+++ /dev/null
-class parseCSV {
- Class: parseCSV v0.4.3 beta
- http://code.google.com/p/parsecsv-for-php/
- Fully conforms to the specifications lined out on wikipedia:
- - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
- Based on the concept of Ming Hong Ng's CsvFileParser class:
- - http://minghong.blogspot.com/2006/07/csv-parser-for-php.html
- Copyright (c) 2007 Jim Myhrberg (jim@zydev.info).
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- Code Examples
- ----------------
- # general usage
- $csv = new parseCSV('data.csv');
- print_r($csv->data);
- ----------------
- # tab delimited, and encoding conversion
- $csv = new parseCSV();
- $csv->encoding('UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
- $csv->delimiter = "\t";
- $csv->parse('data.tsv');
- print_r($csv->data);
- ----------------
- # auto-detect delimiter character
- $csv = new parseCSV();
- $csv->auto('data.csv');
- print_r($csv->data);
- ----------------
- # modify data in a csv file
- $csv = new parseCSV();
- $csv->sort_by = 'id';
- $csv->parse('data.csv');
- # "4" is the value of the "id" column of the CSV row
- $csv->data[4] = array('firstname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'john@doe.com');
- $csv->save();
- ----------------
- # add row/entry to end of CSV file
- # - only recommended when you know the extact sctructure of the file
- $csv = new parseCSV();
- $csv->save('data.csv', array(array('1986', 'Home', 'Nowhere', '')), true);
- ----------------
- # convert 2D array to csv data and send headers
- # to browser to treat output as a file and download it
- $csv = new parseCSV();
- $csv->output (true, 'movies.csv', $array);
- ----------------
- /**
- * Configuration
- * - set these options with $object->var_name = 'value';
- */
- # use first line/entry as field names
- var $heading = true;
- # override field names
- var $fields = array();
- # sort entries by this field
- var $sort_by = null;
- var $sort_reverse = false;
- # sort behavior passed to ksort/krsort functions
- # regular = SORT_REGULAR
- # numeric = SORT_NUMERIC
- # string = SORT_STRING
- var $sort_type = null;
- # delimiter (comma) and enclosure (double quote)
- var $delimiter = ',';
- var $enclosure = '"';
- # basic SQL-like conditions for row matching
- var $conditions = null;
- # number of rows to ignore from beginning of data
- var $offset = null;
- # limits the number of returned rows to specified amount
- var $limit = null;
- # number of rows to analyze when attempting to auto-detect delimiter
- var $auto_depth = 15;
- # characters to ignore when attempting to auto-detect delimiter
- var $auto_non_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9\n\r";
- # preferred delimiter characters, only used when all filtering method
- # returns multiple possible delimiters (happens very rarely)
- var $auto_preferred = ",;\t.:|";
- # character encoding options
- var $convert_encoding = false;
- var $input_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
- var $output_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
- # used by unparse(), save(), and output() functions
- var $linefeed = "\r\n";
- # only used by output() function
- var $output_delimiter = ',';
- var $output_filename = 'data.csv';
- # keep raw file data in memory after successful parsing (useful for debugging)
- var $keep_file_data = false;
- /**
- * Internal variables
- */
- # current file
- var $file;
- # loaded file contents
- var $file_data;
- # error while parsing input data
- # 0 = No errors found. Everything should be fine :)
- # 1 = Hopefully correctable syntax error was found.
- # 2 = Enclosure character (double quote by default)
- # was found in non-enclosed field. This means
- # the file is either corrupt, or does not
- # standard CSV formatting. Please validate
- # the parsed data yourself.
