--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions
+The installation is done in 3 steps:
+ Stage1: Creation of a 'static' directory to contain
+ only the minimal tools required to build our
+ minimal Linux system, using only static linking.
+ Stage2: This will build a minimal Linux system, which is
+ bootable and configured for network operations.
+ Stage3: This adds all the tools and programs to build a
+ complete Linux system. This means X support for
+ workstations, and web and mail servers support
+ when installing for a server.
+This is the directory structure you must have to begin with:
+The "packages" directory must contain all the source code packages, with
+the ".tar.bz2" extensions, as well as all the patches.
+You can create the directory structure by using these commands:
+ mkdir -p sources/packages
+ mv hvlinux sources/scripts
+To begin the installation, enter the "sources/scripts" directory. You
+must first create a file called 'sysinfos' in this directory,
+containing informations about your hardware, network settings and
+installation type among other things.
+You can use the following two files as templates:
+ Server installation: use the sample file 'sysinfos.server'
+ Workstation installation: use the sample file 'sysinfos.workstn'
+Next, enter each of the stages directories starting with 'stage1', and
+read the INSTALL file for how to start the installation for that stage.
+Hugo Villeneuve
--- /dev/null
+August 30th, 2004 [matt]: -funit-at-a-time is implied by -O2, and it was this specific option that was causing the runtime problems with sfdisk. Instead of dropping to -O1 optimisation, we simply prevent the problematic optimisation by specifying -fno-unit-at-a-time.
+Reduces-size hvlinux
+-Compile not often used packages with -Os instead of -O2 or -O3
+-Remove vim documentation (/usr/share/vim)
+-Remove grub support files (/usr/share/grub)
+-Remove kernel sources after compilation.
+-Compress man and info pages.
+-Strip all programs and libraries.
+-Don't install man pages and man packages.
+-Don't install texinfo
+-Remove /usr/share/zoneinfo (copy timezone directly to /etc).
+-Remove /bin/{bashbug,head,lesskey}
+-Remove /sbin/{mkfs.bfs,mkfs.cramfs,mkfs.minix,resize*,sfdisk,reiserfstune,elvtune}
+-Remove /sbin/{cfdisk,blockdev,fsck.cramfs,fsck.minix}
+-Remove /usr/sbin/{nfsstat,nhfs*,readprofile,tunelp,zdump,zic}
+-Remove /usr/bin/{afmtodit,bzcmp,bzdiff...,c2ph,capinfo,chkdupexe,dprofpp,
+ znew,zmore,zgrep,zless,zforce,zdiff,xxd,vimtutor,glibcbug,h2ph,h2xs,hpftodit
+ pfbtops,pic,pic2graph,piconv,pl2pm,pod*,post-gro...,pre-gro...,psf*,gccbug,
+ perlbug,grolj4,perldoc,a2p,addtinfo,addr2line,cytune,enc2xs,eqn,eqn2graph,
+ infotocap,neonconfig
+-Remove /usr/lib//*.{a,la}
--- /dev/null
+QTP (Quality Test Procedure) for server
+1. Tester update de l'adresse IP dynamique (ddclient)
+2. Tester serveur IMAP (créer des répertoires)
+3. Tester Sendmail
+4. Tester Clam AV
+5. Tester clamupdate
+6. Tester SquirrelMail
+7. Tester MyOrgBook avec les notifications
+8. Tester Subversion + websvn
+9. Tester BIND DNS server
+10. Tester NFS serveur et client
+11. Tester proxy (JunkBuster)
+12. Tester Firewall
--- /dev/null
+-tar -tf $tarball | head -n1 --> pour extraire le nom du répertoire root
+ du package automatiquement...
+basename $(tar -tf mozilla-3.0.1.tar.bz2 | head -n1)
+-Dans le fichier packages-list, utiliser un array pour
+ définir le nom du module et l'hyperlien pour le télécharger:
+ BASH[0]=bash-3.0.2
+ BASH[1]=gnu
+ BZIP2[0]=bzip2-1.0.1
+ BZIP2[1]=http://www.bzip.org/$(get_pkg_ver ${BZIP2})
+-Enlever automatiquement les patches antérieures du style:
+ [module]-[version]-[nom_patch]-[version_patch]
+-DBUS: Chaque usager doit ajouter 'dbus-launch' dans son
+ fichier ~/.xsession ou ~/.xinitrc
+-webalizer: needs gd-2.0.33
+-install guitartex et lilypond automatiquement:
+ -fontforge
+ -mftrace -> t1utils
+ -> autotrace
+-installer modes emacs: php, html, css, etc.
+-cur_dir: set automatically in install_package() (see cis-mailman)
+-install gdb.
+-syslog -r est nécessaire pour LTSP:
+ revenir à syslog-ng pour avoir un répertoire
+ séparé pour chaque host?
+-newsyslog: vérifier if newsyslog is activated in fcrontab.
+ check for syntax errors lines 46 & 57
+-nfs-bootscript: vérifier et simplifier
+-problème en lançant telinit 5 --> vérifier les bootscripts?
+-uw-imap: use config files instead of modifying Makefiles.
+-Automatically install Acrobat Reader?
+SPIP: mysql database name:
+ localhost :(
+ localhost.localdomain :)
+-bc-1.06 : plus de patches disponibles sur le site lfs (ils ont
+ seulement la nouvelle version)...
+-Compiler certains packages en parallèle (système de dependences)
+-packages-list: prefixer chaque variabler avec "HVPKG_" pour eviter les bugs
+-Combiner stageX-install et packages-update. stageX-install devrait accepter
+ les arguments:
+ fetch : download packages
+ "PACKAGE" : only install or fetch PACKAGE
+ CHECK: Check if a package is installed/fetched and report version.
+ En mode fetch, cela va permettre de ne downloader que les packages nécessaires
+ selon le type d'installation (workstation ou serveur). Par contre, certains
+ packages décompressent certains fichiers automatiquement, donc il faudrait trouver
+ une façon de les downloader aussi.
+-ldconfig et source /etc/profile: éxécuter automatiquement après chaque installation
+ d'un package.
+-stageX-install: si un package n'est pas disponible, le downloader automatiquement?
+-Mettre "local" devant chaque variable des fonctions dans functions et functions-update.
+-BIND: run in IPV4 mode only (option "-4")
+-Remove /home/named/var/run/named.run dans le start/stop script au début?
+-installer libcroco pour librsvg?
+Mounting network volumes: check if networking is up.
+Check if reinstall of inetd at stage3 is necessary?
+Octave: install gnuplot
+ f2c --> install src/f2c /usr/bin
+ install src/f2c.h /usr/include
+ install libf2c/libf2c.a /usr/lib
+ flex-2.5.4? --> temporarirement dans /opt...
+reboot ne fonctionne pas... (must be superuser) même avec l'usager
+dans /etc/shutdown.allow
+Permettre aux usagers de rebooter (sauf pour serveur):
+ chmod u+s /sbin/halt
+Simplifier fonction 'var_add()'
+Simplify scanner support in sysinfos
+Copier sysinfos dans "/etc/sysinfos" par exemple pour permettre
+l'installation à partir d'un CD. Cela implique que l'usager
+doit définir la variable d'environnement LFS et que les scripts
+doivent l'exporter automatiquement (ne doit plus être lue à partir
+du fichier sysinfos).
+Ajouter une variable "package_location" dans sysinfos
+Faire un script de test (tester la présence de certains programmes à la
+toute fin de l'installation (ou dans chaque script d'installation)
+Vérifier si tous les packages acceptent correctement les CFLAGS. Sinon, les passer
+directement au script...
+"ls --timestyle=long-iso" --> /etc/bashrc ???
--- /dev/null
+# This file is 'sourced' by other scripts, therefore the above line is of no
+# use, except when modifying the file in emacs to have syntax highlighting.
+# Constants for return codes
+# The starting position for displaying the "X" sign inside the check box [ ]
+# NORMAL prints text in normal color
+NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+# SUCCESS prints text in a green colour
+SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+# WARNING prints text in a yellow colour
+WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+# FAILURE prints text in a red colour
+FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+# Extracting the version number from a complete package name.
+# Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output 3.4.4)
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo ${1} | sed "s!^.*-\(.*\)!\1!g"
+# Extracting the base version number from a complete package name.
+# Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output 3.4)
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo ${1} | sed "s!^.*-\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*!\1!g"
+# Extracting the base version number from a complete package name.
+# Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output 3)
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo ${1} | sed "s!^.*-\([0-9]*\)\..*!\1!g"
+# Extracting the name from a complete package name.
+# Arg. #1: Complete package name with version (ex: gcc-3.4.4 will output gcc)
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo ${1} | sed "s!^\(.*\)-.*!\1!g"
+# Saves the content of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables.
+ return ${EXIT_SUCCESS}
+# Saves the content of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables, and then
+# set them to empty strings.
+ export CFLAGS=""
+ export CXXFLAGS=""
+ return ${EXIT_SUCCESS}
+# Restores the previous values of CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variables. These
+# must have been saved first using save_flags().
+ return ${EXIT_SUCCESS}
+# Create log directory and log file for current stage if necessary
+# This should be done automatically...
+ mkdir -p ${LFS_LOG_DIR} &&
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_LOG_FILE} ]; then
+ touch ${LFS_LOG_FILE} || exit 1
+ fi
+# Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d
+# Arg #1: script name
+# Arg #2: start number
+# Arg #3: stop number
+# Arg #4: level
+ local SCRIPTNAME=${1}
+ local START=${2}
+ local STOP=${3}
+ local RCLEVEL=${4}
+ local START_LEVELS=""
+ local STOP_LEVELS=""
+ if [ "x${RCLEVEL}" = "xS" ]; then
+ elif [ "x${RCLEVEL}" = "x3" ]; then
+ START_LEVELS="3 4 5"
+ STOP_LEVELS="0 1 2 6"
+ else
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), invalid level argument : ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Making sure bootscript has correct permissions
+ chmod -v 740 /etc/rc.d/init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} &&
+ # Removing any old links
+ for level in S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d &&
+ rm -v -f $(find . -name "???${SCRIPTNAME}") || exit 1
+ done &&
+ if [ ${START} -ne 0 ]; then
+ # Creating new start links
+ for level in ${START_LEVELS}; do
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d &&
+ ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} S${START}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1
+ done
+ fi &&
+ if [ ${STOP} -ne 0 ]; then
+ # Creating new stop links
+ for level in ${STOP_LEVELS}; do
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d &&
+ ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} K${STOP}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1
+ done
+ fi
+# Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d
+# Arg #1: level
+# Arg #2: script name
+# Arg #3: start number
+# Arg #4: stop number
+ local RCLEVEL=${1}
+ local SCRIPTNAME=${2}
+ local START=${3}
+ local STOP=${4}
+ # Making sure bootscript has correct permissions
+ chmod 740 /etc/rc.d/init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} &&
+ # Removing any old links
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d &&
+ rm -v -f $(find . -name "???${SCRIPTNAME}") &&
+ if [ ${START} -ne 0 ]; then
+ # Creating new start link
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d &&
+ ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} S${START}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1
+ fi &&
+ if [ ${STOP} -ne 0 ]; then
+ # Creating new stop link
+ cd /etc/rc.d/rc${RCLEVEL}.d &&
+ ln -v -s ../init.d/${SCRIPTNAME} K${STOP}${SCRIPTNAME} || exit 1
+ fi
+# Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d
+# Arg #1: script name
+# Arg #2: start number
+# Arg #3: stop number
+ static_bootscript_add ${*} 3
+# Create symbolic links for start/stop scripts in /etc/rc.d
+# Arg #1: script name
+# Arg #2: start number
+# Arg #3: stop number
+ static_bootscript_add ${*} S
+# Add "export" before the variable name
+# Arg #1: variable name
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+ FILE=${2}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if file exists
+ if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable exists
+ if ! grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable not found: ${VARIABLE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable is already exported when it is defined
+ if grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} | grep "export " 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable already exported in definition: ${VARIABLE}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable is already exported, in
+ # a "export VARIABLE1 VARIABLE2..." statement
+ if grep "export " ${FILE} | grep " ${VARIABLE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable already exported in export list: ${VARIABLE}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=.*\)!export \1!" ${FILE}
+# Adding a new environment variable to a file.
+# Arg #1: variable name
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+# Arg #3: new variable value
+# Arg #4: separator string (usually a " " or ":")
+ FILE=${2}
+ VALUE="${3}"
+ SEP="${4}"
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if file exists
+ if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable exists
+ if ! grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${VARIABLE}=\"${VALUE}\"" >> ${FILE}
+ return $?
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable contains the new value
+ if grep "${VARIABLE}=" ${FILE} | grep "${VALUE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), variable ${VARIABLE} already contains value: ${VALUE}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Adding new value to variable (case where no export before)
+ # We search for the variable name starting at the beginning of the line
+ # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then
+ # PATH=... matches but not MANPATH=...
+ if grep "^${VARIABLE}=\"" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # Variable value is enclosed by double-quotes
+ sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=\".*\)\(\"\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}\"!" ${FILE}
+ else
+ # Variable value is NOT enclosed by double-quotes
+ sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}=.*\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}!" ${FILE}
+ fi
+ evaluate_retval
+ # Adding new value to variable (case with export before)
+ # We search for the variable name starting after an export statement,
+ # at the beginning of a line.
+ # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then
+ # PATH=... matches but not MANPATH=...
+ if grep "^export ${VARIABLE}=\"" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # Variable value is enclosed by double-quotes
+ sed -i "s!\(^export ${VARIABLE}=\".*\)\(\"\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}\"!" ${FILE}
+ else
+ # Variable value is NOT enclosed by double-quotes
+ sed -i "s!\(^export ${VARIABLE}=.*\)!\1${SEP}${VALUE}!" ${FILE}
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Adding a new path environment variable to a file.
+# Arg #1: variable name
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+# Arg #3: new variable value
+ var_add ${1} ${2} "${3}" ":" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+# Adding a new string environment variable to a file.
+# Arg #1: variable name
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+# Arg #3: new variable value
+ var_add ${1} ${2} "${3}" " "
+# Adding a new string to a file.
+# Arg #1: string
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+ STRING="${1}"
+ FILE=${2}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if file exists
+ if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if string exists
+ if grep "${STRING}" ${FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), string already defined: ${STRING}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "${STRING}" >> ${FILE}
+# Adding a new environment variable to a shadow password suite file (login.defs)
+# Arg #1: variable name
+# Arg #2: filename where the variable is located
+# Arg #3: new variable value
+ FILE=${2}
+ VALUE="${3}"
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if file exists
+ if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), file not found: ${FILE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if variable contains the new value
+ if egrep "^${VARIABLE}" ${FILE} | grep "${VALUE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "variable ${VARIABLE} already contains value: ${VALUE}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Adding new value to variable
+ # We search for the variable name starting at the beginning of the line
+ # For example, this ensures that if the variable name is PATH, then
+ # PATH... matches but not MANPATH...
+ sed -i "s!\(^${VARIABLE}.*\)!\1:${VALUE}!" ${FILE}
+# Adding a new group, checking if it already exist before.
+# Arguments: same arguments as for standard groupadd command.
+ arguments=${*}
+ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ last_argument=${*}
+ shift
+ done
+ groupadd ${arguments}
+ if [ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 9 ]; then
+ # 9 means the group already exists
+ return ${EXIT_SUCCESS}
+ else
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+# Adding a new user, checking if it already exist before
+# Arguments: same arguments as for standard useradd command.
+ arguments="${*}"
+ # The last argument is the username
+ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ last_argument=${*}
+ shift
+ done
+ useradd ${arguments}
+ if [ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 9 ]; then
+ # 9 means the user already exists
+ return ${EXIT_SUCCESS}
+ else
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+# Evaluates the return value of the process that was run just before this
+# function was called.
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "*************"
+ echo "* ERROR *"
+ echo "*************"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Evaluates the return value of the process that was run just before this
+# function was called.
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ print_status failure
+ echo
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+# Obtain the name of the base directory for the decompressed package.
+# First argument: package name
+ local PACKAGE=${1}
+ local DIRNAME=$(dirname $(tar -tf ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 | head -n1))
+ if [ "x${DIRNAME}" == "x." ]; then
+ DIRNAME=$(basename $(tar -tf ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 | head -n1))
+ fi
+ echo ${DIRNAME}
+# Applying any patch(es) found for the current package.
+# Will work only if patches have the same base name as
+# the package, followed by a dash:
+# ${1}-*.patch
+# 1st argument: Package name
+# 2: optional target directory.
+ PACKAGE=${1}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} PACKAGE-NAME"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ else
+ TARGET_DIR=$(static_decompressed_dirname ${PACKAGE})
+ fi
+ # Checking if we can find at least one patch.
+ if ls ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${1}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cd ${LFS_PKG_DIR}
+ for patch in ${1}-*.patch; do
+ echo "******************************"
+ echo "* Applying patch: ${patch}"
+ echo "******************************"
+ patch -Np1 -d ${LFS_TMP}/${TARGET_DIR} -i ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${patch} || exit 1
+ done
+ fi
+ return $?
+# Applying patch
+# First argument is the name of the patch
+# Second argument is the package name
+ PACKAGE=${2}
+ if [ -z "${PATCH_FILE}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "apply_patch(): no patch specified."
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE} ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): patch file '${PATCH_FILE}' not found."
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ echo "******************************"
+ echo "* Applying patch: ${PATCH_FILE}"
+ echo "******************************"
+ patch -Np1 -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} -i ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE}
+# Decompression of a package
+# First argument: package name
+# Second argument: directory where decompressing (optional)
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ local TOPDIR=${LFS_TMP}
+ elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ local TOPDIR=${2}
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Incorrect number of arguments (must be 1 or 2)"
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ local PACKAGE=${1}
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing source package: \"${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2\""
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ local DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME=$(static_decompressed_dirname ${PACKAGE})
+ if [ -d ${TOPDIR}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} ]; then
+ # Removing old source directory (if any)
+ rm -v -rf ${TOPDIR}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} || exit 1
+ fi
+ # Decompressing package
+ # Option 'U' of tar is to remove each file prior to extracting over it
+ cd ${TOPDIR} &&
+ tar -jxvf ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 &&
+ cd - 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+# Installation of a package, removing source and build directories after.
+# First argument: package name
+# Second argument: script name
+# Remaining arguments: additional configure options
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ static_ipkg ${1} ${2} ${1}
+# Installation of a package conforming to GNU autotools.
+# The package must be able to be built outside the
+# source directory.
+# First argument: package name
+# Remaining arguments: additional configure options
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ local PACKAGE=${1}
+ shift
+ local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*}
+ static_ipkg ${PACKAGE} cis-ac ${PACKAGE} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS}
+# Installation of a package conforming to GNU autotools,
+# but that must be built inside the source directory.
+# First argument: package name
+# Remaining arguments: additional configure options
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ local PACKAGE=${1}
+ shift
+ local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*}
+ static_ipkg ${PACKAGE} cis-ac-nobuild ${PACKAGE} ${CONFIGURE_OPTS}
+# Installation of a GNOME package.
+# First argument: package name
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ static_ipkg ${1} cis-gnome ${1}
+# Installation of a PERL module
+# First argument: package name
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ static_ipkg ${1} cis-pm ${1}
+# Multiple installation of a package. This is usefull for packages
+# that may need to be installed multiple times, at different
+# times of the build process, like for GCC pas 1 and GCC pass 2.
+# First argument: Real package name
+# Second argument: Installation script name
+# Third argument: Unique identification label in 'install.log'
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Wrong number of arguments"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ static_ipkg ${1} ${2} ${3}
+# Installation of a package
+# First argument: Real package name
+# Second argument: Installation script name
+# Third argument: Unique identification label in 'install.log'
+# Remaining arguments: Additional configure options
+ local START_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`)
+ local PACKAGE_NAME=${1}
+ local SCRIPT=./${2}
+ local LABEL=${3}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument"
+ echo " command was: \"${FUNCNAME}() $*\""
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ local CONFIGURE_OPTS=${*}
+ # Checking if script is valid and executable
+ if [ ! -x ${SCRIPT} ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): script not found: ${SCRIPT}"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ # Checking if package was previously successfully installed
+ if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} \
+ 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ fi
+ # Displaying label
+ echo -n "[ ] Installing" ${LABEL}" "
+ echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ echo "Installing" ${LABEL} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ decompress_package ${PACKAGE_NAME} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ # Get the name of the decompressed directory
+ local DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME=$(static_decompressed_dirname ${PACKAGE_NAME})
+ # Displaying package source size in log file
+ echo " Source size:" $(du -h -s ${LFS_TMP}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} | awk '{ print $1 }') 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Removing old build directory (if any)
+ if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build ]; then
+ rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ fi
+ # Creating build directory
+ mkdir -v ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ # Executing script.
+ eval_retval2
+ # Displaying package build size in log file
+ BUILD_SIZE=$(du -h -s -c ${LFS_TMP}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build | grep total | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ echo " Build size : ${BUILD_SIZE}" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Some scripts need to preserve the source or build directory. They can
+ # do so by renaming them.
+ if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} ]; then
+ # Removing source directory
+ rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${DECOMPRESSED_DIRNAME} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ fi
+ if [ -d ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build ]; then
+ # Removing build directory
+ rm -v -rf ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-build 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ fi
+ # Writing success string to the end of the log file
+ echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Displaying build time after the package name
+ display_build_time ${START_TIME}
+ print_status success
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+ # Displaying script name
+ echo -n "[ ]" $1
+ shift
+ echo $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Executing command
+ $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ print_status failure
+ echo
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ print_status success
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status and the time it took to execute.
+# Note: In case of errors, this function returns an error code instead
+# of exiting.
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+ START_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`)
+ # Displaying script name
+ echo -n "[ ]" $1" "
+ shift
+ echo $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Executing command
+ $* 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ print_status failure
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ else
+ # Displaying build time after the package name
+ display_build_time ${START_TIME}
+ print_status success
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ fi
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status. Write to install log file when successfully completed so it
+# won't be called again after a successfull installation.
+# First argument: label (string)
+# Second argument: script name
+ LABEL=${1}
+ SCRIPT=${2}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ shift
+ shift
+ # Checking if script is valid and executable
+ if [ ! -x ./${SCRIPT} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): script not found: ${SCRIPT}"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ # Checking if package was previously successfully installed
+ if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1;
+ then
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ fi
+ # Displaying script name
+ echo -n "[ ] ${LABEL}"
+ echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ echo "Running " ${LABEL} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ echo 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Executing command
+ ./${SCRIPT} ${SCRIPT_ARGS} 1>> ${PACKAGE_LOG} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ # Writing success string to the end of the log file
+ echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ print_status success
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status. Write to install log file when successfully completed so it
+# won't be called again after a successfull installation.
+# First argument: label (string)
+# Second argument: script name
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing argument"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ LABEL=${1}
+ shift
+ SCRIPT=${*}
+ # Checking if package was previously successfully installed
+ if grep "^${LABEL} successfully installed" ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1;
+ then
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ fi
+ # Displaying script name
+ echo -n "[ ] ${LABEL}"
+ echo "------------------------" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ echo "${LABEL}" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ echo 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Executing command
+ ${SCRIPT} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ eval_retval2
+ # Writing success string to the end of the log file
+ echo "${LABEL} successfully installed" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ print_status success
+ return $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ INFILE=${1}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} LOGFILE"
+ exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ TIMES=$(cat ${INFILE} | grep "Build time:" | sed "s!Build time: \(.*\)h!\1!g")
+ for time in ${TIMES}; do
+ HOURS=$(( $HOURS + $(echo ${time} | sed "s!^\([0-9]*\)\..*!\1!g") ))
+ # The first SED command extracts the minutes (fractions of an hour).
+ # The second SED command removed the leading zero, if applicable.
+ MIN=$(( $MIN + $(echo ${time} | sed "s!.*\.\([0-9][0-9]\)!\1!g" | sed "s!^0\([0-9]\)!\1!g" ) ))
+ done
+ HOURS=$(( ${HOURS} + ( ${MIN} / 100 ) ))
+ MIN=$(( ${MIN} % 100 ))
+ echo "${HOURS}.${MIN}"
+ END_TIME=$(echo `date +%s`)
+ HOURS=$(( ( ${END_TIME} - ${START_TIME} ) / 3600 ))
+ echo -n "("${HOURS}"."
+ echo -n " Build time: ${HOURS}." 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ # Time is inferior to 1 hour...
+ MINUTES=$(( ( ( ${END_TIME} - ${START_TIME} ) % 3600 ) / 36 ))
+ if [ ${MINUTES} -lt 10 ]; then
+ echo -n "0"
+ echo -n "0" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ fi
+ if [ ${MINUTES} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo -n "1"
+ echo -n "1" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ else
+ echo -n ${MINUTES}
+ echo -n ${MINUTES} 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+ fi
+ echo -n "h)"
+ echo "h" 1>> ${LFS_LOG_FILE}
+# The print_status prints a coloured "X" letter inside the checkbox to the left
+# of the screen (the checkbox is displayed with the action_checkbox function).
+ if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ # If no parameters are given to the print_status function, print usage
+ # information.
+ echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME}() {success|warning|failure}"
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ success)
+ ;;
+ warning)
+ ;;
+ failure)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME}() {success|warning|failure}"
+ return ${EXIT_FAILURE}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "X"
+# Testing GCC toolchain
+ cd ${LFS_TMP} &&
+ echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c &&
+ cc dummy.c &&
+ readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools' 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Testing toolchain failed..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm dummy.c a.out
--- /dev/null
+LFS_PKG_BASE="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages"
+# URL
+WGETCMD="wget --directory-prefix=${LFS_PKG_DIR} --timeout=5 --tries=3 -o ${WGET_LOG_FILE}"
+# Arg. #1: URL for patches repository.
+# Arg. #2: Destination filename.
+static_fetch_patches_list() {
+# Arg. #1: URL for patches repository. The trailing
+# slash is absolutely necessary for this to work.
+update_packages_init() {
+ # First create log directory if it does not exists.
+ if [ ! -d ${LFS_LOG_DIR} ]; then
+ install -m755 -d ${LFS_LOG_DIR} || exit 1
+ fi
+ # Then create destination directory if it does not exists.
+ if [ ! -d ${LFS_PKG_DIR} ]; then
+ install -v -m755 -d ${LFS_PKG_DIR} 1> ${LFS_LOG_FILE} 2>&1 || exit 1
+ fi
+ # Getting list of all patches from LFS server.
+ ##action_checkbox "Fetching LFS patches list"
+ static_fetch_patches_list ${LFS_PATCHES_URL} ${LFS_PATCHES_LIST}
+ # Getting list of all patches from BLFS server.
+ action_checkbox "Fetching BLFS patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${BLFS_PATCHES_URL} ${BLFS_PATCHES_LIST}
+ # Getting list of all patches from hugovil.com server.
+ action_checkbox "Fetching hugovil.com patches list" static_fetch_patches_list ${HV_PATCHES_URL} ${HV_PATCHES_LIST}
+# Get patch package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Patches list file (HTML)
+# Arg. #3: Patches URL
+static_checkpatch() {
+ local PACK=${1}
+ local PATCHES_LIST=${2}
+ local PATCHES_URL=${3}
+ local PATCHES_FOUND=$(cat ${PATCHES_LIST} | grep "${PACK}-" | sed "s/.*\(${PACK}-.*\.patch\).*/\1/")
+ if [ -n "${PATCHES_FOUND}" ]; then
+ for p in ${PATCHES_FOUND}; do
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${p} ]; then
+ action_checkbox_time "Fetching ${p}" ${WGETCMD} ${PATCHES_URL}/${p}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+# Get patch package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+static_getpatch() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if patch is available from LFS.
+ static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${LFS_PATCHES_LIST} ${LFS_PATCHES_URL}
+ # Checking if patch is available from BLFS.
+ static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${BLFS_PATCHES_LIST} ${BLFS_PATCHES_URL}
+ # Checking if patch is available from hugovil.com.
+ static_checkpatch ${PACK} ${HV_PATCHES_LIST} ${HV_PATCHES_URL}
+# Convert multiple compressed gzip files to bzip2.
+# Usage: gztobz2 [FILES]
+ if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ echo "$0: -- Convert multiple compressed gzip files to bzip2."
+ echo "Usage: $0: [FILES]"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ # Checking if input file exist.
+ if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+ echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} not found."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if input file is a valid gzipped file.
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} is not a valid gzip file."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Obtaining uncompressed name of file
+ local FILENAME=$(gunzip -l ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} | sed '1d' | sed 's/\(.*\)% \(.*\)/\2/')
+ # Decompressing file to standard output and piping result to bzip2
+ gunzip ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} --stdout | bzip2 --best > ${FILENAME}.bz2
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$0: Error converting file ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} to bzip2."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Keeping the original file's timestamp
+ touch --reference=${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} ${FILENAME}.bz2
+ # Deleting original gzipped file
+ if [ -f ${FILENAME}.bz2 ]; then
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ # HTTP: will return error code 404.
+ # FTP: will say "File not found"
+ if grep "404 Not Found" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ return 0
+ elif grep "No such file" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: URL
+static_getpkg() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ URL=${2}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ${WGETCMD} ${URL}/${PACK}.tar.bz2 && return 0
+ # Failure: if it was a connection timeout, don't try for other file extensions.
+ if grep "failed: Connection timed out" ${WGET_LOG_FILE} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Error, wget reported: Connection timed out"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if detect_file_not_found; then
+ # If file was not found, maybe a .tar.gz file exist...
+ ${WGETCMD} ${URL}/${PACK}.tar.gz
+ if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
+ gztobz2 ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.tar.gz || return 1
+ return 0
+ else
+ if detect_file_not_found; then
+ # If file was not found, maybe a .tgz file exist...
+ ${WGETCMD} ${URL}/${PACK}.tgz
+ if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
+ gztobz2 ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.tgz || return 1
+ return 0
+ else
+ if detect_file_not_found; then
+ # If file was not found, maybe a .tar.Z file exist... (uw-imap...)
+ ${WGETCMD} ${URL}/${PACK}.tar.Z
+ if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
+ gztobz2 ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.tar.Z || return 1
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Failure...
+ return 1
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: URL
+fpkg() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ URL=${2}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PACK}.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ action_checkbox_time "Fetching ${PACK}" static_getpkg ${PACK} ${URL}
+ fi
+ # Check if a patch is available.
+ static_getpatch ${PACK}
+# Get package if it is not in the repository.
+# This function is used if the source and target names for the
+# package are different (name mismatch).
+# Arg. #1: Target package name and version (on disk)
+# Arg. #2: Source package name and version (on internet)
+# Arg. #3: URL
+fpkg_mis() {
+ TARGET=${1}
+ SOURCE=${2}
+ URL=${3}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${TARGET}.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ fpkg ${SOURCE} ${URL}
+ if [ -f ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SOURCE}.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ mv ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SOURCE}.tar.bz2 ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${TARGET}.tar.bz2
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check for available patches with TARGET name.
+ static_getpatch ${TARGET}
+ # Check for available patches with SOURCE name.
+ static_getpatch ${SOURCE}
+ # Rename any patch fetched (in fpkg call) and replace SOURCE by TARGET in
+ # patch name.
+ if ls ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SOURCE}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ rename ${SOURCE} ${TARGET} ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${SOURCE}-*.patch
+ fi
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Directory name (optional)
+fpkg_gnu() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ NAME=${2}
+ else
+ NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK})
+ fi
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fpkg ${PACK} "${GNU_URL}/${NAME}"
+# Fetch Gnome package (if it is not in the repository).
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Directory name (optional)
+fpkg_gnome() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ NAME=${2}
+ else
+ NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK})
+ fi
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fpkg ${PACK} "${GNOME_URL}/${NAME}/$(get_pkg_ver_base ${PACK})"
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Directory name (optional)
+fpkg_sf() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ NAME=${2}
+ else
+ NAME=$(get_pkg_name ${PACK})
+ fi
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Directory name (optional)
+fpkg_hv() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ fpkg ${PACK} "${HV_PACKAGES_URL}/${2}"
+ else
+ fi
+# Get package if it is not in the repository
+# Arg. #1: Package name and version
+# Arg. #2: Directory name (optional)
+fpkg_lfs() {
+ PACK=${1}
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ fpkg ${PACK} "${LFS_PACKAGES_URL}/${2}"
+ else
+ fi
+# Create a symbolic link to a package that is located in another stage
+# repository (to not have the same file twice).
+# Arg. #1: Source stage number (1, 2, 3, etc)
+# Arg. #2: Package name
+lpkg() {
+ SRCSTAGE="stage${1}"
+ FILE="${2}.tar.bz2"
+ # Checking for correct number of arguments
+ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME}(), wrong number of arguments: ${*}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -h ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${FILE} ]; then
+ # The link does not exist. First check if source file exist.
+ if [ ! -f ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${FILE} ]; then
+ echo "${FUNCNAME} ${*}"
+ echo "Missing source file..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Create link if it doesn't exist
+ ln -s ../${SRCSTAGE}/${FILE} ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${FILE}
+ fi
+ # Create link for patches corresponding to that package:
+ if ls ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-*.patch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ for patch in ${LFS_PKG_BASE}/${SRCSTAGE}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-*.patch; do
+ PATCHFILE=$(basename ${patch})
+ if [ ! -h ${LFS_PKG_DIR}/${PATCHFILE} ]; then
+ # Create link if it doesn't exist
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# This file contains the name and version of all packages,
+# as well the corresponding patches, if needed.
+# Needed by gnome VFS
+# Required by Gnome
+DOCBOOK_XML_VER_PREV="4.1.2 4.2 4.3"
+# The kernel version specified must not be newer than the
+# version of the kernel running on the build machine.
+# GNOME2 core packages
+# Desktop
+# GNOME2 Additional Packages - Libraries
+# GNOME2 Additional Packages - Utilities
+HTTPD="httpd-2.2.8" # Apache
+LIBGPG_ERROR="libgpg-error-1.5" # For PIDGIN
+LIBGCRYPT="libgcrypt-1.2.4" # For PIDGIN
--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions
+1. Create your destination partition and make sure that it is
+ formatted and mounted.
+2. Copy the hvlinux-src directory, containing packages and installation
+ scripts, anywhere in your LFS partition (usually in root directory).
+ If installing from a CD-ROM, mount it under your LFS partition.
+3. Modify the 'sysinfos' configuration file to reflect your
+ system configuration.
+4. Launch './stage1-install'
--- /dev/null
+-Change all directories to root:root ownership after stage1 installation.
+-Change svn tree to owner lfs:lfs automatically before starting install.
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE}-build &&
+../${PACKAGE}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+make &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --without-bash-malloc &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+ln -sf bash /tools/bin/sh
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# CC="gcc -B/usr/bin/": This forces gcc to prefer the linker from the host in /usr/bin.
+# This is necessary on some hosts where the new ld built here is
+# not compatible with the host's gcc.
+# --disable-nls: This disables internationalization as i18n is not needed
+# for the temporary tools.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+CC="gcc -B/usr/bin/" ../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --disable-werror &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Removing all compiled files in ld subdirectory.
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C ld clean &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C ld LIB_PATH=/tools/lib &&
+cp -v ld/ld-new /tools/bin &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --with-lib-path=/tools/lib &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C ld clean &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C ld LIB_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib &&
+cp -v ld/ld-new /tools/bin &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# This package doesn't have a configure script...
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make PREFIX=/tools install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# CC="gcc -B/usr/bin/": This forces gcc to prefer the linker from the host in /usr/bin.
+# This is necessary on some hosts where the new ld built here is
+# not compatible with the host's gcc.
+# --disable-nls: This disables internationalization as i18n is not needed
+# for the temporary tools.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+CC="gcc -B/usr/bin/" ../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --with-local-prefix=/tools \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-languages=c &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+ln -v -sf gcc /tools/bin/cc &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+save_flags_no_optimizations &&
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Suppressing the running of the fixincludes script. */
+cp -v gcc/Makefile.in{,.orig} &&
+sed 's@\./fixinc\.sh@-c true@' gcc/Makefile.in.orig > gcc/Makefile.in &&
+# The bootstrap build performed in pass1 built GCC with the -fomit-frame-pointer
+# compiler flag. Non-bootstrap builds omit this flag by default, so the following sed
+# command is used in order to ensure consistent compiler builds.
+cp -v gcc/Makefile.in{,.tmp} &&
+sed 's/^XCFLAGS =$/& -fomit-frame-pointer/' gcc/Makefile.in.tmp > gcc/Makefile.in &&
+# The following command will change the location of GCC's default dynamic
+# linker to use the one we installed in /tools. It also removes
+# /usr/include from GCC's include search path
+for file in $(find gcc/config -name linux64.h -o -name linux.h); do
+ cp -uv $file{,.orig}
+ sed -e 's@/lib\(64\)\?\(32\)\?/ld@/tools&@g' \
+ -e 's@/usr@/tools@g' $file.orig > $file
+ echo "" >> $file
+ echo "#undef STANDARD_INCLUDE_DIR" >> $file
+ echo "#define STANDARD_INCLUDE_DIR 0" >> $file
+ touch $file.orig
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --with-local-prefix=/tools \
+ --enable-clocale=gnu \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-threads=posix \
+ --enable-__cxa_atexit \
+ --enable-languages=c,c++ \
+ --disable-libstdcxx-pch \
+ --disable-bootstrap &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+gcc_toolchain_test_stage1 &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/gettext-tools &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --disable-shared &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C gnulib-lib &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C src msgfmt &&
+cp -v src/msgfmt /tools/bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Configure options:
+# --disable-profile
+# Builds the libraries without profiling information.
+# --enable-add-ons
+# Use all the add-ons it finds.
+# crypt and localdata are now part of glibc.
+# --enable-kernel=2.x.x
+# Compile the library for support of linux 2.6.x kernels.
+# The kernel version specified must not be newer than the
+# version of the kernel running on the build machine.
+# --with-headers=/tools/include
+# Forces glibc to use the linux-libc-headers installed
+# in /tools/include, rather than those on the host, which
+# may be too old to support needed functionality.
+# --with-binutils=/tools/bin
+# Strictly speaking this switch is not required. But it
+# does ensure nothing can go wrong with regard to what
+# Binutils programs get used during the Glibc build.
+# --without-gd
+# Prevents the build of the memusagestat program, which
+# strangely enough insists on linking against the host's
+# libraries (libgd, libpng, libz, and so forth).
+# --without-selinux
+# When building from hosts that include SELinux functionality
+# (e.g., Fedora Core 3), Glibc will build with support for
+# SELinux. As the LFS tools environment does not contain support
+# for SELinux, a Glibc compiled with such support will fail to
+# operate correctly.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ --disable-profile \
+ --enable-add-ons \
+ --enable-kernel=${GLIBC_KERNEL_VERSION} \
+ --with-headers=/tools/include \
+ --with-binutils=/tools/bin \
+ --without-gd \
+ --without-selinux &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+mkdir -p /tools/etc &&
+touch /tools/etc/ld.so.conf &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} mrproper &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} headers_check &&
+make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install &&
+cp -r -v dest/include/* /tools/include
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+PERL_VERSION=$(get_pkg_ver ${1})
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure.gnu \
+ --prefix=/tools \
+ -Dstatic_ext='Data/Dumper Fcntl IO POSIX' &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} perl utilities &&
+cp -v perl pod/pod2man /tools/bin &&
+mkdir -v -p /tools/lib/perl5/${PERL_VERSION} &&
+cp -v -R lib/* /tools/lib/perl5/${PERL_VERSION}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+strip --strip-debug /tools/lib/*
+strip --strip-unneeded /tools/{bin,sbin}/*
+# Removing documentation
+rm -rf /tools/{doc,info,man}
+# Return success
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+cd ${LFS_TMP}
+# The linker, adjusted at the end of the first pass of Binutils, needs
+# to be renamed so that it can be properly found and used.
+if [ ! -f /tools/bin/ld-old -a -f /tools/bin/ld ]; then
+ mv -v /tools/bin/{ld,ld-old} || exit 1
+if [ ! -f /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/ld-old -a -f /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/ld ]; then
+ mv -v /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/{ld,ld-old} || exit 1
+rm -f /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/ld &&
+cp -v -a /tools/bin/{ld-new,ld} &&
+ln -sv /tools/bin/ld /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/ld &&
+# From this point onwards, everything will link only against the libraries
+# in /tools/lib.
+# Point GCC to the new dynamic linker.
+gcc -dumpspecs | sed 's@/lib/ld-linux.so.2@/tools&@g' \
+ > `dirname $(gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs &&
+# Removing the header files in GCC's private include directory:
+GCC_INCLUDEDIR=`dirname $(gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/include &&
+find ${GCC_INCLUDEDIR}/* -maxdepth 0 -xtype d -exec rm -rvf '{}' \; &&
+rm -vf `grep -l "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE" ${GCC_INCLUDEDIR}/*` &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i 's@/usr/include@/tools/include@g' configure &&
+./configure &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C lib &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C mount mount umount &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C text-utils more &&
+cp mount/{mount,umount} text-utils/more /tools/bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+source ~/.bashrc
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage1"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=${LFS}/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage1
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="${LFS}/tmp"
+export CFLAGS="-pipe -march=${MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE} -O2"
+ipkg_mult ${BINUTILS} cis-binutils-pass1 "${BINUTILS}-pass1"
+ipkg_mult ${GCC_CORE} cis-gcc-pass1 "${GCC_CORE}-pass1"
+ipkg ${KERNEL} cis-linux-api-headers
+ipkg ${GLIBC} cis-glibc
+run_script_log "Toolchain-adjust-stage1" cis-toolchain-adjust
+ipkg_mult ${GCC_CORE} cis-gcc-pass2 "${GCC_CORE}-pass2"
+ipkg_mult ${BINUTILS} cis-binutils-pass2 "${BINUTILS}-pass2"
+ipkg_ac ${NCURSES} "--with-shared --without-debug --without-ada --enable-overwrite"
+ipkg ${BASH} cis-bash
+ipkg ${BZIP2} cis-bzip2
+ipkg_ac ${COREUTILS}
+ipkg_ac ${DIFFUTILS}
+ipkg_ac ${FINDUTILS}
+ipkg_ac ${GAWK}
+ipkg ${GETTEXT} cis-gettext
+ipkg_ac ${GREP} "--disable-perl-regexp"
+ipkg_ac ${GZIP}
+ipkg_ac ${MAKE_PACKAGE}
+ipkg_ac ${PATCH_PACKAGE}
+ipkg ${PERL} cis-perl
+ipkg_ac ${SED}
+ipkg_ac ${TAR_PACKAGE}
+ipkg_ac ${TEXINFO}
+ipkg ${UTIL_LINUX} cis-util-linux
+run_script_log "Stripping" cis-stripping
+echo "Total build time: $(get_total_build_time ${LFS_LOG_FILE})h"
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../functions-update
+source ../packages-list
+# Begin
+fpkg_gnu ${BINUTILS}
+fpkg ${GCC_CORE} ${GNU_URL}/gcc/${GCC_CORE}
+fpkg ${KERNEL} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6
+fpkg_gnu ${GLIBC}
+fpkg_gnu ${NCURSES}
+fpkg_gnu ${BASH}
+fpkg ${BZIP2} http://www.bzip.org/$(get_pkg_ver ${BZIP2})
+fpkg_gnu ${COREUTILS}
+fpkg_gnu ${DIFFUTILS}
+fpkg_gnu ${FINDUTILS}
+fpkg_gnu ${GAWK}
+fpkg_gnu ${GETTEXT}
+fpkg_gnu ${GREP}
+fpkg_gnu ${GZIP}
+fpkg_gnu ${MAKE_PACKAGE}
+fpkg_gnu ${PATCH_PACKAGE}
+fpkg ${PERL} http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/CPAN/src
+fpkg_gnu ${SED}
+fpkg_gnu ${TAR_PACKAGE}
+fpkg_gnu ${TEXINFO}
+fpkg ${UTIL_LINUX} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage1"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=${LFS}/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage1
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="${LFS}/tmp"
+# Making sure that this script was executed by the root user
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+# Making sure that the LFS partition is mounted
+if ! mount | awk '{ print "x" $3 "x" }' | grep "x${LFS}x" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "LFS partition is not mounted. Please mount it."
+ exit 1
+# Creating basic directories
+for subdir in tmp var boot tools; do
+ dir=${LFS}/${subdir}
+ if [ ! -d ${dir} ]; then
+ install -dv ${dir} || exit 1
+ fi
+ chmod 777 ${dir} || exit 1
+# Creating a link from the host root directory to LFS tools directory
+ln -sf ${LFS}/tools / &&
+# Testing for the presence of the lfs user
+# We cannot automatically create the user 'lfs' because the installation media
+# can be a CD-ROM (read-only)
+# If installing from some kind of live-CD, simply install as root without the LFS user :)
+if ! grep "lfs" /etc/passwd 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # The option '-k /dev/null' prevents possible copying of files from a
+ # skeleton directory (default is /etc/skel).
