51936 => "euc-cn", 51949 => "euc-kr", 949 => "euc-kr", 936 => "gb18030", 52936 => "csgb2312", 852 => "ibm852", 866 => "ibm866", 50220 => "iso-2022-jp", 50222 => "iso-2022-jp", 50225 => "iso-2022-kr", 1252 => "windows-1252", 28591 => "iso-8859-1", 28592 => "iso-8859-2", 28593 => "iso-8859-3", 28594 => "iso-8859-4", 28595 => "iso-8859-5", 28596 => "iso-8859-6", 28597 => "iso-8859-7", 28598 => "iso-8859-8", 28599 => "iso-8859-9", 28603 => "iso-8859-13", 28605 => "iso-8859-15", 20866 => "koi8-r", 21866 => "koi8-u", 932 => "shift-jis", 1200 => "unicode", 1201 => "unicodebig", 65000 => "utf-7", 65001 => "utf-8", 1250 => "windows-1250", 1251 => "windows-1251", 1253 => "windows-1253", 1254 => "windows-1254", 1255 => "windows-1255", 1256 => "windows-1256", 1257 => "windows-1257", 1258 => "windows-1258", 874 => "windows-874", 20127 => "us-ascii" ); if(isset($codepages[$codepage])) { return $codepages[$codepage]; } else { // Defaulting to iso-8859-15 since it is more likely for someone to make a mistake in the codepage // when using west-european charsets then when using other charsets since utf-8 is binary compatible // with the bottom 7 bits of west-european return "iso-8859-15"; } } /** * Converts a string encoded with codepage into an UTF-8 string * * @param int $codepage * @param string $string * * @access public * @return string */ public static function ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($codepage, $string) { if (function_exists("iconv")) { $charset = self::GetCodepageCharset($codepage); return iconv($charset, "utf-8", $string); } return $string; } } // TODO Win1252/UTF8 functions are deprecated and will be removed sometime //if the ICS backend is loaded in CombinedBackend and Zarafa > 7 //STORE_SUPPORTS_UNICODE is true and the convertion will not be done //for other backends. function utf8_to_windows1252($string, $option = "", $force_convert = false) { //if the store supports unicode return the string without converting it if (!$force_convert && defined('STORE_SUPPORTS_UNICODE') && STORE_SUPPORTS_UNICODE == true) return $string; if (function_exists("iconv")){ return @iconv("UTF-8", "Windows-1252" . $option, $string); }else{ return utf8_decode($string); // no euro support here } } function windows1252_to_utf8($string, $option = "", $force_convert = false) { //if the store supports unicode return the string without converting it if (!$force_convert && defined('STORE_SUPPORTS_UNICODE') && STORE_SUPPORTS_UNICODE == true) return $string; if (function_exists("iconv")){ return @iconv("Windows-1252", "UTF-8" . $option, $string); }else{ return utf8_encode($string); // no euro support here } } function w2u($string) { return windows1252_to_utf8($string); } function u2w($string) { return utf8_to_windows1252($string); } function w2ui($string) { return windows1252_to_utf8($string, "//TRANSLIT"); } function u2wi($string) { return utf8_to_windows1252($string, "//TRANSLIT"); } ?>