- var $error = 0;
- # detailed error info
- var $error_info = array();
- # array of field values in data parsed
- var $titles = array();
- # two dimentional array of CSV data
- var $data = array();
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param input CSV file or string
- * @return nothing
- */
- function parseCSV ($input = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $conditions = null) {
- if ( $offset !== null ) $this->offset = $offset;
- if ( $limit !== null ) $this->limit = $limit;
- if ( count($conditions) > 0 ) $this->conditions = $conditions;
- if ( !empty($input) ) $this->parse($input);
- }
- // ==============================================
- // ----- [ Main Functions ] ---------------------
- // ==============================================
- /**
- * Parse CSV file or string
- * @param input CSV file or string
- * @return nothing
- */
- function parse ($input = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $conditions = null) {
- if ( $input === null ) $input = $this->file;
- if ( !empty($input) ) {
- if ( $offset !== null ) $this->offset = $offset;
- if ( $limit !== null ) $this->limit = $limit;
- if ( count($conditions) > 0 ) $this->conditions = $conditions;
- if ( is_readable($input) ) {
- $this->data = $this->parse_file($input);
- } else {
- $this->file_data = &$input;
- $this->data = $this->parse_string();
- }
- if ( $this->data === false ) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Save changes, or new file and/or data
- * @param file file to save to
- * @param data 2D array with data
- * @param append append current data to end of target CSV if exists
- * @param fields field names
- * @return true or false
- */
- function save ($file = null, $data = array(), $append = false, $fields = array()) {
- if ( empty($file) ) $file = &$this->file;
- $mode = ( $append ) ? 'at' : 'wt' ;
- $is_php = ( preg_match('/\.php$/i', $file) ) ? true : false ;
- return $this->_wfile($file, $this->unparse($data, $fields, $append, $is_php), $mode);
- }
- /**
- * Generate CSV based string for output
- * @param filename if specified, headers and data will be output directly to browser as a downloable file
- * @param data 2D array with data
- * @param fields field names
- * @param delimiter delimiter used to separate data
- * @return CSV data using delimiter of choice, or default
- */
- function output ($filename = null, $data = array(), $fields = array(), $delimiter = null) {
- if ( empty($filename) ) $filename = $this->output_filename;
- if ( $delimiter === null ) $delimiter = $this->output_delimiter;
- $data = $this->unparse($data, $fields, null, null, $delimiter);
- if ( $filename !== null ) {
- header('Content-type: application/csv');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
- echo $data;
- }
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Convert character encoding
- * @param input input character encoding, uses default if left blank
- * @param output output character encoding, uses default if left blank
- * @return nothing
- */
- function encoding ($input = null, $output = null) {
- $this->convert_encoding = true;
- if ( $input !== null ) $this->input_encoding = $input;
- if ( $output !== null ) $this->output_encoding = $output;
- }
- /**
- * Auto-Detect Delimiter: Find delimiter by analyzing a specific number of
- * rows to determine most probable delimiter character
- * @param file local CSV file
- * @param parse true/false parse file directly
- * @param search_depth number of rows to analyze
- * @param preferred preferred delimiter characters
- * @param enclosure enclosure character, default is double quote (").
- * @return delimiter character
- */
- function auto ($file = null, $parse = true, $search_depth = null, $preferred = null, $enclosure = null) {
- if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
- if ( empty($search_depth) ) $search_depth = $this->auto_depth;
- if ( $enclosure === null ) $enclosure = $this->enclosure;
- if ( $preferred === null ) $preferred = $this->auto_preferred;
- if ( empty($this->file_data) ) {
- if ( $this->_check_data($file) ) {
- $data = &$this->file_data;
- } else return false;
- } else {
- $data = &$this->file_data;