+ groupadd lfs &&
+ useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs || exit 1
+fi &&
+cat > /home/lfs/.bashrc << "EOF" &&
+# Setting up the environment
+set +h
+umask 022
+CC="gcc -s"
+export CC LC_ALL PATH
+chown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bashrc &&
+# Logging-in as 'lfs' user, and executing the install-1 script. The
+# 'su -' command starts with a clean environment and enters the home
+# directory of the user.
+su - lfs -c "cd ${PWD}; ./install-1"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "*** An error occured during stage1"
+ exit 1
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions
+Note: In this example, the destination partition is /dev/hda6, and
+ the sources partition is /dev/hda10.
+1. Create and/or format the destination partition:
+ >$ mkreiserfs /dev/hda6
+2. Mount the partition:
+ >$ mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda6 /mnt/linux
+3. In the destination partition root, create a directory that will
+ be used to mount the CD or hard disk partition containing the sources:
+ >$ cd /mnt/linux
+ >$ mkdir -p mnt/hvlinux
+4. Mount the sources partition:
+ >$ mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda10 /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux
+5. Copy the tools directory to the LFS (/mnt/linux) partition:
+ >$ cp -a /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/tools /mnt/linux
+ This is needed only if you did not run stage1 installation
+6. Modify the "/mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/scripts/sysinfos" file to
+ reflect your configuration.
+7. If you want a separate boot partition, make sure it is mounted
+ under ${LFS}/boot.
+8. Launch the installation of stage 2:
+ >$ /mnt/linux/mnt/hvlinux/scripts/stage2/stage2-install
+9. After that, compile a fresh kernel.
+10. type 'exit'
+11. You can now remove the /mnt/linux/tools directory.
+12. Reboot.
+13. When the GRUB prompt appears, install grub on the MBR with:
+ grub> root (hd0,0)
+ grub> setup (hd0)
+ grub> reboot
+14. login as root, and create the password for the regular user:
+ >$ passwd reguser
--- /dev/null
+-Faire un guide post-install:
+ 1. Compiler nouveau kernel
+ 2. Ajouter une entrée à /boot/grub/menu.lst
+ 3. Démonter ${LFS}/boot
+ 4. Effacer le répertoire /tools
+ 5. exit (pour sortir de l'environnement chroot)
+ 6. Démonter ${LFS}
+ 7. Redémarrer
+-Nettoyer tous les link temporaires automatiquement (seulement après avoir
+ redémarré et vérifié que tout fonctionne correctement).
--- /dev/null
+# checkfs
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+# Printing the script name in the init log file
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# If the /fastboot file exists we don't want to run the partition checks
+if [ -f /fastboot ]; then
+ msg_box_nolog "Fast boot mode (no file systems check)"
+ # Mount the root partition read-only (just in case the kernel mounts it
+ # read-write and we don't want to run fsck on a read-write mounted
+ # partition).
+ cmd_run_log /bin/mount -n -o remount,ro /
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ # Check all the file systems mentioned in /etc/fstab that have the
+ # fs_passno value set to 1 or 2 (the 6th field. See man fstab for more
+ # info).
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn_checkfs "Checking file systems" /sbin/fsck -a -A -C -T
+ if [ ${FSCK_RETURN_CODE} -eq ${EXIT_CODE_FAILURE} ]; then
+ # Start sulogin so we can repair the damage manually.
+ boot_failure "FAILURE: fsck failed. Try running fsck without the -a option."
+ fi
+ else
+ # If the remount to read-only mode didn't work abort the fsck and print
+ # an error.
+ echo "Cannot check root file system because it could not be mounted"
+ echo "in read-only mode."
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# dhcp
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load global network parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+if [ -z ${DHCP_SERVER_IF} ]; then
+ # DHCP server is not enabled
+ msg_log "DHCP server disabled in '/etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters'"
+# The lease file must exist on startup
+if [ ! -f /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases ]; then
+ touch /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases || exit ${EXIT_CODE_FAILURE}
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "DHCP server start" loadproc /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q ${DHCP_SERVER_IF}
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "DHCP server stop" killproc /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# General shell functions
+# Return codes definitions
+# Setup default values for environment
+umask 022
+export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin"
+## Screen Dimensions
+# Find current screen size
+if [ -z "${COLUMNS}" ]; then
+ COLUMNS=$(stty size)
+# When using remote connections, such as a serial port, stty size returns 0
+if [ "${COLUMNS}" = "0" ]; then
+# The starting position for displaying the "X" sign inside the check box [ ]
+# NORMAL prints text in normal color
+NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+# SUCCESS prints text in a green colour
+SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+# WARNING prints text in a yellow colour
+WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+# FAILURE prints text in a red colour
+FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+# Set the console_loglevel to display only error messages (0,1,2 and 3)
+# KERN_EMERG "<0>" /* system is unusable */
+# KERN_ALERT "<1>" /* action must be taken immediately */
+# KERN_CRIT "<2>" /* critical conditions */
+# KERN_ERR "<3>" /* error conditions */
+# KERN_WARNING "<4>" /* warning conditions */
+# KERN_NOTICE "<5>" /* normal but significant condition */
+# KERN_INFO "<6>" /* informational */
+# KERN_DEBUG "<7>" /* debug-level messages */
+# Examples:
+# LOGLEVEL="1" --> Prevents all messages, expect panic messages, from
+# appearing on the console.
+# LOGLEVEL="8" --> Allow all messages to appear on the console.
+# Timezone
+export TZ="America/Montreal"
+# The print_status prints a coloured "X" letter inside the checkbox to the left
+# of the screen (the checkbox is displayed with the cmd_run_log_box function).
+ if [ ${#} = 0 ]; then
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ echo "Usage: print_status {success|warning|failure}"
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ success)
+ ;;
+ warning)
+ ;;
+ failure)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: print_status {success|warning|failure}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo -n "X"
+# Argument #1: message d'erreur
+ echo
+ echo $1
+ echo
+ echo "sulogin will now be started. When you logout, the system"
+ echo "will reboot."
+ echo
+ /sbin/sulogin
+ /sbin/reboot -f
+# Write a message to the log file.
+ echo "<$*>" >> ${INIT_LOG_FILE}
+# Display a message with an orange warning box [X]
+ echo -n "[ ] $STRING"
+ print_status warning
+ echo
+# Write the command and it's arguments to the log file, without running the command.
+ echo ">>> Script: $* <<<" >> ${INIT_LOG_FILE}
+# Write the command and it's arguments to the log file, and run the command.
+ echo "[$*]" >> ${INIT_LOG_FILE}
+ ${*} 1>> ${INIT_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ return ${?}
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+ echo -n "[ ] $STRING"
+ shift
+ $* 1>> ${INIT_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ if [ $ERROR_CODE = 0 ]; then
+ print_status success
+ else
+ print_status failure
+ fi
+ echo
+ return $ERROR_CODE
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+# Error codes returned by the command:
+# 0 = success
+# 1 = warning
+# 2 = failure
+ echo -n "[ ] $STRING"
+ shift
+ $* 1>> ${INIT_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ if [ $ERROR_CODE = ${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS} ]; then
+ print_status success
+ elif [ $ERROR_CODE = ${EXIT_CODE_WARNING} ]; then
+ print_status warning
+ else
+ print_status failure
+ fi
+ echo
+ return $ERROR_CODE
+# Display the action name, run a command, log its output and display it's
+# status
+# If something went wrong during the checks of one of the partitions,
+# fsck will exit with a return value greater than 1
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+# Error codes returned by the command:
+# 0 = success
+# 1 = warning
+# >1 = failure
+ echo -n "[ ] $STRING"
+ shift
+ $* 1>> ${INIT_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+ if [ $ERROR_CODE = ${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS} ]; then
+ print_status success
+ elif [ $ERROR_CODE = 1 ]; then
+ print_status warning
+ else
+ print_status failure
+ fi
+ echo
+ return $ERROR_CODE
+# Display the action name, run a command and display it's status (no log).
+# First argument: action name (string)
+# Remaining arguments: command name with it's options
+ echo -n "[ ] $STRING"
+ shift
+ $* 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $ERROR_CODE = 0 ]; then
+ print_status success
+ else
+ print_status failure
+ fi
+ echo
+ return $ERROR_CODE
+# loadproc() starts a process (often a daemon) with proper error checking
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ ${#} = 0 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: loadproc {program}"
+ fi
+ # Find the basename of the first parameter (the daemon's name without the
+ # path that was provided so /usr/sbin/syslogd becomes plain 'syslogd' after
+ # basename ran).
+ base=$(/usr/bin/basename ${1})
+ # the pidlist variable will contain the output of the pidof command. pidof
+ # will try to find the PID's that belong to a certain string; $base in
+ # this case.
+ pidlist=$(pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x ${base})
+ pid=""
+ for apid in ${pidlist}; do
+ if [ -d /proc/${apid} ]; then
+ pid="${pid} ${apid}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # If the $pid variable contains anything (from the previous for loop) it
+ # means the daemon is already running.
+ if [ ! -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ # Empty $pid variable means it's not running, so we run "$@" (all
+ # parameters given to this function from the script) and then check
+ # the return value.
+ "$@"
+ if [ ${?} -ne 0 ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ else
+ # The variable $pid was not empty, meaning it was already running.
+ msg_log "Already running"
+ fi
+# killproc() kills a process with proper error checking
+# Arg. #1: Name of process to kill
+# Arg. #2: Optional signal to kill the process with (like -HUP, -TERM, -KILL, etc)
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: killproc {program} [signal]"
+ fi
+ killproc_path ${1} /var/run ${2}
+ return ${?}
+# killproc_path() kills a process with proper error checking
+# Arg. #1: Name of process to kill
+# Arg. #2: Base directory containing PID file
+# Arg. #3: Optional signal to kill the process with (like -HUP, -TERM, -KILL, etc)
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: killproc_path {program} {pid-directory} [signal]"
+ fi
+ # Find the basename of the first parameter (the daemon's name without the
+ # path).
+ base=$(/usr/bin/basename ${1})
+ piddir=${2}
+ # Check if we gave a signal to kill the process with (like -HUP, -TERM,
+ # -KILL, etc) to this function (the third parameter).
+ if [ "${3}" != "" ]; then
+ killlevel=-${3}
+ else
+ nolevel=1
+ fi
+ # The pidlist variable will contains the output of the pidof command. pidof
+ # will try to find the PID's that belong to a certain string; $base in this
+ # case.
+ pidlist=$(pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x ${base})
+ pid=""
+ for apid in ${pidlist}
+ do
+ if [ -d /proc/${apid} ]; then
+ pid="${pid} ${apid}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # If $pid contains something from the previous for loop it means one or
+ # more PID's were found that belongs to the processes to be killed.
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ # If no kill level was specified we'll try -TERM first and then sleep
+ # for 2 seconds to allow the kill to be completed.
+ if [ "${nolevel}" = 1 ]; then
+ cmd_run_log kill -TERM ${pid}
+ # If after -TERM the PID still exists we'll wait 2 seconds before
+ # trying to kill it with -KILL. If the PID still exist after that,
+ # wait two more seconds. If the PIDs still exist by then it's safe
+ # to assume that we cannot kill these PIDs.
+ if /bin/ps h ${pid} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cmd_run_log sleep 2
+ if /bin/ps h ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cmd_run_log kill -KILL ${pid}
+ if /bin/ps h ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cmd_run_log sleep 2
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ /bin/ps h ${pid} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then
+ # If after the -KILL it still exists it can't be killed for
+ # some reason.
+ else
+ # It was killed, remove possible stale PID file in ${piddir}.
+ /bin/rm -f ${piddir}/${base}.pid
+ fi
+ else
+ # A kill level was provided. Kill with the provided kill level and
+ # wait for 2 seconds to allow the kill to be completed.
+ /bin/kill ${killlevel} ${pid}
+ if /bin/ps h ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cmd_run_log sleep 2
+ fi
+ /bin/ps h ${pid} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then
+ # If ps' return value is 0 it means it ran ok which indicates
+ # that the PID still exists. This means the process wasn't
+ # killed properly with the signal provided.
+ else
+ # If the return value was 1 or higher it means the PID didn't
+ # exist anymore which means it was killed successfully. Remove
+ # possible stale PID file.
+ /bin/rm -f ${piddir}/${base}.pid
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # The PID didn't exist so we can't attempt to kill it.
+ msg_log "Not running"
+ fi
+# reloadproc() sends a signal to a daemon telling it to reload it's
+# configuration file. This is almost identical to the killproc function with
+# the exception that it won't try to kill it with a -KILL signal (aka -9).
+# Arg. #1: Name of process to reload
+# Arg. #2: Optional signal to reload the process with (like -HUP)
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ ${#} = 0 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: reloadproc {program} [signal]"
+ fi
+ # Find the basename of the first parameter (the daemon's name without
+ # the path that was provided so /usr/sbin/syslogd becomes plain 'syslogd'
+ # after basename ran).
+ base=$(/usr/bin/basename ${1})
+ # Check if we gave a signal to send to the process (like -HUP) to this
+ # function (the second parameter). If no second parameter was provided set
+ # the nolevel variable. Else set the killlevel variable to the value of $2
+ # (the second parameter).
+ if [ -n "${2}" ]; then
+ killlevel="-${2}"
+ else
+ killlevel="-SIGHUP"
+ fi
+ # The pidlist variable will contains the output of the pidof command. pidof
+ # will try to find the PID's that belong to a certain string; $base in this
+ # case.
+ pidlist=$(pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x ${base})
+ pid=""
+ for apid in ${pidlist}
+ do
+ if [ -d /proc/${apid} ]; then
+ pid="${pid} ${apid}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # If $pid contains something from the previous for loop it means one or
+ # more PID's were found that belongs to the processes to be reloaded.
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ /bin/kill ${killlevel} ${pid}
+ if [ ${?} -ne 0 ]; then
+ sleep 2
+ if statusproc ${base} | grep "not running" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # If $pid is empty no PID's have been found that belong to the process.
+ msg_log "Not running"
+ fi
+# statusproc_path() will try to find out if a process is running or not.
+# Arg. #1: Name of process to check
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: statusproc {program}"
+ fi
+ statusproc_path ${1} /var/run
+ return ${?}
+# statusproc_path() will try to find out if a process is running or not.
+# Arg. #1: Name of process to check
+# Arg. #2: Base directory containing PID file
+ # If no parameters are given, print usage information.
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ msg_log "Usage: status {program} {pid-directory}"
+ fi
+ # Find the basename of the first parameter (the daemon's name without the
+ # path).
+ base=$(/usr/bin/basename ${1})
+ piddir=${2}
+ # $pid will contain a list of PID's that belong to a process.
+ pid=$(pidof -o $$ -o $PPID -o %PPID -x ${base})
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ # If $pid contains something, the process is running, print the content
+ # of the $pid variable.
+ echo "${base} running with Process ID ${pid}"
+ fi
+ # If $pid doesn't contain it check if a PID file exists and inform the
+ # user about this stale file.
+ if [ -f ${piddir}/${base}.pid ]; then
+ pid=$(head -1 ${piddir}/${base}.pid)
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ echo "${base} not running but ${piddir}/${base}.pid exists"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${base} is not running"
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# halt
+# Call halt. See man halt for the meaning of the parameters
+/sbin/halt -d -f -i -p
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# ifdown
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load network interface card parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/ifconfig.${DEVICE}
+# Check that the brctl program is present and executable.
+ if [ ! -x ${BRCTL} ]; then
+ msg_log "*** ERROR: /usr/sbin/brctl not found."
+ fi
+if [ "$BOOTPROTO" == "dhcp" ]; then
+ # DHCP configuration
+ # Load DHCP client parameters
+ source /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp-client
+ if [ ! -x ${DHCP_PROG} ]; then
+ echo "Program \"${DHCP_PROG}\" is not executable."
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log ${DHCP_PROG} ${DHCP_STOP} ${DEVICE} || exit ${EXIT_CODE_FAILURE}
+elif [ x${BOOTPROTO} = "xstatic" ]; then
+ # Static configuration
+ cmd_run_log ip addr flush ${DEVICE} &&
+ cmd_run_log ip link set ${DEVICE} down || exit ${EXIT_CODE_FAILURE}
+elif [ x${BOOTPROTO} = "xpppoe" ]; then
+ # PPPoE configuration
+ cmd_run_log pppoe-stop
+ cmd_run_log ip addr flush ${DEVICE} &&
+ cmd_run_log ip link set ${DEVICE} down || exit ${EXIT_CODE_FAILURE}
+ exit 1
+# Determining if the interface is part of a bridge:
+if [ -n "${BRIDGE_TO}" ]; then
+ check_brctl
+ cmd_run_log ${BRCTL} delif ${BRIDGE_TO} ${1} || exit 1
+# Determining if the interface is a bridge:
+if [ "x${BRIDGE}" == "xyes" ]; then
+ # Check that the brctl program is present and executable.
+ if [ ! -x ${BRCTL} ]; then
+ msg_log "*** ERROR: /usr/sbin/brctl not found."
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log ${BRCTL} delbr ${1}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# ifup
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load network interface card parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/ifconfig.${DEVICE}
+# Check that the brctl program is present and executable.
+ if [ ! -x ${BRCTL} ]; then
+ msg_log "*** ERROR: /usr/sbin/brctl not found."
+ fi
+# Determining if the interface is a bridge:
+if [ "x${BRIDGE}" == "xyes" ]; then
+ check_brctl
+ cmd_run_log ${BRCTL} addbr ${1} &&
+ cmd_run_log ${BRCTL} stp ${1} off || exit 1
+# Determining if the interface is part of a bridge:
+if [ -n "${BRIDGE_TO}" ]; then
+ check_brctl
+ cmd_run_log ${BRCTL} addif ${BRIDGE_TO} ${1} || exit 1
+if [ "x${BOOTPROTO}" = "xdhcp" ]; then
+ # DHCP configuration
+ # Load DHCP client parameters
+ source /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp-client
+ # Make sure no file named `/var/run/dhclient.pid' remains.
+ if [ -f "/var/run/dhclient.pid" ]; then
+ rm -f /var/run/dhclient.pid
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x "${DHCP_PROG}" ]; then
+ echo "Program \"${DHCP_PROG}\" is not executable."
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log ${DHCP_PROG} ${DHCP_START} ${DEVICE}
+elif [ x${BOOTPROTO} = "xstatic" ]; then
+ # Static configuration
+ cmd_run_log ip addr add ${IPADDR}/${PREFIX_LENGTH} dev ${DEVICE} brd + ${IFSCOPE} &&
+ cmd_run_log ip link set ${DEVICE} up
+elif [ x${BOOTPROTO} = "xpppoe" ]; then
+ # PPPoE configuration
+ cmd_run_log pppoe-start
+ exit 1
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# initlog
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # Initialization of the log file for the INIT process
+ if [ ! -d ${INIT_LOG_PATH} ]; then
+ boot_failure "Missing ${INIT_LOG_PATH} directory."
+ fi
+ mount -n -t tmpfs -o size=100k,nr_inodes=10,mode=0755 tmpfs ${INIT_LOG_PATH} &&
+ touch ${INIT_LOG_FILE}
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ umount ${INIT_LOG_PATH}
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# keyboard
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load keyboard parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
+if [ -z ${KEYBOARD} ]; then
+ # Default value
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Configuring ${KEYBOARD} keyboard" loadkeys ${KEYBOARD}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# modules
+# Module auto-loading script
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Assure that the kernel has module support.
+if [ ! -e /proc/ksyms -a ! -e /proc/modules ]; then
+ exit 0
+ # Exit if there's no modules file
+ if [ ! -r /etc/sysconfig/modules ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "Loading modules:"
+ # Only try to load modules if the user has actually given us
+ # some modules to load.
+ while read module args; do
+ # Ignore comments and blank lines.
+ case "$module" in
+ ""|"#"*) continue ;;
+ esac
+ # Attempt to load the module, making
+ # sure to pass any arguments provided.
+ modprobe ${module} ${args} >/dev/null
+ # Print the module name if successful,
+ # otherwise take note.
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo " ${module}"
+ else
+ failedmod="${failedmod} ${module}"
+ fi
+ done < /etc/sysconfig/modules
+ # Print a failure message with a list of any
+ # modules that may have failed to load.
+ if [ -n "${failedmod}" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to load modules:${failedmod}"
+ fi
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Loading modules" modules_start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# mountfs
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # Remount the root partition in read-write mode.
+ cmd_run_log_box "Remounting root file system Read/Write" \
+ mount -o remount,rw /
+ # Remove the possible /fastboot and /forcefsck files. they are only
+ # supposed to be used during the next reboot's checkfs which just
+ # happened. If you want to fastboot or forcefsck again you'll have to
+ # recreate the files
+ rm -f /fastboot /forcefsck
+ # Walk through /etc/fstab and mount all file systems that don't have
+ # the noauto option set in the fs_mntops field (the 4th field. See man
+ # fstab for more info).
+ cmd_run_log_box "Mounting other file systems" mount -a -O no_netdev
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ # Unmount all the file systems, mounting the root file system
+ # read-only (all are unmounted but because root can't be unmounted
+ # at this point mount will automatically mount it read-only which
+ # is what is supposed to happen. This way no data can be written
+ # anymore to disk).
+ cmd_run_nolog_box "Unmounting file systems" umount -a -d -r -v -t notmpfs,noproc
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# mountkernfs
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # The "-n: option tells mount not to write to the /etc/mtab
+ # file (because /etc/mtab is a symbolic link to /proc/mounts,
+ # which we are in the process of mounting).
+ cmd_run_log_box "Mounting /proc file system" mount -n proc
+ cmd_run_log_box "Mounting /sys file system" mount -n sys
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ umount -n proc
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# mountnetfs
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+mountnetfs_stop() {
+ # The following line obtains a list from the output of
+ # mount for all netfs types and anything that was
+ # mounted with the _netdev option.
+ NETMOUNTS=`/bin/mount \
+ | /bin/grep '_netdev\|smbfs\|ncpfs|\coda\|nfs' \
+ | /usr/bin/cut -d " " -f 3 | /bin/sed 's/$/ /g'`
+ # Check to see if anything was listed from above
+ # (see if anything is actually needs to be unmounted)
+ if [ x"$NETMOUNTS" != x ]; then
+ # There is something mounted
+ # Try and stop processes the nice way
+ # (probably won't work in most cases)
+ /bin/fuser -TERM -m $NETMOUNTS > /dev/null
+ # Check and see if it found anything. If it
+ # did, then give 3 seconds for things to exit
+ # the nice way before killing them off.
+ # This one will work all of the time!
+ if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+ /bin/sleep 3
+ /bin/fuser -km $NETMOUNTS > /dev/null
+ fi
+ # We now need to unmount all network filesystems.
+ # We will do this with two umount commands to allow
+ # for broken behavior of smbmount, and also to make
+ # certain that netmounts without the _netdev option
+ # will still get unmounted.
+ /bin/umount -a -O _netdev
+ # save the return value from umount
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ fi
+ # Now catch the rest of the network filesystems
+ # by fstype. This list can be extended later as
+ # more network filesystems are supported by mount.
+ /bin/umount -a -t coda,ncpfs,nfs,smbfs
+ if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+ return ${NERRVAL}
+ else
+ # make certain that we return an error
+ fi
+ else
+ # There is nothing mounted
+ msg_log "No network volumes mounted!"
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # Walk through /etc/fstab and mount all file systems that have the
+ # _netdev option set in the fs_mntops field (the 4th field. See man
+ # fstab for more info).
+ cmd_run_log_box "Mounting network file systems" mount -a -O _netdev
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Unmounting network file systems" mountnetfs_stop
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# description: Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to
+# start at boot time.
+# Modified by Hugo Villeneuve
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load global network parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+# Check that the ip program is present and executable.
+if [ ! -x /sbin/ip ]; then
+ msg_log "*** ERROR: /sbin/ip not found."
+# Check that the hostname program is present and executable.
+if [ ! -x /bin/hostname ]; then
+ msg_log "*** ERROR: /bin/hostname not found."
+cd /etc/sysconfig/network
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ for i in ${INTERFACES_UP}; do
+ if LANG=C egrep -L "^ONBOOT=\"?[Yy][Ee][Ss]\"?" ifconfig.$i >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ cmd_run_log_box "Ethernet Adapter <$i> init" /etc/rc.d/init.d/ifup "$i"
+ fi
+ done
+ cmd_run_log_box "Setting hostname: ${DEFAULT_HOSTNAME}" /bin/hostname ${DEFAULT_HOSTNAME}
+ if [ -n "${GATEWAY}" ]; then
+ cmd_run_log_box "Adding default route to gateway ${GATEWAY}" ip route add default via ${GATEWAY}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ for i in ${INTERFACES_DN} ; do
+ if LC_ALL= LANG= ip link show dev $i 2> /dev/null | grep -q "UP" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ cmd_run_log_box "Ethernet Adapter <$i> stop" /etc/rc.d/init.d/ifdown "$i"
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ cd $CWD
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ echo "Active devices:"
+ /sbin/ip -oneline addr show up | grep inet \
+ | sed 's/\(^.*\): \([a-zA-Z0-9]*\) *inet \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/ \2 (\3)/'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# nfs This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
+# the NFS services.
+# description: NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP \
+# networks. This service provides NFS server functionality, \
+# which is configured via the /etc/exports file.
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load global network parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+# Check that networking is up.
+#[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit ${EXIT_CODE_WARNING}
+# Check for presence of executables
+if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd ]; then
+ echo "Missing rpc.nfsd executable"
+if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd ]; then
+ echo "Missing rpc.mountd executable"
+if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/exportfs ]; then
+ echo "Missing exportfs executable"
+if [ ! -s /etc/exports ]; then
+ echo "Missing /etc/exports configuration file"
+if [ "x${NFS_SERVER_ENA}" != "xyes" -a "x${NFS_SERVER_ENA}" != "xYes" -a "x${NFS_SERVER_ENA}" != "xYES" ]; then
+ msg_log "NFS server disabled in '/etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters'"
+# Check for and source configuration file otherwise set defaults
+# TUNE_QUEUE: controls whether to up the size of input queues
+[ -f /etc/sysconfig/network/nfs ] && . /etc/sysconfig/network/nfs
+[ -z "$MOUNTD_NFS_V2" ] && MOUNTD_NFS_V2=auto
+[ -z "$MOUNTD_NFS_V3" ] && MOUNTD_NFS_V3=auto
+# Number of servers to be started by default
+# Remote quota server
+[ -z "$RQUOTAD" ] && RQUOTAD=`type -path rpc.rquotad`
+# Get the initial values for the input sock queues
+# at the time of running the script.
+if [ "$TUNE_QUEUE" = "yes" ]; then
+ RMEM_DEFAULT=`/sbin/sysctl -n net.core.rmem_default`
+ RMEM_MAX=`/sbin/sysctl -n net.core.rmem_max`
+ # 256kb recommended minimum size based on SPECsfs NFS benchmarks
+ [ -z "$NFS_QS" ] && NFS_QS=262144
+MOUNTD_OPTIONS="$MOUNTD_OPTIONS --no-nfs-version 2"
+nfsd_start() {
+ # Apply input queue increase for nfs server
+ if [ "$TUNE_QUEUE" = "yes" ]; then
+ /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=$NFSD_QS >/dev/null 2>&1
+ /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=$NFSD_QS >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting NFS services" loadproc /usr/sbin/exportfs -ra
+ if [ -n "$RQUOTAD" -a "$RQUOTAD" != "no" ]; then
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting NFS quotas" loadproc rpc.rquotad
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting NFS daemon" loadproc rpc.nfsd $NFSDCOUNT
+ [ -n "$MOUNTD_PORT" ] \
+ [ "$MOUNTD_TCP" = "no" -o "$MOUNTD_TCP" = "NO" ] \
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting NFS mountd" loadproc rpc.mountd $MOUNTD_OPTIONS
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/nfs
+ # reset input queue for rest of network services
+ if [ "$TUNE_QUEUE" = "yes" ]; then
+ /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=$RMEM_DEFAULT >/dev/null 2>&1
+ /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=$RMEM_MAX >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+nfsd_stop() {
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping NFS mountd" killproc rpc.mountd
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping NFS daemon" killproc nfsd
+ if [ -n "$RQUOTAD" ]; then
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping NFS quotas" killproc rpc.rquotad
+ fi
+ # Do it the last so that clients can still access the server
+ # when the server is running.
+ echo "Refreshing NFS Exported Filesystems..."
+ /usr/sbin/exportfs -au
+ rm -f /var/lock/subsys/nfs
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "NFS server start" nfsd_start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "NFS server stop" nfsd_stop
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ /usr/sbin/exportfs -ra
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/nfs
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc rpc.mountd
+ statusproc nfsd
+ if [ -n "$RQUOTAD" ]; then
+ statusproc rpc.rquotad
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {reload|restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# portmap
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "portmap start" loadproc portmap
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "portmap stop" killproc portmap
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ reloadproc portmap
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc portmap
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {reload|restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# rc
+# By Jason Pearce - jason.pearce@linux.org
+# Modified by Gerard Beekmans - gerard@linuxfromscratch.org
+# print_error_msg based on ideas by Simon Perreault -
+# nomis80@videotron.ca
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+# If you uncomment the debug variable below none of the scripts will be
+# executed, just the script name and parameters will be echo'ed to the
+# screen so you can see how the scripts are called by rc.
+# If the return value of the scripts executed in each runlevel (start or stop)
+# is not 0 (success) or 1 (warning), something went wrong with error checking
+# inside the script. The print_error_msg function will be called and the
+# message plus the return value of the K script will be printed to the screen.
+# Prints an error message when an unforeseen error occurred that wasn't
+# trapped for some reason by error checking.
+ echo " Error in subscript \"${1}\" (${2})"
+ echo " Press a key to continue..."
+ read
+# Start script or program.
+ ${debug} "$@"
+ if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+ echo "$1 is not a valid symlink"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x $1 ]; then
+ echo "$1 is not executable, skipping"
+ fi
+# Configure for displaying only relevant messages to console
+/bin/dmesg -n ${LOGLEVEL}
+# Ignore CTRL-C only in this shell, so we can interrupt subprocesses.
+trap ":" INT QUIT TSTP
+# If no runlevel was passed as an argument, we won't change runlevels.
+if [ "${runlevel}" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: ${0} <runlevel>" >&2
+# PREVLEVEL is set by init
+# If PREVLEVEL is not set it means that there is no previous runlevel and
+# we'll set previous to N.
+if [ "${previous}" = "" ]; then
+ previous="N"
+# Is there an rc directory for the new runlevel?
+if [ ! -d /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d ]; then
+ echo "/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d directory does not exist"
+# First, attempt to stop all services started by previous runlevel,
+# and killed in this runlevel (K8 scripts
+# If so, first collect all the K* scripts in the new run level.
+if [ ${previous} != N ]; then
+ for kill_script in $(ls /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/K* 2> /dev/null); do
+ if [ -f ${kill_script} ]; then
+ # "suffix" will contain the script name without the leading Kxx.
+ suffix="${kill_script##*/K[0-9][0-9]}"
+ # If there is a S script in the previous runlevel corresponding
+ # to this K script, determine what it's full path is.
+ previous_start="/etc/rc.d/rc${previous}.d/S[0-9][0-9]${suffix}"
+ # If no start script was found in the previous run level it could
+ # be that something was started in rcS.d (sysinit level) so we'll
+ # determine the path for that possibility as well.
+ sysinit_start="/etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S[0-9][0-9]${suffix}"
+ # Stop the service if there is a start script in the previous run
+ # level or in the sysinit level. Otherwise, don't execute this K
+ # script because the service is not active.
+ if [ -f ${previous_start} -o -f ${sysinit_start} ]; then
+ startup ${kill_script} stop
+ retval=${?}
+ if [ ${retval} -ne ${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS} -a ${retval} -ne ${EXIT_CODE_WARNING} ]; then
+ print_error_msg ${kill_script} ${retval}
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+# Now run the START scripts for this runlevel.
+for start_script in $(ls /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/S* 2> /dev/null); do
+ # "suffix" will contain the script name without the leading Sxx.
+ suffix=${start_script#/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/S[0-9][0-9]}
+ # If there is a K script in the current runlevel corresponding
+ # to this S script, determine what it's full path is.
+ current_stop=/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/K[0-9][0-9]${suffix}
+ if [ ${previous} != "N" ]; then
+ # If there is a S script in the previous runlevel corresponding
+ # to this S script, determine what it's full path is.
+ previous_start=/etc/rc.d/rc${previous}.d/S[0-9][0-9]${suffix}
+ else
+ previous_start=""
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$previous_start" -a ! -f "$current_stop" ]; then
+ # If the service was started in the previous level and was not stopped
+ # in this runlevel, then we don't have to re-start it.
+ continue
+ else
+ # If the service was not started in the previous level, or if we just
+ # stopped it in this runlevel, then we need to start or restart it.
+ check_script_status ${start_script}
+ if [ ${?} = ${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS} ]; then
+ startup ${start_script} start
+ retval=${?}
+ if [ ${retval} -ne ${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS} -a ${retval} -ne ${EXIT_CODE_WARNING} ]; then
+ print_error_msg ${start_script} ${retval}
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# reboot
+# Call reboot. See man halt for the meaning of the parameters
+echo "System reboot in progress..."
+/sbin/reboot -d -f -i
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# sendsignals
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Send all the remaining processes the TERM signal
+cmd_run_log_box "Sending all processes the TERM signal" /sbin/killall5 -15
+# Send all the remaining process (after sending them the TERM signal before)
+# the KILL signal.
+cmd_run_log_box "Sending all processes the KILL signal" /sbin/killall5 -9
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# setclock
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load clock parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/clock
+case "$UTC" in
+ yes|true|1)
+ TIME_BASE="--utc"
+ ;;
+ no|false|0)
+ TIME_BASE="--localtime"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Setting system time from hardware clock value" \
+ /sbin/hwclock --hctosys "$TIME_BASE"
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Saving system time value in hardware clock" \
+ /sbin/hwclock --systohc "$TIME_BASE"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# sshd
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+SSHD="/usr/sbin/sshd -4"
+gen_keys() {
+ if [ ! -e /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key ] ; then
+ echo "Generating Hostkey..."
+ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ''
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key ] ; then
+ echo "Generating DSA-Hostkey..."
+ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -d -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ''
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ] ; then
+ echo "Generating RSA-Hostkey..."
+ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N ''
+ fi
+sshd_start() {
+ # Checking configuration
+ if [ ! -e /etc/ssh/sshd_config ] ; then
+ echo "You need an /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to run sshd"
+ echo "There is a sample file in /usr/share/doc/openssh"
+ fi
+ gen_keys
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ else
+ loadproc ${SSHD}
+ fi
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "sshd start" sshd_start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "sshd stop" killproc sshd
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ reloadproc sshd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc sshd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {reload|restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# swap
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Enabling swap partition" swapon -a
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Disabling swap partition" swapoff -a
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ swapon -s
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# syslogd
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting system log daemon" loadproc syslogd
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting kernel log daemon" loadproc klogd
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping kernel log daemon" killproc klogd
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping system log daemon" killproc syslogd
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_nolog_box "Reloading system log daemon configuration file" reloadproc syslogd 1
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc syslogd
+ statusproc klogd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# udev
+# Udev cold-plugging script
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+ # Udev handles uevents itself, so we don't need to have
+ # the kernel call out to any binary in response to them
+ echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug &&
+ # Copy static device nodes to /dev
+ cp -a /lib/udev/devices/* /dev &&
+ # Start the udev daemon to continually watch for, and act on,
+ # uevents
+ /sbin/udevd --daemon &&
+ # Now traverse /sys in order to "coldplug" devices that have
+ # already been discovered
+ /sbin/udevtrigger &&
+ # Now wait for udevd to process the uevents we triggered
+ /sbin/udevsettle
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ if ! grep -q '[[:space:]]sysfs' /proc/mounts; then
+ boot_failure "FAILURE: Unable to create devices without a SysFS filesystem."
+ fi
+ # Mount a temporary file system over /dev, so that any devices
+ # made or removed during this boot don't affect the next one.
+ # The reason we don't write to mtab is because we don't ever
+ # want /dev to be unavailable (such as by `umount -a').
+ mount -n -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev -o mode=755
+ if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
+ boot_failure "FAILURE: Cannot mount a tmpfs onto /dev."
+ fi
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Udevd start" udev_start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# udev_retry
+# Udev cold-plugging script (retry)
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+ # From Debian: "copy the rules generated before / was mounted
+ # read-write":
+ for file in /dev/.udev/tmp-rules--*; do
+ dest=${file##*tmp-rules--}
+ [ "$dest" = '*' ] && break
+ cat $file >> /etc/udev/rules.d/$dest
+ rm -f $file
+ done
+ # Re-trigger the failed uevents in hope they will succeed now
+ /sbin/udevtrigger --retry-failed &&
+ # Now wait for udevd to process the uevents we triggered
+ /sbin/udevsettle
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Retrying failed uvents, if any" udev_retry_start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE}-build &&
+../${PACKAGE}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+INSTALLBUILDDIR="/usr/lib/$(get_pkg_name ${1})-$(get_pkg_ver_major ${1})"
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-installbuilddir=${INSTALLBUILDDIR}/build &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# First, we only want to install the linker. This is done because the
+# source and build directories from stage1 were not kept.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-shared &&
+make tooldir=/usr &&
+make check &&
+make tooldir=/usr install &&
+cp -v -f ../${1}/include/libiberty.h /usr/include &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+# The configure system causes bison to be built without support for
+# internationalization of error messages if a bison program is not
+# already in $PATH. The following addition will correct this:
+echo '#define YYENABLE_NLS 1' >> config.h &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# "/etc/sysconfig/network/ifconfig.lo" file creation
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/network/ifconfig.lo << "EOF" &&
+IFSCOPE="scope host"
+for nic_device in ${INTERFACES}; do
+ file="/etc/sysconfig/network/ifconfig.${nic_device}"
+ echo "ONBOOT=\"yes\"" >> ${file} &&
+ echo "BOOTPROTO=\"${BOOTPROTO[${LOOP_INDEX}]}\"" >> ${file} &&
+ echo "IPADDR=\"${IP_ADDRESS[${LOOP_INDEX}]}\"" >> ${file} &&
+ echo "PREFIX_LENGTH=\"${PREFIX_LENGTH[${LOOP_INDEX}]}\"" >> ${file} &&
+ echo "IFSCOPE=\"\"" >> ${file} &&
+ evaluate_retval
+ if [ x${BOOTPROTO[${LOOP_INDEX}]} == "xdhcp" ]; then
+ DHCP_USED="yes"
+ fi
+# "/etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters" file creation
+echo "#!/bin/sh" > /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+echo "DOMAINNAME=\"${DOMAIN}\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+echo "DEFAULT_HOSTNAME=\"${MACHINE_NAME}.${DOMAIN}\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+echo "INTERFACES_UP=\"lo ${INTERFACES}\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+echo "INTERFACES_DN=\"${INTERFACES} lo\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+echo "GATEWAY=\"${GATEWAY}\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters &&
+cat >> /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters << EOF &&
+# On which network interface(s) to activate the DHCP server.
+# Leave empty or comment the line to disable the DHCP server.
+# Set to "yes" to enable the NFS server:
+# Set FIREWALL_ENA to "yes" to enable the firewall:
+# Set FIREWALL_LAN to the ethernet interface connected to the internal LAN:
+# Set FIREWALL_WWW to the ethernet interface connected to the outside world (internet):
+# "/etc/resolv.conf" file
+if [ x${DHCP_USED} == "xno" ]; then
+ if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then
+ rm -f /etc/resolv.conf || exit 1
+ fi
+ touch /etc/resolv.conf &&
+ for i in $(seq 0 $((${#NAMESERVER[@]} - 1))); do
+ echo "nameserver ${NAMESERVER[i]}" >> /etc/resolv.conf || exit 1
+ done
+ chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf
+ evaluate_retval
+# /etc/hosts file
+echo " localhost.localdomain localhost" > /etc/hosts
+if [ x${DHCP_USED} == "xno" ]; then
+ echo "${IP_ADDRESS[0]} ${MACHINE_NAME}.${DOMAIN} ${MACHINE_NAME}" >> /etc/hosts || exit 1
+chmod 644 /etc/hosts &&
+# Clock settings
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/clock << "EOF" &&
+# Keyboard settings
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/keyboard << "EOF" &&
+# Keyboard language: us, cf, fr, etc.
+# Replacing 'KEYBOARD=us' entry with appropriate keyboard layout specified by user in sysinfos
+if [ "x${KEYBOARD}" != "x" ]; then
+ sed -i s/KEYBOARD=us/KEYBOARD=${KEYBOARD}/ /etc/sysconfig/keyboard || exit 1
+# Copying boot scripts
+STAGE2_BOOTSCRIPTS="functions rc checkfs dhcp halt ifdown ifup initlog keyboard modules mountfs \
+ mountkernfs mountnetfs network nfs portmap reboot sendsignals setclock sshd swap sysklogd udev udev_retry"
+mkdir -p /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+for bootscript in ${STAGE2_BOOTSCRIPTS}; do
+ cp -a -f bootscripts/${bootscript} /etc/rc.d/init.d || exit 1
+done &&
+# Creating runlevels links
+for level in S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+ dir=/etc/rc.d/rc${level}.d
+ if [ -d ${dir} ]; then
+ # Removing old links
+ rm -f ${dir}/* || exit 1
+ else
+ # Creating basic directory structure
+ mkdir -v -p ${dir} || exit 1
+ fi
+done &&
+# rcS.d
+bootscript_add_rcS initlog 05 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS mountkernfs 10 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS modules 15 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS udev 20 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS swap 25 94 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS checkfs 30 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS mountfs 35 95 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS udev_retry 40 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS sysklogd 45 93 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS keyboard 50 00 &&
+bootscript_add_rcS setclock 55 92 &&
+# rc0.d
+bootscript_add_manual 0 sendsignals 95 00 &&
+bootscript_add_manual 0 halt 99 00 &&
+# rc3.d
+bootscript_add_rc3 network 05 80 &&
+bootscript_add_rc3 portmap 10 75 &&
+bootscript_add_rc3 nfs 15 74 &&
+bootscript_add_rc3 dhcp 20 73 &&
+bootscript_add_rc3 sshd 25 70 &&
+bootscript_add_rc3 mountnetfs 30 10 &&
+# rc6.d is almost identical to rc0.d
+bootscript_add_manual 6 sendsignals 95 00 &&
+bootscript_add_manual 6 reboot 99 00 &&
+chown -R root:root /etc/rc.d /etc/sysconfig
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -f Makefile-libbz2_so &&
+make clean &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make PREFIX=/usr install &&
+cp -fv bzip2-shared /bin/bzip2 &&
+cp -afv libbz2.so* /lib &&
+ln -sfv ../../lib/libbz2.so.1.0 /usr/lib/libbz2.so &&
+rm -fv /usr/bin/{bunzip2,bzcat,bzip2} &&
+ln -sfv bzip2 /bin/bunzip2 &&
+ln -sfv bzip2 /bin/bzcat
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+install -m755 ${CWD}/misc/compressdoc /usr/sbin &&
+# Compressing man pages with bzip2
+/usr/sbin/compressdoc --bz2
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Move some programs to their proper FHS locations:
+mv -v /usr/bin/{cat,chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,date,dd,df,echo} /bin &&
+mv -v /usr/bin/{false,hostname,ln,ls,mkdir,mknod,mv,pwd,readlink,rm} /bin &&
+mv -v /usr/bin/{rmdir,stty,sync,true,uname} /bin &&
+mv -v /usr/bin/chroot /usr/sbin &&
+# Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on head
+# sleep and nice. As /usr may not be available during the early stages
+# of booting, those binaries need to be on the root partition:
+mv -v /usr/bin/{head,sleep,nice} /bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/build_unix &&
+../dist/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-compat185 \
+ --enable-cxx &&
+make &&
+make docdir=/usr/share/doc/${1} install &&
+chown -Rv root:root /usr/share/doc/${1}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make LIBDIR=/usr/lib INCDIR=/usr/include install &&
+# This is for the DHCP client
+cat > /etc/dhclient.conf << "EOF" &&
+# dhclient.conf
+timeout 15;
+interface "eth0"{
+ supersede domain-name "_DOMAIN_";
+ prepend domain-name-servers;
+ request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
+ domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;
+ require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;
+sed -i -e "s!_DOMAIN_!${DOMAIN}!g" /etc/dhclient.conf &&
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp-client << "EOF" &&
+# dhcp-client
+# DHCP client program informations
+DHCP_START="-q -1"
+DHCP_STOP="-q -r"
+# Is it really necessary? If necessary, uncomment entries.
+cat > /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks << "EOF" &&
+# Load global network parameters
+. /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+# Update /etc/hosts only if we have an ip address.
