echo "# Manually added entries for HV MPD server project:" >> \
if [ x"${BOOT_PART_ID}" != x"" ]; then
echo "${ROOT_PARENT_DEV}${ROOT_PART_PREFIX}${BOOT_PART_ID} /boot auto defaults 0 0" >> \
if [ x"${DATA_PART_ID}" != x"" ]; then
echo "${ROOT_PARENT_DEV}${ROOT_PART_PREFIX}${DATA_PART_ID} /mnt/data auto defaults 0 0" >> \
# Common features/components:
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
- libgpiod-tools \
- parted \
- e2fsprogs \
- nano \
- tzdata \
- util-linux \
- sudo \
- evtest \
- i2c-tools \
- ethtool \
+ libgpiod-tools \
+ parted \
+ e2fsprogs \
+ nano \
+ tzdata \
+ util-linux \
+ sudo \
+ evtest \
+ i2c-tools \
+ ethtool \
# Music server specific features/components:
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
- alsa-utils \
- mpd \
- mpc \
- ympd \
- shairport-sync \
+ alsa-utils \
+ mpd \
+ mpc \
+ ympd \
+ shairport-sync \
# Needed by shairport-sync:
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
- libubootenv \
- u-boot-fw-utils \
- u-boot-default-env \
+ libubootenv \
+ u-boot-fw-utils \
+ u-boot-default-env \
# Add SWUpdate components
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
- swupdate \
- swupdate-usb \
- swupdate-progress \
+ swupdate \
+ swupdate-usb \
+ swupdate-progress \
# Remove swupdate-www (package with the website, that you can customize with
# your own logo, template and style).
IMAGE_INSTALL:remove = " \
- swupdate-www \
+ swupdate-www \
IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.gz"