- }
- $chars = array();
- $strlen = strlen($data);
- $enclosed = false;
- $n = 1;
- $to_end = true;
- // walk specific depth finding posssible delimiter characters
- for ( $i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++ ) {
- $ch = $data{$i};
- $nch = ( isset($data{$i+1}) ) ? $data{$i+1} : false ;
- $pch = ( isset($data{$i-1}) ) ? $data{$i-1} : false ;
- // open and closing quotes
- if ( $ch == $enclosure ) {
- if ( !$enclosed || $nch != $enclosure ) {
- $enclosed = ( $enclosed ) ? false : true ;
- } elseif ( $enclosed ) {
- $i++;
- }
- // end of row
- } elseif ( ($ch == "\n" && $pch != "\r" || $ch == "\r") && !$enclosed ) {
- if ( $n >= $search_depth ) {
- $strlen = 0;
- $to_end = false;
- } else {
- $n++;
- }
- // count character
- } elseif (!$enclosed) {
- if ( !preg_match('/['.preg_quote($this->auto_non_chars, '/').']/i', $ch) ) {
- if ( !isset($chars[$ch][$n]) ) {
- $chars[$ch][$n] = 1;
- } else {
- $chars[$ch][$n]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // filtering
- $depth = ( $to_end ) ? $n-1 : $n ;
- $filtered = array();
- foreach( $chars as $char => $value ) {
- if ( $match = $this->_check_count($char, $value, $depth, $preferred) ) {
- $filtered[$match] = $char;
- }
- }
- // capture most probable delimiter
- ksort($filtered);
- $this->delimiter = reset($filtered);
- // parse data
- if ( $parse ) $this->data = $this->parse_string();
- return $this->delimiter;
- }
- // ==============================================
- // ----- [ Core Functions ] ---------------------
- // ==============================================
- /**
- * Read file to string and call parse_string()
- * @param file local CSV file
- * @return 2D array with CSV data, or false on failure
- */
- function parse_file ($file = null) {
- if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
- if ( empty($this->file_data) ) $this->load_data($file);
- return ( !empty($this->file_data) ) ? $this->parse_string() : false ;
- }
- /**
- * Parse CSV strings to arrays
- * @param data CSV string
- * @return 2D array with CSV data, or false on failure
- */
- function parse_string ($data = null) {
- if ( empty($data) ) {
- if ( $this->_check_data() ) {
- $data = &$this->file_data;
- } else return false;
- }
- $white_spaces = str_replace($this->delimiter, '', " \t\x0B\0");
- $rows = array();
- $row = array();
- $row_count = 0;
- $current = '';
- $head = ( !empty($this->fields) ) ? $this->fields : array() ;
- $col = 0;
- $enclosed = false;
- $was_enclosed = false;
- $strlen = strlen($data);
- // walk through each character
- for ( $i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++ ) {
- $ch = $data{$i};
- $nch = ( isset($data{$i+1}) ) ? $data{$i+1} : false ;
- $pch = ( isset($data{$i-1}) ) ? $data{$i-1} : false ;
- // open/close quotes, and inline quotes
- if ( $ch == $this->enclosure ) {
- if ( !$enclosed ) {
- if ( ltrim($current, $white_spaces) == '' ) {
- $enclosed = true;
- $was_enclosed = true;
- } else {
- $this->error = 2;
- $error_row = count($rows) + 1;
- $error_col = $col + 1;
- if ( !isset($this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col]) ) {
- $this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col] = array(
- 'type' => 2,
- 'info' => 'Syntax error found on row '.$error_row.'. Non-enclosed fields can not contain double-quotes.',
- 'row' => $error_row,
- 'field' => $error_col,
- 'field_name' => (!empty($head[$col])) ? $head[$col] : null,
- );
- }
- $current .= $ch;
- }
- } elseif ($nch == $this->enclosure) {
- $current .= $ch;
- $i++;
- } elseif ( $nch != $this->delimiter && $nch != "\r" && $nch != "\n" ) {
- for ( $x=($i+1); isset($data{$x}) && ltrim($data{$x}, $white_spaces) == ''; $x++ ) {}
- if ( $data{$x} == $this->delimiter ) {
- $enclosed = false;
- $i = $x;
- } else {
- if ( $this->error < 1 ) {
- $this->error = 1;
- }
- $error_row = count($rows) + 1;
- $error_col = $col + 1;
- if ( !isset($this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col]) ) {
- $this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col] = array(
- 'type' => 1,
- 'info' =>
- 'Syntax error found on row '.(count($rows) + 1).'. '.
- 'A single double-quote was found within an enclosed string. '.