+if [ -n "${new_ip_address}" ]; then
+ echo " localhost.localdomain localhost" > /etc/hosts &&
+ echo "${new_ip_address} ${DEFAULT_HOSTNAME}" >> /etc/hosts
+ exit_status=0
+ exit_status=1
+chmod 740 /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks &&
+# The following commands will create a base configuration file for a DHCP server.
+cat > /etc/dhcpd.conf << EOF
+# Configuration file for DHCP server.
+default-lease-time 72000;
+max-lease-time 144000;
+ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
+subnet netmask {
+ range;
+ option broadcast-address;
+ option routers;
+ option domain-name-servers;
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --with-root-prefix="" \
+ --enable-elf-shlibs &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+make install-libs
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+mv /usr/bin/{ed,red} /bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+save_flags_no_optimizations &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} bootstrap &&
+make install &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+restore_flags &&
+cat > /etc/skel/.emacs << "EOF"
+;; ~/.emacs
+;; Emacs initialization file
+;; Are we running XEmacs or Emacs?
+(defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version))
+;;; Emacs Load Path
+(setq load-path (cons "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp" load-path))
+;; Do not display a splash screen on startup
+(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
+;; Set up the keyboard so the delete key on both the regular keyboard
+;; and the keypad delete the character under the cursor and to the right
+;; under X, instead of the default, backspace behavior.
+(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
+(global-set-key [kp-delete] 'delete-char)
+;; Pour avoir les accents
+(set-keyboard-coding-system 'iso-8859-1)
+;; Turn on font-lock mode for Emacs
+(cond ((not running-xemacs)
+ (global-font-lock-mode t)
+;; Turn on font-lock mode for XEmacs
+(cond (running-xemacs
+ (require 'font-lock)
+;; Always end a file with a newline
+(setq require-final-newline t)
+;; Stop at the end of the file, not just add lines
+(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
+;; Replaces tabs in files with spaces
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+;; Enable wheelmouse support by default
+(setq mwheel-follow-mouse t)
+;; Makes the compilation buffer always scrolls to follow
+;; output as it comes in.
+(setq compilation-scroll-output t)
+;; Key bindings for compiling programs
+(defun compile-make-clean ()
+ (interactive) ;; can be called from kbd
+ (compile "make clean"))
+;; Must add helper function for the make also, otherwise
+;; the first definition caused both F4 and F5 to execute "make clean".
+(defun compile-make ()
+ (interactive)
+ (compile "make"))
+;; replace-string on F2
+(global-set-key [f2] 'replace-string)
+;; replace-string on F3
+(global-set-key [f3] 'query-replace)
+;; make clean on F4
+(global-set-key [f4] 'compile-make-clean)
+;; compile on F5
+(global-set-key [f5] 'compile-make)
+;; Goto next error on F6
+(global-set-key [f6] 'next-error)
+;; Indent code on F8
+(global-set-key [f8] 'indent-region)
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/findutils \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib/locate &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on find.
+# As /usr may not be available during the early stages of booting, this
+# program needs to be on the root partition. The updatedb script also
+# needs to be modified to correct an explicit path:
+mv -v /usr/bin/find /bin &&
+sed -i -e 's/find:=${BINDIR}/find:=\/bin/' /usr/bin/updatedb
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+ln -sfv libfl.a /usr/lib/libl.a &&
+# Create a bash script called lex that calls flex and have it emulate lex.
+cat > /usr/bin/lex << "EOF" &&
+# /usr/bin/lex
+exec /usr/bin/flex -l "$@"
+chmod -v 755 /usr/bin/lex
+# Return last error
+exit ${last_error}
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# Applying a sed substitution that will suppress the installation of
+# libiberty.a. We want to use the Binutils version of libiberty.a
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i 's/install_to_$(INSTALL_DEST) //' libiberty/Makefile.in &&
+# The bootstrap build performed in pass1 built GCC with the -fomit-frame-pointer
+# compiler flag. Non-bootstrap builds omit this flag by default, so the following sed
+# command is used in order to ensure consistent compiler builds.
+sed -i 's/^XCFLAGS =$/& -fomit-frame-pointer/' gcc/Makefile.in &&
+# Suppressing the running of the fixincludes script. */
+sed -i 's@\./fixinc\.sh@-c true@' gcc/Makefile.in &&
+# GCC provides a gccbug script which detects at compile time whether
+# mktemp is present, and hardcodes the result in a test. This will
+# cause the script to fall back to using less random names for temporary
+# files. We will be installing mktemp later, so the following sed will
+# simulate its presence:
+sed -i 's/@have_mktemp_command@/yes/' gcc/gccbug.in &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-threads=posix \
+ --enable-__cxa_atexit \
+ --enable-clocale=gnu \
+ --enable-languages=c,c++ \
+ --disable-bootstrap &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+ln -v -sf ../usr/bin/cpp /lib &&
+ln -v -sf gcc /usr/bin/cc &&
+# Performing compilation test...
+echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c &&
+cc dummy.c &&
+readelf -l a.out | grep ': /lib' 1> /dev/null 2>&1 &&
+rm dummy.c a.out &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# In the vi_VN.TCVN locale, bash enters an infinite loop at startup.
+# It is unknown whether this is a bash bug or a Glibc problem.
+# Disable installation of this locale in order to avoid the problem:
+sed -i '/vi_VN.TCVN/d' localedata/SUPPORTED &&
+# When running make install, a script called test-installation.pl
+# performs a small sanity test on our newly installed Glibc. However,
+# because our toolchain still points to the /tools directory, the
+# sanity test would be carried out against the wrong Glibc. We can
+# force the script to check the Glibc we have just installed with:
+sed -i 's|libs -o|libs -L/usr/lib -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/lib/ld-linux.so.2 -o|' \
+ scripts/test-installation.pl &&
+# The ldd shell script contains Bash-specific syntax. Change its
+# default program interpreter to /bin/bash in case another /bin/sh
+# is installed as described in the Shells chapter of the BLFS book:
+sed -i 's|@BASH@|/bin/bash|' elf/ldd.bash.in &&
+# Configure options:
+# --disable-profile
+# Builds the libraries without profiling information.
+# --enable-add-ons
+# Use all the add-ons it finds.
+# crypt and localdata are now part of glibc.
+# --enable-kernel=2.x.x
+# Compile the library for support of linux 2.6.x kernels.
+# The kernel version specified must not be newer than the
+# version of the kernel running on the build machine.
+# --without-gd
+# Prevents the build of the memusagestat program, which
+# strangely enough insists on linking against the host's
+# libraries (libgd, libpng, libz, and so forth).
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-profile \
+ --enable-add-ons \
+ --enable-kernel=${GLIBC_KERNEL_VERSION} \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/glibc &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+mkdir -p /tools/etc &&
+touch /tools/etc/ld.so.conf &&
+make install
+# The following instructions, instead of the install-locales target
+# above, will install the minimum set of locales necessary for the
+# tests to run successfully:
+mkdir -v -p /usr/lib/locale &&
+localedef -i de_DE -f ISO-8859-1 de_DE &&
+localedef -i de_DE@euro -f ISO-8859-15 de_DE@euro &&
+localedef -i en_HK -f ISO-8859-1 en_HK &&
+localedef -i en_PH -f ISO-8859-1 en_PH &&
+localedef -i en_US -f ISO-8859-1 en_US &&
+localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 &&
+localedef -i es_MX -f ISO-8859-1 es_MX &&
+localedef -i fa_IR -f UTF-8 fa_IR &&
+localedef -i fr_CA -f UTF-8 fr_CA.UTF-8 &&
+localedef -i fr_CA -f ISO-8859-1 fr_CA &&
+localedef -i ca_FR -f UTF-8 ca_FR.UTF-8 &&
+localedef -i ca_FR -f ISO-8859-1 ca_FR &&
+localedef -i fr_FR -f ISO-8859-1 fr_FR &&
+localedef -i fr_FR@euro -f ISO-8859-15 fr_FR@euro &&
+localedef -i fr_FR -f UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 &&
+localedef -i it_IT -f ISO-8859-1 it_IT &&
+localedef -i ja_JP -f EUC-JP ja_JP &&
+cat > /etc/nsswitch.conf << "EOF" &&
+# /etc/nsswitch.conf
+passwd: files
+group: files
+shadow: files
+hosts: files dns
+networks: files
+protocols: files
+services: files
+ethers: files
+rpc: files
+ln -sf ${TIMEZONE} /usr/share/zoneinfo/localtime &&
+cp --remove-destination /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TIMEZONE} /etc/localtime &&
+cat > /etc/ld.so.conf << "EOF"
+# /etc/ld.so.conf
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Many screen fonts don't have Unicode single quotes and dashes in
+# them. Tell Groff to use the ASCII equivalents instead:
+sed -i -e 's/2010/002D/' -e 's/2212/002D/' \
+ -e 's/2018/0060/' -e 's/2019/0027/' font/devutf8/R.proto &&
+PAGE=letter ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-multibyte &&
+# Groff does not like to be made in parallel.
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Some documentation programs, such as xman, will not work properly without
+# the following symlinks:
+ln -fsv eqn /usr/bin/geqn &&
+ln -fsv tbl /usr/bin/gtbl
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+mkdir -p /boot/grub &&
+cp -a ${GRUB_STAGE_FILES}/stage{1,2} /boot/grub &&
+cp -a ${GRUB_STAGE_FILES}/{e2fs,reiserfs}_stage1_5 /boot/grub
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --bindir=/bin &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+mv -fv /bin/{gzexe,uncompress,zcmp,zdiff,zegrep} /usr/bin &&
+mv -fv /bin/{zfgrep,zforce,zgrep,zless,zmore,znew} /usr/bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+BIN_UTILITIES="camera-download cd-erase cd-copy pstopdf distro-backup dos2unix \
+ dvd-ram-format fix-avi gztobz2 hv-backup hv-video-dvd mail-files \
+ mail-if-fail mail-statistics media-write pstopdf replace.pl \
+ rotatelogs setdate strip-debug-symbols tildes-clean"
+for program in ${BIN_UTILITIES}; do
+ install -v ${SRCDIR}/${program} ${BINDIR} || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# iana-etc installs /etc/services and /etc/protocols using data from the
+# Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# This is only a basic installation (no servers) of inetutils.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --disable-logger \
+ --disable-syslogd \
+ --disable-whois \
+ --disable-servers &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+mv -fv /usr/bin/ping /bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# The installation of two manual pages is broken and results in
+# dangling symlinks. Fix this with the following command:
+sed -i -e '/tc-bfifo.8/d' -e '/tc-pfifo.8/s/pbfifo/bfifo/' Makefile &&
+make SBINDIR=/sbin -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make SBINDIR=/sbin install &&
+# The arpd binary links against the Berkeley DB libraries that reside
+# in /usr and uses a database in /var/lib/arpd/arpd.db. Thus,
+# according to the FHS, it must be in /usr/sbin. Move it there:
+mv -v /sbin/arpd /usr/sbin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# --datadir=/lib/kbd
+# This option puts keyboard layout data in a directory that will
+# always be on the root partition instead of the default /usr/share/kbd
+./configure \
+ --datadir=/lib/kbd &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on kbd_mode,
+# openvt, and setfont. As /usr may not be available during the early stages
+# of booting, those binaries need to be on the root partition:
+mv -v /usr/bin/{kbd_mode,openvt,setfont} /bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# The ARCH variable must be exported for this script
+# to work correctly for architectures other than PC.
+# eg. export ARCH=powerpc
+# We don't compile anything, we only install headers
+#unset CROSS_COMPILE &&
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Move files to their final destination
+mkdir -pv ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+mv ${LFS_TMP}/${1} ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+# Remove any previous link. Otherwise, the
+# new link would be created inside kernel directory.
+cd ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+rm -fv linux &&
+ln -sfv ${1} linux &&
+# First step, install kernel API headers:
+cd ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} mrproper &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} headers_check &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install &&
+mkdir -pv ${SYSROOT}/usr/include &&
+cp -rv dest/include/* ${SYSROOT}/usr/include &&
+# Second, install HV kernel compilation script:
+cd ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+VERSION=$(get_pkg_ver ${1}) &&
+echo "#!/bin/sh" > compile-kernel &&
+echo "KERNEL_VERSION=${VERSION}" >> compile-kernel &&
+echo "DEST=/boot" >> compile-kernel &&
+cat >> compile-kernel << "EOF" &&
+make bzImage &&
+make modules &&
+make modules_install &&
+cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage ${DEST}/vmlinuz-${KERNEL_VERSION} &&
+cp System.map ${DEST}/System-${KERNEL_VERSION}.map &&
+cp .config ${DEST}/config-${KERNEL_VERSION}
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "*** Kernel compilation error ***."
+ exit 1
+exit 0
+chmod -v u+x compile-kernel
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# SED substitution to add the -R switch to the PAGER variable so that escape
+# sequences are properly handled by Less.
+sed -i 's@-is@&R@g' configure &&
+# SED substitution to comment out the MANPATH /usr/man line in the man.conf
+# file to prevent redundant results when using programs such as whatis.
+sed -i 's@MANPATH./usr/man@#&@g' src/man.conf.in &&
+./configure -confdir=/etc &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# --enable-zlib: To handle compressed kernel modules.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/ \
+ --enable-zlib &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make INSTALL=install install &&
+cat > /etc/modprobe.conf << "EOF"
+# modprobe.conf
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --with-shared \
+ --without-debug \
+ --enable-widec &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Fix a library that shouldn't be executable.
+chmod -v 644 /usr/lib/libncurses++w.a &&
+# To be FHS compliant...
+mv -fv /usr/lib/libncursesw.so.5* /lib &&
+# Fixing some symlinks after the move
+ln -sfv ../../lib/libncursesw.so.5 /usr/lib/libncursesw.so &&
+# Many applications still expect the linker to be able to find
+# non-wide-character Ncurses libraries. Trick such applications
+# into linking with wide-character libraries by means of symlinks
+# and linker scripts:
+for lib in curses ncurses form panel menu ; do
+ rm -vf /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so
+ echo "INPUT(-l${lib}w)" >/usr/lib/lib${lib}.so
+ ln -sfv lib${lib}w.a /usr/lib/lib${lib}.a
+ln -sfv libncurses++w.a /usr/lib/libncurses++.a &&
+# Finally, make sure that old applications that look for
+# -lcurses at build time are still buildable:
+rm -vf /usr/lib/libcursesw.so &&
+echo "INPUT(-lncursesw)" >/usr/lib/libcursesw.so &&
+ln -sfv libncurses.so /usr/lib/libcurses.so &&
+ln -sfv libncursesw.a /usr/lib/libcursesw.a &&
+ln -sfv libncurses.a /usr/lib/libcurses.a
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+yes "" | make config &&
+sed -i -e 's|HAVE_IP_TOOLS 0|HAVE_IP_TOOLS 1|g' \
+ -e 's|HAVE_MII 0|HAVE_MII 1|g' config.h &&
+sed -i -e 's|# HAVE_IP_TOOLS=0|HAVE_IP_TOOLS=1|g' \
+ -e 's|# HAVE_MII=0|HAVE_MII=1|g' config.make &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make update
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# This package needs the user 'nobody'
+hv_useradd -c nobody -d /home -g nogroup -s /bin/bash -u 99 nobody &&
+# Problem with build directory
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --disable-nfsv4 \
+ --disable-gss &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+cat > /etc/exports << "EOF"
+# NFS file systems export list
+# An entry in /etc/exports will typically look like this:
+# directory machine1(option11,option12) machine2(option21,option22)
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+install -v -m700 -d /var/lib/sshd &&
+chown -v root:sys /var/lib/sshd &&
+hv_groupadd sshd &&
+hv_useradd -c sshd-privsep -d /var/lib/sshd -g sshd -s /bin/false sshd &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/openssh \
+ --with-md5-passwords \
+ --with-privsep-path=/var/lib/sshd &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+ /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+# Disabling root logins
+sed -i -e "s!^#PermitRootLogin.*!PermitRootLogin no!g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config &&
+# Enabling X11 forwarding
+sed -i -e "s!^#X11Forwarding.*!X11Forwarding yes!g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config &&
+# Setting MaxAuthTries to 1
+sed -i -e "s!^#MaxAuthTries.*!MaxAuthTries 1!g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./config \
+ --openssldir=/etc/ssl \
+ --prefix=/usr shared &&
+# Install the man pages in /usr/share/man instead of the default
+# which is /etc/ssl/man
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} MANDIR=/usr/share/man &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} MANDIR=/usr/share/man install &&
+cp -v -r certs /etc/ssl
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --libdir=/lib \
+ --sbindir=/lib/security \
+ --enable-securedir=/lib/security \
+ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${1} \
+ --enable-read-both-confs &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+chmod -v 4755 /lib/security/unix_chkpwd &&
+mv -v /lib/security/pam_tally /sbin &&
+mv -v /lib/libpam{,c,_misc}.la /usr/lib &&
+sed -i 's| /lib| /usr/lib|' /usr/lib/libpam_misc.la &&
+if [ -L /lib/libpam.so ]; then
+ for LINK in libpam{,c,_misc}.so; do
+ ln -v -sf ../../lib/$(readlink /lib/${LINK}) /usr/lib/${LINK} &&
+ rm -v /lib/${LINK}
+ done
+fi &&
+mkdir -p /etc/pam.d &&
+cat > /etc/pam.d/other << EOF &&
+# /etc/pam.d/other
+auth required pam_unix.so nullok
+account required pam_unix.so
+session required pam_unix.so
+password required pam_unix.so nullok
+cat > /etc/pam.conf << EOF
+# /etc/pam.conf
+other auth required pam_unix.so nullok
+other account required pam_unix.so
+other session required pam_unix.so
+other password required pam_unix.so nullok
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd /${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# This command suppresses some unneeded screen output from the update-pciids
+# command if you don't have either Lynx or Wget installed by redirecting the
+# stderr output of the embedded which command to /dev/null.
+sed -i 's/null ;/null 2>\&1 ;/' update-pciids.sh &&
+make PREFIX=/usr &&
+make PREFIX=/usr install &&
+# Some packages require the PCI static library.
+install -v -m 755 -d /usr/include/pci &&
+install -v -m 644 lib/libpci.a /usr/lib &&
+install -v -m 644 lib/*.h /usr/include/pci
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# First create a basic /etc/hosts file to be referenced in one
+# of Perl's configuration files as well as the optional testsuite:
+echo " localhost $(hostname)" > /etc/hosts &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure.gnu \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
+ -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
+ -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR" &&
+# Perl does not like to be made in parallel?
+make &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+var_add_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" &&
+var_export "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# fix taken backported from the development version of popt fixes
+# a problem identified by the included testsuite:
+sed -i -e "/*origOptString ==/c 0)" popt.c &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+cat > /etc/default/useradd << "EOF" &&
+# useradd defaults file
+chmod -v 644 /etc/default/useradd &&
+if [ -n "${REGUSER}" ]; then
+ hv_useradd -g users -G audio,video,usb -s /bin/bash -m ${REGUSER} || exit 1
+fi &&
+echo "Copying /etc/skel files to root directory" &&
+# Copy skel files to root directory. First create a copy to change owner
+cp -au /etc/skel/.??* /root &&
+# Fixing ownership of directories /tmp and /var/log (may have been created by
+# a regular user when fetching packages).
+chown -v root:root /tmp &&
+chown -v root:root /var &&
+chown -v root:root /var/log
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# By default, Psmisc's pidof program is not installed. This usually is
+# not a problem because it is installed later in the Sysvinit package,
+# which provides a better pidof program.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --exec-prefix="" &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# There is no reason for the pstree and pstree.x11 programs to reside
+# in /bin. Therefore, move them to /usr/bin:
+mv -v /bin/pstree* /usr/bin
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Reinstalling Readline will cause the old libraries to be moved to
+# <libraryname>.old. While this is normally not a problem, in some
+# cases it can trigger a linking bug in ldconfig. This can be
+# avoided by issuing the following two seds:
+sed -i '/MV.*old/d' Makefile.in &&
+sed -i '/{OLDSUFF}/c:' support/shlib-install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libdir=/lib &&
+# SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses: Forces Readline to link against the libncurses library.
+make SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses &&
+make install &&
+# Now move the static libraries to a more appropriate location:
+mv -v /lib/lib{readline,history}.a /usr/lib &&
+# Next, remove the .so files in /lib and relink them into /usr/lib:
+rm -v /lib/lib{readline,history}.so &&
+ln -sfv ../../lib/libreadline.so.5 /usr/lib/libreadline.so &&
+ln -sfv ../../lib/libhistory.so.5 /usr/lib/libhistory.so
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sbindir=/sbin &&
+# Doesn't seem to use CFLAGS...
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+ln -sf reiserfsck /sbin/fsck.reiserfs &&
+ln -sf mkreiserfs /sbin/mkfs.reiserfs
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --libdir=/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --without-selinux &&
+# Disable the installation of the groups program and its man page, as
+# Coreutils provides a better version.
+sed -i 's/groups$(EXEEXT) //' src/Makefile &&
+find man -name Makefile -exec sed -i '/groups/d' {} \; &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+cp -f ../${1}/etc/{limits,login.access} /etc &&
+# Instead of using the default crypt method, we want to use the more secure
+# MD5 method of password encryption, which also allows passwords longer than
+# 8 characters. We also need to change the obsolete /var/spool/mail location
+# for user mailboxes that Shadow uses by default to the /var/mail location
+# used currently. We accomplish both these things by changing the relevant
+# configuration file while copying it to its destination.
+sed -e's@#MD5_CRYPT_ENAB.no@MD5_CRYPT_ENAB yes@' \
+ -e 's@/var/spool/mail@/var/mail@' \
+ ../${1}/etc/login.defs > /etc/login.defs
+var_add_shadow "ENV_SUPATH" /etc/login.defs "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" &&
+# Move some misplaced symlinks/programs to their proper locations.
+mv /usr/bin/passwd /bin &&
+# Move Shadow's libraries to more appropriate locations.
+mv /lib/libshadow.*a /usr/lib &&
+rm /lib/libshadow.so &&
+ln -sf ../../lib/libshadow.so.0 /usr/lib/libshadow.so &&
+# The -D option of the useradd program requires this directory for it
+# to work properly.
+mkdir -p /etc/default &&
+# To enable shadowed passwords:
+pwconv &&
+# To enable shadowed group passwords:
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+/tools/bin/find /{,usr/}{bin,lib,sbin} -type f \
+ -exec /tools/bin/strip --strip-debug '{}' ';'
+# Return success
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+cat > /etc/sudoers << EOF &&
+# User alias specification
+User_Alias ADMIN = _REGUSER_
+# Allow people in group ADMIN to run all commands without a password
+sed -i -e "s!_REGUSER_!${REGUSER}!g" /etc/sudoers &&
+chmod 600 /etc/sudoers
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+cat > /etc/syslog.conf << "EOF"
+# /etc/syslog.conf
+auth,authpriv.* -/var/log/auth.log
+*.*;auth,authpriv.none -/var/log/sys.log
+daemon.* -/var/log/daemon.log
+kern.* -/var/log/kern.log
+mail.* -/var/log/mail.log
+user.* -/var/log/user.log
+cron.* -/var/log/cron.log
+*.emerg *
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i 's@Sending processes@& started by init@g' src/init.c &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} -C src &&
+make -C src install &&
+# Configuring Sysvinit
+cat > /etc/inittab << "EOF"
+# /etc/inittab
+# SysVinit
+# Each non-comment line is a data record entry with the following format:
+# <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
+# id: Unique sequence of 1-4 characters identifying an entry in inittab
+# runlevels: lists the runlevels for which the specified action should be taken
+# action: describes which action should be taken
+# process: specifies the process to be executed
+# Default runlevel
+# System initialization before anything else (runs when system boots).
+si::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc S
+# System halting
+l0:0:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 0
+# Single-user mode
+l1:1:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 1
+# Not used
+l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 2
+# Full multi-user mode
+l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 3
+# Not used
+l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 4
+# Full multi-user mode (X-windows)
+l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 5
+# System reboot
+l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 6
+ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now
+# getty-programs for the normal runlevels
+# 'getty' opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the
+# /bin/login command.
+# The <id> field MUST be the same as the last
+# characters of the device (after "tty").
+1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty1
+2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty2
+3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty3
+4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty4
+5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty5
+6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6
+# Run xdm or kdm in runlevel 5
+# kdm or xdm is now a separate service
+x:5:respawn:/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make install &&
+# Creating /etc/hosts.allow
+cat > /etc/hosts.allow << "EOF" &&
+# Creating /etc/hosts.deny
+cat > /etc/hosts.deny << "EOF"
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+make TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf install-tex
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# First, backup the /tools linker, and replace it with the adjusted linker
+# we made in chapter 5. We'll also create a link to its counterpart in
+# /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin.
+mv -v /tools/bin/{ld,ld-old} &&
+mv -v /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/{ld,ld-old} &&
+mv -v /tools/bin/{ld-new,ld} &&
+ln -sv /tools/bin/ld /tools/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/bin/ld &&
+# Amend the GCC specs file so that it points to the new dynamic linker, and so
+# that GCC knows where to find its start files.
+gcc -dumpspecs | sed \
+ -e 's@/tools/lib/ld-linux.so.2@/lib/ld-linux.so.2@g' \
+ -e '/\*startfile_prefix_spec:/{n;s@.*@/usr/lib/ @}' \
+ -e '/\*cpp:/{n;s@$@ -isystem /usr/include@}' > \
+ `dirname $(gcc --print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs &&
+# Testing toolchain
+cd /tmp &&
+echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c &&
+cc dummy.c -Wl,--verbose &> dummy.log &&
+if [ ! readelf -l a.out | grep 'Requesting program interpreter: /lib/' \
+ 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! grep "attempt to open /usr/lib/crt.* succeeded" dummy.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! grep "attempt to open /lib/libc.so.6 succeeded" dummy.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! grep "found ld-linux.so.2 at /lib/ld-linux.so.2" dummy.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+fi &&
+rm dummy.c a.out
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -dv /lib/{firmware,udev/devices/{pts,shm}} &&
+if [ ! -c /lib/udev/devices/null ]; then
+ mknod -m0666 /lib/udev/devices/null c 1 3 || exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! -h /lib/udev/devices/fd ]; then
+ ln -sfv /proc/self/fd /lib/udev/devices/fd || exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! -h /lib/udev/devices/stdin ]; then
+ ln -sfv /proc/self/fd/0 /lib/udev/devices/stdin || exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! -h /lib/udev/devices/stdout ]; then
+ ln -sfv /proc/self/fd/1 /lib/udev/devices/stdout || exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! -h /lib/udev/devices/stderr ]; then
+ ln -sfv /proc/self/fd/2 /lib/udev/devices/stderr || exit 1
+fi &&
+if [ ! -h /lib/udev/devices/core ]; then
+ ln -sfv /proc/kcore /lib/udev/devices/core || exit 1
+fi &&
+make EXTRAS="`echo extras/*/`" &&
+make DESTDIR=/ EXTRAS="`echo extras/*/`" install &&
+# First install the commonly-used rules files provided by Udev:
+cp -v etc/udev/rules.d/[0-9]* /etc/udev/rules.d/ &&
+# Install the documentation that explains how to create custom Udev rules:
+#install -m644 -v docs/writing_udev_rules/index.html \
+# /usr/share/doc/${1}/index.html &&
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/modules << "EOF" &&
+# Add modules that must be manually loaded in this file,
+# one per line.
+chmod -v 644 /etc/sysconfig/modules &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make install &&
+# Install the documentation that explains the LFS-specific rules files:
+make install-doc &&
+# Install the documentation that explains the commonly-used rules files provided by Udev:
+make install-extra-doc
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# The FHS recommends that we use /var/lib/hwclock, instead of the usual
+# /etc, as the location for the adjtime file. To make the hwclock program
+# FHS-compliant, run the following:
+sed -e 's@etc/adjtime@var/lib/hwclock/adjtime@g' -i $(grep -rl '/etc/adjtime' .) &&
+mkdir -pv /var/lib/hwclock &&
+./configure &&
+# HAVE_KILL=yes: This prevents the kill program (already installed by
+# Procps) from being built and installed again.
+# HAVE_SLN=yes: This prevents the sln program (a statically linked
+# ln already installed by Glibc) from being built and
+# installed again.
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes &&
+make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+ZLIB_VERSION=$(get_pkg_ver ${1})
+# Zlib is known to build its shared library incorrectly if CFLAGS is
+# specified in the environment. We need to add the -fPIC directive to CFLAGS
+# for the duration of the below configure command, then remove it afterwards.
+export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fPIC"
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --shared \
+ --libdir=/lib &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+# Installing the shared library
+make install &&
+# The previous command installed a .so file in /lib. We will remove
+# it and relink it into /usr/lib:
+rm -v /lib/libz.so &&
+ln -sfv ../../lib/libz.so.${ZLIB_VERSION} /usr/lib/libz.so &&
+# Now also build the non-shared (static) library:
+make clean &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make -j ${MAKEJOBS} &&
+make install &&
+# Fix the permissions on the static library:
+chmod 644 /usr/lib/libz.a
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+echo "Creating /etc/fstab" &&
+cat > /etc/fstab << "EOF"
+# Device Mount point FS-type Options Dump Fsck-order
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ -n "${BOOT_PARTITION}" ]; then
+ echo "${BOOT_PARTITION} /boot ext2 defaults 1 1" >> /etc/fstab || exit 1
+if [ -n "${SWAP_PARTITION}" ]; then
+ echo "${SWAP_PARTITION} none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab || exit 1
+echo "${LFS_PARTITION} / reiserfs defaults,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,users 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "/dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,noauto,users 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=4,mode=620 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults,devmode=0666 0 0" >> /etc/fstab &&
+echo "Creating /etc/profile" &&
+cat > /etc/profile << "EOF" &&
+# /etc/profile
+# System wide environment and startup programs
+# Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
+# This is the first file read by bash during the logon process.
+export USER=`id -un`
+export MAIL="/var/mail/$USER"
+export HISTFILESIZE=1000
+export HISTSIZE=1000
+export HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
+export CFLAGS="-pipe -O2"
+# Set default permissions when creating new files.
+if [ `id -gn` = `id -un` -a `id -u` -gt 14 ]; then
+ # Normal user
+ umask 002
+ # Root
+ umask 022
+if [ -z "$INPUTRC" -a ! -f "$HOME/.inputrc" ]; then
+ export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
+# This disables generation of 'core' files when an application exit abnormally
+ulimit -c 0
+if [ $USER = 'root' ]; then
+ PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH:/usr/local/sbin"
+export LANG="en_US.ISO8859-1"
+# The sort order of ls output is affected by the locale and
+# can be overridden by the LC_COLLATE environment variable.
+# For example, if LC_COLLATE equals C, dot files appear first,
+# followed by names beginning with upper-case letters, then
+# followed by names beginning with lower-case letters. But if
+# LC_COLLATE equals en_US.ISO8859-1, then leading dots as well
+# as case are ignored in determining the sort order.
+export LC_COLLATE=C
+sed -i -e "s!_DEFAULT_EDITOR_!${DEFAULT_EDITOR}!g" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_str "CFLAGS" /etc/profile "-march=${MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE}" &&
+echo "Creating /etc/bashrc" &&
+cat > /etc/bashrc << "EOF" &&
+# /etc/bashrc
+# System wide functions and aliases
+# Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile
+alias df='df -h'
+alias du='du -h -s'
+# --show-control-chars is for seeing international characters in filenames
+alias ls='ls -h --color=auto --show-control-chars'
+alias halt='/sbin/halt'
+alias reboot='/sbin/reboot'
+eval $(dircolors --sh /etc/DIR_COLORS)
+# For some unknown reason bash refuses to inherit PS1 in some circumstances
+# that I can't figure out. Putting PS1 here ensures that it gets loaded every
+# time.
+# \h = Display hostname
+# \s = Display shell name (bash)
+# \v = Display shell version
+# \w = Display complete path
+# \W = Dispaly only current directory
+# \$ = Display '#'
+if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
+ #we're on the system console or maybe telnetting in
+ export PS1="\u(\W)\$"
+ #export PS1="\[\e[32;1m\]\u@\H > \[\e[0m\]"
+ #we're not on the console, assume an xterm
+ #export PS1="\[\e]2;\u@\H \w\a\e[32;1m\]>\[\e[0m\] "
+ export PS1="\[\e]2;[\u] \w\a\e[32;1m\]>\[\e[0m\] "
+echo "Creating /etc/inputrc" &&
+cat > /etc/inputrc << "EOF" &&
+# Begin /etc/inputrc
+# Enable 8bit input
+set meta-flag On
+set input-meta On
+# Turns off 8th bit stripping
+set convert-meta Off
+# Keep the 8th bit for display
+set output-meta On
+# none, visible or audible
+set bell-style none
+# All of the following map the escape sequence of the value contained inside
+# the 1st argument to the readline specific functions
+"\eOd": backward-word
+"\eOc": forward-word
+# for linux console
+"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
+"\e[4~": end-of-line
+"\e[5~": beginning-of-history
+"\e[6~": end-of-history
+"\e[3~": delete-char
+"\e[2~": quoted-insert
+# for xterm
+"\eOH": beginning-of-line
+"\eOF": end-of-line
+echo "Creating /etc/skel and it's files" &&
+mkdir -p /etc/skel &&
+cat > /etc/skel/.bash_logout << "EOF" &&
+# ~/.bash_logout
+cat > /etc/skel/.bash_profile << "EOF" &&
+# ~/.bash_profile
+# User specific environment and startup programs
+# This file is the second read by bash during the logon process.
+# Get the aliases and functions
+if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
+ . ~/.bashrc
+export BASH_ENV
+cat > /etc/skel/.bashrc << "EOF" &&
+# ~/.bashrc
+# User specific aliases and functions
+# This file is executed each time an xterm window
+# is started.
+# Source global definitions
+if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
+ . /etc/bashrc
+alias rm='rm -i'
+alias mv='mv -i'
+alias cp='cp -i'
+echo "Creating /etc/host.conf" &&
+cat > /etc/host.conf << "EOF" &&
+# /etc/host.conf
+# Lookup names via DNS first then fall back to /etc/hosts.
+order bind,hosts
+# Allow multiple addresses.
+multi on
+# Check for IP address spoofing.
+nospoof on
+chmod 644 /etc/host.conf &&
+echo "Creating /etc/shells" &&
+cat > /etc/shells << "EOF" &&
+chmod 644 /etc/shells &&
+echo "Installing /etc/DIR_COLORS" &&
+install -m644 ${CWD}/misc/DIR_COLORS /etc/DIR_COLORS &&
+echo "Creating /etc/shutdown.allow" &&
+echo "${REGUSER}" > /etc/shutdown.allow
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration informations (entered by the user)
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# In order for root to be able to login and for the name "root" to be
+# recognized, there need to be relevant entries in the /etc/group file.
+cat > /etc/group << "EOF"
+# Used by MTAs (Mail Transport Agents)
+# Default group used by some programs that do not require a group.
+# The default GID used by shadow for new users
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration informations (entered by the user)
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# In order for root to be able to login and for the name "root" to be
+# recognized, there need to be relevant entries in the /etc/passwd file.
+echo "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" > /etc/passwd
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+PROG_NAME=$(basename $0)
+DIRNAME=$(date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M)
+ echo "Usage: ${PROG_NAME} [OPTION]..."
+ echo
+ echo "Copy and delte images from digital camera."
+ echo
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h display this help and exit"
+ exit 0
+while getopts "h" flag ;do
+ case ${flag} in
+ h)
+ print_usage
+ ;;
+ ?)
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Invalid option: ${OPTARG}."
+ echo "Try \`${PROG_NAME} -h' for more information."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr "${OPTIND}" - 1`
+# `$#' now represents the number of arguments after the options.
+# `$1' is the first argument, etc.
+if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Too many arguments."
+ echo "Try \`${PROG_NAME} -h' for more information."
+ exit 1
+if ! mount | grep ${MOUNTPOINT} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ mount ${MOUNTPOINT} || exit 1
+mkdir -p ~/camera/${DIRNAME} &&
+mv ${MOUNTPOINT}/dcim/???_???? ~/camera/${DIRNAME}
+umount /media/camera
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# cd-copy: CD to CD copy
+# Load configuration informations about device
+. /etc/sysconfig/cdrecord
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0)"
+if [ $# != 0 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+if [ "x${CDROM_DEVICE}" != "x${CDREC_DEVICE}" ];then
+ CDRDAO_OPTS="--on-the-fly"
+cdrdao copy ${CDRDAO_OPTS} \
+ --source-device ${CDROM_DEVICE} \
+ --device ${CDREC_DEVICE} ${CDRECORD_OPTS} --eject
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# cd-erase
+# Load configuration informations about device
+. /etc/sysconfig/cdrecord
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) {all|fast|session}"
+if [ $# = 0 -o $# -gt 1 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+case "${ERASE_TYPE}" in
+ all)
+ ;;
+ fast)
+ ;;
+ session)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+cdrecord ${CDRECORD_OPTS} dev=${CDREC_DEVICE} blank=${ERASE_TYPE}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+srand (time());
+my $randletter = "(int (rand (26)) + (int (rand (1) + .5) % 2 ? 65 : 97))";
+my $salt = sprintf ("%c%c", eval $randletter, eval $randletter);
+my $plaintext = shift;
+my $crypttext = crypt ($plaintext, $salt);
+print "${crypttext}\n";
--- /dev/null
+# linux HV backup
+export MEDIA_DEV="/dev/dvd"
+export MEDIA_DIR="/media/dvd"
+export BKP_TMP_DIR=/mnt/video/tmp
+BKP_FILES_LIST="/bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /opt /root /sbin /var /usr"
+media-write ${BKP_FILES_LIST}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+ echo "$(basename $0) -- Translates multiple DOS text file to UNIX."
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) dos-text-file"
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ # Checking if input file exist.
+ if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+ echo "$0: File $1 not found."
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # DOS files lines ends with CR+LF. Unix files lines ends with LF.
+ # Removing CR from DOS file (CR is 0x0D --> 015 in octal notation).
+ tr -d '\015' < $1 > $TMPFILE
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ # Success
+ mv $TMPFILE $1
+ fi
+ shift
+if [ -f $TMPFILE ]; then
--- /dev/null
+mkudffs --spartable=2 --media-type=dvdram /dev/dvdram
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# A script to correct the resolution of an AVI file and
+# make a DVD without any stretching or squashing
+# NTSC values
+# Precision of computations
+ echo "Usage: ${PROG_NAME} [OPTION]... WIDTHxHEIGHT"
+ echo
+ echo "Outputs ffmpeg options to correctly convert an AVI file,"
+ echo "of width WIDTH and height HEIGHT, for creating a"
+ echo "video DVD."
+ echo
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h display this help and exit"
+ echo " -w output in widescreen format (preferred)"
+ echo " -v verbose output"
+ echo
+ echo "When encoding to a 16:9 aspect MPEG (*see note below*)"
+ echo "
+ 4:3 Not Applicable: See above table for 1.33 resolutions
+16:9 *352x480 / *352x576 *480x480 / *480x576 352x480 / 352x576 704x480 / 704x576 720x480 / 720x576
+1.85 *352x460 / *352x552 *480x460 / *480x552 352x460 / 352x552 704x460 / 704x552 720x460 / 720x552
+2.20 *352x388 / *352x432 *480x388 / *480x464 352x388 / 352x464 704x388 / 704x464 720x388 / 720x464
+2.35 *352x360 / *352x432 *480x360 / *480x432 352x360 / 352x432 704x360 / 704x432 720x360 / 720x432"
+#dvd_dar this is either 16:9 or 4:3 the Display Aspect Ratio
+dvd_dar=`echo "scale=${BC_SCALE}; 4/3" | bc`
+while getopts "hwv" flag ;do
+ case ${flag} in
+ h)
+ print_usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ w)
+ # Widescreen, 16:9
+ dvd_dar=`echo "scale=${BC_SCALE}; 16/9" | bc`
+ DISPLAY_DAR="16:9"
+ widescreen=yes
+ ;;
+ v)
+ ;;
+ ?)
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Invalid option: ${OPTARG}."
+ echo "Try \`${PROG_NAME} --help' for more information."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr "${OPTIND}" - 1`
+# `$#' now represents the number of arguments after the options.
+# `$1' is the first argument, etc.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ width=$1
+ height=$2
+ dar=$3
+ echo "scale=${BC_SCALE}; ($height*$dar)/$width" | bc
+src_width=$(echo $1 | sed "s!\([0-9]*\)x[0-9]*!\1!")
+src_height=$(echo $1 | sed "s![0-9]*x\([0-9]*\)!\1!")
+src_dar=`echo "scale=${BC_SCALE}; $src_width/$src_height" | bc`
+src_par=$(calc_par $src_width $src_height $src_dar)
+dvd_par=$(calc_par $dvd_width $dvd_height $dvd_dar)
+# when width of DVD is going to be 720, height will be:
+out_height=`echo "scale=0; ($dvd_par*$dvd_width)/$src_dar" | bc`
+# Temporaire:
+if [ ${out_height} -gt 480 -a ${out_height} -lt 485 ]; then
+ out_height=${dvd_height}
+h22=`echo "scale=0; ($out_height/2)*2" | bc`
+# ...and working out height is even, if not add 1 to make it even
+if [ $out_height != $h22 ]; then
+ out_height=`expr $out_height + 1`
+#Padding needed
+#And test if even pixels
+p=`echo "scale=0; ($dvd_height-$out_height)/2" | bc`
+p22=`echo "scale=0; ($p/2)*2" | bc`
+# Padding values must be even.
+if [ $p != $p22 ]; then
+ p_top=`expr $p - 1`
+ p_bot=`expr $p + 1`
+ p_bot=$p
+ p_top=$p
+if [ "x${VERBOSE}" == "xyes" ]; then
+ out_par=$(calc_par $dvd_width $out_height $dvd_dar)
+ echo "Source:"
+ echo " Size................: ${src_width}x${src_height}"
+ echo " Display Aspect Ratio: ${src_dar}"
+ echo " Pixel Aspect Ratio..: ${src_par}"
+ echo
+ echo "DVD:"
+ echo " Size................: ${dvd_width}x${dvd_height}"
+ echo " Display Aspect Ratio: ${dvd_dar}"
+ echo " Pixel Aspect Ratio..: ${dvd_par}"
+ echo
+ echo "Output:"
+ echo " Size................: ${dvd_width}x${out_height}"
+ echo " Display Aspect Ratio: ${dvd_dar}"
+ echo " Pixel Aspect Ratio..: ${out_par}"
+ echo " Padding Top.........: ${p_top}"
+ echo " Padding Bottom......: ${p_bot}"
+ echo
+ echo "ffmpeg options:"
+echo " -s ${dvd_width}x${out_height} -padtop ${p_top} -padbottom ${p_bot} -aspect ${DISPLAY_DAR}"
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+ echo "$(basename $0) -- Convert multiple compressed gzip files to bzip2."
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [FILES]"
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ # Checking if input file exist.
+ if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+ echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} not found."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Checking if input file is a valid gzipped file.
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$0: File ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} is not a valid gzip file."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Obtaining uncompressed name of file
+ FILENAME=$(gunzip -l ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} | sed '1d' | sed 's/\(.*\)% \(.*\)/\2/')
+ # Decompressing file to standard output and piping result to bzip2
+ gunzip ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} --stdout | bzip2 --best > ${FILENAME}.bz2
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "$0: Error converting file ${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} to bzip2."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Keeping the original file's timestamp
+ touch --reference=${ORIG_GZIPPED_FILENAME} ${FILENAME}.bz2
+ # Deleting original .gz file
+ if [ -f ${FILENAME}.bz2 ]; then
+ fi
+ shift
--- /dev/null
+# dvd-backup
+# Load configuration informations about device
+. /etc/sysconfig/cdrecord
+export MEDIA_DEV="/dev/dvd"
+export MEDIA_DIR="/media/dvd"
+source /etc/backup.conf
+export BKP_TMP_DIR
+media-write ${BKP_FILES_LIST}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Options modifiables par l'usager.
+# Pour convertir une portion seulement, ajouter: "-ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:30"
+# Taille du fichier de sortie selon le video bitrate,
+# pour un fichier source AVI de 345M:
+# Non-spécifié: 811M
+# 2000k: 726M
+# 1400k: 594M
+# 1 ou 2
+# Fin des options modifiables par l'usager.
+ echo "Usage: ${PROG_NAME} [OPTION]... FICHIER"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Conversion d'un fichier vidéo AVI au format MPEG-2 pour créer un DVD vidéo."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -a Display Aspect Ratio du DVD, 4:3 (avec barres noires ajoutées) ou 16:9 (widescreen)"
+ echo " -b video bitrate (ex: -b 1400k)"
+ echo " -h affiche cette aide et termine"
+ echo " -o nom du fichier de sortie"
+ echo " -s taille du fichier source [WxH]"
+ echo " -w grave le DVD"
+# Options de la ligne de commande
+while getopts "a:b:ho:s:w" flag ;do
+ case ${flag} in
+ a)
+ # Display Aspect Ratio of DVD, 4:3 (with blank bars added) or 16:9 (widescreen)
+ dvd_dar=${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ b)
+ # Video bitrate
+ video_bitrate=${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ h)
+ print_usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ o)
+ outfile=${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ s)
+ src_size=${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ w)
+ bruler="yes"
+ ;;
+ ?)
