The resulting jump address is simply the sum of the values in the accumulator
and the DPTR registers, not the indirect read of that sum.
Error reported and fixed by Anthony (antliu at
print INST_IMP "unsigned char destination = ( cpu8051_ReadD( _PSW_ ) >> 7 );\n";
if ($op_destination == 18) { # @A+DPTR
- print INST_IMP "unsigned int destination = cpu8051_ReadI( cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ ) + cpu8051_ReadD( _DPTRLOW_ ) + ( cpu8051_ReadD( _DPTRHIGH_ ) << 8 ) );\n";
+ print INST_IMP "unsigned int destination = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ ) + cpu8051_ReadD( _DPTRLOW_ ) + ( cpu8051_ReadD( _DPTRHIGH_ ) << 8 );\n";
# Mis en commentaire car donnait un warning (destination et source unused variables...)
# if ($op_destination == 20) { # AB