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Option invalide: ${OPTARG}."
+ echo "Essayez \`${PROG_NAME} -h' pour plus d'informations."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr "${OPTIND}" - 1`
+# `$#' now represents the number of arguments after the options.
+# `$1' is the first argument, etc.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Erreur: fichier source non-spécifié."
+ echo "Essayez \`${PROG_NAME} -h' pour plus d'informations."
+ exit 1
+if [ -z ${outfile} ]; then
+ outfile="$(basename ${INFILE} .avi).mpg"
+if [ -z ${DURATION} ]; then
+if [ "x${dvd_dar}" == "x16:9" ]; then
+if [ -z ${video_bitrate} ]; then
+ ARG_VIDEO_BIT_RATE="-b ${video_bitrate}"
+if [ -z ${src_size} ]; then
+ echo "Erreur: taille du fichier source non-spécifiée."
+ exit 1
+# Obtention des options à utiliser avec FFMPEG
+# -y : Overwrite output files.
+if [ ! -f ${INFILE} ]; then
+ echo "Erreur: fichier source absent."
+ exit 1
+if [ -f ${outfile} ]; then
+ echo "Fichier <${outfile}> déjà convertit, terminé."
+ for passe in $(seq ${PASSES}); do
+ if [ "x${PASSES}" == "x1" ]; then
+ else
+ PASSES_OPT="-pass $passe"
+ fi
+ echo "FFMPEG options: ${PASSES_OPT} ${FFMPEG_OPT}"
+ ffmpeg ${PASSES_OPT} -i ${INFILE} ${FFMPEG_OPT} ${outfile} || exit 1
+ done
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# script to email files as attachments.
+# ------------------------------------
+# Additional documentation for this script, including a brief introdcution
+# to MIME can be found at: http://home.clara.net/dwotton/unix/mail_files.htm
+# Written: Dave Wotton, July 1998, (Cambridge UK)
+# This script comes with no warranty or support. You are
+# free to modify it as you wish, but please retain an
+# acknowledgement of my original authorship.
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 6/3/99
+# -t flag now optional. subject also optional
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 3/8/00
+# added -b and -u options. By default a file-list which is not
+# preceded by a -n, -b, or -u flag is now NOT encoded (the previous
+# default was to base64 encode it.).
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 10/10/00
+# added a -c (cc:) option.
+# Added a tty -s test to prevent the prompt to enter the text body
+# being displayed when not connected to a tty. (The text body is
+# still required though. /dev/null will suffice.)
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 24/2/01
+# Now uses perl to perform the base64 encoding, as it comes as
+# standard on most modern Unixes. (You need the perl MIME package
+# though, which I believe is standard. )
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 22/09/01
+# Now creates a "To:" header and uses the sendmail -t flag to
+# duplicate this as the envelope recipients, rather than using the
+# user supplied list of addresses simply as envelope recipients.
+# This confused some mail clients, specifically Lotus Notes.
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 30/09/01
+# Now initialises the main variables, so that previously set
+# environment variable values (eg. $CC) aren't used instead.
+# Enable multiple occurrences of the -t and -c flags. Thanks to
+# Jason Judge for these suggestions.
+# Usage: mail_files [-t] mailid [ -c mailid ] [ -s subject ] [ -f mailid ]
+# [-n file_list] [-u file_list] [-b file_list] file_list
+# -f : The mailid of the sender ( defaults to your userid )
+# Only userids that have been defined as "trusted" in the sendmail
+# config file can make use of the -f option. For non-trusted users
+# any value specified by this parameter will be ignored by
+# sendmail.
+# -t : The mailid of the recipient. Mandatory, no default
+# multiple mailids can be specified, separated by commas.
+# -c : The mailid of any carbon-copy recipients. Optional.
+# multiple mailids can be specified, separated by commas.
+# -s : The subject string. Optional, default = "Not specified".
+# Enclose in quotes.
+# -n : no-encode: indicates a list of files which are NOT to be base64
+# or uuencode encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double
+# quotes. Usual wildcard notation can be used. This option is
+# for completeness and can be omitted because the default action
+# is not to encode the file-list.
+# -b : base64 encoding: indicates a list of files which are to be
+# base64 encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double quotes.
+# Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# -u : uuencode encoding: indicates a list of files which are to be
+# uuencode encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double
+# quotes. Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# file_list : The list of files to send as attachments with no-encoding
+# (same as -n option, but the file list does not need to be
+# enclosed in quotes if more than one file specified).
+# Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# The program will also prompt for text to be supplied on standard input
+# as the main text of the message.
+# eg.
+# 1) mail_files Dave.Wotton -b file9.gif t*.htm < /dev/null
+# email file9.gif as a base64 encoded attachment and the t*.htm
+# files unencoded.
+# 2) mail_files Dave.Wotton -s "my test" -b "file1.gif file2.gif" \
+# < /dev/null
+# email file1.gif and file2.gif as base64 encoded attachments.
+# The script makes use of perl's MIME package to perform the base-64
+# encoding/decoding.
+# Note that files destined for Windows environments should have a name of
+# the form aaaa.bbb where aaaa is up to 8 characters long, and bbb is a
+# 3 character sufix. The suffix determines which program is used to
+# display/process the data at the remote end.
+# Simple text files can be emailed unencoded. Binary files, or text files
+# with long lines ( ie > 1000 chars ) should use the base64 or uuencode
+# encoding procedures. Base64 is preferred because it is more universally
+# supported. In particular, most PC mail-clients can automatically decode
+# base64 encoded attachments. Note that simple text files with short lines
+# which are destined for PC environments should not be base64 encoded.
+# This is because PCs use a different line-break character to Unix.
+# If the text is base64 encoded, the line-breaks are not converted
+# automatically and so the data arrives at the remote end without
+# line-breaks.
+# set up a 'usage' routine
+# ------------------------
+ [ "$1" ] && ( echo $* ; echo "" )
+ cat <<!
+ Usage: mail_files [-t] mailid [ -c mailid ] [ -s subject ] [ -f mailid ]
+ [-n file_list] [-u file_list] [-b file_list] file_list
+ exit 4
+# Initialise main variables ...
+# -------------------------
+SUBJ=${SUBJ:-"Not specified"}
+TO="" ; CC="" ; SUBJ="" ; NOENC="" ; BASE64="" ; UUE=""
+# First parse the command line options. Using getopts means the parameters
+# can be supplied in any order. But first we handle the first parameter,
+# which may be a recipient, without a -t flag...
+case "$1" in
+ -* ) : ;; # ignore it, let getopts handle flags
+ * ) TO=$1 ; shift ;;
+while getopts f:s:t:c:n:b:u: OPT
+ case $OPT in
+ "f" ) FROM=$OPTARG ;;
+ "t" ) TO="$TO,$OPTARG" ;;
+ "c" ) CC="$CC,$OPTARG" ;;
+ "s" ) SUBJ=$OPTARG ;;
+ "n" ) NOENC="$NOENC $OPTARG" ;;
+ "b" ) BASE64="$BASE64 $OPTARG" ;;
+ "u" ) UUE="$UUE $OPTARG" ;;
+ * ) usage ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+if [ "$TO" = "" ]
+ usage "An addressee must be specified"
+# All remaining parameters are files not requiring encoding ...
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+# Build up $FILES as the list of non-encoded files. Use sed to remove
+# any leading space from the variable.
+FILES=`echo $NOENC $*|sed 's/^ //'`
+if [ "$BASE64" = "" -a "$FILES" = "" -a "$UUE" = "" ]
+ usage "At least one file must be specified"
+# Remove leading commas from TO, CC ...
+# ---------------------------------
+TO=`echo $TO | sed 's/^,//'`
+CC=`echo $CC | sed 's/^,//'`
+# Validate that the files exist ...
+# -----------------------------
+for F in $FILES $BASE64 $UUE
+ if [ ! -r $F ]
+ then
+ echo "Error: File $F does not exist / is not readable."
+ echo "Exiting. ( Mail not sent )."
+ exit
+ fi
+tty -s && echo "Enter text of main message ( finish with CTRL-D ) ..."
+# Now do the work ...
+# ---------------
+# The generated mail message is output onto standard out, which is then
+# piped in to sendmail.
+cat <<!
+From: $FROM
+Subject: $SUBJ
+To: $TO
+[ "$CC" ] && echo "Cc: $CC"
+cat <<!
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="DMW.Boundary.605592468"
+This is a Mime message, which your mail program may not understand. Parts
+of the message will appear as text. If the remainder appears as random
+characters in the message body, instead of as attachments, then you'll
+have to extract these parts and decode them manually.
+Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.txt"; charset=US-ASCII
+Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.txt"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+# Read the standard input as the main text of the message ...
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+cat -
+# Now process the non-encrypted attachments ...
+# -----------------------------------------
+if [ "$FILES" ]
+ for F in $FILES
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ echo
+ cat $F
+ done
+# Now process the base64 encrypted attachments ...
+# --------------------------------------------
+if [ "$BASE64" ]
+ for F in $BASE64
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ echo
+ perl -e '
+ use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
+ local($/) = undef;
+ print encode_base64(<STDIN>);' < $F
+ done
+# Now process the uuencode encrypted attachments ...
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# Sorry, this bit is untested - I haven't got a mail-client which can
+# handle uuencoded MIME messages automatically, so can't test if the
+# 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode' line is correct and whether I
+# need the uuencode "begin" and "end" lines.
+if [ "$UUE" ]
+ for F in $UUE
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode
+ echo
+ uuencode < $F xxx
+ done
+# append the final boundary line ...
+echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468--
+) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -r ${FROM}
+#> test.txt
--- /dev/null
+# This script is used to run a command. If the command failed,
+# an email is sent to the address specified by MAILTO.
+# Begin of user modifiable variables
+# End of User modifiable variables
+SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -r ${MAILFROM}"
+# Running the specified command
+${*} 1> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
+if [ ${ERROR_CODE} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "From: ${MAILFROM}" > ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "To: ${MAILTO}" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Subject: \"${1}\" FAILED (${ERROR_CODE})" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Content-type: text/plain" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Output of command ${*}:" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo >> ${MAILFILE}
+ cat ${LOGFILE} >> ${MAILFILE}
+ cat ${MAILFILE} | ${SENDMAIL} || exit 1
+ rm -f ${MAILFILE}
+rm -f ${LOGFILE}
+exit ${ERROR_CODE}
--- /dev/null
+# Sendmail and Procmail log file analyzer
+# If no parameters are given, use current log file
+if [ ${#} = 0 ]; then
+elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ SUFFIX=".$1"
+ SUBDIR="backup"
+ echo "Usage: $0 [log file number]"
+ exit 1
+# Computes a ratio
+# arg 1: numerator
+# arg 2: denumerator
+ echo $(( ( ( ${1} * 100000 ) / ${2} ) / 1000 ))
+# Sendmail (MTA) statistics
+SM_REJECTED=$(cat ${SM_LOG_FILE} | grep 'ruleset=' | wc -l)
+SM_ACCEPTED=$(cat ${SM_LOG_FILE} | grep 'stat=Sent' | grep 'mailer=local' | wc -l)
+# Procmail (MDA) statistics
+SPAM_COUNT=$(cat ${PM_LOG_FILE} | grep 'procmail: Match on \"\^X-Spam-Status: Yes' | wc -l)
+HAM_COUNT=$(cat ${PM_LOG_FILE} | grep 'procmail: No match on \"\^X-Spam-Status: Yes' | wc -l)
+echo "Sendmail statistics (MTA):"
+echo " Accepted: $((${SM_ACCEPTED}))"
+echo " Total: ${SM_TOTAL}"
+echo " Ratio: $(hv_ratio ${SM_ACCEPTED} ${SM_TOTAL})%"
+echo "SpamAssassin statistics:"
+echo " Spam: $((${SPAM_COUNT}))"
+echo " Total: ${SA_TOTAL}"
+echo " Ratio: $(hv_ratio ${SPAM_COUNT} ${SA_TOTAL})%"
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# Write files/directories on CD or DVD
+# Load configuration informations about device
+. /etc/sysconfig/cdrecord
+# Maximum size in Mbytes
+# Try to read ATIP infos for CD disks to estimate capacity...
+MEDIA_ATIP_INFOS=$(cdrecord dev=${MEDIA_DEV} -atip 2>&1)
+if echo ${MEDIA_ATIP_INFOS} | grep "ATIP info from disk" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "CD disk detected"
+elif echo ${MEDIA_ATIP_INFOS} | grep "Found DVD media but" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "DVD disk detected"
+elif echo ${MEDIA_ATIP_INFOS} | grep "cdrecord: No disk / Wrong disk" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "No disk inserted, aborting"
+ exit 1
+ echo "Unable to determine disk capacity, aborting"
+ exit 1
+echo "Disk capacity is ${MEDIA_SIZE} Mbytes"
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) files..."
+ last_error=$?
+ if [ ${last_error} -ne 0 ]; then
+ exit ${last_error}
+ fi
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+for file in ${FILES_WRITE_LIST}; do
+ if [ -d ${file} -o -f ${file} ]; then
+ FILES_SIZE=$(expr ${FILES_SIZE} + `du -m ${file} -s | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g'`)
+ else
+ echo "$0: Directory or file ${file} not found."
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Total size of files to backup is ${FILES_SIZE}Mbytes"
+# The ext2 filesystem is not as space-efficient as the reiser filesystem,
+# so we must add a few megabytes...
+if [ ${FILES_SIZE} -gt ${MEDIA_SIZE} ]; then
+ echo "Total size is greater than media capacity, aborting"
+ exit 1
+# Create an empty file of $FILES_SIZE
+dd if=/dev/zero of=${TMP_FILE} bs=1024k count=${FILES_SIZE}
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while creating empty file..."
+ rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+ exit 1
+# Create an extended-2 filesystem on this file
+echo y | /sbin/mke2fs -m 0 -b 2048 ${TMP_FILE}
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error creating file system on empty file..."
+ rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+ exit 1
+# Mount this empty file through the loopback device.
+mkdir -p ${TMP_MOUNT}
+mount -o loop -t ext2 ${TMP_FILE} ${TMP_MOUNT}
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error mounting empty file..."
+ rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+ rm -rf $TMP_MOUNT
+ exit 1
+# Removing lost+found directory
+rmdir ${TMP_MOUNT}/lost+found
+# Copy files to $TMP_MOUNT and umount it afterwards.
+echo "Copying files..."
+cp -a --parents ${FILES_WRITE_LIST} ${TMP_MOUNT}
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error while copying files..."
+ umount ${TMP_MOUNT}
+ rm -rf ${TMP_MOUNT}
+ rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+ exit 1
+umount ${TMP_MOUNT}
+echo Press any key to burn files
+# Burning...
+case "${MEDIA_TYPE}" in
+ CD)
+ cdrecord ${CDRECORD_OPTS} dev=${MEDIA_DEV} -data ${TMP_FILE} || exit 1
+ ;;
+ DVD)
+ growisofs ${GROWISOFS_OPTS} -Z /dev/dvd=${TMP_FILE} || exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown removable media type, aborting"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Mounting the media to verify burned capacity
+if ! grep ${MEDIA_DEV} /etc/mtab 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ mount ${MEDIA_DEV} ${MEDIA_DIR} || exit 1
+FILES_SIZE=$(du -m ${MEDIA_DIR} -s | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g')
+echo "Total size of files backed-up is ${FILES_SIZE}Mbytes"
+umount ${MEDIA_DIR}
+rmdir ${TMP_MOUNT}
+rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+ echo "pstopdf -- Translates multiple Postscript files into a"
+ echo " unique PDF document."
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTION]... [FILE]..."
+ echo
+ echo " -o filename Specify the name of the generated PDF file. The"
+ echo " default is 'output.pdf'."
+while getopts ":o:" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ o )
+ ;;
+ \? )
+ print_usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -z "${PDF_FILE}" ]; then
+ PDF_FILE="output.pdf"
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=${PDF_FILE} $@
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Usage: replace.pl original_string replacement_string input_filename
+# This Perl script changes the string $original to $replacement in all files
+# specified on the command line.
+# 19950926 gkj
+# The input record separator is defined by Perl global
+# variable $/. It can be anything, including multiple
+# characters. Normally it is "\n", newline. Here, we
+# say there is no record separator, so the whole file
+# is read as one long record, newlines included.
+undef $/;
+if (! open(INPUT,"<$file") ) {
+ print STDERR "Can't open input file $bakfile\n";
+ exit(0);
+# Read input file as one long record.
+close INPUT;
+if ($data =~ s/$original/$replacement/gi) {
+ $bakfile = "$file.bak";
+ # Abort if can't backup original or output.
+ if (! rename($file,$bakfile)) {
+ die "Can't rename $file $!";
+ }
+ if (! open(OUTPUT,">$file") ) {
+ die "Can't open output file $file\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT $data;
+ close OUTPUT;
+ print STDERR "$file changed\n";
+else {
+ print STDERR "$file not changed\n";
--- /dev/null
+# rotatelogs - rotate log files (local host)
+LOGFILES_GLOBAL="auth.log clamd.log freshclam.log cron.log daemon.log kern.log mail.log procmail.log scrollkeeper.log sys.log user.log xdm.log XFree86.0.log"
+LOGFILES_APACHE="access_log error_log ssl_request_log"
+LOGFILES_CUPS="access_log error_log"
+# arg 1: Backup log directory
+# arg 2: log filename
+ backup_log_dir=${1}
+ file=${2}
+ for day in 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; do
+ if [ -f ${backup_log_dir}/${file}.${day} ]; then
+ mv ${backup_log_dir}/${file}.${day} ${backup_log_dir}/${file}.$((${day}+1)) || exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -f ${file} ]; then
+ user=$(ls -l --numeric-uid-gid ${file} | awk '{ print $3 }')
+ group=$(ls -l --numeric-uid-gid ${file} | awk '{ print $4 }')
+ cp -a ${file} ${backup_log_dir}/${file}.0 || exit 1
+ fi
+ # Empty file
+ cp /dev/null ${file} &&
+ chown ${user}.${group} ${file} &&
+ chmod 640 ${file}
+ return $?
+if [ ! -d ${BACKUP_LOGDIR} ]; then
+ mkdir ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}
+# syslogd files
+cd ${LOGDIR} &&
+for file in ${LOGFILES_GLOBAL}; do
+ rotate_log ${BACKUP_LOGDIR} ${file} || exit 1
+kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid` &&
+# named (BIND) server log files (if installed)
+if [ -d ${LOGDIR} ]; then
+ cd ${LOGDIR} &&
+ for file in ${LOGFILES_NAMED}; do
+ rotate_log ${BACKUP_LOGDIR} ${file} || exit 1
+ done
+ kill -HUP `cat /home/named/var/run/named.pid` || exit 1
+# For Apache web server (if installed)
+if [ -d ${LOGDIR} ]; then
+ if [ ! -d ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/apache ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/apache
+ fi
+ cd ${LOGDIR} &&
+ for file in ${LOGFILES_APACHE}; do
+ rotate_log ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/apache ${file} || exit 1
+ done
+ /usr/sbin/apachectl graceful &&
+ sleep 2
+# For CUPS
+if [ -d ${LOGDIR} ]; then
+ if [ ! -d ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/cups ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/cups
+ fi
+ cd ${LOGDIR} &&
+ for file in ${LOGFILES_CUPS}; do
+ rotate_log ${BACKUP_LOGDIR}/cups ${file} || exit 1
+ done
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+rm /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime
+hwclock --localtime --set --date "2004/03/02 23:56:00"
+hwclock --localtime --hctosys
--- /dev/null
+find /{,usr/,usr/local/}{bin,sbin,lib} -type f -exec /usr/bin/strip --strip-debug '{}' ';'
--- /dev/null
+# No arguments --> clean the current directory
+PROG_NAME=$(basename $0)
+MAXDEPTH="-maxdepth 1"
+ echo "Usage: ${PROG_NAME} [OPTION]... [SOURCE]"
+ echo
+ echo "Remove emacs backup files (ending with \`~') in SOURCE directory."
+ echo "If no SOURCE directory is specified, the current directory is"
+ echo "taken as SOURCE. Directory names ending with \`~' are not"
+ echo "removed, only files."
+ echo
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h display this help and exit"
+ echo " -r allow cleanning of subdirectories"
+ exit 0
+while getopts "hr" flag ;do
+ case ${flag} in
+ h)
+ print_usage
+ ;;
+ r)
+ ;;
+ ?)
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Invalid option: ${OPTARG}."
+ echo "Try \`${PROG_NAME} --help' for more information."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr "${OPTIND}" - 1`
+# `$#' now represents the number of arguments after the options.
+# `$1' is the first argument, etc.
+if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: Too many arguments."
+ echo "Try \`${PROG_NAME} --help' for more information."
+ exit 1
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ source_dir="."
+ source_dir="${1}"
+if [ ! -d ${source_dir} ]; then
+ echo "${PROG_NAME}: ${source_dir}: No such directory."
+ exit 1
+# We remove the trailing `/' at the end of directory, if present.
+source_dir=$(echo ${source_dir} | sed 's/\/$//g')
+find ${source_dir} ${MAXDEPTH} -name '*~' -exec /bin/rm '{}' +
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage2"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage2
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+export CFLAGS="-pipe -march=${MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE} -O2"
+ipkg ${KERNEL} cis-kernel
+ipkg ${MANPAGES} cis-man-pages
+ipkg ${GLIBC} cis-glibc
+run_script_log "toolchain-adjust-stage2" cis-toolchain-adjust
+ipkg ${BINUTILS} cis-binutils
+ipkg ${GCC_CORE} cis-gcc
+ipkg ${DB4} cis-db4
+ipkg_ac ${SED} "--bindir=/bin --enable-html"
+ipkg ${E2FSPROGS} cis-e2fsprogs
+ipkg ${COREUTILS} cis-coreutils
+ipkg ${IANA} cis-iana
+ipkg_ac ${MFOUR}
+ipkg ${BISON} cis-bison
+ipkg ${NCURSES} cis-ncurses
+ipkg ${PROCPS} cis-procps
+ipkg_ac ${LIBTOOL}
+ipkg ${PERL} cis-perl
+ipkg ${READLINE} cis-readline
+ipkg ${ZLIB} cis-zlib
+ipkg_ac ${AUTOCONF}
+ipkg_ac ${AUTOMAKE}
+ipkg_ac ${BASH} "--bindir=/bin --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline"
+/bin/bash +h -c ./install-2
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage2"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage2
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+ipkg ${BZIP2} cis-bzip2
+ipkg_ac ${DIFFUTILS}
+ipkg_ac ${FILE_PKG}
+ipkg ${FINDUTILS} cis-findutils
+ipkg ${FLEX} cis-flex
+ipkg ${GRUB} cis-grub
+ipkg_ac ${GAWK} "--libexecdir=/usr/lib"
+ipkg_ac ${GETTEXT}
+ipkg_ac ${GREP} "--bindir=/bin"
+ipkg ${GROFF} cis-groff
+ipkg ${GZIP} cis-gzip
+ipkg ${INETUTILS} cis-inetutils
+ipkg ${IPROUTE2} cis-iproute2
+ipkg ${KBD} cis-kbd
+ipkg_ac ${LESS}
+ipkg_ac ${MAKE_PACKAGE}
+ipkg ${MAN} cis-man # Obsoleted
+ipkg_ac ${MKTEMP} "--with-libc"
+ipkg ${MODULE_INIT_TOOLS} cis-module-init-tools
+ipkg_ac ${PATCH_PACKAGE}
+ipkg ${PSMISC} cis-psmisc
+ipkg ${SHADOW} cis-shadow
+ipkg ${SYSKLOGD} cis-sysklogd
+ipkg ${SYSVINIT} cis-sysvinit
+ipkg_ac ${TAR_PACKAGE} "--bindir=/bin --libexecdir=/usr/sbin"
+ipkg ${TEXINFO} cis-texinfo
+ipkg ${UDEV} cis-udev
+ipkg ${UDEV_CONFIG} cis-udev-config
+ipkg ${UTIL_LINUX} cis-util-linux
+# End of standard LFS packages installation.
+ipkg_ac ${WHICH}
+ipkg ${REISERFSPROGS} cis-reiserfsprogs
+ipkg ${PCIUTILS} cis-pciutils
+ipkg ${NET_TOOLS} cis-net-tools
+ipkg ${DHCP} cis-dhcp
+ipkg ${PKG_CONFIG} cis-pkg-config
+ipkg_ac_nb ${POPT}
+ipkg ${PAM} cis-pam
+ipkg ${OPENSSL} cis-openssl
+ipkg ${OPENSSH} cis-openssh
+ipkg_ac ${EXPAT} # expat is needed by apr-util.
+ipkg ${APR} cis-apr
+ipkg_ac ${APR_UTIL} "--with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config"
+ipkg_ac ${NEON} "--with-ssl"
+ipkg_ac ${SUBVERSION}
+ipkg ${SUDO} cis-sudo
+ipkg_ac ${WGET}
+ipkg_ac ${NANO}
+ipkg ${EMACS} cis-emacs
+ipkg ${TCPWRAPPERS} cis-tcp-wrappers # Needed by portmap
+ipkg_ac_nb ${PORTMAP}
+ipkg ${NFS_UTILS} cis-nfs-utils
+run_script_log "Installing bootscripts" cis-bootscripts
+run_script_log "Installing HV-utilities" cis-hv-utilities
+run_script_log "Compressing man pages" cis-compressdoc
+####action_checkbox "Stripping" ./cis-stripping
+echo "Total build time: $(get_total_build_time ${LFS_LOG_FILE})h"
+# Creating root password
+passwd root || exit 1
+action_checkbox "Performing post-install" ./cis-post-install
+if [ ${lasterror} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Stage2 successfully completed."
+ echo "You must now compile a new kernel (go to /usr/src/linux)."
+ echo "After that, you can reboot and try your new system."
+ echo "Error in script 'install-2'"
+ exit ${lasterror}
+exec /bin/bash --login
--- /dev/null
+# This script is called when there is no /bin/sh link, so the shell is set
+# to /tools/bin/sh
+install -dv /{bin,boot,dev/pts,etc/opt,home,lib,mnt,proc} &&
+install -dv /{root,sbin,srv,sys,tmp,usr/local,var,opt} &&
+for dirname in /usr /usr/local
+ do
+ install -dv $dirname/{bin,etc,include,lib,sbin,share,src} &&
+ ln -sf share/{man,doc,info} $dirname &&
+ install -dv $dirname/share/{dict,doc,info,locale,man} &&
+ install -dv $dirname/share/{nls,misc,terminfo,zoneinfo} &&
+ install -dv $dirname/share/man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
+done &&
+install -dv /media/{cdrom,dvd} &&
+install -dv /var/{lock,log,mail,run,spool} &&
+install -dv /var/{tmp,opt,cache,lib/misc,local} &&
+install -dv /opt/{bin,doc,include,info} &&
+install -dv /opt/{lib,man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}} &&
+install -dv /etc/rc.d/{init.d,rc0.d,rc1.d,rc2.d,rc3.d,rc4.d,rc5.d,rc6.d,rcS.d} &&
+install -dv /etc/sysconfig/network &&
+ln -v -sf ../var/tmp /usr &&
+# For alsa, nfs and fcron?
+install -dv /var/lock/subsys &&
+# Required only for hvlinux.
+install -dv /tmp/log-init &&
+ln -v -sf /tmp/log-init/init.log /var/log/init.log &&
+install -dv /usr/share/pixmaps &&
+install -dv /usr/local/share/pixmaps
+# Return with last error...
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Configuration file for the color ls utility
+# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
+# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
+# the system defaults.
+# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
+# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
+# off.
+COLOR tty
+# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
+TERM linux
+TERM console
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM xterm
+TERM vt100
+# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+NORMAL 00 # global default, although everything should be something.
+FILE 00 # normal file
+CHR 01;31 # character device driver
+FIFO 00;33;40 # pipe
+DIR 01;34 # directory
+EXEC 00;35 # files with execute permission:
+SOCK 01;35;04 # socket
+LINK 01;36 # symbolic link
+BLK 01;37 # block device driver
+ORPHAN 01;05;37;41 # orphaned syminks
+MISSING 01;05;37;41 # ... and the files they point to
+# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
+# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
+# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
+.cmd 00;35 # executables (bright green)
+.exe 00;35
+.com 00;35
+.btm 00;35
+.bat 00;35
+.tar 01;31 # archives or compressed (bright red)
+.tgz 01;31
+.bz2 01;31
+.arj 01;31
+.taz 01;31
+.lzh 01;31
+.zip 01;31
+.z 01;31
+.Z 01;31
+.gz 01;31
+.jpg 01;35 # image formats
+.gif 01;35;47
+.bmp 01;35
+.xbm 01;35
+.xpm 01;35
+.patch 04;31
--- /dev/null
+# VERSION: 20050112.0027
+# Compress (with bzip2 or gzip) all man pages in a hierarchy and
+# update symlinks - By Marc Heerdink <marc @ koelkast.net>
+# Modified to be able to gzip or bzip2 files as an option and to deal
+# with all symlinks properly by Mark Hymers <markh @ linuxfromscratch.org>
+# Modified 20030930 by Yann E. Morin <yann.morin.1998 @ anciens.enib.fr>
+# to accept compression/decompression, to correctly handle hard-links,
+# to allow for changing hard-links into soft- ones, to specify the
+# compression level, to parse the man.conf for all occurrences of MANPATH,
+# to allow for a backup, to allow to keep the newest version of a page.
+# Modified 20040330 by Tushar Teredesai to replace $0 by the name of the
+# script.
+# (Note: It is assumed that the script is in the user's PATH)
+# Modified 20050112 by Randy McMurchy to shorten line lengths and
+# correct grammar errors.
+# TODO:
+# - choose a default compress method to be based on the available
+# tool : gzip or bzip2;
+# - offer an option to automagically choose the best compression
+# methed on a per page basis (eg. check which of
+# gzip/bzip2/whatever is the most effective, page per page);
+# - when a MANPATH env var exists, use this instead of /etc/man.conf
+# (useful for users to (de)compress their man pages;
+# - offer an option to restore a previous backup;
+# - add other compression engines (compress, zip, etc?). Needed?
+# Funny enough, this function prints some help.
+function help ()
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Unknown option : $1"
+ fi
+ ( echo "Usage: $MY_NAME <comp_method> [options] [dirs]" && \
+ cat << EOT
+Where comp_method is one of :
+ --gzip, --gz, -g
+ --bzip2, --bz2, -b
+ Compress using gzip or bzip2.
+ --decompress, -d
+ Decompress the man pages.
+ --backup Specify a .tar backup shall be done for all directories.
+ In case a backup already exists, it is saved as .tar.old
+ prior to making the new backup. If a .tar.old backup
+ exists, it is removed prior to saving the backup.
+ In backup mode, no other action is performed.
+And where options are :
+ -1 to -9, --fast, --best
+ The compression level, as accepted by gzip and bzip2.
+ When not specified, uses the default compression level
+ for the given method (-6 for gzip, and -9 for bzip2).
+ Not used when in backup or decompress modes.
+ --force, -F Force (re-)compression, even if the previous one was
+ the same method. Useful when changing the compression
+ ratio. By default, a page will not be re-compressed if
+ it ends with the same suffix as the method adds
+ (.bz2 for bzip2, .gz for gzip).
+ --soft, -S Change hard-links into soft-links. Use with _caution_
+ as the first encountered file will be used as a
+ reference. Not used when in backup mode.
+ --hard, -H Change soft-links into hard-links. Not used when in
+ backup mode.
+ --conf=dir, --conf dir
+ Specify the location of man.conf. Defaults to /etc.
+ --verbose, -v Verbose mode, print the name of the directory being
+ processed. Double the flag to turn it even more verbose,
+ and to print the name of the file being processed.
+ --fake, -f Fakes it. Print the actual parameters compman will use.
+ dirs A list of space-separated _absolute_ pathnames to the
+ man directories. When empty, and only then, parse
+ ${MAN_CONF}/man.conf for all occurrences of MANPATH.
+Note about compression:
+ There has been a discussion on blfs-support about compression ratios of
+ both gzip and bzip2 on man pages, taking into account the hosting fs,
+ the architecture, etc... On the overall, the conclusion was that gzip
+ was much more efficient on 'small' files, and bzip2 on 'big' files,
+ small and big being very dependent on the content of the files.
+ See the original post from Mickael A. Peters, titled
+ "Bootable Utility CD", dated 20030409.1816(+0200), and subsequent posts:
+ http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/blfs-support/2003-April/038817.html
+ On my system (x86, ext3), man pages were 35564KB before compression.
+ gzip -9 compressed them down to 20372KB (57.28%), bzip2 -9 got down to
+ 19812KB (55.71%). That is a 1.57% gain in space. YMMV.
+ What was not taken into consideration was the decompression speed. But
+ does it make sense to? You gain fast access with uncompressed man
+ pages, or you gain space at the expense of a slight overhead in time.
+ Well, my P4-2.5GHz does not even let me notice this... :-)
+) | less
+# This function checks that the man page is unique amongst bzip2'd,
+# gzip'd and uncompressed versions.
+# $1 the directory in which the file resides
+# $2 the file name for the man page
+# Returns 0 (true) if the file is the latest and must be taken care of,
+# and 1 (false) if the file is not the latest (and has therefore been
+# deleted).
+function check_unique ()
+ # NB. When there are hard-links to this file, these are
+ # _not_ deleted. In fact, if there are hard-links, they
+ # all have the same date/time, thus making them ready
+ # for deletion later on.
+ # Build the list of all man pages with the same name
+ DIR=$1
+ BASENAME=`basename "${2}" .bz2`
+ BASENAME=`basename "${BASENAME}" .gz`
+ # Look for, and keep, the most recent one
+ LATEST=`(cd "$DIR"; ls -1rt "${BASENAME}" "${GZ_FILE}" "${BZ_FILE}" \
+ 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1)`
+ for i in "${BASENAME}" "${GZ_FILE}" "${BZ_FILE}"; do
+ [ "$LATEST" != "$i" ] && rm -f "$DIR"/"$i"
+ done
+ # In case the specified file was the latest, return 0
+ [ "$LATEST" = "$2" ] && return 0
+ # If the file was not the latest, return 1
+ return 1
+# Name of the script
+MY_NAME=`basename $0`
+# OK, parse the command-line for arguments, and initialize to some
+# sensible state, that is: don't change links state, parse
+# /etc/man.conf, be most silent, search man.conf in /etc, and don't
+# force (re-)compression.
+while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ --gzip|--gz|-g)
+ COMP_SUF=.gz
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --bzip2|--bz2|-b)
+ COMP_SUF=.bz2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --decompress|-d)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -[1-9]|--fast|--best)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --force|-F)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --soft|-S)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --hard|-H)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --conf=*)
+ MAN_CONF=`echo $1 | cut -d '=' -f2-`
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --conf)
+ MAN_CONF="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --verbose|-v)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --backup)
+ BACKUP=yes
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --fake|-f)
+ FAKE=yes
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --help|-h)
+ help
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ /*)
+ MAN_DIR="${MAN_DIR} ${1}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ help $1
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "\"$1\" is not an absolute path name"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Redirections
+case $VERBOSE_LVL in
+ 0)
+ # O, be silent
+ DEST_FD0=/dev/null
+ DEST_FD1=/dev/null
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ # 1, be a bit verbose
+ DEST_FD0=/dev/stdout
+ DEST_FD1=/dev/null
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # 2 and above, be most verbose
+ DEST_FD0=/dev/stdout
+ DEST_FD1=/dev/stdout
+ VERBOSE_OPT="-v -v"
+ ;;
+# Note: on my machine, 'man --path' gives /usr/share/man twice, once
+# with a trailing '/', once without.
+if [ -z "$MAN_DIR" ]; then
+ MAN_DIR=`man --path -C "$MAN_CONF"/man.conf \
+ | sed 's/:/\\n/g' \
+ | while read foo; do dirname "$foo"/.; done \
+ | sort -u \
+ | while read bar; do echo -n "$bar "; done`
+# If no MANPATH in ${MAN_CONF}/man.conf, abort as well
+if [ -z "$MAN_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "No directory specified, and no directory found with \`man --path'"
+ exit 1
+# Fake?
+if [ "$FAKE" != "no" ]; then
+ echo "Actual parameters used:"
+ echo -n "Compression.......: "
+ case $COMP_METHOD in
+ --bzip2|--bz2|-b) echo -n "bzip2";;
+ --gzip|__gz|-g) echo -n "gzip";;
+ --decompress|-d) echo -n "decompressing";;
+ *) echo -n "unknown";;
+ esac
+ echo " ($COMP_METHOD)"
+ echo "Compression level.: $COMP_LVL"
+ echo "Compression suffix: $COMP_SUF"
+ echo -n "Force compression.: "
+ [ "foo$FORCE_OPT" = "foo-F" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no"
+ echo "man.conf is.......: ${MAN_CONF}/man.conf"
+ echo -n "Hard-links........: "
+ [ "foo$LN_OPT" = "foo-S" ] &&
+ echo "convert to soft-links" || echo "leave as is"
+ echo -n "Soft-links........: "
+ [ "foo$LN_OPT" = "foo-H" ] &&
+ echo "convert to hard-links" || echo "leave as is"
+ echo "Backup............: $BACKUP"
+ echo "Faking (yes!).....: $FAKE"
+ echo "Directories.......: $MAN_DIR"
+ echo "Verbosity level...: $VERBOSE_LVL"
+ exit 0
+# If no method was specified, print help
+if [ -z "${COMP_METHOD}" -a "${BACKUP}" = "no" ]; then
+ help
+ exit 1
+# In backup mode, do the backup solely
+if [ "$BACKUP" = "yes" ]; then
+ for DIR in $MAN_DIR; do
+ cd "${DIR}/.."
+ DIR_NAME=`basename "${DIR}"`
+ echo "Backing up $DIR..." > $DEST_FD0
+ [ -f "${DIR_NAME}.tar.old" ] && rm -f "${DIR_NAME}.tar.old"
+ [ -f "${DIR_NAME}.tar" ] &&
+ mv "${DIR_NAME}.tar" "${DIR_NAME}.tar.old"
+ tar -cfv "${DIR_NAME}.tar" "${DIR_NAME}" > $DEST_FD1
+ done
+ exit 0
+# I know MAN_DIR has only absolute path names
+# I need to take into account the localized man, so I'm going recursive
+for DIR in $MAN_DIR; do
+ MEM_DIR=`pwd`
+ cd "$DIR"
+ for FILE in *; do
+ # Fixes the case were the directory is empty
+ if [ "foo$FILE" = "foo*" ]; then continue; fi
+ # Fixes the case when hard-links see their compression scheme change
+ # (from not compressed to compressed, or from bz2 to gz, or from gz
+ # to bz2)
+ # Also fixes the case when multiple version of the page are present,
+ # which are either compressed or not.
+ if [ ! -L "$FILE" -a ! -e "$FILE" ]; then continue; fi
+ # Do not compress whatis files
+ if [ "$FILE" = "whatis" ]; then continue; fi
+ if [ -d "$FILE" ]; then
+ cd "${MEM_DIR}" # Go back to where we ran "$0",
+ # in case "$0"=="./compressdoc" ...
+ # We are going recursive to that directory
+ echo "-> Entering ${DIR}/${FILE}..." > $DEST_FD0
+ # I need not pass --conf, as I specify the directory to work on
+ # But I need exit in case of error
+ ${FORCE_OPT} "${DIR}/${FILE}" || exit 1
+ echo "<- Leaving ${DIR}/${FILE}." > $DEST_FD1
+ cd "$DIR" # Needed for the next iteration of the loop
+ else # !dir
+ if ! check_unique "$DIR" "$FILE"; then continue; fi
+ # Check if the file is already compressed with the specified method
+ BASE_FILE=`basename "$FILE" .gz`
+ BASE_FILE=`basename "$BASE_FILE" .bz2`
+ if [ "${FILE}" = "${BASE_FILE}${COMP_SUF}" \
+ -a "foo${FORCE_OPT}" = "foo" ]; then continue; fi
+ # If we have a symlink
+ if [ -h "$FILE" ]; then
+ case "$FILE" in
+ *.bz2)
+ EXT=bz2 ;;
+ *.gz)
+ EXT=gz ;;
+ *)
+ EXT=none ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! "$EXT" = "none" ]; then
+ LINK=`ls -l "$FILE" | cut -d ">" -f2 \
+ | tr -d " " | sed s/\.$EXT$//`
+ NEWNAME=`echo "$FILE" | sed s/\.$EXT$//`
+ mv "$FILE" "$NEWNAME"
+ else
+ LINK=`ls -l "$FILE" | cut -d ">" -f2 | tr -d " "`
+ fi
+ if [ "$LN_OPT" = "-H" ]; then
+ # Change this soft-link into a hard- one
+ rm -f "$FILE" && ln "${LINK}$COMP_SUF" "${FILE}$COMP_SUF"
+ chmod --reference "${LINK}$COMP_SUF" "${FILE}$COMP_SUF"
+ else
+ # Keep this soft-link a soft- one.
+ rm -f "$FILE" && ln -s "${LINK}$COMP_SUF" "${FILE}$COMP_SUF"
+ fi
+ echo "Relinked $FILE" > $DEST_FD1
+ # else if we have a plain file
+ elif [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
+ # Take care of hard-links: build the list of files hard-linked
+ # to the one we are {de,}compressing.
+ # NB. This is not optimum has the file will eventually be
+ # compressed as many times it has hard-links. But for now,
+ # that's the safe way.
+ inode=`ls -li "$FILE" | awk '{print $1}'`
+ HLINKS=`find . \! -name "$FILE" -inum $inode`
+ if [ -n "$HLINKS" ]; then
+ # We have hard-links! Remove them now.
+ for i in $HLINKS; do rm -f "$i"; done
+ fi
+ # Now take care of the file that has no hard-link
+ # We do decompress first to re-compress with the selected
+ # compression ratio later on...
+ case "$FILE" in
+ *.bz2)
+ bunzip2 $FILE
+ FILE=`basename "$FILE" .bz2`
+ ;;
+ *.gz)
+ gunzip $FILE
+ FILE=`basename "$FILE" .gz`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Compress the file with the given compression ratio, if needed
+ case $COMP_SUF in
+ *bz2)
+ bzip2 ${COMP_LVL} "$FILE" && chmod 644 "${FILE}${COMP_SUF}"
+ echo "Compressed $FILE" > $DEST_FD1
+ ;;
+ *gz)
+ gzip ${COMP_LVL} "$FILE" && chmod 644 "${FILE}${COMP_SUF}"
+ echo "Compressed $FILE" > $DEST_FD1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Uncompressed $FILE" > $DEST_FD1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # If the file had hard-links, recreate those (either hard or soft)
+ if [ -n "$HLINKS" ]; then
+ for i in $HLINKS; do
+ NEWFILE=`echo "$i" | sed s/\.gz$// | sed s/\.bz2$//`
+ if [ "$LN_OPT" = "-S" ]; then
+ # Make this hard-link a soft- one
+ else
+ # Keep the hard-link a hard- one
+ fi
+ # Really work only for hard-links. Harmless for soft-links
+ chmod 644 "${NEWFILE}$COMP_SUF"
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ # There is a problem when we get neither a symlink nor a plain
+ # file. Obviously, we shall never ever come here... :-(
+ echo -n "Whaooo... \"${DIR}/${FILE}\" is neither a symlink "
+ echo "nor a plain file. Please check:"
+ ls -l "${DIR}/${FILE}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ done # for FILE
+done # for DIR
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../functions-update
+source ../packages-list
+# Begin
+# These packages are needed first for stage1:
+lpkg 1 ${BINUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${GCC_CORE}
+lpkg 1 ${KERNEL}
+lpkg 1 ${GLIBC}
+lpkg 1 ${NCURSES}
+lpkg 1 ${BASH}
+lpkg 1 ${BZIP2}
+lpkg 1 ${COREUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${DIFFUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${FINDUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${GAWK}
+lpkg 1 ${GETTEXT}
+lpkg 1 ${GREP}
+lpkg 1 ${GZIP}
+lpkg 1 ${MAKE_PACKAGE}
+lpkg 1 ${PATCH_PACKAGE}
+lpkg 1 ${PERL}
+lpkg 1 ${SED}
+lpkg 1 ${TAR_PACKAGE}
+lpkg 1 ${TEXINFO}
+lpkg 1 ${UTIL_LINUX}
+# These packages are only for stage2
+fpkg ${MANPAGES} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/manpages
+fpkg ${DB4} http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db
+fpkg_sf ${E2FSPROGS}
+fpkg ${IANA} http://www.sethwklein.net/projects/iana-etc/downloads
+fpkg_gnu ${MFOUR}
+fpkg_gnu ${BISON}
+fpkg ${PROCPS} http://procps.sourceforge.net
+fpkg_gnu ${LIBTOOL}
+fpkg_gnu ${READLINE}
+fpkg ${ZLIB} http://www.zlib.net
+fpkg_gnu ${AUTOCONF}
+fpkg_gnu ${AUTOMAKE}
+fpkg ${LESS} http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less
+fpkg_gnu ${GROFF}
+fpkg_sf ${FLEX}
+fpkg_gnu ${INETUTILS}
+fpkg_hv ${IPROUTE2}
+fpkg_lfs ${FILE_PKG} "file"
+fpkg ${KBD} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kbd
+fpkg ${GRUB} ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/grub
+fpkg ${MAN} http://primates.ximian.com/~flucifredi/man
+fpkg ${MKTEMP} ftp://ftp.mktemp.org/pub/mktemp
+fpkg ${MODULE_INIT_TOOLS} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/module-init-tools
+fpkg_sf ${PSMISC}
+fpkg_hv ${SHADOW}
+fpkg ${SYSKLOGD} http://www.infodrom.org/projects/sysklogd/download
+fpkg ${SYSVINIT} ftp://ftp.cistron.nl/pub/people/miquels/sysvinit
+fpkg ${UDEV} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug
+fpkg_lfs ${UDEV_CONFIG}
+# Additional packages (not in original LFS, only for hvlinux).
+fpkg ${NANO} http://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.0
+fpkg ${PAM} http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/pre/library
+fpkg ${OPENSSL} ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source
+fpkg ${OPENSSH} ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable
+fpkg ${DHCP} ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/dhcp/dhcp-3.0-history
+fpkg ${NFS_UTILS} ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/nfs
+fpkg_gnu ${WHICH}
+fpkg ${TCPWRAPPERS} ftp://ftp.porcupine.org/pub/security
+fpkg ${APR} http://apache.sunsite.ualberta.ca/apr
+fpkg_sf ${EXPAT}
+fpkg ${APR_UTIL} http://apache.sunsite.ualberta.ca/apr
+fpkg ${NEON} http://www.webdav.org/neon
+fpkg ${SUBVERSION} http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads
+fpkg ${SUDO} http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/dist
+fpkg ${PKG_CONFIG} http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org/releases
+fpkg ${NET_TOOLS} http://www.tazenda.demon.co.uk/phil/net-tools
+fpkg_hv ${POPT}
+fpkg_hv ${PORTMAP}
+fpkg_gnu ${EMACS}
+fpkg_gnu ${WGET}
+fpkg ${PCIUTILS} ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/software/utils/pciutils
+fpkg_lfs ${LFS_BOOTSCRIPTS}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# The first argument to the setup script is the working directory.
+cd ${1}
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage2"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage2
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+run_cmd_log "Changing ownership of /tools files to root" chown -R 0:0 /tools &&
+run_script_log "Creating basic directory structure" makedir &&
+# The first mode change ensures that not just everybody can enter the /root
+# directory -- the same as a normal user would do with his or her home
+# directory. The second mode change makes sure that any user can write to the
+# /tmp and /var/tmp directories, but cannot remove other users' files from them.
+# The latter is prohibited by the so-called "sticky bit" -- the highest bit in
+# the 1777 bit mask.
+run_cmd_log "Setting permissions for /root" chmod 0750 /root &&
+run_cmd_log "Setting permissions for /tmp and /var/tmp" \
+ chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp &&
+# To remove the warning message:
+# "warning: can't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory"
+touch /etc/fstab &&
+# We must use the -n option. If not, a regular "/etc/mtab" file will be created,
+# and the mtab link we try to create later will not work.
+action_checkbox "Mounting the /proc filesystem" mount -n proc /proc -t proc &&
+action_checkbox "Mounting the /dev/pts filesystem" \
+ mount -n -t devpts -o gid=4,mode=620 none /dev/pts &&
+run_script_log "Creating essential symlinks" symlinks &&
+run_script_log "Creating default groups" create-groups &&
+run_script_log "Creating default users" create-users &&
+run_script_log "Creating default configuration files" create-config-files &&
+touch /var/run/utmp &&
+touch /var/log/{btmp,lastlog,wtmp} &&
+chgrp utmp /var/run/utmp /var/log/lastlog /var/log/btmp &&
+chmod 664 /var/run/utmp /var/log/lastlog &&
+chmod 600 /var/log/btmp &&
+# Executing the install-1 script
+umount /dev/pts
+umount proc
+if [ $? != 0 -o ${last_error} != 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration informations (entered by the user)
+source ../sysinfos
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage2"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage2
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+source ../functions
+# Name and version of all packages to install
+source ../packages-list
+# Init log file
+mkdir -p ${LFS_LOG_DIR} &&
+if [ ! -f ${LFS_LOG_FILE} ]; then
+ touch ${LFS_LOG_FILE} || exit 1
+ipkg_ac ${AUTOMAKE}
+run_script_log "Installing HV-utilities" cis-hv-utilities
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration informations (entered by the user)
+source ../sysinfos
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+# Finding the path, relative to ${LFS} of the sources directory.
+# We need /dev/null and /dev/console before udev is started.
+mkdir -p ${LFS}/dev &&
+if [ ! -c ${LFS}/dev/null ]; then
+ mknod ${LFS}/dev/null -m 0666 c 1 3 || exit 1
+if [ ! -c ${LFS}/dev/console ]; then
+ mknod ${LFS}/dev/console -m 0666 c 5 1 || exit 1
+# Mounting and populating /dev for the chroot environment.
+# May fail if it is already mountewd, but it is ok.
+mount -v --bind /dev ${LFS}/dev 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+# If something went wrong, proc, dev and devpts may still be mounted.
+umount -n ${LFS}/proc 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+umount -n ${LFS}/dev/pts 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+# Making sure that if a separate boot partition is defined, it is mounted.
+if [ -n "${BOOT_PARTITION}" ]; then
+ if ! grep "${BOOT_PARTITION}" /etc/mtab | grep "${LFS}/boot" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "You defined \"${BOOT_PARTITION}\" as your boot partition,"
+ echo "but it is not mounted in your LFS partition. You must"
+ echo "mount it before running this script again."
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+# Option '-i' of env starts with a new environment.
+# The argument to the setup script is the working directory.
+chroot ${LFS} /tools/bin/env -i \
+ HOME=/root \
+ PS1='\u:\w\$ ' \
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin \
+ /tools/bin/bash -c "${CHROOT_WD}/setup ${CHROOT_WD}"
+# Unmounting /dev for the chroot environment.
+umount ${LFS}/dev
+# At the end, we should remove the '/tools' directory
+# mv /mnt/linux/tools /mnt/linux/tmp
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# System configuration informations (entered by the user)
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Some programs hard-wire paths to programs which don't exist yet. In order to
+# satisfy these programs, we create a number of symbolic links which will be
+# replaced by real files when we're installing all the software.
+# We must not use "-sf" to force the creation of a symlink, because we don't want
+# to write over a valid program if the install script needs to be re-started.
+# Creating the /etc/mtab symlink
+ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
+ln -s /tools/bin/{bash,cat,pwd,stty} /bin
+ln -s /tools/bin/perl /usr/bin
+ln -s /tools/lib/libgcc_s.so{,.1} /usr/lib
+ln -s bash /bin/sh
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions
+1. ./stage3-install
--- /dev/null
+Installer websvn
+Créer template de apsswd file pour svn (/etc/apache/security/svn/passwd)
+Utiliser l'usager svn au lieu de apache pour svn
+dhcpcd: -Au restart, attendre que le précédent 'dhcpcd' daemon ait terminé
+ (voir exemple dans le script /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql)
+ -Ne pas utiliser l'option -K au shutdown (efface le cache); mais c'est
+ pas grave car ddclient a aussi une cache. Force removal of ddclient cache
+ each time?
+clamav: la première fois qu'on démarre clam-av, il faut appeler
+ fresh-clam pour construire la base de données dans /var/clamav
+sysinfos: Add PRINTER_SUPPORT="yes/no"
+BIND server: root.hints must be updated periodically with the
+ "dig" utility (use fcron job).
+XF86: Clavier selon sysinfos, et aussi loadkeys selon sysinfos. Combiner
+ les deux variables en une seule (utiliser un tableau pour sélectionner
+ ensuite les deux valeurs distinctes).
+Server: install Lynx text-based browser
+Créer un répertoire unique pour les icons et copier tous les icons dedans
+"/usr/share/icons" par exemple.
+install bitstream vera fonts and update fontconfig conf. file.
+ttmkfontdir: Problèmes de compilation avec freetype2.
+ipkg failure: afficher les 10 dernières lignes du logfile...
+Ethereal (après GLIB)
+Server, install:
+ Tuner correctement le firewall + blocker tous les ports sauf 2525, 8080, 22 et 993
+ Problem with firewall (even when stopping it, access is still denied).
+ DNS server
+ "install junkbuster /usr/local/bin"
+ copier le répertoire "junkbuster" dans /etc
+sane: create a link: /dev/scanner --> /dev/sg0 ???
+ -faire "net join -S SERVEUR -u hvilleneuve"
+ -compiler module CIFS (Network File System)
+ -Installer mount utility pour CIFS:
+ $> gcc -o mount.cifs mount.cifs.c
+ $> install mount.cifs /sbin
+ $> ln -s /sbin/mount.cifs /usr/bin/cifsmount
+ -Add entry for Windows server in /etc/hosts:
+ Serveur
+ -smbclient //Serveur//LexmarkE -Uhvilleneuve -C "put file.ps"
+ -CUPS: sélectionner Add Printer, HP LaserJet
+ dans /etc/cups/client.conf, ajouter:
+ ServerName localhost
--- /dev/null
+# alsa
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Loading sound settings" ${alsactl} restore
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Saving sound settings" ${alsactl} store
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# apache
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Check that the ifconfig program is present and executable.
+if [ ! -x ${APACHECTL} ]; then
+ log_message "*** ERROR: ${APACHECTL} program not found."
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting Apache server" ${APACHECTL} -k start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping Apache server" ${APACHECTL} -k stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Re-starting Apache server" ${APACHECTL} -k restart
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc httpd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# clamav
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+ if statusproc clamd | grep "not running" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # Not taking any chances, removing left-over files
+ rm -f ${SOCKET_DIR}/clamd.{sock,pid} || return 1
+ fi
+ loadproc /usr/sbin/clamd || return 1
+ sleep 1
+ if statusproc clamav-milter | grep "not running" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # Not taking any chances, removing left-over files
+ rm -f ${SOCKET_DIR}/clmilter.sock || return 1
+ fi
+ # Option "--postmaster-only" is to send warnings only to postmaster.
+ loadproc /usr/sbin/clamav-milter --local --outgoing --headers --postmaster-only ${SOCKET_DIR}/clmilter.sock
+ return $?
+ killproc clamd &&
+ killproc clamav-milter
+ return $?
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Clam AntiVirus start" start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Clam AntiVirus stop" stop
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc clamd
+ statusproc clamav-milter
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# cups
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "CUPS start" loadproc cupsd
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "CUPS stop" killproc cupsd
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "CUPS reload" reloadproc cupsd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc cupsd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {reload|restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# dbus
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+dbus_start() {
+ if statusproc dbus-daemon | grep "not running" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if [ -f /var/run/dbus/pid ]; then
+ rm /var/run/dbus/pid
+ fi
+ if [ -f /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket ]; then
+ rm /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Already running..."
+ fi
+ loadproc /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/system.conf
+ return $?
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "D-Bus Messagebus Daemon start" dbus_start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "D-Bus Messagebus Daemon stop" killproc dbus-daemon &&
+ rm /var/run/dbus/pid &&
+ rm /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc dbus-daemon
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# fcron
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "FCRON start" loadproc fcron -b -c /etc/fcron/fcron.conf
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "FCRON stop" killproc fcron
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "FCRON reload" reloadproc fcron
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc fcron
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# firewall
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# Load global network parameters
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+if [ "x${FIREWALL_ENA}" != "xyes" -a "x${FIREWALL_ENA}" != "xYes" -a "x${FIREWALL_ENA}" != "xYES" ]; then
+ # Firewall is not enabled
+ msg_log "Firewall disabled in '/etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters'"
+# Setting the EXTERNAL and INTERNAL interfaces for the network
+# from values in /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters:
+ # Insert iptables modules (not needed if built into the kernel).
+ modprobe ip_tables &&
+ modprobe iptable_filter &&
+ modprobe ip_conntrack &&
+ modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp &&
+ modprobe ipt_state &&
+ modprobe iptable_nat &&
+ modprobe ip_nat_ftp &&
+ modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE &&
+ modprobe ipt_LOG &&
+ modprobe ipt_REJECT &&
+ # Clearing any previous configuration.
+ # Unless specified, the defaults for INPUT and OUTPUT is ACCEPT.
+ # The default for FORWARD is REJECT.
+ iptables -F INPUT &&
+ iptables -F OUTPUT &&
+ iptables -F FORWARD &&
+ iptables -t nat -F &&
+ # Allow local-only connections
+ iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A INPUT -i ${INTRANET} -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A INPUT -i ${INTERNET} -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -o ${INTRANET} -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -o ${INTERNET} -j ACCEPT &&
+ # Allow forwarding
+ iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW -i ! ${INTERNET}+ -j ACCEPT &&
+ # Do masquerading
+ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${INTERNET}+ -j MASQUERADE &&
+ # Log everything for debugging (last of all rules, but before DROP/REJECT)
+ iptables -A INPUT -j LOG --log-prefix "FIREWALL:INPUT " &&
+ iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-prefix "FIREWALL:FORWARD" &&
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-prefix "FIREWALL:OUTPUT " &&
+ # Set a sane policy
+ iptables -P INPUT DROP &&
+ iptables -P FORWARD DROP &&
+ iptables -P OUTPUT DROP &&
+ # Be verbose on dynamic ip-addresses
+ # If you get your IP address dynamically from SLIP, PPP, or DHCP, enable
+ # this following option. This enables dynamic-address hacking which
+ # makes the life with Diald and similar programs much easier.
+ echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr &&
+ # Disable ExplicitCongestionNotification
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn &&
+ # Activate TCPsyncookies
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Activate Route-Verification = IP-Spoofing_protection
+ for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter; do
+ echo 1 > $f || return 1
+ done
+ # Activate IP-Forwarding
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
+ return $?
+ # Deactivate IP-Forwarding
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward &&
+ iptables -Z &&
+ iptables -F &&
+ iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING &&
+ iptables -t nat -F OUTPUT &&
+ iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING &&
+ iptables -t mangle -F PREROUTING &&
+ iptables -t mangle -F OUTPUT &&
+ iptables -X &&
+ iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT &&
+ iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
+ return $?
+ firewall_stop &&
+ firewall_start
+ return $?
+ echo "iptables.mangling:"
+ iptables -t mangle -v -L -n --line-numbers
+ echo
+ echo "iptables.nat:"
+ iptables -t nat -v -L -n --line-numbers
+ echo
+ echo "iptables.filter:"
+ iptables -v -L -n --line-numbers
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting Firewall" firewall_start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping Firewall" firewall_stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Restarting Firewall" firewall_restart
+ ;;
+ status)
+ firewall_status
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Enabling IEEE-1394 support" modprobe ieee1394
+ cmd_run_log_box "Enabling OHCI IEEE-1394 support" modprobe ohci1394
+ cmd_run_log_box "Enabling raw1394 library support" modprobe raw1394
+ sleep 1
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting IEC61883-1 fwplugd" /etc/rc.d/init.d/fwplugd start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping IEC61883-1 fwplugd" /etc/rc.d/init.d/fwplugd stop
+ cmd_run_log_box "Disabling raw1394 library support" rmmod raw1394
+ cmd_run_log_box "Disabling OHCI IEEE-1394 support" rmmod ohci1394
+ cmd_run_log_box "Disabling IEEE-1394 support" rmmod ieee1394
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Checking if the fwplugd daemon is running.
+pid=`ps ax | awk '{if (match($5, ".*/fwplugd$") || $5 == "fwplugd") print $1}'`
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ if test "$pid" = ""; then
+ ${exec_prefix}/bin/fwplugd
+ if test $? != 0; then
+ echo "fwplugd: unable to start daemon."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "fwplugd: already running."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "fwplugd: started daemon."
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ if test "$pid" != ""; then
+ kill $pid
+ else
+ echo "fwplugd: not running."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "fwplugd: stopped daemon."
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ if test "$pid" = ""; then
+ echo "fwplugd: not running."
+ else
+ echo "fwplugd: running."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# hald
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "HAL Daemon start" loadproc /usr/sbin/hald --use-syslog
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "HAL Daemon stop" killproc /usr/sbin/hald
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc hald
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting inetd daemon" loadproc inetd
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping inetd daemon" killproc inetd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc inetd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# mailman
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # rm -f $MAILMANHOME/locks/*
+ cmd_run_log_box "Starting Mailman daemon" ${PYTHON} ${MAILMANCTL} -s -q start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Stopping Mailman daemon" ${PYTHON} ${MAILMANCTL} -q stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ ${PYTHON} ${MAILMANCTL} -q restart
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc mailman
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# milter-greylist
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+OPTIONS="-P $pidfile -p $socket -v"
+if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/milter-greylist ]; then
+ . /etc/sysconfig/milter-greylist
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting $prog" loadproc /usr/bin/milter-greylist ${OPTIONS}
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/milter-greylist
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping $prog" killproc /usr/bin/milter-greylist
+ rm -f /var/lock/subsys/milter-greylist
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc milter-greylist
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Milter-SPF
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting $prog" loadproc /usr/sbin/smf-spf
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping $prog" killproc /usr/sbin/smf-spf
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc smf-spf
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# mysql
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+ if [ -f "$pid_file" ]; then
+ if /bin/ps p `cat $pid_file` | grep mysqld >/dev/null; then
+ # Warning, running...
+ return 0
+ else
+ rm -f $pid_file
+ if [ -f $pid_file ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null &
+ return $?
+ if [ -s "$pid_file" ]; then
+ kill `cat $pid_file`
+ sleep 1
+ while [ -s $pid_file -a "$flags" != aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ]
+ do
+ [ -z "$flags" ]
+ flags=a$flags
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if [ -s $pid_file ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ else
+ # print_status warning not_running
+ return 1
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box "MySQL start" mysql_start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box "MySQL stop" mysql_stop
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_log_box "MySQL reload" reloadproc mysqld
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc mysqld
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+# Source the network parameters file for the domain name
+source /etc/sysconfig/network/network-parameters
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+ echo "search ${DOMAINNAME}" > /etc/resolv.conf &&
+ echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
+case $1 in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "bind start" loadproc /usr/sbin/named -u named -t /home/named -c /etc/named.conf &&
+ init_resolver
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "named stop" killproc named
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_log_box "Reloading named" /usr/sbin/rndc -c /etc/rndc.conf reload
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc named
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# openldap
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting LDAP Server" loadproc slapd
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping LDAP Server" killproc_path slapd ${piddir}
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc_path slapd ${piddir}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# fcron
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "PulseAudio sound server start" loadproc pulseaudio
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "PulseAudio sound server stop" killproc pulseaudio
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc pulseaudio
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+# See how we were called
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting nmbd daemon" loadproc nmbd -D -d 1 -l /var/log/samba
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Starting smbd daemon" loadproc smbd -D -l /var/log/samba
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping smbd daemon" killproc smbd
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "Stopping nmbd daemon" killproc nmbd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc nmbd
+ statusproc smbd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# saslauthd
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "SASL daemon start" loadproc /usr/sbin/saslauthd -a shadow
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "SASL daemon stop" killproc saslauthd
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc saslauthd
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {restart|start|status|stop}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# sendmail
+# Source functions library
+source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+log_script_name "$0 $*"
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "sendmail start" loadproc /usr/sbin/sendmail -bs -bd -q5m start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn "sendmail stop" killproc sendmail
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ cmd_run_log_box_warn reloadproc sendmail
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ statusproc sendmail
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
+ ;;
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --enable-static &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m644 -D doc/asoundrc.txt /usr/share/doc/${1}/asoundrc.txt &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# The first time the alsa bootscript is run, it will complain that there is no state in
+# /etc/asound.state. You can prevent this by running the following commands after
+# installing alsa-utils:
+touch /etc/asound.state &&
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/alsa /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rcS alsa 95 85
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd ${APACHE_USER} &&
+hv_useradd -c WebServer -d /dev/null -g ${APACHE_USER} -s /bin/false ${APACHE_USER} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --enable-layout=FHS \
+ --enable-mods-shared=all \
+ --enable-ssl \
+ --with-z &&
+# --enable-rewrite \
+# --enable-deflate \
+# --enable-dav \
+make &&
+make install &&
+# There's a problem with the ISAPI DSO module caused from compiling with GCC-4.1.2.
+# Commenting out the module from the configuration:
+if grep "LoadModule isapi_module" /etc/apache/httpd.conf 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sed -i -e "s/^LoadModule isapi_module/# &/" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+fi &&
+# Modifying the listening port if an alternate one is specified.
+if [ -n "${HTTPD_PORT}" ]; then
+ if ! grep "Listen ${HTTPD_PORT}" /etc/apache/httpd.conf 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # Adding alternate port to default port of 80
+ sed -i -e "s%\(Listen 80\)%\1\nListen ${HTTPD_PORT}%" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+ fi
+fi &&
+# Modifying the configuration file to run the server as a dedicated user:
+sed -i \
+ -e "s!^\(User\).*!\1 ${APACHE_USER}!g" \
+ -e "s!^\(Group\).*!\1 ${APACHE_USER}!g" \
+ /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+# SSL Certificates generation script
+cat > /etc/apache/generate-ssl-certs << "EOF" &&
+# Creation of SSL directories for Apache
+cd /etc/apache &&
+mkdir -p ssl &&
+cd ssl &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Generation of the RSA private key" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+openssl genrsa -des3 -rand file1:file2:file3:file4:file5 -out server.key 1024 &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Removing pass-phrase from the private key" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+cp server.key server.key.orig &&
+openssl rsa -in server.key.orig -out server.key &&
+# The unencrypted key must be readable only by root!
+chown root:root server.* &&
+chmod 0400 server.* &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Generation of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "Example fields:" &&
+echo "Country name: CA" &&
+echo "State or Province Name: Quebec" &&
+echo "Locality Name: Montreal" &&
+echo "Organization Name: Hugo Villeneuve" &&
+echo "Organizational Unit Name: ." &&
+echo "Common Name: www.hugovil.com" &&
+echo "Email Address: webmaster@hugovil.com" &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "Please enter the following 'extra' attributes" &&
+echo "to be sent with your certificate request" &&
+echo "A challenge password []: (press enter) " &&
+echo "An optional company name []: (press enter) " &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Generation of a self-signed certificate" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+openssl x509 -req -days 10000 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt &&
+exit $?
+chmod 740 /etc/apache/generate-ssl-certs &&
+mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl &&
+cp /etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf &&
+sed -i -e "s!^<IfModule ssl_module>!<IfModule ssl_module>\n Include /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf!" /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+mkdir -p /srv/www/htdocs/ssl &&
+chown apache:apache /srv/www/htdocs/ssl &&
+sed -i -e "s!^DocumentRoot .*!DocumentRoot /srv/www/htdocs/ssl!" /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf &&
+sed -i -e "s!^ServerName .*:443!ServerName www.${DOMAIN}:443!" /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf &&
+sed -i -e "s!^ServerAdmin .*!ServerAdmin webmaster@${DOMAIN}!" /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf &&
+sed -i -e "s!/etc/apache!/etc/apache/ssl!" /etc/apache/ssl/ssl.conf &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/apache /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 apache 70 20
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-libsamplerate \
+ --with-libmad &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd named &&
+hv_useradd -c BindOwner -g named -m -s /bin/false named &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --enable-threads \
+ --with-libtool &&
+# Use updated address for L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
+sed -i "s@" lib/dns/rootns.c &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Enable the execute bit to prevent a warning when using ldd to check library dependencies.
+chmod 755 /usr/lib/lib{bind9,isc{,cc,cfg},lwres,dns}.so.*.?.? &&
+cd doc &&
+install -d -m755 /usr/share/doc/${1}/{arm,draft,misc,rfc} &&
+install -m644 arm/*.html /usr/share/doc/${1}/arm &&
+install -m644 draft/*.txt /usr/share/doc/${1}/draft &&
+install -m644 rfc/* /usr/share/doc/${1}/rfc &&
+install -m644 misc/{dnssec,ipv6,migrat*,options,rfc-compliance,roadmap,sdb} \
+ /usr/share/doc/${1}/misc &&
+# Generation of a key for use in the named.conf and rdnc.conf files using the rndc-confgen command.
+BINDKEY=$(rndc-confgen -b 512 | grep -m 1 "secret" | cut -d '"' -f 2) &&
+cd /home/named &&
+mkdir -p dev etc/namedb/{pz,slave} var/run &&
+rm -f /home/named/dev/null &&
+mknod /home/named/dev/null c 1 3 &&
+rm -f /home/named/dev/random &&
+mknod /home/named/dev/random c 1 8 &&
+chmod 666 /home/named/dev/{null,random} &&
+cp /etc/localtime /home/named/etc &&
+# Creating the named.conf file from which named will read the location of zone files,
+# root name servers and secure DNS keys.
+cat > /home/named/etc/named.conf << "EOF" &&
+ options {
+ directory "/etc/namedb";
+ pid-file "/var/run/named.pid";
+ statistics-file "/var/run/named.stats";
+ };
+ controls {
+ inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndc_key; };
+ };
+ key "rndc_key" {
+ algorithm hmac-md5;
+ secret "_BIND_KEY_";
+ };
+ zone "." {
+ type hint;
+ file "root.hints";
+ };
+ zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
+ type master;
+ file "pz/127.0.0";
+ };
+// Bind 9 now logs by default through syslog (except debug).
+// These are the default logging rules.
+logging {
+ category default { default_syslog; default_debug; };
+ category unmatched { null; };
+ channel default_syslog {
+ syslog daemon; // send to syslog's daemon
+ // facility
+ severity info; // only send priority info
+ // and higher
+ };
+ channel default_debug {
+ file "named.run"; // write to named.run in
+ // the working directory
+ // Note: stderr is used instead
+ // of "named.run"
+ // if the server is started
+ // with the '-f' option.
+ severity dynamic; // log at the server's
+ // current debug level
+ };
+ channel default_stderr {
+ stderr; // writes to stderr
+ severity info; // only send priority info
+ // and higher
+ };
+ channel null {
+ null; // toss anything sent to
+ // this channel
+ };
+sed -i -e "s!_BIND_KEY_!${BINDKEY}!g" /home/named/etc/named.conf &&
+cat > /etc/rndc.conf << "EOF" &&
+key rndc_key {
+algorithm "hmac-md5";
+ secret
+ "_BIND_KEY_";
+ };
+options {
+ default-server localhost;
+ default-key rndc_key;
+sed -i -e "s!_BIND_KEY_!${BINDKEY}!g" /etc/rndc.conf &&
+cat > /home/named/etc/namedb/pz/127.0.0 << "EOF" &&
+$TTL 3D
+@ IN SOA ns.local.domain. hostmaster.local.domain. (
+ 1 ; Serial
+ 8H ; Refresh
+ 2H ; Retry
+ 4W ; Expire
+ 1D) ; Minimum TTL
+ NS ns.local.domain.
+1 PTR localhost.
+cat > /home/named/etc/namedb/root.hints << "EOF" &&
+chown -R named.named /home/named &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/named /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 named 25 65
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make INS_BASE=/usr DEFINSUSR=root DEFINSGRP=root &&
+make INS_BASE=/usr DEFINSUSR=root DEFINSGRP=root install &&
+cat > /etc/sysconfig/cdrecord << "EOF"
+# If you know exactly the device to use with cdrecord,
+# enter it in this variable. If this variable is empty,
+# cdrecord scripts will try to autodetect the device
+# using the CDR_DEVICE_DESC variable.
+# This variable contains the identification string that
+# cdrecord scripts will look for when calling cdrecord
+# with the "-scanbus" option
+CDREC_DEVICE_DESC="CD-Writer+ 8200"
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd clamav &&
+hv_useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c Clam-AntiVirus clamav &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail" ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-dbdir=/srv/clamav \
+ --enable-milter &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+touch /var/log/clamd.log &&
+chmod 600 /var/log/clamd.log &&
+chown clamav /var/log/clamd.log &&
+touch /var/log/freshclam.log &&
+chmod 600 /var/log/freshclam.log &&
+chown clamav /var/log/freshclam.log &&
+# Addition to /etc/fcron/fcrontab to update virus database
+string_add "Update the Clam AV database every hour" /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+string_add "&mail(false) 0 * * * * /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet" /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+# Configuration file
+cat > /etc/clamd.conf << "EOF" &&
+# clamd.conf
+# Configuration file for the Clam AV daemon
+# Uncomment this option to enable logging.
+# LogFile must be writable for the user running the daemon.
+# A full path is required.
+LogFile /var/log/clamd.log
+# Maximal size of the log file. Default is 1 Mb.
+# Value of 0 disables the limit.
+# You may use 'M' or 'm' for megabytes (1M = 1m = 1048576 bytes)
+# and 'K' or 'k' for kilobytes (1K = 1k = 1024 bytes). To specify the size
+# in bytes just don't use modifiers.
+LogFileMaxSize 0
+# Log time with each message.
+LogTime 1
+# Enable verbose logging.
+# This option allows you to save the process identifier of the listening
+# daemon (main thread).
+PidFile /var/run/clamav/clamd.pid
+# Path to the database directory.
+# Default: hardcoded (depends on installation options)
+DatabaseDirectory /srv/clamav
+# The daemon works in a local OR a network mode. Due to security reasons we
+# recommend the local mode.
+# Path to a local socket file the daemon will listen on.
+LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
+# Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown.
+FixStaleSocket 1
+# Maximal number of a threads running at the same time.
+# Default is 5, and it should be sufficient for a typical workstation.
+# You may need to increase threads number for a server machine.
+MaxThreads 200
+# Maximal depth directories are scanned at.
+# Default: 15
+MaxDirectoryRecursion 15
+# Follow directory symlinks.
+# Default: disabled
+# Follow regular file symlinks.
+# Default: disabled
+# Perform internal sanity check (database integrity and freshness).
+# Default: 1800 (30 min)
+#SelfCheck 600
+# Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string %v will
+# be replaced by a virus name.
+# Default: disabled
+#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"
+# Run as a selected user (clamd must be started by root).
+# Default: disabled
+User clamav
+# By default clamd uses scan options recommended by libclamav. This option
+# disables recommended options and allows you to enable selected ones below.
+# DO NOT TOUCH IT unless you know what you are doing.
+# Default: disabled
+## Documents
+# This option enables scanning of Microsoft Office document macros.
+ScanOLE2 1
+## Mail files
+# Enable internal e-mail scanner.
+ScanMail 1
+## Archives
+# ClamAV can scan within archives and compressed files.
+ScanArchive 1
+# The options below protect your system against Denial of Service attacks
+# using archive bombs.
+# Files larger than this limit won't be scanned.
+# Value of 0 disables the limit.
+MaxFileSize 10M
+# Nested archives are scanned recursively, e.g. if a Zip archive contains a RAR
+# file, all files within it will also be scanned. This options specifies how
+# deep the process should be continued.
+# Value of 0 disables the limit.
+MaxRecursion 100
+# Number of files to be scanned within an archive.
+# Value of 0 disables the limit.
+MaxFiles 0
+# Freshclam configuration file
+cat > /etc/freshclam.conf << "EOF" &&
+# freshclam.conf
+# Configuration file for Freshclam
+# Path to the database directory.
+DatabaseDirectory /srv/clamav
+# Path to the log file (make sure it has proper permissions)
+UpdateLogFile /var/log/freshclam.log
+# Enable verbose logging.
+# By default when started freshclam drops privileges and switches to the
+# "clamav" user. This directive allows you to change the database owner.
+DatabaseOwner clamav
+# Use DNS to verify virus database version. Freshclam uses DNS TXT records
+# to verify database and software versions. We highly recommend enabling
+# this option.
+DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
+# Uncomment the following line and replace XY with your country
+# code. See http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm for the full list.
+DatabaseMirror db.ca.clamav.net
+# database.clamav.net is a round-robin record which points to our most
+# reliable mirrors. It's used as a fall back in case db.XY.clamav.net is
+# not working.
+DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
+# Send the RELOAD command to clamd.
+# Default: disabled
+# Run command after successful database update.
+# Default: disabled
+#OnUpdateExecute command
+# Run command when database update process fails.
+# Default: disabled
+#OnErrorExecute command
+# Create the DB directory
+mkdir -p /srv/clamav &&
+chown clamav:clamav /srv/clamav &&
+chmod 755 /srv/clamav &&
+# Create the run directory
+mkdir -p /var/run/clamav &&
+chown clamav:clamav /var/run/clamav &&
+chmod 755 /var/run/clamav &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/clamav /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 clamav 55 35
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# When using Linux-PAM, some files need to be modified so CUPS
+# can find needed headers.
+sed -i -e "s@pam/pam@security/pam@g" \
+ {config-scripts/cups-pam.m4,scheduler/auth.c,configure} &&
+./configure &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# For a remote CUPS print server
+if [ -n "${CUPS_SERVER}" ]; then
+ cat > /etc/cups/client.conf << "EOF" &&
+# #
+# This is the CUPS client configuration file. This file is used to #
+# define client-specific parameters, such as the default server or #
+# default encryption settings. #
+# #
+# ServerName: the hostname of your server. By default CUPS will use the
+# hostname of the system or the value of the CUPS_SERVER environment
+# more than one server you must use a local scheduler with browsing
+# and possibly polling.
+ echo "ServerName ${CUPS_SERVER}" >> /etc/cups/client.conf
+ evaluate_retval
+# Modification to allow access from all hosts in internal LAN (192.168.0.x)
+sed -i -e "s!\(Allow From 127\.0\.0\.1\)!\1\nAllow From 192\.168\.0\.0/24!g" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf &&
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/cups /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 cups 40 50
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd -g 18 messagebus &&
+hv_useradd -c D-BUS-Message-Daemon-User -d /dev/null \
+ -u 18 -g messagebus -s /bin/false messagebus &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/dbus /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 dbus 92 20
+# Starting the session daemon here has the added bonus that it will exit
+# when you log out of your GNOME session. If you wish to start the daemon
+#here, use the following command instead of the one shown above:
+######echo "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session" >> ~/.xinitrc &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install ddclient /usr/sbin &&
+mkdir -p /etc/ddclient &&
+cp sample-etc_ddclient.conf /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf &&
+cat > /var/lib/dhcpc/dhcpcd.exe << "EOF" &&
+## Update the DNS server unless the IP address is a private address
+## that may be used as a internal LAN address. This may be true if
+## other interfaces are assigned private addresses from internal
+## DHCP server.
+# Arg #1: <HostInfoFilePath>
+# Arg #2: <up|down|new>
+# Arg #3: -d option
+source ${1}
+case "${IPADDR}" in
+ 10.*)
+ ;;
+ 172.1[6-9].* | 172.2[0-9].* | 172.3[0-1].*)
+ ;;
+ 192.168.*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ case "${2}" in
+ up)
+ logger -t dhcpcd "IP address remaining at ${IPADDR}"
+ ;;
+ down)
+ ;;
+ new)
+ logger -t dhcpcd "IP address changed to ${IPADDR}" &&
+ ddclient -daemon=0 -syslog -use=ip -ip=${IPADDR} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+exit $?
+chmod 740 /var/lib/dhcpc/dhcpcd.exe
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -m755 bin/collateindex.pl /usr/bin &&
+install -m644 bin/collateindex.pl.1 /usr/share/man/man1 &&
+install -d -m755 /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_DSSSL_VER} &&
+cp -R * /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_DSSSL_VER} &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/dsssl-docbook-stylesheets.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_DSSSL_VER}/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/dsssl-docbook-stylesheets.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_DSSSL_VER}/common/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/dsssl-docbook-stylesheets.cat
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i 's:/html::' doc/HTML/Makefile.in &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+for doctype in html ps dvi man pdf rtf tex texi txt; do
+ ln -sf docbook2$doctype /usr/bin/db2$doctype || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -d -m755 /usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER} &&
+install -d -m755 /etc/xml &&
+chown -R root:root . &&
+cp -af docbook.cat *.dtd ent/ *.mod \
+ /usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER} &&
+if [ ! -e /etc/xml/docbook ]; then
+ xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/docbook || exit 1
+fi &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/docbookx.dtd" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML CALS Table Model V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/calstblx.dtd" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/soextblx.dtd" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Information Pool V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/dbpoolx.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/dbhierx.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/htmltblx.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Notations V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/dbnotnx.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Character Entities V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/dbcentx.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML Additional General Entities V${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}//EN" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}/dbgenent.mod" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+if [ ! -e /etc/xml/catalog ]; then
+ xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
+fi &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook XML" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegatePublic" \
+ "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateSystem" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateURI" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog &&
+ xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/$DTDVERSION/docbookx.dtd" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+ xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/$DTDVERSION" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+ xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/$DTDVERSION" \
+ "file:///usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-${DOCBOOK_XML_VER}" \
+ /etc/xml/docbook &&
+ xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateSystem" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/$DTDVERSION/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog &&
+ xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateURI" \
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/$DTDVERSION/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" \
+ /etc/xml/catalog
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -d /usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION} &&
+chown -R root:root . &&
+cp -af INSTALL VERSION common eclipse extensions fo html htmlhelp \
+ images javahelp lib manpages params profiling template xhtml \
+ /usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION} &&
+install -d /usr/share/doc/xml &&
+cp -af doc/* /usr/share/doc/xml &&
+cd /usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION} &&
+if [ ! -f /etc/xml/catalog ]; then
+ mkdir -p /etc/xml || exit 1
+ xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog || exit 1
+if [ ! -e /etc/xml/docbook ]; then
+ xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/docbook || exit 1
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current" \
+ "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION}" /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current" \
+ "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION}" /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateSystem" \
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" /etc/xml/catalog &&
+xmlcatalog --noout --add "delegateURI" \
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/" \
+ "file:///etc/xml/docbook" /etc/xml/catalog &&
+var_add_str "XML_CATALOG_FILES" /etc/profile \
+ "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-${DOCBOOK_XSL_VERSION}/catalog.xml /etc/xml/catalog" &&
+var_export "XML_CATALOG_FILES" /etc/profile
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make all rpl8 btcflash &&
+make prefix=/usr install &&
+install -v -m644 -D index.html /usr/share/doc/${1}/index.html &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+save_flags_no_optimizations &&
+olddir=$(pwd) &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --with-x-toolkit=gtk &&
+make bootstrap &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+restore_flags &&
+cat > /etc/skel/.emacs << "EOF" &&
+;; ~/.emacs
+;; Emacs initialization file
+;; Are we running XEmacs or Emacs?
+(defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version))
+;; Set up the keyboard so the delete key on both the regular keyboard
+;; and the keypad delete the character under the cursor and to the right
+;; under X, instead of the default, backspace behavior.
+(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
+(global-set-key [kp-delete] 'delete-char)
+;; Do not display a splash screen on startup
+(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
+;; Turn on font-lock mode for Emacs
+(cond ((not running-xemacs)
+ (global-font-lock-mode t)
+;; Always end a file with a newline
+(setq require-final-newline t)
+;; Stop at the end of the file, not just add lines
+(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
+;; Enable wheelmouse support by default
+(setq mwheel-follow-mouse t)
+;; Replaces tabs in files with spaces
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+;; Makes the compilation buffer always scrolls to follow
+;; output as it comes in.
+(setq compilation-scroll-output t)
+# This is to remove a warning in WindowMaker when emacs is started.
+cp ${olddir}/resources/ColorGNU.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps &&
+chmod 644 /usr/share/pixmaps/ColorGNU.xpm
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Unpack all the fonts to ${GS_FONTS_PATH}
+install -v -m755 -d ${GS_FONTS_PATH} &&
+decompress_package ${GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS_STD} &&
+decompress_package ${GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS_OTHER} &&
+mv ${LFS_TMP}/fonts/* ${GS_FONTS_PATH} &&
+rmdir ${LFS_TMP}/fonts &&
+chown -v -R root:root ${GS_FONTS_PATH} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i "s/bbox.dev$/x11.dev/" Makefile.in &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-threads \
+ --without-omni \
+ --with-fontpath=${GS_FONTS_PATH} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+#rmdir -v /usr/lib/ghostscript/$(get_pkg_ver_base ${1}) /usr/lib/ghostscript &&
+ln -v -s ../ghostscript/$(get_pkg_ver_base ${1})/doc /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+for INSTFILE in `ls doc`; do
+ if [ ! -f /usr/share/doc/${1}/${INSTFILE} ]; then
+ install -v -m644 doc/${INSTFILE} /usr/share/doc/${1}/
+ fi
+done &&
+# Checking if X is installed...
+if [ -d /usr/X11R6 ]; then
+ # Adding our local fonts directory to local configuration file
+ sed -i -e "s!^</fontconfig>!<dir>${GS_FONTS_PATH}</dir>\n</fontconfig>!" \
+ /etc/fonts/local.conf &&
+ # Updating fonts cache database.
+ fc-cache -f
+fi &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd fcron &&
+hv_useradd -c fcron -g fcron fcron &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --with-sendmail \
+ --with-answer-all=no &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+rm -f /etc/fcron.conf &&
+mkdir -p /etc/fcron &&
+mv -f /etc/fcron.allow /etc/fcron &&
+mv -f /etc/fcron.deny /etc/fcron &&
+cat > /etc/fcron/fcron.conf << "EOF" &&
+# fcron.conf - Configuration file for fcron(8) and fcrontab(1).
+# See fcron.conf(5) for syntax and explanations.
+# WARNING : this file must be owned by root:fcron and 640.
+# The spool directory where fcron stores its files
+fcrontabs = /var/spool/fcron
+# The locations of the pid file and the fifo file
+pidfile = /var/run/fcron.pid
+fifofile = /var/run/fcron.fifo
+# allow/deny files to determine which users are allowed to use fcrontab
+fcronallow = /etc/fcron/fcron.allow
+fcrondeny = /etc/fcron/fcron.deny
+# Location of the programs used by fcron
+shell = /bin/sh
+sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
+# Location of the default editor for "fcrontab -e"
+editor = /usr/bin/vi
+chmod 640 /etc/fcron/fcron.conf &&
+cat > /etc/fcron/fcrontab << "EOF" &&
+# &options min hrs day-of-month month day-of-week command
+# Run rotatelogs every day at 00:05
+#&mail(false) 05 00 * * * /usr/local/bin/rotatelogs
+chmod 640 /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+chown -R root.fcron /etc/fcron &&
+cat > /etc/fcron/configure << "EOF" &&
+fcrontab -c /etc/fcron/fcron.conf /etc/fcron/fcrontab
+exit $?
+chmod 740 /etc/fcron/configure &&
+# Executing fcron configure script.
+/etc/fcron/configure &&
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/fcron /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rcS fcron 95 84
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Get the name of the decompressed directory
+SOURCE_DIR=$(static_decompressed_dirname ${1})
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${SOURCE_DIR} &&
+cat > .mozconfig << "EOF"
+# This file contains the options used in the Firefox build.
+# Use the default settings specified in the source tree
+. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
+# Create an object directory and specify to build the package in that
+# directory. If desired, modify the location of the object directory
+# to a directory inside the source tree by removing '../' from the
+# line below.
+# Specify the installation prefix. If you would prefer Firefox
+# installed in a different prefix, modify the line below to fit
+# your needs. You'll also need to modify some of the instructions in
+# the BLFS book to point to your desired prefix.
+ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
+# These options are used so that the Firefox binaries are linked to
+# the system-installed copies of the specified libraries instead of
+# the source tree code which may not be the most recent versions.
+ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
+ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
+ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
+# --with-system-png: Problem with missing apng support
+# This option causes the installed binaries to have the official
+# Firefox name embedded in them. Due to license restrictions, you
+# may not distribute binaries created using this option.
+ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
+# This option is used to enable support for rendering SVG files in the
+# Firefox browser. Comment out the line to disable the option.
+ac_add_options --enable-svg
+# This option is used so that the debugging symbols are removed from
+# the installed binaries during the installation process. Comment out
+# this option if you may have a need to retain the debugging symbols
+# in the installed binaries. Note that this can substantially
+# increase the size of the installed binaries.
+ac_add_options --enable-strip
+# This option is added so that test libraries and programs are not
+# built. These would only be required for debugging purposes.
+ac_add_options --disable-tests
+# This option is added so that the Mozilla Installer program is not
+# built or installed. The program is not required for a BLFS
+# installation of Firefox.
+ac_add_options --disable-installer
+# This option is used to disable the a11y support in the Firefox
+# binaries. Comment out this option if you require a11y support.
+ac_add_options --disable-accessibility
+# This option is used to enable source tree included LDAP support in
+# the Firefox binaries.
+# NOTE: You must uncomment this option if there is any chance of
+# compiling the OpenOffice package from source code using this copy
+# of Firefox for your Mozilla support.
+# Removed this option to fix bug with:
+# make[3]: Entering directory `/tmp/firefox-3.0.1-build/directory/c-sdk'
+# make[3]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
+######ac_add_options --enable-ldap
+# These two options enable support for building Firefox with
+# system-installed versions of the Network Security Services (NSS)
+# and Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) libraries. Uncomment both
+# lines to enable support for system-installed NSS/NSPR.
+#ac_add_options --with-system-nss
+# --with-system-nss: Problem with missing nss-config in nss-3.12!!!
+#ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
+sed -i -e "s!_FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR_!${FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR}!g" .mozconfig &&
+make -f client.mk build &&
+make -f client.mk install &&
+# Many applications look for netscape when they need to open a browser...
+ln -v -sf firefox /usr/bin/netscape &&
+# Remove old links
+rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla &&
+rm -f /usr/lib/firefox &&
+rm -f /usr/lib/${1}/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so &&
+ln -v -sf ${1} /usr/lib/mozilla &&
+ln -v -sf ${1} /usr/lib/firefox &&
+# To use the installed Java plugin.
+ln -v -s ${JAVA_HOME}/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/${1}/plugins &&
+# Addition to /etc/ld.so.conf
+# This is necessary for shared library libmozjs.so (needed by gxine)
+string_add "/usr/lib/${1}" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+ # Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Grabbing latest version of libraw1394
+svn co svn://svn.linux1394.org/libraw1394/trunk /usr/src/libraw1394 &&
+# Grabbing latest version of libiec61883
+svn co svn://svn.linux1394.org/libiec61883/trunk /usr/src/libiec61883 &&
+# Grabbing latest version of hv-firewire utilities
+svn co http://hugovil.com:8080/svn/firewire/trunk /usr/src/hv-firewire &&
+cd /usr/src/libraw1394 &&
+./autogen.sh &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make dev &&
+make install &&
+cd /usr/src/libiec61883 &&
+./autogen.sh &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cd /usr/src/hv-firewire &&
+#./autogen.sh &&
+#./configure \
+# --prefix=/usr &&
+#make &&
+#make install &&
+# Firewire Start/Stop script
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/firewire /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 firewire 80 40 &&
+# Firewire plugs daemon Start/Stop script
+install -v -m740 bootscripts/fwplugd /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+chmod 740 /etc/rc.d/init.d/fwplugd
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Decompression of a package
+# First argument: package name
+# Second argument: directory where decompressing (optional)
+decompress_package ${1} &&
+if [ ! -d ${PLUGINS_DIR} ]; then
+ echo "Plugins directory not found."
+ return 1
+fi &&
+install -v -m755 ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/flashplayer.xpt ${PLUGINS_DIR} &&
+install -v -m755 ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/libflashplayer.so ${PLUGINS_DIR}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --disable-docs &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Manually installing documentation.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 doc/*.3 /usr/share/man/man3 &&
+install -v -m644 doc/*.5 /usr/share/man/man5 &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1}/fontconfig-devel &&
+install -v -m644 doc/*.{html,pdf,txt} /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 doc/fontconfig-devel/* /usr/share/doc/${1}/fontconfig-devel &&
+mkdir -v -p ${HV_FONTS_PATH}/{TrueType,Type1} &&
+mkdir -v -p /etc/fonts &&
+if [ -f /etc/fonts/local.conf ]; then
+ mv -v /etc/fonts/local.conf /etc/fonts/local.conf.old || exit 1
+fi &&
+# Adding X and our local fonts directory to local configuration file
+cat > /etc/fonts/local.conf << "EOF" &&
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
+<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
+ <dir>_HV_FONTS_PATH_/TrueType</dir>
+ <dir>_HV_FONTS_PATH_/Type1</dir>
+ <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</dir>
+sed -i -e "s!_HV_FONTS_PATH_!${HV_FONTS_PATH}!g" /etc/fonts/local.conf &&
+# Updating cache database.
+fc-cache -f
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Temporary: custom script needed to regenerate configure with
+# patch that modifies configure.in...
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-xft \
+ --enable-release &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/opt/${1} \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-threads=posix \
+ --enable-languages=c,c++ &&
+make bootstrap &&
+make install &&
+# Addition to /etc/ld.so.conf
+string_add "/opt/${1}/lib" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+ldconfig &&
+chown -v -R root:root \
+ /opt/${1}/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/$(get_pkg_ver ${1})/include &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+make installman &&
+cat > /usr/local/bin/hvgetdate << EOF &&
+# Time server informations:
+# US VA: nist1.aol-va.truetime.com (
+# Location: AOL Time Warner facility, Dulles, Virginia
+# Synchronization: Lockclock Algorithm and ACTS dial-up, GPS-stabilized oscillator for short-term stabilization
+# Service Area: Eastern US
+# Access Policy: Open access for up to 20 queries per hour (one-day average) from any one address, others by arrangement
+# Contact: Judah Levine, jlevine@boulder.nist.gov, 303 492 7785
+#CA time.nrc.ca (
+#Location: National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
+#Geographic Coordinates: 45:27N, 75:37W
+#Synchronization: NTP V3 secondary (stratum 2), PC/Linux
+#Service Area: Canada
+#Access Policy: open access
+#Contact: time@nrc.ca
+#Note: time is an alias and the IP address may change; please use DNS.
+echo -n "Synchronizing kernel time via NTP server:"
+getdate -adjust 1 600 \${NTP_HOST1} \${NTP_HOST2}
+exit 0
+chmod 740 /usr/local/bin/hvgetdate &&
+# Adding fcron entry
+string_add "# Run after five minutes of execution the first time, then run every hours" \
+ /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+string_add "@mail(false),first(5) 6h /usr/local/bin/hvgetdate" \
+ /etc/fcron/fcrontab
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+cp -a * /usr/share/man
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# gsview uses netscape to browse through the online help. So simply edit srcunx/gvxreg.c
+# using the following sed script to use another browser:
+# Not GNU package
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+mv srcunx/gvxreg.c srcunx/gvxreg.old &&
+cat srcunx/gvxreg.old | sed s/netscape/mozilla/ > srcunx/gvxreg.c &&
+sed 's|GSVIEW_ROOT=/usr/local|GSVIEW_ROOT=/usr|' srcunx/unx.mak > Makefile &&
+make &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+sed -i -e '20,$ d' \
+ -e 's|slib)|&)\n(load-from-path "slib/guile.init")|' \
+ ice-9/slib.scm &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE}-build &&
+../${PACKAGE}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd -g 19 haldaemon &&
+hv_useradd -c HAL-Daemon-User -d /dev/null -u 19 \
+ -g haldaemon -s /bin/false haldaemon &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/hal \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-hwdata=/usr/share/pciutils/pci.ids &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m755 -d /var/run/hald &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/hald /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 hald 93 19
+# If the system-wide D-BUS daemon was running during the
+# installation of HAL, ensure you stop and restart the
+# D-BUS daemon before attempting to start the hald daemon.
+#/etc/rc.d/init.d/dbus restart &&
+# Starting daemon
+#/etc/rc.d/init.d/hal start
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --infodir=/usr/share/info \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --disable-dependancy-tracking \
+ --disable-syslogd \
+ --with-pam \
+ --with-wrap &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+mv /usr/bin/ping /bin &&
+# Creating /etc/inetd.conf
+touch /etc/inetd.conf &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/inetd /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 inetd 30 60
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make PREFIX=/usr &&
+make PREFIX=/usr install &&
+# Firewall boot script
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/firewall /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 firewall 35 55
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i.orig -e "s/original texmf.cnf/modified texmf.cnf/" \
+ -e "s/memory hog.../&\npool_size.context = 750000/" \
+ $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf) &&
+cat >> $(kpsewhich texmf.cnf) << "EOF" &&
+% The following 3 sections added for JadeTeX
+% latex settings
+main_memory.latex = 1100000
+param_size.latex = 1500
+stack_size.latex = 1500
+hash_extra.latex = 15000
+string_vacancies.latex = 45000
+pool_free.latex = 47500
+nest_size.latex = 500
+save_size.latex = 5000
+pool_size.latex = 500000
+max_strings.latex = 55000
+font_mem_size.latex= 400000
+% jadetex settings
+main_memory.jadetex = 1500000
+param_size.jadetex = 1500
+stack_size.jadetex = 1500
+hash_extra.jadetex = 50000
+string_vacancies.jadetex = 45000
+pool_free.jadetex = 47500
+nest_size.jadetex = 500
+save_size.jadetex = 5000
+pool_size.jadetex = 500000
+max_strings.jadetex = 55000
+% pdfjadetex settings
+main_memory.pdfjadetex = 2500000
+param_size.pdfjadetex = 1500
+stack_size.pdfjadetex = 1500
+hash_extra.pdfjadetex = 50000
+string_vacancies.pdfjadetex = 45000
+pool_free.pdfjadetex = 47500
+nest_size.pdfjadetex = 500
+save_size.pdfjadetex = 5000
+pool_size.pdfjadetex = 500000
+max_strings.pdfjadetex = 55000
+LATEX_FMT_DIR="$(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/web2c" &&
+mv -v $(kpsewhich latex.fmt) $(kpsewhich latex.fmt).orig &&
+mv -v $LATEX_FMT_DIR/latex.log $LATEX_FMT_DIR/latex.log.orig &&
+fmtutil-sys --byfmt latex &&
+make &&
+install -v -m755 -d \
+ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex/config &&
+install -v -m644 dsssl.def jadetex.ltx *.sty \
+ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex &&
+install -v -m644 {,pdf}jadetex.ini \
+ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL')/tex/jadetex/config &&
+FMTUTIL_CNF="$(kpsewhich fmtutil.cnf)" &&
+cat $FMTUTIL_CNF.orig - >> $FMTUTIL_CNF << "EOF" &&
+# JadeTeX formats:
+jadetex etex - "&latex" jadetex.ini
+pdfjadetex pdfetex - "&pdflatex" pdfjadetex.ini
+mv -v $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN')/ls-R \
+ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN')/ls-R.orig &&
+mv -v $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/ls-R \
+ $(kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFSYSVAR')/ls-R.orig &&
+mktexlsr &&
+fmtutil-sys --byfmt jadetex &&
+fmtutil-sys --byfmt pdfjadetex &&
+mktexlsr &&
+ln -v -sf etex /usr/bin/jadetex &&
+ln -v -sf pdfetex /usr/bin/pdfjadetex &&
+install -v -m644 -D index.html \
+ /usr/share/doc/jadetex-3.13/index.html &&
+install -v -m644 *.1 /usr/share/man/man1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+install -v -d /usr/java &&
+cp -a ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/* /usr/java &&
+ln -svf ../java/bin/java /usr/bin/java &&
+var_add_path JAVA_HOME /etc/profile "/usr/java" &&
+var_export JAVA_HOME /etc/profile
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/src &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --enable-dns \
+ --enable-static &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+mv -v /usr/bin/ksu /bin &&
+mv -v /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3* /lib &&
+mv -v /usr/lib/libkrb4.so.2* /lib &&
+mv -v /usr/lib/libdes425.so.3* /lib &&
+mv -v /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3* /lib &&
+mv -v /usr/lib/libcom_err.so.3* /lib &&
+ln -v -sf ../../lib/libkrb5.so.3 /usr/lib/libkrb5.so &&
+ln -v -sf ../../lib/libkrb4.so.2 /usr/lib/libkrb4.so &&
+ln -v -sf ../../lib/libdes425.so.3 /usr/lib/libdes425.so &&
+ln -v -sf ../../lib/libk5crypto.so.3 /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so &&
+ln -v -sf ../../lib/libcom_err.so.3 /usr/lib/libcom_err.so &&
+ldconfig &&
+cat > /etc/krb5.conf << EOF
+ default_realm = <LFS.ORG>
+ encrypt = true
+ <LFS.ORG> = {
+ kdc = <belgarath.lfs.org>
+ admin_server = <belgarath.lfs.org>
+ }
+ .<lfs.org> = <LFS.ORG>
+ kdc = SYSLOG[:INFO[:AUTH]]
+ admin_server = SYSLOG[INFO[:AUTH]]
+ default = SYSLOG[[:SYS]]
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Some packages check for the pkg-config file for libid3tag.
+# This file is particularly needed so that gst-plugins-ugly can
+# recognize the installed libid3tag.
+cat > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/id3tag.pc << "EOF" &&
+Name: id3tag
+Description: ID3 tag library
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lid3tag -lz
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
+sed -i -e "s!_LIBID3TAG_VERSION_!$(get_pkg_ver ${1})!g" /usr/lib/pkgconfig/id3tag.pc &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Some packages check for the pkg-config file for libmad.
+# This file is particularly needed so that Cdrdao can
+# recognize the installed libmad.
+cat > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mad.pc << "EOF" &&
+Name: mad
+Description: MPEG audio decoder
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lmad
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
+sed -i -e "s!_LIBMAD_VERSION_!$(get_pkg_ver ${1})!g" /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mad.pc &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+cp makefiles/makefile.linux Makefile &&
+make prefix=/usr install &&
+# The documentation files are not installed by the installation procedure,
+# so they are copied manually.
+install -v -m644 doc/man/*.3 /usr/share/man/man3 &&
+install -v -m644 doc/man/*.5 /usr/share/man/man5 &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 doc/*.{png,txt} /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --disable-build-docs &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+hv_groupadd -g 14 usb &&
+# Checking if string exists
+if ! grep "/proc/bus/usb" /etc/fstab 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs ddevgid=14,devmode=0660 0 0" >> /etc/fstab || exit 1
+fi &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+if [ -d /tftpboot ]; then
+ if [ -d /srv/tftpboot ]; then
+ rm -v -rf /srv/tftpboot || exit 1
+ fi
+ mv -v /tftpboot /srv/tftpboot || exit 1
+cd /srv/tftpboot/lts/${LTSP_KERNEL}/pxelinux.cfg &&
+ln -v -s -f default ${MAC_ADDRESS} &&
+cat > ${LTSROOT}/etc/lts.conf << "EOF" &&
+ # Uncomment to use custom XF86Config:
+ ### XF86CONFIG_FILE = /tmp/XF86Config.1
+ RAMDISK_SIZE = "8192"
+ XSERVER = trident
+ X_HORZSYNC = "31.5-80"
+ X_VERTREFRESH = "60-70"
+ X_MODE_0 = 1280x1024
+ X_MODE_1 = 1024x768
+ # Keyboard configuration
+ XkbLayout = "ca_enhanced"
+ # Mouse configuration
+ X_MOUSE_DEVICE = "/dev/input/mice"
+ X_ZAxisMapping = "4 5"
+ SCREEN_01 = startx
+ SCREEN_02 = shell
+sed -i -e "s!_LTSP_SERVER_!${LTSP_SERVER}!g" ${LTSROOT}/etc/lts.conf &&
+# LTSP-4.2 update 4: The "-public" option is absolutely necessary...
+sed -i -e "s!\( */bin/esd -nobeeps -tcp -port 16001\)\( -as 1 &\)!\1 -public\2!g" \
+ ${LTSROOT}/etc/rc.sound &&
+string_add "${LTSROOT},sync,no_root_squash)" /etc/exports &&
+string_add "option root-path \"${LTSP_SERVER}:${LTSROOT}\";" /etc/dhcpd.conf &&
+# no spaces but tabs to separate items.
+sed -i -e "s!^#\*\(.*#any host.*\)!\*\1!g" /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess &&
+# By default this line is set, so that it is not listening to XDMCP connection.
+# This is for security reasons.
+sed -i -e "s%\(^DisplayManager\.requestPort:.*\)%!\1%g" /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/ltsp-utils &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd mailman &&
+hv_useradd -c "GNU-Mailman" -d ${MMPREFIX} -g mailman -s /bin/false mailman &&
+# Creating installation directory with correct permissions and ownerships.
+install --owner=mailman --group=mailman --mode=02775 -d ${MMPREFIX} &&
+# Problems when using a separate build directory
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${MMPREFIX} \
+ --with-cgi-gid=${APACHE_USER} \
+ --with-mail-gid=${SENDMAIL_GID} \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Checking installation directory permissions
+${MMPREFIX}/bin/check_perms -f &&
+# Configure the web server to enable CGI script permission in the $prefix/cgi-bin
+# to run CGI scripts.
+string_add "ScriptAlias /mailman/ ${MMPREFIX}/cgi-bin/" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+# Creating directory for mailman icons with correct permissions and ownerships.
+install --owner=mailman --group=mailman --mode=2775 -d /srv/www/icons/mailman &&
+# Copy the Mailman, Python, and GNU logos to a location accessible to the web server.
+cp ${MMPREFIX}/icons/*.{jpg,png} /srv/www/icons/mailman &&
+# Specify location of icons directory in mailman configuration file.
+string_add "IMAGE_LOGOS = '/icons/mailman/'" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py &&
+# Addition to /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+# First, checking if section exists
+if ! grep "/pipermail/" /etc/apache/httpd.conf 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Alias /pipermail/ ${MMPREFIX}/archives/public/" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+ echo "<Directory /usr/lib/mailman/archives/public/>" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+ echo " Options FollowSymLinks" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+ echo " AllowOverride None" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+ echo " AddDefaultCharset Off" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf &&
+ echo "</Directory>" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf || exit 1
+fi &&
+# Setting default password
+/usr/lib/mailman/bin/mmsitepass mailman &&
+# Adding cron entries
+cat > /etc/fcron/mailman.crontab << "EOF" &&
+# !mailto(postmaster)
+# This is needed because the mailman user doesn't have a
+# login shell defined in /etc/passwd.
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# At 8AM every day, mail reminders to admins as to pending requests.
+# They are less likely to ignore these reminders if they're mailed
+# early in the morning, but of course, this is local time... ;)
+0 8 * * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/checkdbs
+# At 9AM, send notifications to disabled members that are due to be
+# reminded to re-enable their accounts.
+0 9 * * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/disabled
+# Noon, mail digests for lists that do periodic as well as threshhold delivery.
+0 12 * * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/senddigests
+# 5 AM on the first of each month, mail out password reminders.
+0 5 1 * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/mailpasswds
+# Every 5 mins, try to gate news to mail. You can comment this one out
+# if you don't want to allow gating, or don't have any going on right now,
+# or want to exclusively use a callback strategy instead of polling.
+#0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/gate_news
+# At 3:27am every night, regenerate the gzip'd archive file. Only
+# turn this on if the internal archiver is used and
+# GZIP_ARCHIVE_TXT_FILES is false in mm_cfg.py
+#27 3 * * * /usr/bin/python -S _MMPREFIX_/cron/nightly_gzip
+sed -i -e "s!_MMPREFIX_!${MMPREFIX}!g" /etc/fcron/mailman.crontab &&
+string_add "fcrontab -u mailman -c /etc/fcron/fcron.conf /etc/fcron/mailman.crontab" \
+ /etc/fcron/configure &&
+# Reloading cron configuration
+/etc/fcron/configure &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/mailman /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 mailman 75 15 &&
+# URL
+string_add "DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = '_DOMAIN_'" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py &&
+string_add "DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'www._DOMAIN_'" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py || exit 1
+if test -n ${HTTPD_PORT}; then
+ string_add "DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s:_DOMAIN_/mailman'" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py &&
+ string_add "PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'http://%(hostname)s:_HTTPD_PORT_/pipermail/%(listname)s'" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py || exit 1
+string_add "add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST)" \
+ ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py &&
+sed -i -e "s!_HTTPD_PORT_!${HTTPD_PORT}!g" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py &&
+sed -i -e "s!_DOMAIN_!${DOMAIN}!g" ${MMPREFIX}/Mailman/mm_cfg.py
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var/run &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Configuration file
+cat > /etc/mail/greylist.conf << EOF
+# greylist.conf
+pidfile "/var/run/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.pid"
+socket "/var/run/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.sock"
+dumpfile "/var/run/milter-greylist/greylist.db"
+user "root"
+# Be verbose (or use -v flag)
+# Do not tell spammer how long they have to wait
+# Your own network, which should not suffer greylisting
+list "my network" addr { }
+# This is a list of broken MTAs that break with greylisting. Derived from
+# http://cvs.puremagic.com/viewcvs/greylisting/schema/whitelist_ip.txt?rev=1.16
+list "broken mta" addr { \
+ \ # Southwest Airlines (unique sender)
+ \ # Southwest Airlines
+ \ # Southwest Airlines
+ \ # Southwest Airlines
+ \ # kernel.org (unique sender)
+ \ # sourceware.org (unique sender)
+ \ # SLmail
+ \ # Southwest Airlines
+ \ # Southwest Airlines
+ \ # sentex.ca (common pool)
+ \ # AOL (common pool)
+ \ # AOL
+ \ # AOL
+ \ # moveon.org (unique sender)
+ \ # collab.net (unique sender)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Groupwise?
+ \ # Ebay
+ \ # Groupwise?
+ \ # Plexor
+ \ # Plexor
+ \ # Plexor
+ \ # Plexor
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # Yahoo Groups servers (common pool)
+ \ # ljbtc.com (Groupwise)
+ \ # AOL
+ \ # Joker.com
+ \ # Tid InfoMail Exchanger v2.20
+ \ # skynet.be (wierd retry pattern, common pool)
+ \ # skynet.be
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # mgn.net
+ \ # skynet.be (wierd retry pattern)
+ \ # skynet.be
+ \ # Ameritrade (no retry)
+ \ # AOL
+ \ # SecurityFocus.com (unique sender)
+ \ # Prodigy - retries continually
+ \ # Amazon.com
+ \ # Amazon.com
+ \ # Amazon.com
+ \ # Amazon.com
+ \ # Amazon.com
+ \ # sourceware.org mailing lists (unique sender)
+ \ # optusnet.com.au (wierd retry pattern)
+ \ # Mysql.com (unique sender)
+ \ # Ebay
+ \ # AXKit mailing list (unique sender)
+# List of users that want greylisting
+list "grey users" rcpt { \
+ *@mydomain.com \
+# List of senders that are automatically whitelisted
+list "white users" from { \
+ user@domain1 \
+ user@domain2 \
+# Perform DNS Reverse Black List verification
+dnsrbl "SORBS DUN" dnsbl.sorbs.net
+# And here is the access list
+acl whitelist addr
+acl whitelist addr
+acl greylist list "grey users" dnsrbl "SORBS DUN" delay 24h autowhite 3d
+acl greylist list "grey users" delay 10m autowhite 10d
+acl whitelist list "white users"
+acl whitelist default
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/milter-greylist /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 milter-greylist 57 33 &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make &&
+make PREFIX=/usr install
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/milter-spf /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 milter-spf 56 34
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+CFLAGS="-pipe -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=athlon-xp"
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# First, install skins
+install -v -d -m755 ${SKIN_PATH} &&
+cp -v -a ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/Skin/* ${SKIN_PATH} &&
+chown -v -R root:root ${SKIN_PATH} &&
+chmod -v 755 ${SKIN_PATH}/Blue{,/icons} &&
+ln -sfv Blue ${SKIN_PATH}/default &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --confdir=/etc/mplayer \
+ --enable-largefiles \
+ --enable-dynamic-plugins \
+ --enable-gui \
+ --with-codecsdir=${CODECS_PATH} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+cp -v -R DOCS/* /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -m644 etc/codecs.conf /etc/mplayer &&
+install -m644 etc/*.conf /etc/mplayer &&
+# MPlayer requires that the RTC run at a frequency of 1024 Hz.
+# Make this setting change at boot-time by adding a line to /etc/sysctl.conf:
+if [ ! -f /etc/sysctl.conf ]; then
+ touch /etc/sysctl.conf || exit 1
+fi &&
+string_add "dev.rtc.max-user-freq=1024" /etc/sysctl.conf &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+install -v -d -m755 ${CODECS_PATH} &&
+install -v -m644 ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/* ${CODECS_PATH}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd mysql &&
+hv_useradd -c mysql -d /dev/null -g mysql -s /bin/false mysql &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --localstatedir=/srv/mysql \
+ --enable-thread-safe-client \
+ --enable-assembler \
+ --enable-local-infile \
+ --with-named-thread-libs=-lpthread \
+ --with-unix-socket-path=/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock \
+ --without-debug \
+ --without-bench \
+ --without-readline &&
+make testdir=/usr/lib/mysql/mysql-test &&
+make testdir=/usr/lib/mysql/mysql-test install &&
+cd /usr/lib &&
+ln -sf mysql/libmysqlclient{,_r}.so* . &&
+# Copying default configuration file.
+cp /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf &&
+mysql_install_db --user=mysql &&
+chgrp mysql /srv/mysql{,/test,/mysql} &&
+install -m750 -o mysql -g mysql -d /var/run/mysql &&
+# Further configuration requires that the MySQL server be running (see cis-postinstall)
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/mysql /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 mysql 45 45 &&
+# Addition to /etc/ld.so.conf
+string_add "/usr/lib/mysql" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Define to 1 to test this package.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+export WORKINGDIR=${PWD} &&
+# Non-debug optimized build
+export BUILD_OPT=1 &&
+cd mozilla/security/nss &&
+make nss_build_all &&
+cd ../.. &&
+export NSS_LINUXDIR=$(basename `ls -d $WORKINGDIR/mozilla/dist/Linux*`) || exit 1
+if [ ${RUN_TESTS} -eq 1 ]; then
+ # Running tests
+ export DOMSUF="${DOMAIN}" &&
+ export PATH=$PATH:$WORKINGDIR/mozilla/dist/$NSS_LINUXDIR/bin &&
+ export TEST_RESULTSDIR=$WORKINGDIR/mozilla/tests_results/security &&
+ cd security/nss/tests &&
+ sed -i 's/gmake/make/' common/init.sh &&
+ ./all.sh &&
+ TEST_RESULTS=$(grep Passed $TEST_RESULTSDIR/$(hostname --short).1/results.html | wc -l) || exit 1
+ if [ ${TEST_RESULTS} -ne 770 ]; then
+ echo "Number of tests that passed: ${TEST_RESULTS}"
+ echo "Number of tests expected to pass: 770"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/mozilla &&
+install -v -m755 nsprpub/$NSS_LINUXDIR/config/nspr-config /usr/bin &&
+#install -v -m755 -d /usr/lib/pkgconfig &&
+#install -v -m644 nsprpub/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc \
+# security/nss/lib/pkgconfig/nss.pc \
+# /usr/lib/pkgconfig &&
+cd dist &&
+install -v -m755 $NSS_LINUXDIR/lib/*.so /usr/lib &&
+install -v -m644 $NSS_LINUXDIR/lib/{*.chk,libcrmf.a} /usr/lib &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/include/{nss,nspr} &&
+install -v -m644 {public,private}/nss/* /usr/include/nss &&
+cp -v -RL $NSS_LINUXDIR/include/* /usr/include/nspr &&
+chmod -v 644 /usr/include/nspr/prvrsion.h &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-http \
+ --disable-static \
+ --enable-default-catalog=/etc/sgml/catalog \
+ --enable-default-search-path=/usr/share/sgml \
+ --datadir=/usr/share/sgml/${1} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ln -sf openjade /usr/bin/jade &&
+ln -sf libogrove.so /usr/lib/libgrove.so &&
+ln -sf libospgrove.so /usr/lib/libspgrove.so &&
+ln -sf libostyle.so /usr/lib/libstyle.so &&
+install -m644 dsssl/catalog /usr/share/sgml/${1}/ &&
+install -m644 dsssl/*.{dtd,dsl,sgm} /usr/share/sgml/${1} &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/${1}.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/${1}/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/${1}.cat &&
+var_add_path "SGML_BASE_DIR" /etc/profile "/usr/share/sgml" &&
+var_export "SGML_BASE_DIR" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path "SGML_CATALOGS_DIR" /etc/profile "/etc/sgml" &&
+var_export "SGML_CATALOGS_DIR" /etc/profile
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/srv/ldap \
+ --disable-debug \
+ --enable-dynamic \
+ --enable-crypt \
+ --enable-modules \
+ --enable-rlookups \
+ --enable-backends \
+ --enable-overlays &&
+make depend &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+for LINK in lber ldap ldap_r; do
+ chmod -v 0755 /usr/lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/lib${LINK}.so)
+done &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1}/{drafts,guide,rfc} &&
+install -v -m644 doc/drafts/* /usr/share/doc/${1}/drafts &&
+install -v -m644 doc/rfc/* /usr/share/doc/${1}/rfc &&
+cp -v -R doc/guide/* /usr/share/doc/${1}/guide
+# Only the slapd daemon is needed.
+# The slurpd daemon is used for coordinating multiple LDAP servers so they
+# cooperate in a hierarchy, much like DNS servers.
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/openldap /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 openldap 60 30
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Remove the old catalog items prior to upgrading...
+# First test for presence of 'install-catalog' program
+install-catalog -v 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ # The following commands may fail if this is the first time
+ # that this package is installed. So we do not check the return value.
+ install-catalog --remove /etc/sgml/${1}.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/${1}/catalog
+ install-catalog --remove /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/${1}.cat
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# These seds prevent some annoying messages that may otherwise appear while running openjade.
+sed -i 's:32,:253,:' lib/Syntax.cxx &&
+sed -i 's:LITLEN 240 :LITLEN 8092:' \
+ unicode/{gensyntax.pl,unicode.syn} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-static \
+ --disable-doc-build \
+ --enable-http \
+ --enable-default-catalog=/etc/sgml/catalog \
+ --enable-default-search-path=/usr/share/sgml &&
+make pkgdatadir=/usr/share/sgml/${1} &&
+make pkgdatadir=/usr/share/sgml/${1} install &&
+ln -sf onsgmls /usr/bin/nsgmls &&
+ln -sf osgmlnorm /usr/bin/sgmlnorm &&
+ln -sf ospam /usr/bin/spam &&
+ln -sf ospcat /usr/bin/spcat &&
+ln -sf ospent /usr/bin/spent &&
+ln -sf osx /usr/bin/sx &&
+ln -sf osx /usr/bin/sgml2xml &&
+ln -sf libosp.so /usr/lib/libsp.so
+#install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/${1}.cat \
+# /usr/share/sgml/${1}/catalog &&
+#install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+# /etc/sgml/${1}.cat
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+echo "y" | ./install.sh &&
+# Installing French language file
+decompress_package ${OPERA_LANG_FR} /usr/share/opera/locale
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i 's/const char \*errpfx,/const DB_ENV *dbenv, & const/' ext/dba/dba_db4.c &&
+# Since PHP 5, you need to explicitly bundle PHP with MySQL by --with-mysql directive
+# (make sure you specified path to where MySQL is installed on your system).
+# Build directory doesn't work:
+# gcc: Zend/zend_language_scanner.c: No such file or directory
+# --enable-memory-limit : only for php lower than php-5.2...
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs \
+ --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
+ --enable-discard-path \
+ --with-config-file-path=/etc \
+ --with-zlib \
+ --enable-bcmath \
+ --with-bz2 \
+ --with-gd \
+ --with-freetype-dir=/usr \
+ --with-t1lib \
+ --enable-memory-limit \
+ --enable-gd-native-ttf \
+ --enable-calendar \
+ --enable-dba \
+ --enable-exif \
+ --enable-ftp \
+ --with-gettext \
+ --enable-mbstring \
+ --with-ncurses \
+ --with-readline \
+ --with-openssl=/usr \
+ --with-ldap \
+ --with-mysql=/usr \
+ --with-imap=/usr/lib/uw-imap \
+ --with-imap-ssl=/usr/include/openssl &&
+make &&
+make install || exit 1
+if [ -f /etc/php.ini ]; then
+ cp /etc/php.ini /etc/php.ini.old || exit 1
+cp ../${1}/php.ini-dist /etc/php.ini || exit 1
+# To enable PHP support in the Apache web server, a new AddType directive
+# must be added to the httpd.conf file.
+if ! grep "application/x-httpd-php" /etc/apache/httpd.conf 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf || exit 1
+if ! grep "DirectoryIndex" /etc/apache/httpd.conf | grep "index.php" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sed -i -e "s!\(^DirectoryIndex index.html.*\)!\1 index.php!g" /etc/apache/httpd.conf || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# The option "-n" is used to avoid having to answer a question and accept the
+# default configuration.
+perl Makefile.PL -n &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# The option "-n" is used to avoid having to answer a question and accept the
+# default configuration.
+perl Makefile.PL -n --no-online-tests &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ #########################################
+ # MySQL
+ #########################################
+ while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do
+ echo "Do you want to set MySQL root password? (y/n): "
+ if [ "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "y" -o "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "n" ]; then
+ READ_VALID="yes"
+ else
+ echo "Error, answer y or n"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${SET_MYSQL_ROOT_PASS}" = "y" ]; then
+ # Further configuration requires that the MySQL server be running:
+ mysqld_safe --user=mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null &
+ evaluate_retval
+ while [ "${PASS_MATCH}" = "no" ]; do
+ echo -n "Enter new MySQL root password: " >&2
+ read PASS1
+ echo -n "Re-enter password to confirm : " >&2
+ read PASS2
+ if [ "${PASS1}" != "${PASS2}" ]; then
+ echo "Error, passwords don't match"
+ else
+ PASS_MATCH="yes"
+ fi
+ done
+ mysqladmin -u root password ${PASS1} || exit 1
+ echo "MySQL root password set."
+ echo "Shutting down MySQL server:"
+ # Configuration of the server is now finished. Shuting down the server.
+ mysqladmin -p shutdown || exit 1
+ fi
+ #########################################
+ # Apache
+ #########################################
+ while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do
+ echo "Do you want to generate SSL self-signed"
+ echo -n "certificate for Apache? (y/n): "
+ read USE_SSL
+ if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" -o "${USE_SSL}" = "n" ]; then
+ READ_VALID="yes"
+ else
+ echo "Error, answer y or n"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" ]; then
+ /etc/apache/generate-ssl-certs || exit 1
+ fi
+ #########################################
+ # imap
+ #########################################
+ while [ "${READ_VALID}" = "no" ]; do
+ echo "Do you want to generate SSL self-signed"
+ echo -n "certificate for IMAP server? (y/n): "
+ read USE_SSL
+ if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" -o "${USE_SSL}" = "n" ]; then
+ READ_VALID="yes"
+ else
+ echo "Error, answer y or n"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${USE_SSL}" = "y" ]; then
+ /etc/mail/imap-ssl-certs || exit 1
+ fi
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make \
+ BASENAME=/usr \
+ install &&
+make install-suid &&
+cat > /etc/procmailrc << "EOF" &&
+# /etc/procmailrc
+LOG="--- Logging ${LOGFILE} for ${LOGNAME}, "
+# The default internal egrep of procmailrc igore case.
+# Clam AV
+# A recipe to match a From line:
+* ^Subject: Virus intercepted
+# All mail destined to spam@yourdomain and to ham@yourdomain should go
+# directly to the spam-sure and ham mail folders respectively.
+# This rule is usefull because we don't need to setup a spam or
+# ham account on the mail server.
+* ^To:.*spam@_DOMAIN_
+* ^To:.*ham@_DOMAIN_
+# SpamAssassin
+# The condition line ensures that only messages smaller than 250 kB
+# (250 * 1024 = 256000 bytes) are processed by SpamAssassin. Most spam
+# isn't bigger than a few k and working with big messages can bring
+# SpamAssassin to its knees.
+# The lock file ensures that only 1 spamassassin invocation happens
+# at 1 time, to keep the load down.
+:0fw: spamassassin.lock
+* < 256000
+| /usr/bin/spamassassin
+# All mail tagged as spam (eg. with a score higher than the set threshold)
+# is moved to "spam".
+* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
+# Last resort rule
+# Accept all the rest to your default mailbox
+DOMAIN1=$(echo ${DOMAIN} | sed "s!\(.*\)\.\(.*\)!\1!") &&
+DOMAIN2=$(echo ${DOMAIN} | sed "s!\(.*\)\.\(.*\)!\2!") &&
+sed -i -e "s!_DOMAIN_!${DOMAIN1}\\\.${DOMAIN2}!g" /etc/procmailrc
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd pulse &&
+hv_groupadd pulse-access &&
+hv_useradd -g pulse -d /var/run/pulse pulse &&
+gpasswd -a hugo pulse-access
+# Il faut ajouter l'usager pulse au groupe audio.
+gpasswd -a pulse audio
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var &&
+# Workaround pour éliminer les messages de warning
+# reliés à SHM...
+sed -i -e "s!\(#define HAVE_SHM_OPEN 1\)!/* \1 */!g" config.h &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+cat > /etc/pulse/daemon.conf << "EOF" &&
+## Extra verbositiy
+verbose = debug
+## Daemonize after startup
+daemonize = 1
+## Quit if startup fails
+fail = 1
+## Renice the daemon to level -15 and try to get SCHED_FIFO
+## scheduling. This a good idea if you hear annyoing noise in the
+## playback. However, this is a certain security issue, since it works
+## when called SUID root only. root is dropped immediately after gaining
+## the nice level and SCHED_FIFO scheduling on startup.
+high-priority = 1
+## The resampling algorithm to use. Use one of src-sinc-best-quality,
+## src-sinc-medium-quality, src-sinc-fastest, src-zero-order-hold,
+## src-linear, trivial. See the documentation of libsamplerate for an
+## explanation for the different methods. The method 'trivial' is the
+## only algorithm implemented without usage of floating point
+## numbers. If you're tight on CPU consider using this. On the other
+## hand it has the worst quality of all.
+resample-method = src-sinc-best-quality
+## Create a PID file in /tmp/pulseaudio-$USER/pid. Of this is enabled
+## you may use commands like "pulseaudio --kill" or "pulseaudio
+## --check". If you are planning to start more than one pulseaudio
+## process per user, you better disable this option since it
+## effectively disables multiple instances.
+use-pid-file = 1
+## Do not install the CPU load limit, even on platforms where it is
+## supported. This option is useful when debugging/profiling
+## PulseAudio to disable disturbing SIGXCPU signals.
+no-cpu-limit = 1
+## Run the daemon as system-wide instance, requires root priviliges
+system-instance = 1
+## Disable shared memory data transfer
+disable-shm = 1
+cat > /etc/pulse/default.pa << "EOF" &&
+#!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF
+# ----------------
+# SOURCE | PulseAudio | SINK
+# --------->| |--------->
+# ALSA | Daemon | EsounD
+# ----------------
+# SOURCE: Application -> Alsa -> PulseAudio
+load-module module-alsa-source device=default
+# SINK: PulseAudio -> Network
+load-module module-esound-sink server=via:16001
+# Network protocols
+load-module module-esound-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1
+# The native protocol is used for communications between
+# ALSA and PulseAudio.
+load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1
+# Automatically restore the volume of playback streams
+load-module module-volume-restore
+# Automatically move streams to the default sink if the sink they are
+# connected to dies, similar for sources
+load-module module-rescue-streams
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/pulseaudio /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 pulseaudio 95 16
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+QTVER=$(get_pkg_ver ${1})
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# You can edit the $QTDIR/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf file and then
+# configure/build qt and it will use those settings
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+export QTDIR=${PWD} &&
+export PATH=${PWD}/bin:${PATH} &&
+# The "yes" input is needed to accept the license. */
+echo "yes" | ./configure \
+ -prefix /opt/qt-${QTVER} \
+ -sysconfdir /etc/qt \
+ -qt-gif \
+ -system-zlib \
+ -system-libpng \
+ -system-libjpeg \
+ -system-libmng \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-png \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-jpeg \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-mng \
+ -no-exceptions \
+ -thread \
+ -tablet &&
+make sub-tools &&
+make install &&
+ln -v -sfn qt-${QTVER} /opt/qt &&
+ln -v -s libqt-mt.so /opt/qt/lib/libqt.so &&
+cp -v -r doc/man /opt/qt/doc &&
+cp -v -r examples /opt/qt/doc &&
+string_add "/opt/qt/lib" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+ldconfig &&
+var_add_path QTDIR /etc/profile "/opt/qt" &&
+var_export QTDIR /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path MANPATH /etc/profile "/opt/qt/doc/man" &&
+var_export MANPATH /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path PKG_CONFIG_PATH /etc/profile "/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig" &&
+var_export PKG_CONFIG_PATH /etc/profile &&
+# Enlèvement de la documentation pour sauver 40M.
+cd /opt/qt/doc &&
+rm -rf exemples html
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+install -d /var/cache/samba &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/source &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-piddir=/var/run \
+ --with-fhs \
+ --with-smbmount &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+mv /usr/lib/samba/libsmbclient.so /usr/lib &&
+ln -sf ../libsmbclient.so /usr/lib/samba &&
+mkdir -p /var/log/samba &&
+# libsmbclient.a doesn't seem to be installed...
+#chmod 644 /usr/include/libsmbclient.h /usr/lib/samba/libsmbclient.a &&
+chmod 644 /usr/include/libsmbclient.h &&
+install -m755 nsswitch/libnss_win{s,bind}.so /lib &&
+ln -sf libnss_winbind.so /lib/libnss_winbind.so.2 &&
+ln -sf libnss_wins.so /lib/libnss_wins.so.2 &&
+cp ../examples/smb.conf.default /etc/samba &&
+install -m644 ../docs/*.pdf /usr/share/samba
+if [ -f nsswitch/pam_winbind.so ]; then
+ install -m755 nsswitch/pam_winbind.so /lib/security || exit 1
+ldconfig &&
+# Configuring SWAT
+string_add "swat 901/tcp" /etc/services &&
+string_add "swat_tunnel 902/tcp" /etc/services &&
+string_add "swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat" /etc/inetd.conf &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/samba /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 samba 85 10
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+if [ x${INST_TYPE} = "xworkstation" ]; then
+ USE_X_OPTION="yes"
+hv_groupadd saned &&
+hv_useradd -c saned -d /dev/null -g saned -s /bin/false saned &&
+# Problem with build directory
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-x=${USE_X_OPTION} &&
+# If the 'SANE_DRIVER' variable is defined in the 'sysinfos' file, then
+# we build that driver and the 'net' driver only. Otherwise, only the 'net'
+# driver is built. We do so by modifying the 'PRELOADABLE_BACKENDS' variable
+# in 'backend/Makefile'.
+cp backend/Makefile backend/Makefile.bak &&
+cat backend/Makefile.bak \
+ | sed "s/\(PRELOADABLE_BACKENDS =\).*/\1 ${SANE_DRIVER} net/" \
+ > backend/Makefile &&
+# Removing the program umax_pp, since it depends on some umax driver.
+cp tools/Makefile tools/Makefile.bak &&
+cat tools/Makefile.bak \
+ | sed "s/\(DESTINATIONS =.*\)umax_pp\(.*\)/\1\2/" > tools/Makefile &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Addition to /etc/services (for both the client and server)
+string_add "sane 6566/tcp saned # SANE Network Scanner Daemon" \
+ /etc/services &&
+# Creating '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf' and adding entry 'net'
+echo "net" > /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
+if [ -z "${SANE_SERVER}" ]; then
+ # If 'SANE_SERVER' is not defined, then we automatically configure for
+ # the SANE Network Daemon.
+ # Adding entry to '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
+ echo "${SANE_DRIVER}" >> /etc/sane.d/dll.conf || exit 1
+ # Creating '/etc/sane.d/saned.conf'
+ echo "${LAN_NETWORK_MASK}" > /etc/sane.d/saned.conf || exit 1
+ # Addition to /etc/inetd.conf
+ string_add "sane stream tcp nowait saned /usr/sbin/tcpd saned" \
+ /etc/inetd.conf || exit 1
+ # If 'SANE_SERVER' is defined, then we must specify the address of the
+ # remote SANE server to use.
+ echo "${SANE_SERVER}" > /etc/sane.d/net.conf || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Fixes an issue when compiling Cyrus SASL with GCC-4:
+sed -i '/sasl_global/s/^static //' lib/client.c &&
+# Puts the saslauthd man page in a more standard location:
+sed -i 's/cat8/man8/' saslauthd/Makefile.in &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-dbpath=/var/lib/sasl/sasldb2 \
+ --with-saslauthd=/var/run &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 doc/{*.{html,txt,fig},ONEWS,TODO} \
+ saslauthd/LDAP_SASLAUTHD /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -v -m700 -d /var/lib/sasl &&
+# Creating SASL configuration file for Sendmail:
+cat > /usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf << "EOF" &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Bootscript
+install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/saslauthd /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+# script-name start stop
+bootscript_add_rc3 saslauthd 50 40
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd smmsp &&
+hv_groupadd mail &&
+hv_useradd -g smmsp -G mail smmsp &&
+chmod 1777 /var/mail &&
+mkdir -p /var/spool/mqueue &&
+mkdir -p /etc/mail &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+cat > devtools/Site/site.config.m4 << "EOF"
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ # Adding support for SASL2 and MILTER
+ cat >> devtools/Site/site.config.m4 << "EOF" &&
+APPENDDEF(`conf_sendmail_ENVDEF', `-DSASL=2')
+APPENDDEF(`conf_sendmail_LIBS', `-lsasl2')
+APPENDDEF(`conf_sendmail_ENVDEF', `-DMILTER')
+ # Configuration file for SASL2
+ echo "pwcheck_method: saslauthd" /usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf || exit 1
+cd sendmail &&
+sh Build &&
+cd ../
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ cd libmilter &&
+ sh Build install &&
+ cd ../
+ evaluate_retval
+cd cf/cf &&
+cp generic-linux.mc sendmail.mc &&
+sh Build sendmail.mc &&
+sh Build install-cf &&
+cd ../../ &&
+sh Build install
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ # Configuration Information
+ cat > /etc/mail/sendmail.mc << "EOF"
+VERSIONID(`sendmail.mc Hugo Villeneuve 2003/10/06')
+dnl ---------- Procmail settings ----------
+define(`PROCMAIL_MAILER_ARGS', procmail -a $h -d $u)dnl
+dnl ---------- Log messages level ----------
+define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `14')
+dnl ---------- confPRIVACY_FLAGS ----------
+dnl "vrfy": (verify) pour verifier l'existence d'une adresse sur le serveur.
+dnl "expn": (expand) qui est identique a "vrfy" mais qui permet aussi de lister
+dnl les personnes d'une liste et autres alias.
+dnl "noreceipts": To disable sending DSN receipts.
+dnl "goaway": Disable all SMTP status queries.
+dnl "authwarnings": Adds x-authentication-warning.
+dnl "restrictmailq": mqueue group can see queue.
+dnl "restrictqrun": mqueue owner to run queue.
+dnl "nobodyreturn": Does not return mail body
+define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `goaway authwarnings restrictmailq restrictqrun nobodyreturn novrfy noexpn noreceipts')
+dnl ---------- Maximum message size (in bytes) ----------
+dnl ---------- MILTER support ----------
+dnl ---------- SMTP Authorization options ----------
+define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A')
+dnl ---------- Don't send the version number of sendmail ----------
+dnl Uncomment the following line to use a non-standard port
+dnl This is necessary for the local Sendmail to work, when using
+dnl an alternate port number:
+FEATURE(nouucp, nospecial)
+FEATURE(`access_db', `hash -T<TMPF> /etc/mail/access')
+FEATURE(virtusertable, `hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')
+INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clmilter',`S=local:/var/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
+dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`smf-spf', `S=local:/var/run/smfs/smf-spf.sock, T=S:30s;R:1m')
+dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`greylist',`S=local:/var/run/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.sock')
+ sed -i -e "s!_HOSTNAME_!${MACHINE_NAME}\.${DOMAIN}!g" /etc/mail/sendmail.mc &&
+ sed -i -e "s!_DOMAIN_!${DOMAIN}!g" /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
+ evaluate_retval
+ if [ -n "${SENDMAIL_INCOMING_PORT}" ]; then
+ # Uncommenting the alternate port line
+ sed -i -e "s!\(dnl \)\(.*_ALTERNATE_PORT_NUMBER_.*\)!\2!g" /etc/mail/sendmail.mc || exit 1
+ # Replacing the port number
+ sed -i -e "s!_ALTERNATE_PORT_NUMBER_!${SENDMAIL_INCOMING_PORT}!g" /etc/mail/sendmail.mc || exit 1
+ fi
+ # We must put the domain name, and not the hostname in local-host-names
+ echo "${DOMAIN}" > /etc/mail/local-host-names
+ if [ -n "${MAIL_ADMIN}" ]; then
+ echo "postmaster: ${MAIL_ADMIN}" > /etc/mail/aliases
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cat >> /etc/mail/aliases << "EOF"
+mailer-daemon: postmaster
+abuse: postmaster
+root: postmaster
+ cat > /etc/mail/access << "EOF"
+# This is absolutely needed for each 192.168.0.x computer to send mail...
+Connect:192.168.0 RELAY
+ cd /etc/mail &&
+ cp -R ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/cf/* . &&
+ cat > /etc/mail/submit.mc << "EOF"
+ cat ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/cf/cf/submit.mc >> /etc/mail/submit.mc &&
+ sed -i "s!\(^FEATURE.*\)\(.*\)!\1${MACHINE_NAME}\.${DOMAIN}\2!" /etc/mail/submit.mc &&
+ newaliases -v &&
+ cat > /etc/mail/virtusertable << "EOF" &&
+ if [ -n "${SENDMAIL_ALT_MAILER}" ]; then
+ echo ". ${SENDMAIL_ALT_MAILER}" > /etc/mail/mailertable || exit 1
+ else
+ echo "# Define alternate mailer in this file" > /etc/mail/mailertable || exit 1
+ fi
+ cat > /etc/mail/configure << "EOF" &&
+cd /etc/mail &&
+m4 sendmail.mc > sendmail.cf &&
+m4 submit.mc > submit.cf &&
+newaliases &&
+makemap hash access.db < access &&
+makemap hash virtusertable < virtusertable &&
+makemap hash mailertable.db < mailertable || exit 1
+# Restarting sendmail
+if [ -f ${PID_FILE} ]; then
+ kill -HUP `head -1 /var/run/sendmail.pid` || exit 1
+ /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start || exit 1
+exit $?
+ chmod 740 /etc/mail/configure &&
+ # Bootscript
+ install -v -m740 ${CUR_DIR}/bootscripts/sendmail /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
+ # script-name start stop
+ bootscript_add_rc3 sendmail 65 25 &&
+ cat > /usr/local/bin/mail-if-fail << "EOF" &&
+# This script is used to run a command. If the command failed,
+# an email is sent to the address specified by MAILTO.
+# Begin of user modifiable variables
+# End of User modifiable variables
+SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -r ${MAILFROM}"
+# Running the specified command
+${*} 1> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
+if [ ${ERROR_CODE} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "From: ${MAILFROM}" > ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "To: ${MAILTO}" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Subject: \"${1}\" FAILED (${ERROR_CODE})" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Content-type: text/plain" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo "Output of command ${*}:" >> ${MAILFILE}
+ echo >> ${MAILFILE}
+ cat ${LOGFILE} >> ${MAILFILE}
+ cat ${MAILFILE} | ${SENDMAIL} || exit 1
+ rm -f ${MAILFILE}
+rm -f ${LOGFILE}
+exit ${ERROR_CODE}
+ sed -i -e "s!_DOMAIN_!${DOMAIN}!g" /usr/local/bin/mail-if-fail &&
+ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mail-if-fail &&
+ cp ${CUR_DIR}/resources/mail-files.sh /usr/local/bin &&
+ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mail-files.sh &&
+ # Executing configure script.
+ /etc/mail/configure
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Remove the old catalog items prior to upgrading...
+# First test for presence of 'install-catalog' program
+install-catalog -v 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ # The following commands may fail if this is the first time
+ # that this package is installed. So we do not check the return value.
+ install-catalog --remove /etc/sgml/sgml-ent.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/sgml-iso-entities-8879.1986/catalog
+ install-catalog --remove /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/sgml-ent.cat
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Autotools used with this package are very old, so we regenerate the autotools files.
+aclocal &&
+automake -acf &&
+autoconf &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-ent.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/sgml-iso-entities-8879.1986/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/sgml-ent.cat
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i -e '/ISO 8879/d' \
+ -e 's|DTDDECL "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"|SGMLDECL|g' \
+ docbook.cat &&
+install -d /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER} &&
+chown -R root:root . &&
+install docbook.cat /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER}/catalog &&
+cp -af *.dtd *.mod *.dcl /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER} &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER}.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER}/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER}.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat &&
+# Using only the most current 3.x version of sgml-dtd requires the following:
+cat >> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD3_VER}/catalog << "EOF"
+ -- Begin Single Major Version catalog changes --
+PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" "docbook.dtd"
+ -- End Single Major Version catalog changes --
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i -e '/ISO 8879/d' \
+ -e '/gml/d' docbook.cat &&
+install -d /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER} &&
+chown -R root:root . &&
+install docbook.cat /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER}/catalog &&
+cp -af *.dtd *.mod *.dcl /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER} &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER}.cat \
+ /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER}/catalog &&
+install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER}.cat \
+ /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat &&
+# Using only the most current 4.x version of sgml-dtd requires the following:
+cat >> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/sgml-dtd-${SGML_DTD4_VER}/catalog << "EOF"
+ -- Begin Single Major Version catalog changes --
+PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.3//EN" "docbook.dtd"
+PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" "docbook.dtd"
+PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" "docbook.dtd"
+PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.0//EN" "docbook.dtd"
+ -- End Single Major Version catalog changes --
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i -e "s@/usr/local/bin@/usr/bin@" \
+ -e "s@/usr/local/lib/perl5@/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/$(get_pkg_ver ${PERL])@" \
+ -e "s@/usr/local/lib/www/docs@/usr/share/doc/perl5@" \
+ Makefile &&
+make install &&
+install -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/perl5 &&
+make install_html &&
+rm -f /usr/share/doc/perl5/SGMLSpm/sample.pl &&
+install -m644 DOC/sample.pl /usr/share/doc/perl5/SGMLSpm &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+perl Makefile.PL -n \
+ CONTACT_ADDRESS="postmaster" \
+ ENABLE_SSL="no" \
+ RUN_NET_TESTS="no" &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cat > /usr/local/bin/hv-sa-learn << "EOF" &&
+SA_LEARN_FLAGS="--showdots --mbox"
+for user in ${SA_USERS}; do
+ if [ -f /home/${user}/${USER_MAIL_FOLDER}/SPAM ]; then
+ echo "Scanning SPAM folder for user <${user}>:"
+ ${SA_LEARN} ${SA_LEARN_FLAGS} -C /etc/mail/spamassassin --spam /home/${user}/${USER_MAIL_FOLDER}/SPAM || exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -f /home/${user}/${USER_MAIL_FOLDER}/HAM ]; then
+ echo "Scanning HAM folder for user <${user}:>"
+ ${SA_LEARN} ${SA_LEARN_FLAGS} -C /etc/mail/spamassassin --ham /home/${user}/${USER_MAIL_FOLDER}/HAM || exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Scanning /var/mail/spam-sure..."
+${SA_LEARN} ${SA_LEARN_FLAGS} -C /etc/mail/spamassassin --spam /var/mail/spam-sure || exit 1
+echo "Scanning /var/mail/spam..."
+${SA_LEARN} ${SA_LEARN_FLAGS} -C /etc/mail/spamassassin --spam /var/mail/spam || exit 1
+echo "Scanning /var/mail/ham..."
+${SA_LEARN} ${SA_LEARN_FLAGS} -C /etc/mail/spamassassin --ham /var/mail/ham || exit 1
+exit $?
+chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/hv-sa-learn &&
+# Addition to /etc/fcron/fcrontab
+string_add "# Run SpamAssassin sa-learn every hour + 25 minutes" /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+string_add "&mail(false) 25 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mail-if-fail /usr/local/bin/hv-sa-learn" \
+ /etc/fcron/fcrontab &&
+# Add rule to procmailrc...
+# Put spamassassin databases in /srv
+mkdir -v -p /srv/spamassassin &&
+sed -i -e "s!^bayes_path.*!bayes_path /srv/spamassassin/bayes!g" /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+mv ${LFS_TMP}/${1} /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail &&
+chown -v -R ${APACHE_USER}:${APACHE_USER} /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail &&
+mkdir -v -p /srv/squirrelmail/{data,attach} &&
+chown -v -R ${APACHE_USER}:${APACHE_USER} /srv/squirrelmail &&
+chmod -v 0730 /srv/squirrelmail/attach &&
+cp /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail/config/config_default.php /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail/config/config.php &&
+sed -i -e "s!\(\$data_dir .* =\).*!\1 \'/srv/squirrelmail/data/\';!g" \
+ /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail/config/config.php &&
+sed -i -e "s!\(\$attachment_dir .* =\).*!\1 \'/srv/squirrelmail/attach/\';!g" \
+ /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail/config/config.php
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \
+ --without-berkeley-db &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+rm doc/doxygen.conf &&
+find doc -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; &&
+find doc -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+cp -v -R doc/* /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+# Creating repositories directory
+mkdir -p /srv/svn &&
+chown ${APACHE_USER}:${APACHE_USER} /srv/svn &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make without_doc &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+export VERSION=$(echo ${1} | sed "s!tcl\(.*\)!\1!g")
+export V=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2` &&
+export DIR=$PWD &&
+cd unix &&
+sed -i "s/relid'/relid/" configure &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-threads &&
+make &&
+sed -i -e "s:${DIR}/unix:/usr/lib:" \
+ -e "s:${DIR}:/usr/include/tcl${V}:" \
+ -e "s:^TCL_LIB_FILE='libtcl${V}..TCL_DBGX..so':\
+TCL_LIB_FILE=\"libtcl${V}\$\{TCL_DBGX\}.so\":" tclConfig.sh &&
+make install &&
+install -d /usr/include/tcl${V}/unix &&
+install -m644 *.h /usr/include/tcl${V}/unix/ &&
+install -d /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic &&
+install -c -m644 ../generic/*.h /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic/ &&
+rm -f /usr/include/tcl${V}/generic/{tcl,tclDecls,tclPlatDecls}.h &&
+ln -nsf ../../include/tcl${V} /usr/lib/tcl${V}/include &&
+ln -sf libtcl${V}.so /usr/lib/libtcl.so &&
+ln -sf tclsh${V} /usr/bin/tclsh &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Removing any older directory from earlier attempt...
+rm -rf ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/texmf &&
+decompress_package ${TETEX_TEXMF} /usr/share/texmf &&
+decompress_package ${TETEX_TEXMFSRC} /usr/share/texmf &&
+decompress_package ${TETEX_CM_SUPER} &&
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --exec-prefix=/usr \
+ --bindir=/usr/bin \
+ --with-x=yes \
+ --without-texinfo \
+ --with-system-ncurses \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --disable-a4 &&
+make all &&
+make install &&
+texconfig-sys dvips paper letter &&
+texconfig-sys font rw &&
+install -v -d -m755 /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex &&
+var_add_path "TEXMFLOCAL" /etc/profile "/usr/local/share/texmf" &&
+var_export "TEXMFLOCAL" /etc/profile &&
+# To install the optional cm-super fonts:
+FONTDIR=$(kpsewhich --expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN') &&
+mkdir -v -p ${FONTDIR}/fonts/afm/public/cm-super \
+ ${FONTDIR}/fonts/type1/public/cm-super \
+ ${FONTDIR}/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super \
+ ${FONTDIR}/fonts/map/dvips/cm-super &&
+cp -v ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super/pfb/*.pfb ${FONTDIR}/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/ &&
+gunzip ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super/afm/* &&
+cp -v ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super/afm/*.afm ${FONTDIR}/fonts/afm/public/cm-super/ &&
+cp -v ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super/dvips/*.enc ${FONTDIR}/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super/ &&
+cp -v ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super/dvips/*.map ${FONTDIR}/fonts/map/dvips/cm-super/ &&
+cat >> ${FONTDIR}/web2c/updmap.cfg << "EOF" &&
+MixedMap cm-super-t1.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2a.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2b.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2c.map
+MixedMap cm-super-ts1.map
+MixedMap cm-super-x2.map
+mktexlsr &&
+if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm -rf ${LFS_TMP}/cm-super || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# For packages that don't compile well from a separate build directory.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+mkdir -v -p /srv/tftpboot &&
+# Addition to /etc/inetd.conf
+string_add "tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /srv/tftpboot" /etc/inetd.conf
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+export VERSION=$(echo ${1} | sed "s!tk\(.*\)!\1!g")
+export V=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2` &&
+export DIR=$PWD &&
+cd unix &&
+sed -i "s/relid'/relid/" configure &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-threads &&
+make &&
+sed -i -e "s:${DIR}/unix:/usr/lib:" \
+ -e "s:${DIR}:/usr/include/tk${V}:" tkConfig.sh &&
+make install &&
+install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/unix &&
+install -m644 *.h /usr/include/tk${V}/unix/ &&
+install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/generic &&
+install -m644 ../generic/*.h /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/ &&
+rm -f /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/{tk,tkDecls,tkPlatDecls}.h &&
+ln -nsf ../../include/tk${V} /usr/lib/tk${V}/include &&
+ln -sf libtk${V}.so /usr/lib/libtk.so &&
+ln -sf wish${V} /usr/bin/wish &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+make -C tunctl install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make -f unix/Makefile LOCAL_UNZIP=-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 linux &&
+make prefix=/usr install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# This server is configured to use SSL only, no plain-text passwords.
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Setting default mailbox format for imapd
+sed -i -e "s!^\(CREATEPROTO=\)unixproto!\1${MAILBOX_FORMAT}proto!" src/osdep/unix/Makefile &&
+make lnp &&
+# Installing imapd
+install -m 755 imapd/imapd /usr/bin &&
+install -m 644 src/imapd/imapd.8 /usr/man/man8/imapd.8 &&
+# Installing mailutil
+install -m 755 mailutil/mailutil /usr/bin &&
+install -m 644 src/mailutil/mailutil.1 /usr/man/man1/mailutil.1 &&
+# Installing dmail
+install -m 755 dmail/dmail /usr/bin &&
+install -m 644 src/dmail/dmail.1 /usr/man/man1/dmail.1 &&
+# Installing C-library
+mkdir -p /usr/lib/uw-imap/{include,lib} &&
+install -m 644 c-client/c-client.a /usr/lib/uw-imap/lib &&
+ln -sf /usr/lib/uw-imap/lib/c-client.a /usr/lib/uw-imap/lib/libc-client.a &&
+install -m 644 c-client/*.h /usr/lib/uw-imap/include &&
+install -m 644 src/osdep/tops-20/shortsym.h /usr/lib/uw-imap/include &&
+# Addition to /etc/inetd.conf
+string_add "imaps stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/bin/imapd imapd" /etc/inetd.conf &&
+# Addition to /etc/services
+string_add "imaps 993/tcp " /etc/services &&
+# Addition to /etc/pam.conf
+string_add "# IMAP server" /etc/pam.conf &&
+string_add "imap auth required pam_unix.so nullok" /etc/pam.conf &&
+string_add "imap account required pam_unix.so try_first_pass" /etc/pam.conf &&
+string_add "imap session required pam_deny.so" /etc/pam.conf &&
+# SSL Certificates generation script
+cat > /etc/mail/imap-ssl-certs << "EOF" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Generation of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "Example fields:" &&
+echo "Country name: CA" &&
+echo "State or Province Name: Quebec" &&
+echo "Locality Name: Montreal" &&
+echo "Organization Name: Hugo Villeneuve" &&
+echo "Organizational Unit Name: ." &&
+echo "Common Name: mail.hugovil.com" &&
+echo "Email Address: postmaster@hugovil.com" &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "Please enter the following 'extra' attributes" &&
+echo "to be sent with your certificate request" &&
+echo "A challenge password []: (press enter) " &&
+echo "An optional company name []: (press enter) " &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+echo "Generation of a self-signed certificate" &&
+echo "-------------------------------------------------" &&
+cd /etc/ssl/certs &&
+openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out imapd.pem -keyout imapd.pem -days 10000
+exit $?
+chmod 740 /etc/mail/imap-ssl-certs &&
+# Making sure cram-md5.pwd is created.
+if [ ! -f /etc/cram-md5.pwd ]; then
+ echo "# CRAM-MD5 authentication database" > /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "# Entries are in the form:" >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "# USERNAME <SINGLE-TAB> PASSWORD" >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "# Its mandatory that there is a single tab" >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "# between the usernasme and password." >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "# Lines starting with \"#\" are comments." >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ echo "" >> /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+ chmod 600 /etc/cram-md5.pwd
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+autoreconf &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --with-gnustepdir=/usr/share/GNUstep &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Temporary: custom script needed to regenerate configure with
+# patch that modifies configure.in...
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./autogen.sh &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Xfree86 may have a problem with sys/kd.h installed with some recent versions of
+# Glibc. This has recently been fixed in LFS SVN. Execute the following commands
+# to work around a broken kd.h file. The grep command is to ensure the modification
+# is only made if it is needed:
+grep "__undef_LINUX" \
+ /usr/include/sys/kd.h 2>&1 > /dev/null || \
+ sed -i.bak '/X.h/i #include <linux/types.h>' \
+ programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/lnx_agp.c &&
+# When building XFree86, you should create a shadow directory of symbolic links for the compiled code:
+make -C config/util -f Makefile.ini lndir &&
+# Now create the shadow tree:
+cd ../${1}-build &&
+../${1}/config/util/lndir ../${1} &&
+# Creating host.def
+# Although XFree86 will compile without a host.def file, the following file is
+# recommended for customizing the installation.
+cat > config/cf/host.def << "EOF" &&
+/* host.def */
+/* System Related Information. */
+#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=_MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE_
+/* The following definitions are normally set properly by XFree86's scripts.
+ * You can uncomment them if you want to make sure. */
+#define HasMTRRSupport YES /* Enabled in kernel see kernel docs */
+#define HasMMXSupport YES /* Any i586 or above */
+#define HasKatmaiSupport YES /* PIII SSE instuctions */
+#define Has3DNowSupport NO /* AMD instructions */
+/* This setting reduces compile time a little by omitting rarely used input
+ * devices. You can find the complete list in config/cf/xfree86.cf */
+#define XInputDrivers mouse void
+#define XF86CardDrivers vesa vga _XF86_CARD_DRIVER_
+/* These setting should be set by default, but we are making sure. */
+#define BuildFontServer YES /* Need for GhostScript Print Server */
+#define SharedLibFont YES
+#define CompressAllFonts YES
+#define GzipFontCompression YES
+/* These setting ensure we use our libraries */
+#define HasFreetype2 YES
+#define HasFontconfig YES
+#define HasExpat YES
+#define HasLibpng YES
+#define HasZlib YES
+#define HasNCurses YES
+/* The font path can be redefined in the XF86Config file */
+#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,\
+/* INTERNATIONAL FONTS. Change to YES if you need any of them. These are
+ * the defaults. */
+#define BuildCyrillicFonts NO
+#define BuildArabicFonts NO
+#define BuildISO8859_6Fonts NO
+#define BuildGreekFonts NO
+#define BuildISO8859_7Fonts NO
+#define BuildHebrewFonts NO
+#define BuildISO8859_8Fonts NO
+#define BuildKOI8_RFonts NO
+#define BuildJapaneseFonts NO
+#define BuildJISX0201Fonts NO
+#define BuildKoreanFonts NO
+#define BuildChineseFonts NO
+/* These setting are the defaults. */
+#define BuildLinuxDocHtml NO /* X Docs in Html format */
+#define BuildLinuxDocPS NO /* X Docs in PostScript format */
+#define BuildAllSpecsDocs NO /* Various docs */
+#define BuildHtmlManPages NO
+/* Linux Distribution Information - Not essential that it is totally right.*/
+#define LinuxDistribution hvlinux
+/* Disabling IPv6 support, as it causes a problem with xdm. */
+#define BuildIPv6 NO
+/* GENERAL SETTINGS: You generally want to leave these alone when
+ * building X on an LFS system */
+#define GccWarningOptions -pipe
+#define TermcapLibrary -lncurses
+#define XprtServer YES /* Needed by realplayer */
+#define XnestServer YES
+#define XAppLoadDir EtcX11Directory/app-defaults
+#define VarLibDir /var/lib
+#define XFree86Devel NO
+#define FSUseSyslog YES
+#define ThreadedX YES
+#define HasPam NO
+#define SystemManDirectory /usr/share/man
+#define HasLibCrypt YES
+#define InstallXinitConfig YES
+#define InstallXdmConfig YES
+#define ForceNormalLib YES
+#define BuildSpecsDocs NO
+sed -i -e "s!_MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE_!${MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE}!g" config/cf/host.def &&
+sed -i -e "s!_XF86_CARD_DRIVER_!${XF86_CARD_DRIVER}!g" config/cf/host.def &&
+sed -i 's:^.*asm.*$:# define PAGE_MASK (~(getpagesize() - 1)):' \
+ ../${1}/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/fbdevhw/fbdevhw.c &&
+sed -i -e "s@^#include <linux/config.h>@/* & */@" \
+ `grep -lr linux/config.h ../${1}` &&
+echo "make World" &&
+make World &&
+echo "make install" &&
+make install &&
+echo "make install.man" &&
+make install.man &&
+ldconfig &&
+ln -svf /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X11 &&
+ln -svf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 /usr/lib/X11 &&
+ln -svf /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11 &&
+cat > /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xrender.pc << "EOF" &&
+Name: Xrender
+Description: X Render Library
+Version: 0.8.3
+Cflags: -I${includedir} -I/usr/X11R6/include
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lXrender -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
+cat > /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xextensions.pc << "EOF" &&
+Name: XExtensions
+Description: Sundry X extension headers
+Version: 1.0.1
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
+# Creation of ~/.xinitrc
+cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF" &&
+exec wmaker
+cat > /etc/X11/XF86Config << "EOF" &&
+# XF86Config
+# **********************************************************************
+# Files section.
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "Files"
+ RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
+ ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules" # Module search path
+ FontPath "_HV_FONTS_PATH_/TrueType"
+ # Standard XFree86 Fonts
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
+# **********************************************************************
+# Dynamically loadable modules section.
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "Module"
+ Load "dbe" # Double buffer extension
+ # This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
+ # initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
+ SubSection "extmod"
+ Option "omit xfree86-dga" # don't initialise the DGA extension
+ EndSubSection
+ # This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules
+ Load "type1"
+ Load "speedo"
+ Load "freetype"
+ Load "glx"
+ Load "dri"
+# **********************************************************************
+# Input devices.
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Keyboard1"
+ Driver "keyboard"
+ Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
+ Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
+ Option "XkbLayout" "_XF86_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_"
+ Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
+# With kernel 2.6, all mouse are supported through "/dev/input/mice"
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Mouse1"
+ Driver "mouse"
+ Option "Emulate3Buttons"
+ Option "Protocol" "auto"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
+ Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
+ Option "Buttons" "5"
+# **********************************************************************
+# Monitor section
+# No need to specify VertRefresh and HorizSync, as DDC2 data will
+# be used (if monitor is recent and supports it).
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "Monitor"
+ Identifier "Monitor1"
+ VendorName "Unknown"
+ ModelName "Unknown"
+# **********************************************************************
+# Device (video card) section
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "Device"
+ Identifier "VideoCard1"
+# **********************************************************************
+# Screen section
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "Screen"
+ Identifier "Screen1"
+ Device "VideoCard1"
+ Monitor "Monitor1"
+ DefaultColorDepth 24
+ Subsection "Display"
+ Depth 24
+ Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
+ ViewPort 0 0
+ EndSubsection
+# **********************************************************************
+# Layout(s) section
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "ServerLayout"
+ Identifier "Default"
+ Screen "Screen1"
+ InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
+ InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
+# The ! character is the SED delimiter
+sed -i -e "s!_HV_FONTS_PATH_!${HV_FONTS_PATH}!g" /etc/X11/XF86Config &&
+sed -i -e "s!_VIDEO_CARD_DRIVER_!${XF86_CARD_DRIVER}!g" /etc/X11/XF86Config &&
+sed -i -e "s!_XF86_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_!${HV_XF86_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT}!g" /etc/X11/XF86Config &&
+cat > /etc/skel/.xinitrc << "EOF" &&
+# ~/.xinitrc
+exec wmaker
+cat > /etc/skel/.Xdefaults << "EOF" &&
+xterm*background: rgb:BB/AA/99
+xterm*scrollBar: false
+xterm*rightScrollBar: false
+xterm*saveLines: 1000
+xterm*geometry: 120x45+70+50
+cat > /etc/skel/.xsession << "EOF" &&
+# ~/.xsession
+# merge in defaults and keymaps
+if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
+ xrdb -merge $sysresources
+if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
+ xmodmap $sysmodmap
+if [ -f $userresources ]; then
+ xrdb -merge $userresources
+if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then
+ xmodmap $usermodmap
+# now, we see if xdm/gdm/kdm has asked for a specific environment
+case $# in
+ 1)
+ case $1 in
+ kde)
+ exec startkde
+ ;;
+ twm)
+ xsetroot -solid rgb:33/33/55 &
+ xclock -digital -update 1 -geometry 180x23-5+5 &
+ opera -geometry 1100x950+150+10 -iconic -title "Opera 6.0 TP3" &
+ emacs -geometry 140x60-5+100 -iconic -title "Emacs" &
+ xterm -ls -geometry 160x60+25-25 -title "xterm" &
+ exec twm
+ ;;
+ wmaker)
+ exec wmaker
+ ;;
+ failsafe)
+ exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0
+ ;;
+ default)
+ exec wmaker
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exec wmaker
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exec wmaker
+ ;;
+exit 0
+chmod 755 /etc/skel/.xsession &&
+cp /etc/skel/.{xinitrc,Xdefaults,xsession} /root &&
+var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "/usr/X11R6/bin" &&
+var_add_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile "/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig" &&
+var_export "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path "MANPATH" /etc/profile "/usr/X11R6/man" &&
+var_export "MANPATH" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_shadow "ENV_SUPATH" /etc/login.defs "/usr/X11R6/bin" &&
+string_add "/usr/X11R6/lib" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+# When needed, XFree86 creates the directory /tmp/.ICE-unix if it does not
+# exist. If this directory is not owned by root, XFree86 delays startup by a
+# few seconds and also appends a warning to the logfile. This also affects
+# startup of other applications. To improve performance, it is advisable to
+# manually create the directory before XFree86 uses it.
+# startup script.
+#cat >> /etc/sysconfig/createfiles <<EOF
+# "EOF"
+#/tmp/.ICE-unix dir 1777 root root
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Remaining arguments are additional configure options.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${PACKAGE} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${PACKAGE} &&
+make PREFIX=/usr &&
+make install PREFIX=/usr
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ldconfig &&
+# Adding link for GIMP plugin (Base GIMP version hardcoded for now)
+ln -v -sf /usr/bin/xsane /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/build/generic &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ln -sf libxvidcore.so.4.0 /usr/lib/libxvidcore.so.4 &&
+ln -sf libxvidcore.so.4 /usr/lib/libxvidcore.so &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i -e 's@$(INSTALL) man/zip.1@$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) man/zip.1@' \
+ unix/Makefile &&
+make prefix=/usr -f unix/Makefile generic_gcc &&
+make prefix=/usr -f unix/Makefile install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../functions
+source ../functions-update
+source ../packages-list
+# Begin
+fpkg_sf ${DDCLIENT}
+lpkg 2 ${INETUTILS}
+fpkg ${LIBPCAP} "http://www.tcpdump.org/release"
+fpkg ${TCPDUMP} "http://www.tcpdump.org/release"
+fpkg ${NMAP} "http://download.insecure.org/nmap/dist"
+fpkg_hv ${BIND}
+fpkg ${IPTABLES} "http://www.netfilter.org/projects/iptables/files"
+fpkg ${MYSQL} "ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0"
+fpkg_mis ${UNZIP} "unzip552" "ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/src"
+fpkg_mis ${ZIP} "zip232" "ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/src"
+fpkg ${CVS_PACKAGE} "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/cvs/source/stable/$(get_pkg_ver ${CVS_PACKAGE})"
+fpkg_gnu ${PARTED}
+fpkg_hv ${LIBJPEG}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBPNG}
+fpkg_mis ${LIBTIFF} "tiff-$(get_pkg_ver ${LIBTIFF})" "ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/libtiff/old"
+fpkg_sf ${GIFLIB} "libungif"
+fpkg ${LCMS} "http://www.littlecms.com"
+fpkg_sf ${LIBMNG}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBEXIF}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBART}
+fpkg ${FRIBIDI} "http://fribidi.org/download"
+fpkg_sf ${FREETYPE}
+fpkg ${FONTCONFIG} "http://fontconfig.org/release"
+fpkg ${T1LIB} "http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/libs/graphics"
+fpkg_hv ${XFREE86}
+fpkg ${LIBXFT} "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib"
+fpkg ${WINDOWMAKER} "ftp://windowmaker.org/pub/source/release"
+fpkg ${WINDOWMAKER_EXTRA} "ftp://windowmaker.org/pub/source/release"
+fpkg_sf ${LESSTIF}
+lpkg 2 ${EMACS}
+fpkg_mis ${TCL} "${TCL}-src" ${SOURCEFORGE_URL}/tcl
+fpkg_mis ${TK} "${TK}-src" ${SOURCEFORGE_URL}/tcl
+fpkg ${PYTHON} "http://www.python.org/ftp/python/$(get_pkg_ver ${PYTHON})"
+fpkg ${SGML_COMMON} "http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/hci/kde/devel/docbook/SOURCES"
+fpkg_hv ${SGML_DTD3}
+fpkg_hv ${SGML_DTD4}
+fpkg_sf ${OPENSP} "openjade"
+fpkg_sf ${OPENJADE}
+fpkg_sf ${DOCBOOK_DSSSL} "docbook"
+fpkg ${DOCBOOK_UTILS} "http://sources-redhat.mirrors.redwire.net/docbook-tools/new-trials/SOURCES"
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBXML2}
+fpkg ${LIBXSLT} "http://xmlsoft.org/sources"
+fpkg_hv ${DOCBOOK_XML}
+fpkg_sf ${DOCBOOK_XSL} "docbook"
+# For re-generating fontconfig documentation.
+fpkg_hv ${SGML_SPM}
+fpkg_sf ${XMLTOMAN}
+# Perl modules
+fpkg_sf ${PERL_MOD_PDL} pdl
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_XML_WRITER} "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_XML_PARSER} "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_XML_SIMPLE} "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_PARSE_REDESCENT} "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Parse"
+# Gtk
+fpkg_gnome ${GTK_DOC}
+fpkg_gnome ${GLIB2}
+fpkg ${PIXMAN} "http://cairographics.org/releases"
+fpkg ${GLITZ} "http://cairographics.org/snapshots"
+fpkg ${CAIRO} "http://cairographics.org/releases"
+fpkg ${CAIROMM} "http://cairographics.org/releases"
+fpkg_gnome ${PANGO}
+fpkg_gnome ${ATK}
+fpkg_gnome ${GTK2}
+fpkg_gnome ${GTK_ENGINES}
+fpkg_gnome ${PYGTK}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBSIGCPP}
+fpkg ${GC} " http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/gc_source"
+fpkg_gnome ${GLIBMM}
+fpkg_gnome ${GTKMM}
+fpkg ${HICOLOR_ICON_THEME} "http://icon-theme.freedesktop.org/releases"
+fpkg_hv ${HVCLOCK}
+fpkg_hv ${WMNOTIFY}
+fpkg ${DESKTOP_FILE_UTILS} "http://freedesktop.org/software/desktop-file-utils/releases"
+fpkg ${SHARED_MIME_INFO} "http://people.freedesktop.org/~hadess"
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBWNCK}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBXKLAVIER} gswitchit
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGLADE}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBSOUP}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBIDL}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBRSVG}
+fpkg_gnome ${INTLTOOL}
+fpkg_gnu ${GSL}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBUSB}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBGPHOTO2} "gphoto"
+fpkg ${GIMP} "ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v$(get_pkg_ver_base ${GIMP})"
+fpkg_hv ${INKSCAPE}
+fpkg ${FOX} "http://www.fox-toolkit.org/ftp"
+fpkg_sf ${XFE}
+fpkg_gnu ${BC}
+fpkg ${CDRTOOLS} "ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord"
+fpkg ${DVDRWTOOLS} "http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/tools"
+fpkg_mis ${CUPS} "${CUPS}-source" "http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/$(get_pkg_ver ${CUPS})"
+fpkg_mis ${ESPGS} "${ESPGS}-source" "http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/ghostscript/$(get_pkg_ver ${ESPGS})"
+fpkg_sf ${GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS_STD} "ghostscript"
+fpkg_sf ${GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS_OTHER} "ghostscript"
+fpkg_hv ${IMAGE_MAGICK}
+fpkg ${ICON_NAMING_UTILS} "http://tango.freedesktop.org/releases"
+fpkg ${TANGO_ICON_THEME} "http://tango-project.org/releases"
+fpkg ${TANGO_ICON_THEME_EXTRAS} "http://tango-project.org/releases"
+fpkg_gnu ${ED}
+fpkg ${TETEX_SRC} "${TETEX_URL}/$(get_pkg_ver ${TETEX_SRC})/distrib"
+fpkg ${TETEX_TEXMF} "${TETEX_URL}/$(get_pkg_ver ${TETEX_TEXMF})/distrib"
+fpkg ${TETEX_TEXMFSRC} "${TETEX_URL}/$(get_pkg_ver ${TETEX_TEXMFSRC})/distrib"
+fpkg ${TETEX_CM_SUPER} "http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/BLFS/svn/t"
+# For re-generating fontconfig documentation.
+fpkg_sf ${JADETEX}
+fpkg_sf ${PSTOEDIT}
+fpkg ${POPPLER} "http://poppler.freedesktop.org"
+fpkg ${SANE_BACKENDS} "ftp://ftp.sane-project.org/pub/sane/${SANE_BACKENDS}"
+fpkg ${XSANE} "ftp://ftp.sane-project.org/pub/sane/xsane"
+fpkg_sf ${JACK} "jackit"
+fpkg ${ALSA_LIB} "ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/lib"
+fpkg ${ALSA_PLUGINS} "ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/plugins"
+fpkg ${ALSA_UTILS} "ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/utils"
+fpkg ${ALSA_OSS} "ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/oss-lib"
+# Multimedia libraries and drivers.
+fpkg ${AUDIOFILE} "http://www.68k.org/~michael/audiofile"
+fpkg_gnome ${ESOUND}
+fpkg ${LIBSAMPLERATE} "http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC"
+fpkg ${LIBOIL} "http://liboil.freedesktop.org/download"
+fpkg ${PULSEAUDIO} "http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/pulseaudio"
+# Temporaire, version beta
+fpkg ${LIBSNDFILE} "http://www.mega-nerd.com/tmp"
+#fpkg ${LIBSNDFILE} "http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile"
+fpkg ${LIBOGG} "http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg"
+fpkg ${LIBVORBIS} "http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis"
+fpkg_hv ${FLAC}
+fpkg_hv ${FFMPEG}
+# Audio utilities
+fpkg_sf ${LAME}
+fpkg ${VORBIS_TOOLS} "http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis"
+fpkg_hv ${LIBA52}
+fpkg_hv ${LIBID3TAG}
+fpkg ${LIBMAD} "ftp://ftp.mars.org/pub/mpeg"
+fpkg_hv ${LIBFAAC}
+fpkg_hv ${LIBFAAD2}
+# taglib, libmowgli and mcs are required by audacious
+fpkg ${TAGLIB} "http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/files/src"
+fpkg ${LIBMOWGLI} "http://distfiles.atheme.org"
+fpkg ${LIBMCS} "http://distfiles.atheme.org"
+fpkg ${AUDACIOUS} "http://distfiles.atheme.org"
+fpkg ${AUDACIOUS_PLUGINS} "http://distfiles.atheme.org"
+fpkg_sf ${GRIP}
+fpkg_sf ${CDRDAO}
+fpkg_hv ${PORTAUDIO}
+fpkg_sf ${WXGTK} "wxwindows"
+fpkg_hv ${AUDACITY}
+fpkg ${SYLPHEED} "http://sylpheed.good-day.net/sylpheed/v$(get_pkg_ver_base ${SYLPHEED})"
+fpkg ${QT} "http://ftp.silug.org/mirrors/ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source"
+fpkg_hv ${OPERA}
+fpkg_hv ${OPERA_LANG_FR}
+fpkg_hv ${NSS}
+# Il faut simplement renommer firefox-3.0.1-source.tar.bz2 en firefox-3.0.1.tar.bz2
+fpkg_hv ${FIREFOX}
+fpkg_hv ${JAVA}
+fpkg_hv ${FLASH_PLUGIN}
+fpkg ${XVIDCORE} "http://downloads.xvid.org/downloads"
+fpkg_sf ${XINELIB} "xine"
+fpkg_sf ${GXINE} "xine"
+fpkg_hv ${MPLAYER_CODECS}
+fpkg_hv ${MPLAYER}
+fpkg_hv ${MINICOM}
+fpkg ${DBUS} "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus"
+fpkg ${DBUS_GLIB} "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus-glib"
+fpkg ${HAL} "http://people.freedesktop.org/~david/dist"
+fpkg ${SASL2} "ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/cyrus-mail"
+fpkg_mis ${OPENLDAP} "openldap-stable-20070831" \
+ "ftp://ftp.openldap.org/pub/OpenLDAP/openldap-stable"
+fpkg_hv ${KERBEROS5}
+fpkg_mis ${SENDMAIL} "sendmail.$(get_pkg_ver ${SENDMAIL})" "ftp://ftp.sendmail.org/pub/sendmail"
+fpkg ${LIBSPF2} "http://libspf2.org/spf"
+fpkg ${MILTER_GREYLIST} "ftp://ftp.espci.fr/pub/milter-greylist"
+fpkg_hv ${MILTER_SPF}
+fpkg ${PROCMAIL} "http://www.procmail.org"
+fpkg_mis ${FCRON} "${FCRON}.src" "ftp://ftp.seul.org/pub/fcron"
+fpkg_hv ${GETDATE}
+fpkg_sf ${CLAMAV}
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_HTML_TAGSET} "http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/BLFS/svn/perl-modules"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_HTML_PARSER} "http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/BLFS/svn/perl-modules"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_APACHE_LOGGED_AUTH_DBI} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/S/SI/SIMKIN"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_DB_FILE} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PM/PMQS"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_DIGEST_SHA1} "http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/BLFS/svn/perl-modules"
+# URI is needed by LWP
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_URI} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS"
+# LWP is Needed by LTSP
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_LWP} "http://www.linpro.no/lwp"
+# ZIP is Needed by OO
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_ARCHIVE_ZIP} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_ZLIB} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PM/PMQS"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_BASE} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PM/PMQS"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_IO_COMPRESS_ZLIB} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PM/PMQS"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_COMPRESS_RAW_ZLIB} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PM/PMQS"
+fpkg ${PERL_MOD_NET_DNS} "http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/O/OL/OLAF"
+fpkg ${SPAMASSASSIN} "http://apache.sunsite.ualberta.ca/spamassassin/source"
+fpkg ${UW_IMAP} "ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap"
+fpkg ${HTTPD} "http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd"
+fpkg ${CURL} "http://curl.haxx.se/download"
+fpkg_sf ${MAILMAN}
+fpkg ${SAMBA} "ftp://ftp.samba.org/pub/samba/old-versions"
+fpkg ${PHP} "http://us2.php.net/distributions"
+fpkg_sf ${STRACE}
+lpkg 2 ${SUBVERSION}
+fpkg ${GIT} "http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git"
+fpkg_hv ${GIT_MANPAGES}
+fpkg ${LTSP_UTILS} "http://ltsp.mirrors.tds.net/pub/ltsp/utils"
+fpkg ${TFTP_HPA} "http://freshmeat.net/redir/tftp-hpa/14040/url_bz2"
+fpkg_sf ${KVM}
+fpkg_hv ${BRIDGE_UTILS}
+fpkg_hv ${UML_UTILITIES}
+fpkg_gnu ${GMP}
+fpkg_gnu ${GUILE}
+fpkg_sf ${LIBBOOST}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+static char * ColorGNU_xpm[] = {
+"48 48 25 1",
+" c None",
+". c #965871C65144",
+"X c #DF7DAEBA8617",
+"o c #965861855144",
+"O c #5144410330C2",
+"+ c #000000000000",
+"@ c #861771C65144",
+"$ c #9E79A2899E79",
+"% c #618561854103",
+"& c #9E79A2898617",
+"* c #AEBAA2898617",
+"= c #9E79A28971C6",
+"- c #861771C64103",
+"; c #9E79AEBA8617",
+": c #9E79AEBA71C6",
+"> c #DF7DBEFB71C6",
+", c #71C661855144",
+"< c #DF7DBEFB8617",
+"1 c #DF7DAEBA71C6",
+"2 c #4103410330C2",
+"3 c #618571C64103",
+"4 c #514441032081",
+"5 c #514430C230C2",
+"6 c #410341032081",
+" .Xo..OO+OO",
+" O O . ..@O.O+OO.",
+" +# ++#####$##O% O ....@oOO+OOoO",
+" O# O###OO$#+###++O$$O+++@OO&OOOOO.",
+" +#O O+$###*O+OOO####*#++OOOO++*=+OOOo-",
+" %#O ###+##;*+.@#O#O####$O+OO+&;*+OO.O.",
+" O#$ +####*=*OO@o@#O$##=*+OOOO+=*=++OOo@",
+" ;O#O ##O#&;#+.@X@.OO%O##:#+OOO#&:&+OO.@.",
+" *O#+ +$###=*:O.o>X.oO,###*O+++O#:*O+OOOo-",
+" :&#+ +#####O:##.<X<X@.OO##;#++O#:&;+XOOOO.",
+" *##$ +#####*=*+o@X1X@oOO$###O+O$#*=*+XOOOoO",
+" ;&## ###$#&:&++@X<X<X@.O+###&#+%#;O:+OOOOO.",
+" *:##$ +####*:*++Oo1X>X.o+++*:##*%,=*:*++OO.O-",
+" %&###$+###;*:&;O+.@X<X<OO++++&;##O;*%&O.O+O+O.",
+" =*######=*=*%O%+@o1X1oX++++++*=*=*=*%+@O+++O@",
+" &:#####;&:&+++++X<X<.@+++2+O++&;&:O3O%++X+OO.",
+" :*=*#*=*:,+.++4+4X1X>5++45+O-o+#%,%+++OO+O++-",
+" &#*:&;*:&O +.+O2O2.@O2+2O+O+O@+$O+++++++.+++.",
+" O=O=O=OO $+.65456545654+++++@+%+O+OOXo@+OO@",
+" O3O%O +.O+++O2O+++O+#O++.OXO.OX@+++++O.",
+" 4++5454++O+O-o#oO++++++++++++++o-",
+" O+.@.+++++O+O+.+++++++++++++++OO.",
+" 4++o@+++456o+oOo++6++++++++++oOO@",
+" ++O.<.O++O@.@.@.+O+O+++O+O+O2O2.@.",
+" 4o.X>o+5-o1X>o.O+54++++O+5454oOo-",
+" O@.<X@O2.<X<.@.O++++++O+O2O2.O.@.",
+" 45@X1o6o@X1X@O+++O+++O+5456oOo@o@",
+" O2.<X@+@X<X@O+++O+++O+O2O2O2.@.@X",
+" .5.X>XOo>X1o-+O.+++++O+5454o-o.X-",
+" ..2.@X<O@X<X@O++.O+++O+O2.2.O.@X@X",
+" ..56o1XOo1X@O+++ O+O+565456o@X@X1",
+" .2O@X<.@X<.O+++ ++O+O2.2.@.@X<X",
+" .-54o-o+o-oO+++O +++5454oOo-X.X>",
+" <O2O2.@+2.@O+++ $+++O2.O.@.@X<X",
+" +45@o456545++++ ++5654oOo@X@X1",
+" <+++2O+O2O+.@O+ +O+O2O2.@X@X<X",
+" <++X54+454X+o+5 $+++54oOo-X.X>",
+" @.+O2O2O2OX+@++ $+O+O@.@.@X<X",
+" +OX6o@o@5XX+oO+ O+5456o@X@X1",
+" O++O@.OO+O+O2++ ++O2.@.@X@X",
+" O++++++$+4++ +++54o-o.X>",
+" O$XXXXXX+ ++2.O.@.@X",
+" $O+$+@oO+ ++56oOo@X@",
+" O++OO++ ++2O2.@.@X",
+" o.+OO$ O+545-o.o-",
+" + ++O2O2.@.",
+" $ ++654oOo@",
+" +++2O2.@X"};
--- /dev/null
+# script to email files as attachments.
+# ------------------------------------
+# Additional documentation for this script, including a brief introdcution
+# to MIME can be found at: http://home.clara.net/dwotton/unix/mail_files.htm
+# Written: Dave Wotton, July 1998, (Cambridge UK)
+# This script comes with no warranty or support. You are
+# free to modify it as you wish, but please retain an
+# acknowledgement of my original authorship.
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 6/3/99
+# -t flag now optional. subject also optional
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 3/8/00
+# added -b and -u options. By default a file-list which is not
+# preceded by a -n, -b, or -u flag is now NOT encoded (the previous
+# default was to base64 encode it.).
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 10/10/00
+# added a -c (cc:) option.
+# Added a tty -s test to prevent the prompt to enter the text body
+# being displayed when not connected to a tty. (The text body is
+# still required though. /dev/null will suffice.)
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 24/2/01
+# Now uses perl to perform the base64 encoding, as it comes as
+# standard on most modern Unixes. (You need the perl MIME package
+# though, which I believe is standard. )
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 22/09/01
+# Now creates a "To:" header and uses the sendmail -t flag to
+# duplicate this as the envelope recipients, rather than using the
+# user supplied list of addresses simply as envelope recipients.
+# This confused some mail clients, specifically Lotus Notes.
+# Amended: Dave Wotton, 30/09/01
+# Now initialises the main variables, so that previously set
+# environment variable values (eg. $CC) aren't used instead.
+# Enable multiple occurrences of the -t and -c flags. Thanks to
+# Jason Judge for these suggestions.
+# Usage: mail_files [-t] mailid [ -c mailid ] [ -s subject ] [ -f mailid ]
+# [-n file_list] [-u file_list] [-b file_list] file_list
+# -f : The mailid of the sender ( defaults to your userid )
+# Only userids that have been defined as "trusted" in the sendmail
+# config file can make use of the -f option. For non-trusted users
+# any value specified by this parameter will be ignored by
+# sendmail.
+# -t : The mailid of the recipient. Mandatory, no default
+# multiple mailids can be specified, separated by commas.
+# -c : The mailid of any carbon-copy recipients. Optional.
+# multiple mailids can be specified, separated by commas.
+# -s : The subject string. Optional, default = "Not specified".
+# Enclose in quotes.
+# -n : no-encode: indicates a list of files which are NOT to be base64
+# or uuencode encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double
+# quotes. Usual wildcard notation can be used. This option is
+# for completeness and can be omitted because the default action
+# is not to encode the file-list.
+# -b : base64 encoding: indicates a list of files which are to be
+# base64 encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double quotes.
+# Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# -u : uuencode encoding: indicates a list of files which are to be
+# uuencode encoded. Multiple files may be enclosed in double
+# quotes. Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# file_list : The list of files to send as attachments with no-encoding
+# (same as -n option, but the file list does not need to be
+# enclosed in quotes if more than one file specified).
+# Usual wildcard notation can be used.
+# The program will also prompt for text to be supplied on standard input
+# as the main text of the message.
+# eg.
+# 1) mail_files Dave.Wotton -b file9.gif t*.htm < /dev/null
+# email file9.gif as a base64 encoded attachment and the t*.htm
+# files unencoded.
+# 2) mail_files Dave.Wotton -s "my test" -b "file1.gif file2.gif" \
+# < /dev/null
+# email file1.gif and file2.gif as base64 encoded attachments.
+# The script makes use of perl's MIME package to perform the base-64
+# encoding/decoding.
+# Note that files destined for Windows environments should have a name of
+# the form aaaa.bbb where aaaa is up to 8 characters long, and bbb is a
+# 3 character sufix. The suffix determines which program is used to
+# display/process the data at the remote end.
+# Simple text files can be emailed unencoded. Binary files, or text files
+# with long lines ( ie > 1000 chars ) should use the base64 or uuencode
+# encoding procedures. Base64 is preferred because it is more universally
+# supported. In particular, most PC mail-clients can automatically decode
+# base64 encoded attachments. Note that simple text files with short lines
+# which are destined for PC environments should not be base64 encoded.
+# This is because PCs use a different line-break character to Unix.
+# If the text is base64 encoded, the line-breaks are not converted
+# automatically and so the data arrives at the remote end without
+# line-breaks.
+# set up a 'usage' routine
+# ------------------------
+ [ "$1" ] && ( echo $* ; echo "" )
+ cat <<!
+ Usage: mail_files [-t] mailid [ -c mailid ] [ -s subject ] [ -f mailid ]
+ [-n file_list] [-u file_list] [-b file_list] file_list
+ exit 4
+# Initialise main variables ...
+# -------------------------
+SUBJ=${SUBJ:-"Not specified"}
+TO="" ; CC="" ; SUBJ="" ; NOENC="" ; BASE64="" ; UUE=""
+# First parse the command line options. Using getopts means the parameters
+# can be supplied in any order. But first we handle the first parameter,
+# which may be a recipient, without a -t flag...
+case "$1" in
+ -* ) : ;; # ignore it, let getopts handle flags
+ * ) TO=$1 ; shift ;;
+while getopts f:s:t:c:n:b:u: OPT
+ case $OPT in
+ "f" ) FROM=$OPTARG ;;
+ "t" ) TO="$TO,$OPTARG" ;;
+ "c" ) CC="$CC,$OPTARG" ;;
+ "s" ) SUBJ=$OPTARG ;;
+ "n" ) NOENC="$NOENC $OPTARG" ;;
+ "b" ) BASE64="$BASE64 $OPTARG" ;;
+ "u" ) UUE="$UUE $OPTARG" ;;
+ * ) usage ;;
+ esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+if [ "$TO" = "" ]
+ usage "An addressee must be specified"
+# All remaining parameters are files not requiring encoding ...
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+# Build up $FILES as the list of non-encoded files. Use sed to remove
+# any leading space from the variable.
+FILES=`echo $NOENC $*|sed 's/^ //'`
+if [ "$BASE64" = "" -a "$FILES" = "" -a "$UUE" = "" ]
+ usage "At least one file must be specified"
+# Remove leading commas from TO, CC ...
+# ---------------------------------
+TO=`echo $TO | sed 's/^,//'`
+CC=`echo $CC | sed 's/^,//'`
+# Validate that the files exist ...
+# -----------------------------
+for F in $FILES $BASE64 $UUE
+ if [ ! -r $F ]
+ then
+ echo "Error: File $F does not exist / is not readable."
+ echo "Exiting. ( Mail not sent )."
+ exit
+ fi
+tty -s && echo "Enter text of main message ( finish with CTRL-D ) ..."
+# Now do the work ...
+# ---------------
+# The generated mail message is output onto standard out, which is then
+# piped in to sendmail.
+cat <<!
+From: $FROM
+Subject: $SUBJ
+To: $TO
+[ "$CC" ] && echo "Cc: $CC"
+cat <<!
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="DMW.Boundary.605592468"
+This is a Mime message, which your mail program may not understand. Parts
+of the message will appear as text. If the remainder appears as random
+characters in the message body, instead of as attachments, then you'll
+have to extract these parts and decode them manually.
+Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.txt"; charset=US-ASCII
+Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.txt"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+# Read the standard input as the main text of the message ...
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+cat -
+# Now process the non-encrypted attachments ...
+# -----------------------------------------
+if [ "$FILES" ]
+ for F in $FILES
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ echo
+ cat $F
+ done
+# Now process the base64 encrypted attachments ...
+# --------------------------------------------
+if [ "$BASE64" ]
+ for F in $BASE64
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ echo
+ perl -e '
+ use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
+ local($/) = undef;
+ print encode_base64(<STDIN>);' < $F
+ done
+# Now process the uuencode encrypted attachments ...
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# Sorry, this bit is untested - I haven't got a mail-client which can
+# handle uuencoded MIME messages automatically, so can't test if the
+# 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode' line is correct and whether I
+# need the uuencode "begin" and "end" lines.
+if [ "$UUE" ]
+ for F in $UUE
+ do
+ BASE=`basename $F`
+ echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468
+ echo Content-Type: application/octet-stream\; name=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=\"$BASE\"
+ echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode
+ echo
+ uuencode < $F xxx
+ done
+# append the final boundary line ...
+echo --DMW.Boundary.605592468--
+) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -r ${FROM}
+#> test.txt
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage3"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage3
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+ipkg ${JAVA} cis-java
+ipkg_ac ${ED}
+ipkg ${UML_UTILITIES} cis-uml-utilities
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage3"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage3
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP=/tmp
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+# For updating dynamic DNS entries.
+if [ "x${USE_DYNAMIC_DNS}" = "xyes" ]; then
+ ipkg ${DDCLIENT} cis-ddclient
+# Networking
+ipkg ${INETUTILS} cis-inetutils
+# Network/debugging tools
+ipkg_ac ${LIBPCAP} "--enable-yydebug"
+ipkg_ac ${TCPDUMP}
+ipkg_ac_nb ${NMAP}
+ipkg_ac ${STRACE}
+# Bind server
+ipkg ${BIND} cis-bind
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg ${IPTABLES} cis-iptables
+ ipkg ${MYSQL} cis-mysql
+ipkg ${UNZIP} cis-unzip
+ipkg ${ZIP} cis-zip
+# Installing only CVS client.
+ipkg_ac ${CVS_PACKAGE} "--disable-server"
+ipkg_ac ${PARTED}
+# Graphic libraries
+ipkg_ac ${LIBJPEG} "--enable-static --enable-shared"
+ipkg_ac ${LIBPNG}
+ipkg_ac ${LIBTIFF}
+ipkg_ac ${GIFLIB}
+ipkg_ac_nb ${LCMS}
+ipkg ${LIBMNG} cis-libmng
+ipkg_ac ${LIBEXIF}
+ipkg_ac ${LIBART}
+ipkg_ac ${FRIBIDI}
+# X
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg_ac ${FREETYPE}
+ ipkg ${FONTCONFIG} cis-fontconfig
+ ipkg ${T1LIB} cis-t1lib
+ ipkg ${XFREE86} cis-xfree86
+ source /etc/profile
+ # Some packages (Gnome control center) require a more
+ # recent version of libxft than the one installed by XFree86.
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBXFT} "--prefix=/usr/X11R6"
+ ipkg ${WINDOWMAKER} cis-windowmaker
+ # Open Source version of OSF/Motif
+ ipkg_ac ${LESSTIF} "--disable-debug --enable-production --with-xdnd --disable-build-tests"
+ # Re-installing emacs now that X is present (it was installed in stage 2)
+ ipkg ${EMACS} cis-emacs
+ipkg ${TCL} cis-tcl
+ipkg ${TK} cis-tk
+# Python is required by libxml2
+ipkg_ac ${PYTHON} "--enable-shared"
+# Needed by inkscape
+ipkg ${LIBBOOST} cis-boost
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ # DocBook
+ ipkg ${SGML_COMMON} cis-sgml-common
+ ipkg ${SGML_DTD3} cis-sgml-dtd3
+ ipkg ${SGML_DTD4} cis-sgml-dtd4
+ ipkg ${OPENSP} cis-opensp
+ ipkg ${OPENJADE} cis-openjade
+ ipkg ${DOCBOOK_DSSSL} cis-docbook-dsssl
+ ipkg ${DOCBOOK_UTILS} cis-docbook-utils
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBXML2}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBXSLT}
+ ipkg ${DOCBOOK_XML} cis-docbook-xml
+ ipkg ${DOCBOOK_XSL} cis-docbook-xsl
+ ipkg ${SGML_SPM} cis-sgml-spm
+ ipkg ${XMLTOMAN} cis-xmltoman
+ # Perl modules
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_PDL}
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_XML_WRITER}
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_XML_PARSER}
+ # Needed by Tango
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_XML_SIMPLE}
+ # Required PERL modules for SpamAssassin
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_DB_FILE}
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_DIGEST_SHA1}
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_URI}
+ ipkg_pm ${PERL_MOD_LWP}
+ ipkg ${PERL_MOD_NET_DNS} cis-pm-net-dns
+ # Needed by OpenOffice ???
+ # Gtk
+ ipkg_ac ${GTK_DOC}
+ ipkg_ac ${GLIB2}
+ ipkg_ac ${PIXMAN}
+ ipkg_ac ${GLITZ}
+ ipkg_ac ${CAIRO} "--enable-glitz"
+ ipkg_ac ${PANGO}
+ ipkg_ac ${ATK}
+ ipkg_ac ${GTK2}
+ ipkg_ac ${GTK_ENGINES}
+ ipkg_ac ${PYGTK}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBSIGCPP}
+ ipkg_ac ${GC}
+ ipkg_ac ${GLIBMM}
+ ipkg_ac ${CAIROMM}
+ ipkg_ac ${GTKMM}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${HICOLOR_ICON_THEME}
+ ipkg_ac ${HVCLOCK}
+ ipkg_ac ${WMNOTIFY}
+ # Needed by GNOME-2
+ ipkg_ac ${SHARED_MIME_INFO}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBWNCK}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBXKLAVIER}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBGLADE}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBSOUP}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBIDL}
+# Needed by inkscape SVN
+ipkg_ac ${INTLTOOL}
+ipkg_ac ${GSL}
+ipkg ${CUPS} cis-cups
+ipkg ${ESPGS} cis-espgs
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg ${LIBUSB} cis-libusb
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBGPHOTO2}
+ ipkg_ac ${IMAGE_MAGICK} "--with-modules"
+ ipkg_ac ${POPPLER} "--enable-xpdf-headers --enable-zlib"
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBRSVG} "--disable-gtk-doc --disable-mozilla-plugin"
+ ipkg_ac ${GIMP} "--disable-print"
+ipkg ${FOX} cis-fox
+ipkg ${XFE} cis-xfe
+ipkg_ac ${BC} "--with-readline"
+ipkg ${CDRTOOLS} cis-cdrtools
+ipkg ${DVDRWTOOLS} cis-dvd-rw-tools
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ # TeTeX needs ed.
+ ipkg_ac ${ED}
+ ipkg ${TETEX_SRC} cis-tetex
+ ipkg ${JADETEX} cis-jadetex
+ ipkg_ac ${PSTOEDIT}
+if [ "x${SANE_SUPPORT}" = "xyes" ]; then
+ ipkg ${SANE_BACKENDS} cis-sane-backends
+ ipkg ${XSANE} cis-xsane
+ipkg_ac ${TANGO_ICON_THEME}
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ # Sound
+ if [ "x${SOUND_CARD}" = "xyes" ]; then
+ # Needed by some packages, mostly audio applications.
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBOIL}
+ # ALSA
+ ipkg ${ALSA_LIB} cis-alsa-lib
+ ipkg ${ALSA_UTILS} cis-alsa-utils
+ ipkg_ac ${ALSA_OSS}
+ # Audio raw utilities
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBSAMPLERATE}
+ ipkg_ac ${TAGLIB}
+ # Audio file formats
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBOGG}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBVORBIS}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${FLAC}
+ ipkg_ac ${LAME}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBA52} "--enable-shared"
+ ipkg ${LIBID3TAG} cis-libid3tag
+ ipkg ${LIBMAD} cis-libmad
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBFAAC}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBFAAD2}
+ # Audio libraries
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${AUDIOFILE}
+ ipkg_ac ${PORTAUDIO}
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBSNDFILE}
+ # Audio servers
+ ipkg_ac ${ESOUND}
+ ipkg ${PULSEAUDIO} cis-pulseaudio
+ ipkg_ac ${JACK} "--disable-portaudio"
+ ipkg_ac ${ALSA_PLUGINS} # Depends on pulseaudio
+ ipkg_ac ${VORBIS_TOOLS}
+ # Audio applications
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBMCS}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${LIBMOWGLI}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${AUDACIOUS} # Depends on mcs and libmowgli
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${AUDACIOUS_PLUGINS} "--disable-hotkey"
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${GRIP}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${CDRDAO}
+ ipkg_ac ${WXGTK} "--enable-unicode"
+ ipkg ${AUDACITY} cis-audacity # Depends on portaudio and wxgtk
+ fi
+ ipkg_ac ${SYLPHEED} "--enable-ssl --enable-ldap"
+ ipkg ${QT} cis-qt
+ ipkg ${OPERA} cis-opera
+ ipkg ${NSS} cis-nss
+ ipkg ${FIREFOX} cis-firefox
+ # Plugins for Opera and Firefox
+ ipkg ${JAVA} cis-java
+ ipkg ${FLASH_PLUGIN} cis-flashplugin
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${FFMPEG} "--enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-swscaler --enable-liba52 \
+ --enable-gpl --disable-ffplay --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad \
+ --enable-libmp3lame"
+ ipkg ${XVIDCORE} cis-xvidcore
+ ipkg_ac ${XINELIB}
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${GXINE}
+ ipkg ${MPLAYER_CODECS} cis-mplayer-codecs
+ ipkg ${MPLAYER} cis-mplayer
+ipkg_ac ${MINICOM}
+ipkg ${DBUS} cis-dbus
+ipkg_ac ${DBUS_GLIB} "--disable-tests --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-xml-docs --disable-doxygen-docs"
+ipkg ${HAL} cis-hal
+# Mail
+ipkg ${SASL2} cis-sasl2
+ipkg ${OPENLDAP} cis-openldap
+ipkg ${KERBEROS5} cis-krb5
+ipkg ${SENDMAIL} cis-sendmail
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg ${PROCMAIL} cis-procmail
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBSPF2}
+ ipkg ${MILTER_SPF} cis-milter-spf
+ ipkg ${MILTER_GREYLIST} cis-milter-greylist
+# fcron needs sendmail installed.
+ipkg ${FCRON} cis-fcron
+ipkg ${GETDATE} cis-getdate
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xserver" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg ${CLAMAV} cis-clamav
+ ipkg ${SPAMASSASSIN} cis-spamassassin
+ ipkg ${UW_IMAP} cis-uw-imap
+ # Apache
+ ipkg ${HTTPD} cis-apache
+ # CURL is needed by PHP
+ ipkg_ac ${CURL}
+ ipkg ${PHP} cis-php
+ ipkg ${SQUIRRELMAIL} cis-squirrelmail
+ ipkg ${MAILMAN} cis-mailman
+ # Subversion server (client was already installed in stage2)
+ ipkg ${SUBVERSION} cis-subversion
+ ipkg_ac_nb ${GIT}
+ ipkg ${GIT_MANPAGES} cis-git-manpages
+if [ "x${USE_SAMBA}" = "xyes" ]; then
+ ipkg ${SAMBA} cis-samba
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg ${TFTP_HPA} cis-tftp-hpa
+ ipkg ${LTSP_UTILS} cis-ltsp-utils
+ipkg_ac_nb ${KVM}
+ipkg_ac_nb ${BRIDGE_UTILS}
+ipkg ${UML_UTILITIES} cis-uml-utilities
+# Pour lilypond
+ipkg_ac ${GMP} "--enable-cxx --enable-mpbsd ABI=32"
+ipkg ${GUILE} cis-guile
+#ipkg mftrace
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+-Gnome: Utiliser --disable-accessibility pour tous les packages?
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} \
+ --with-nss-includes=/usr/include/nss \
+ --with-nspr-includes=/usr/include/nspr \
+ --with-openldap=yes \
+ --with-krb5=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} \
+ --with-nss-includes=/usr/include/nss \
+ --with-nspr-includes=/usr/include/nspr \
+ --with-openldap=yes \
+ --with-krb5=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install || exit 1
+if [ x"${GNOME2_PREFIX}" != "x/usr" ]; then
+ ln -v -sf ${GNOME2_PREFIX}/lib/gtk-2.0/modules \
+ /usr/lib/gtk-2.0 || exit 1
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# In order to build the documentation using GTK-Doc, to fix a build problem.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+mv docs/gal-decl.txt docs/gal-2.4-decl.txt &&
+mv docs/gal-sections.txt docs/gal-2.4-sections.txt &&
+sed -i -e "s/gal-decl/gal-2.4-decl/" \
+ -e "s/gal-sections/gal-2.4-sections/" docs/Makefile.in &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+hv_groupadd -g 21 gdm &&
+hv_useradd -c "GDM_Daemon_Owner" -d /dev/null -g gdm -s /bin/bash -u 21 gdm &&
+CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -ldl"
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --with-pam-prefix=/etc \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m755 -d /var/log/gdm &&
+# Changing the directory containing the GDM log files to the /var/log hierarchy.
+sed -i.orig "/\[daemon\]/ a LogDir=/var/log/gdm" \
+ /etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER}/gdm/custom.conf &&
+rmdir -v /var/lib/log/gdm &&
+rmdir -v /var/lib/log &&
+cat > /etc/pam.d/gdm << "EOF" &&
+auth required pam_unix.so
+auth required pam_nologin.so
+account required pam_unix.so
+password required pam_unix.so
+session required pam_unix.so
+cat > /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin << "EOF" &&
+auth required pam_env.so
+auth required pam_nologin.so
+auth required pam_permit.so
+account required pam_unix.so
+password required pam_unix.so
+session required pam_unix.so
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} \
+ --disable-spell &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+make -C man install-man &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+make prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# For Gnome 2 variables
+var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/bin" &&
+var_export "PATH" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile "/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/lib/pkgconfig" &&
+var_export "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path "LIBGLADE_MODULE_PATH" /etc/profile "${GNOME2_PREFIX}/lib/libglade/2.0" &&
+var_export "LIBGLADE_MODULE_PATH" /etc/profile &&
+var_add_path "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" /etc/profile "/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER}/xdg" &&
+var_export "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" /etc/profile &&
+# For Gnome 1 and 2 common variable
+var_add_path "GNOME_LIBCONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile "/usr/lib" &&
+var_export "GNOME_LIBCONFIG_PATH" /etc/profile &&
+string_add "/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/lib" /etc/ld.so.conf &&
+var_add_path "MANPATH" /etc/profile "/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/man" &&
+var_export "MANPATH" /etc/profile &&
+# There is a third mechanism for customizing the search path. If a
+# `dirlist' file exists in acdir, then that file is assumed to contain a
+# list of directories, one per line, to be added to the search list. These
+# directories are searched after all other directories.
+touch /usr/share/aclocal/dirlist &&
+string_add "/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/share/aclocal" /usr/share/aclocal/dirlist &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+./cis-gnome ${1} &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m644 -D man/gnome-vfs-mime.5 \
+ ${GNOME2_PREFIX}/man/man5/gnome-vfs-mime.5 &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+ln -svf /usr/share/gnome/help/gnumeric \
+ /usr/share/gnumeric/$(get_pkg_ver ${1})/doc &&
+if [ $(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0) != "/usr" ]; then
+ mv -v /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Gnumeric.server \
+ $(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/lib/bonobo/servers &&
+ rmdir -v /usr/lib/{bonobo/servers,bonobo}
+fi &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 -D docs/mb_howto.txt /usr/share/doc/${1}/mb_howto.txt &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/metacity \
+ --with-gconf-schema-file-dir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER}/gconf/schemas \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+install -v -m644 README rationales.txt doc/*.txt /usr/share/doc/${1} &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=${GNOME2_PREFIX} \
+ --libexecdir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/sbin \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib \
+ --infodir=${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/info \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/gnome/${GNOME2_VER} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+install -v -m755 -d ${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/doc/${NAUTILUS} &&
+install -v -m644 ${LFS_TMP}/${1}/docs/*.{txt,dia,pdf,sxw,faq,html} \
+ ${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/doc/${NAUTILUS} &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${1} \
+ --enable-utf8 &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --disable-static \
+ --with-omfdirs=/usr/share/omf:/opt/${GNOME2_VER}/share/omf &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+sed -i -e 's%\\177:%&kh=\\EOH:@7=\\EOF:%g' termcaps/xterm &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+ --disable-gtk-doc &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Must be defined before sourcing other files.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../functions
+source ../functions-update
+source ../packages-list
+# Begin
+# Gnome 2 core packages
+fpkg_gnome ${ORBIT2}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBO}
+fpkg_gnome ${GCONF}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_MIME_DATA}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_VFS}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_VFS_MONIKERS}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOME}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECANVAS}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBOUI}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_ICON_THEME}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_KEYRING}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEUI}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_THEMES}
+fpkg_gnome ${SCROLLKEEPER}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_DOC_UTILS}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_DESKTOP}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_BACKGROUNDS}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_MENUS}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_PANEL}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_SESSION}
+fpkg_gnome ${VTE}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_TERMINAL}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGTOP}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEKBD}
+fpkg_gnome ${GAIL}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_APPLETS}
+fpkg_gnome ${EEL}
+fpkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS}
+fpkg_gnome ${YELP}
+fpkg_gnome ${METACITY}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_USER_DOCS}
+# Gnome 2 additional packages - Libraries
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECUPS}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINT}
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINTUI}
+fpkg_gnome ${GTKHTML}
+fpkg_gnome ${GTKSOURCEVIEW}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_AUDIO}
+# Gnome 2 additional packages - Utilities
+fpkg_gnome ${GEDIT}
+fpkg_gnome ${EOG}
+fpkg_gnome ${EVINCE}
+fpkg_gnome ${GGV} # Gnome Ghostview
+fpkg_gnome ${FILE_ROLLER}
+fpkg_gnome ${GCONF_EDITOR}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_UTILS}
+fpkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS_CD_BURNER}
+fpkg_gnome ${GSTREAMER}
+fpkg_gnome ${GST_PLUGINS_BASE}
+fpkg ${GST_PLUGINS_GOOD} "http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-good"
+fpkg ${GST_PLUGINS_UGLY} "http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-ugly"
+fpkg ${GST_FFMPEG} "http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-ffmpeg"
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_MEDIA}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_NETSTATUS}
+fpkg_gnome ${GCALCTOOL}
+fpkg_gnome ${GUCHARMAP}
+fpkg_gnome ${ZENITY}
+fpkg ${LIBMUSICBRAINZ} "http://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz"
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_SOUND_JUICER}
+fpkg ${ISO_CODES} "ftp://pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org/pub/pkg-isocodes"
+fpkg_gnome ${GNOME_TOTEM}
+fpkg_gnome ${GDM}
+fpkg ${LIBNOTIFY} "http://www.galago-project.org/files/releases/source/libnotify"
+fpkg ${GNOME_MOUNT} "http://people.freedesktop.org/~david/dist"
+fpkg_gnome ${LIBGSF}
+fpkg ${PCRE} "ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre" # Needed by goffice
+fpkg_gnome ${GOFFICE}
+fpkg_gnome ${GNUMERIC}
+fpkg_sf ${WV}
+fpkg ${ABIWORD} "http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/$(get_pkg_ver ${ABIWORD})/source"
+fpkg_gnome ${EVOLUTION}
+fpkg ${LIBGPG_ERROR} "http://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgpg-error"
+fpkg ${LIBGCRYPT} "http://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgcrypt"
+fpkg ${GNUTLS} "http://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnutls"
+fpkg_sf ${PIDGIN}
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage4"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage4
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP=/tmp
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+ipkg ${GNOME_DOC_UTILS} cis-gnome
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage4"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage4
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP=/tmp
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+# GNOME-2.X configuration
+action_checkbox "Configuring ${GNOME2_VER}" ./cis-gnome-config
+action_checkbox "Reloading /etc/profile" source /etc/profile
+# Gnome 2 core packages
+ipkg_gnome ${ORBIT2}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBO}
+ipkg_gnome ${GCONF}
+ipkg ${GNOME_MIME_DATA} cis-gnome-mime-data
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_VFS}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOME}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECANVAS}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBBONOBOUI}
+ipkg_ac ${GNOME_ICON_THEME}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_KEYRING}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEUI}
+ipkg_ac ${GNOME_THEMES}
+ipkg ${SCROLLKEEPER} cis-scrollkeeper
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_DOC_UTILS}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_DESKTOP}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_BACKGROUNDS}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_MENUS}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_PANEL}
+ipkg_ac ${GSTREAMER}
+ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_BASE}
+ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_GOOD}
+ipkg_ac ${GST_PLUGINS_UGLY}
+ipkg_ac ${GST_FFMPEG}
+ipkg ${VTE} cis-vte
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_TERMINAL}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGTOP}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEKBD}
+ipkg ${GAIL} cis-gail
+ipkg ${GNOME_APPLETS} cis-gnome-applets
+ipkg_gnome ${EEL}
+ipkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS}
+ipkg_gnome ${YELP}
+ipkg ${METACITY} cis-metacity
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_SESSION}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_USER_DOCS}
+action_checkbox "Updating the MIME-type application database" update-desktop-database
+# Gnome 2 additional packages - Libraries
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMECUPS}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINT}
+ipkg_gnome ${LIBGNOMEPRINTUI}
+ipkg_gnome ${GTKHTML}
+ipkg ${EVOLUTION_DATA_SERVER} cis-evolution-data-server
+ipkg_gnome ${GTKSOURCEVIEW}
+ipkg ${SYSTEM_TOOLS_BACKENDS} cis-gnome-nobuild
+ipkg ${GNOME_AUDIO} cis-gnome-audio
+# Gnome 2 additional packages - Utilities
+ipkg ${GEDIT} cis-gedit
+ipkg_gnome ${EOG}
+ipkg_gnome ${EVINCE}
+ipkg_gnome ${GGV} # Gnome Ghostview
+ipkg_gnome ${FILE_ROLLER}
+ipkg_gnome ${GCONF_EDITOR}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_UTILS}
+ipkg_gnome ${NAUTILUS_CD_BURNER}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_MEDIA}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_NETSTATUS}
+ipkg ${GCALCTOOL} cis-gnome-nobuild
+ipkg_gnome ${GUCHARMAP}
+ipkg_gnome ${ZENITY}
+# Needs hal, which needs D-BUS...
+ipkg ${LIBMUSICBRAINZ} cis-libmusicbrainz
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_SOUND_JUICER}
+ipkg_ac ${ISO_CODES}
+ipkg_gnome ${GNOME_TOTEM}
+ipkg ${GDM} cis-gdm
+ipkg_ac ${LIBNOTIFY}
+ipkg ${GNOME_MOUNT} cis-gnome-nobuild
+ipkg_ac ${LIBGSF}
+ipkg ${PCRE} cis-pcre
+ipkg ${GOFFICE} cis-ac-nobuild # Depends on libgsf and pcre
+ipkg ${GNUMERIC} cis-gnumeric # Depends on GOffice
+ipkg_ac ${WV} # Needed by Abiword
+ipkg_ac ${ABIWORD} "--disable-spellcheck"
+ipkg ${EVOLUTION} cis-evolution
+ipkg ${EVOLUTION_EXCHANGE} cis-evolution-exchange
+ipkg_ac ${LIBGPG_ERROR}
+ipkg_ac ${LIBGCRYPT}
+ipkg_ac ${GNUTLS}
+ipkg_ac ${PIDGIN}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions
+1. ./stage5-install-avr
+2. ./stage5-install-arm
--- /dev/null
+-Ajouter splint.
+-Ajouter l'installatuion des man pages de avr-libc et du manuel de avr-libc.
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --host=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} &&
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc &&
+make all &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --target=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} \
+ --with-sysroot=${SYSROOT} &&
+make &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+# This is necessary so that the compiler is built without
+# libc includes, which are not yet installed for this target.
+#export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Dinhibit_libc"
+#Fortunately, there are configuration options for GCC which tell it not
+#to build 'libgcc_s.so'. The '--without-headers' option is supposed to
+#take care of this, but its implementation is incomplete, so you must
+#also configure with the '--with-newlib' option. While '--with-newlib'
+#appears to mean "Use the Newlib C library", its effect is to tell the
+#GCC build machinery, "Don't assume there is a C library available."
+#We also need to disable some of the libraries that would normally be
+#built along with GCC, and specify that only the compiler for the C
+#language is needed.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --target=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} \
+ --with-sysroot=${SYSROOT} \
+ --without-headers --with-newlib \
+ --disable-shared \
+ --disable-threads \
+ --disable-libssp \
+ --disable-libgomp \
+ --disable-libmudflap \
+ --enable-languages=c &&
+make all-gcc &&
+make install-gcc
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --target=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} \
+ --without-dwarf2 \
+ --without-stabs \
+ --disable-libssp \
+ --enable-languages=c &&
+make all &&
+make install &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --target=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} &&
+make &&
+make install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1} &&
+# Configure options:
+# --disable-profile
+# Builds the libraries without profiling information.
+# --enable-add-ons
+# Use all the add-ons it finds.
+# crypt and localdata are now part of glibc.
+# --enable-kernel=2.x.x
+# Compile the library for support of linux 2.6.x kernels.
+# The kernel version specified must not be newer than the
+# version of the kernel running on the build machine.
+# --without-gd
+# Prevents the build of the memusagestat program, which
+# strangely enough insists on linking against the host's
+# libraries (libgd, libpng, libz, and so forth).
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+ ../${1}/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --host=${TARGET} \
+ --with-headers=${SYSROOT}/usr/include \
+ --enable-add-ons \
+ --enable-kernel=${GLIBC_KERNEL_VERSION} \
+ --disable-profile \
+ --without-gd \
+ --without-cvs \
+ --without-selinux &&
+# --enable-threads=posix \
+# --enable-static-nss \
+# --enable-add-ons \
+# --disable-sanity-checks \
+# --without-__thread \
+make &&
+make install_root=${SYSROOT} install
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# The ARCH variable must be exported for this script
+# eg. ARCH=powerpc
+# We don't compile anything, we only install headers
+##################################################################unset CROSS_COMPILE &&
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Move files to their final destination
+mkdir -pv ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+cp -a ${LFS_TMP}/${1} ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+cd ${SYSROOT}/usr/src &&
+# Create the link only if it does not exist. Otherwise, the
+# new link will be created inside kernel directory.
+rm -fv linux &&
+ln -sfv ${1} linux &&
+cd ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/${1} &&
+# First step, install kernel API headers:
+make mrproper &&
+make headers_check &&
+make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install &&
+mkdir -pv ${SYSROOT}/usr/include &&
+cp -rv dest/include/* ${SYSROOT}/usr/include &&
+# Second, install HV kernel compilation script:
+cat > ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/compile-kernel << "EOF" &&
+KERNEL_VERSION=$(basename $(pwd))
+export ARCH=_ARCH_
+KERNELMAKE="make -j 4"
+${KERNELMAKE} bzImage &&
+if cat .config | grep "CONFIG_MODULES=y" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${KERNELMAKE} modules &&
+fi &&
+cp arch/${ARCH}/boot/images/zImage.elf ${DEST}/vmlinuz-${KERNEL_VERSION} &&
+cp arch/${ARCH}/boot/images/zImage.elf ${DEST}/vmlinuz-latest &&
+cp System.map ${DEST}/System-${KERNEL_VERSION}.map &&
+cp .config ${DEST}/config-${KERNEL_VERSION}
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "*** Kernel compilation error ***."
+ exit 1
+exit 0
+sed -i -e "s!_ARCH_!${ARCH}!g" ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/compile-kernel &&
+sed -i -e "s!_CROSS_COMPILE_!${CROSS_COMPILE}!g" ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/compile-kernel &&
+sed -i -e "s!_SYSROOT_!${SYSROOT}!g" ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/compile-kernel &&
+chmod -v u+x ${SYSROOT}/usr/src/compile-kernel
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# First argument of this script is the package name
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+# Applying patches (if any)
+apply_patches ${1} &&
+# Saves CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and clears them.
+cd ${LFS_TMP}/${1}-build &&
+../${1}/configure \
+ --target=${TARGET} \
+ --prefix=${PREFIX} &&
+make all &&
+make install &&
+# Restore original CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS values.
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# Must be defined before sourcing other files.
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../functions
+source ../functions-update
+source ../packages-list
+# Begin
+lpkg 1 ${AVR_BINUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${ARM_BINUTILS}
+lpkg 1 ${KERNEL}
+lpkg 1 ${GLIBC}
+lpkg 1 ${AVR_GCC_CORE}
+lpkg 1 ${ARM_GCC_CORE}
+fpkg ${AVR_LIBC} "http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avr-libc"
+fpkg ${NEWLIB} "ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/newlib"
+fpkg_gnu ${AVR_GDB}
+fpkg ${AVRDUDE} "http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude"
+fpkg_mis ${SPLINT} "${SPLINT}.src" "http://splint.org/downloads"
+GEDA_BASE_URL=http://geda.seul.org/release/v$(get_pkg_ver_base ${LIBGEDA})/$(get_pkg_ver ${LIBGEDA})
+# Return last error
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage4"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage4
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+# Init log file
+mkdir -p ${LFS_LOG_DIR} || exit 1
+if [ ! -f ${LFS_LOG_FILE} ]; then
+ touch ${LFS_LOG_FILE} || exit 1
+ipkg ${GDB} cis-gdb
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage5"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage5
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP=/mnt/hv-packages/tmp
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+export TARGET="arm-elf"
+export PREFIX="/usr/arm-elf"
+var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "${PREFIX}/bin" &&
+source /etc/profile &&
+ipkg ${ARM_BINUTILS} cis-binutils
+ipkg_mult ${ARM_GCC_CORE} cis-gcc1 "${GCC_CORE}-pass1"
+ipkg ${NEWLIB} cis-newlib
+ipkg_mult ${ARM_GCC_CORE} cis-gcc2 "${GCC_CORE}-pass2"
+ipkg ${GDB} cis-gdb
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage5"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage5
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="/tmp"
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${USER}" != "xroot" ]; then
+ echo "You must be the superuser to install hvlinux."
+ exit 1
+export TARGET="avr"
+export PREFIX="/usr/avr"
+var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "${PREFIX}/bin" &&
+source /etc/profile &&
+ipkg ${AVR_BINUTILS} cis-binutils
+ipkg_mult ${AVR_GCC_CORE} cis-gcc2 "${GCC_CORE}-pass2"
+ipkg ${AVR_LIBC} cis-avr-libc
+ipkg ${AVRDUDE} cis-avrdude
+ipkg ${SPLINT} cis-ac-nobuild
+ipkg ${AVR_GDB} cis-gdb
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage5"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage5
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/tmp"
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+if [ "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xworkstation" -o "x${INST_TYPE}" = "xltsp-server" ]; then
+ ipkg_ac ${LIBGEDA}
+ ipkg_ac ${GEDA_SYMBOLS}
+ ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GSCHEM}
+ ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GNETLIST}
+ ipkg_ac ${GEDA_SYMCHECK}
+ ipkg_ac ${GEDA_GATTRIB}
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+export LFS_PKG_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))/packages/stage5"
+export LFS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hvlinux-install/stage5
+export LFS_LOG_FILE=${LFS_LOG_DIR}/install.log
+export LFS_TMP=/tmp
+# Reading system configuration informations, functions and package versions.
+source ../sysinfos
+source ../functions
+source ../packages-list
+source /etc/profile
+export CFLAGS="-pipe -O2"
+export ARCH="powerpc"
+export TARGET="powerpc-405-linux-gnu"
+export PREFIX="/usr/powerpc-405"
+export SYSROOT=${PREFIX}/sysroot
+var_add_path "PATH" /etc/profile "${PREFIX}/bin" &&
+source /etc/profile &&
+ipkg ${BINUTILS} cis-binutils
+ipkg_mult ${GCC_CORE} cis-gcc1 "${GCC_CORE}-pass1"
+ipkg ${KERNEL} cis-kernel
+ipkg ${GLIBC} cis-glibc
+exit 1
+exit 1
+ipkg_mult ${GCC_CORE} cis-gcc2 "${GCC_CORE}-pass2"
+ipkg ${GDB} cis-gdb
+exit $?
--- /dev/null
+# This file contains the informations specific to the target system
+# onto which Linux-HV will be installed
+# This is the number of make jobs that can be executed
+# simultaneously. Normally, a value of 2 per processor
+# gives good results.
+# Installation type: server, ltsp-server or workstation.
+# New user to create
+# Destination path where to install new Linux-HV system
+# Destination partition where to install new Linux-HV system
+# Boot partition (if applicable)
+# Swap partition (if applicable)
+# Used for setting '-march=xxx' option in CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS
+# Keyboard mapping (example: us)
+# Sound card support: yes or no
+# Removable media drives
+# Define this if you want to use a remote CUPS print server
+# General network settings
+INTERFACES="eth0 eth1"
+# GATEWAY is not required if using DHCP
+# Define to yes if you have a dynamic address and you use a dynamic dns
+# service.
+# Network interface card #1 settings (INTERNET)
+# Network interface card #2 settings (LAN)
+# DNS servers addresses (not required if using DHCP)
+# Define this if you want the mail addressed to the root user automatically
+# be forwarded to someone else
+# Define to unix (mbox) or mbx
+# Alternate port for Sendmail (comment this line to use the standard port 25)
+# Alternate port for Apache (comment this line to use the standard port 80)
+# Samba support
--- /dev/null
+# This file contains the informations specific to the target system
+# onto which Linux-HV will be installed
+# This is the number of make jobs that can be executed
+# simultaneously. Normally, a value of 2 per processor
+# gives good results.
+# Installation type: server, ltsp-server or workstation.
+# New user to create
+# Destination path where to install new Linux-HV system
+# Destination partition where to install new Linux-HV system
+# Boot partition (if applicable)
+# Swap partition (if applicable)
+# Used for setting '-march=xxx' option in CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS
+# Keyboard mapping (example: us)
+# Sound card support: yes or no
+# Removable media drives
+# SCANNER definitions
+# Set to yes to have SANE support
+# Define to the driver name corresponding to your scanner, if you have one
+# (see SANE documentation for drivers name). Comment out if you will be using
+# a scanner on a remote computer.
+# If your scanner is located onto a remote computer, define the following
+# variable to the IP address of that remote computer.
+# Define this if you want to use a remote CUPS print server
+# Samba support
+# General network settings
+# GATEWAY is not required if using DHCP
+# Define to yes if you have a dynamic address and you use a dynamic dns
+# service.
+# Network interface card #1 settings (LAN)
+# DNS server addresses (not required if using DHCP)