- 'Enclosed double-quotes must be escaped with a second double-quote.',
- 'row' => count($rows) + 1,
- 'field' => $col + 1,
- 'field_name' => (!empty($head[$col])) ? $head[$col] : null,
- );
- }
- $current .= $ch;
- $enclosed = false;
- }
- } else {
- $enclosed = false;
- }
- // end of field/row
- } elseif ( ($ch == $this->delimiter || $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\r") && !$enclosed ) {
- $key = ( !empty($head[$col]) ) ? $head[$col] : $col ;
- $row[$key] = ( $was_enclosed ) ? $current : trim($current) ;
- $current = '';
- $was_enclosed = false;
- $col++;
- // end of row
- if ( $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\r" ) {
- if ( $this->_validate_offset($row_count) && $this->_validate_row_conditions($row, $this->conditions) ) {
- if ( $this->heading && empty($head) ) {
- $head = $row;
- } elseif ( empty($this->fields) || (!empty($this->fields) && (($this->heading && $row_count > 0) || !$this->heading)) ) {
- if ( !empty($this->sort_by) && !empty($row[$this->sort_by]) ) {
- if ( isset($rows[$row[$this->sort_by]]) ) {
- $rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_0'] = &$rows[$row[$this->sort_by]];
- unset($rows[$row[$this->sort_by]]);
- for ( $sn=1; isset($rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_'.$sn]); $sn++ ) {}
- $rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_'.$sn] = $row;
- } else $rows[$row[$this->sort_by]] = $row;
- } else $rows[] = $row;
- }
- }
- $row = array();
- $col = 0;
- $row_count++;
- if ( $this->sort_by === null && $this->limit !== null && count($rows) == $this->limit ) {
- $i = $strlen;
- }
- if ( $ch == "\r" && $nch == "\n" ) $i++;
- }
- // append character to current field
- } else {
- $current .= $ch;
- }
- }
- $this->titles = $head;
- if ( !empty($this->sort_by) ) {
- $sort_type = SORT_REGULAR;
- if ( $this->sort_type == 'numeric' ) {
- $sort_type = SORT_NUMERIC;
- } elseif ( $this->sort_type == 'string' ) {
- $sort_type = SORT_STRING;
- }
- ( $this->sort_reverse ) ? krsort($rows, $sort_type) : ksort($rows, $sort_type) ;
- if ( $this->offset !== null || $this->limit !== null ) {
- $rows = array_slice($rows, ($this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset) , $this->limit, true);
- }
- }
- if ( !$this->keep_file_data ) {
- $this->file_data = null;
- }
- return $rows;
- }
- /**
- * Create CSV data from array
- * @param data 2D array with data
- * @param fields field names
- * @param append if true, field names will not be output
- * @param is_php if a php die() call should be put on the first
- * line of the file, this is later ignored when read.
- * @param delimiter field delimiter to use
- * @return CSV data (text string)
- */
- function unparse ( $data = array(), $fields = array(), $append = false , $is_php = false, $delimiter = null) {
- if ( !is_array($data) || empty($data) ) $data = &$this->data;
- if ( !is_array($fields) || empty($fields) ) $fields = &$this->titles;
- if ( $delimiter === null ) $delimiter = $this->delimiter;
- $string = ( $is_php ) ? "<?php header('Status: 403'); die(' '); ?>".$this->linefeed : '' ;
- $entry = array();
- // create heading
- if ( $this->heading && !$append && !empty($fields) ) {
- foreach( $fields as $key => $value ) {
- $entry[] = $this->_enclose_value($value);
- }
- $string .= implode($delimiter, $entry).$this->linefeed;
- $entry = array();
- }
- // create data
- foreach( $data as $key => $row ) {
- foreach( $row as $field => $value ) {
- $entry[] = $this->_enclose_value($value);
- }
- $string .= implode($delimiter, $entry).$this->linefeed;
- $entry = array();
- }
- return $string;
- }
- /**
- * Load local file or string
- * @param input local CSV file
- * @return true or false
- */
- function load_data ($input = null) {
- $data = null;
- $file = null;
- if ( $input === null ) {
- $file = $this->file;
- } elseif ( file_exists($input) ) {
- $file = $input;
- } else {
- $data = $input;
- }
- if ( !empty($data) || $data = $this->_rfile($file) ) {
- if ( $this->file != $file ) $this->file = $file;
- if ( preg_match('/\.php$/i', $file) && preg_match('/<\?.*?\?>(.*)/ims', $data, $strip) ) {
- $data = ltrim($strip[1]);
- }
- if ( $this->convert_encoding ) $data = iconv($this->input_encoding, $this->output_encoding, $data);
- if ( substr($data, -1) != "\n" ) $data .= "\n";
- $this->file_data = &$data;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // ==============================================
- // ----- [ Internal Functions ] -----------------
- // ==============================================
- /**
- * Validate a row against specified conditions
- * @param row array with values from a row
- * @param conditions specified conditions that the row must match
- * @return true of false
- */
- function _validate_row_conditions ($row = array(), $conditions = null) {
- if ( !empty($row) ) {
- if ( !empty($conditions) ) {
- $conditions = (strpos($conditions, ' OR ') !== false) ? explode(' OR ', $conditions) : array($conditions) ;
- $or = '';
- foreach( $conditions as $key => $value ) {
- if ( strpos($value, ' AND ') !== false ) {
- $value = explode(' AND ', $value);
- $and = '';
- foreach( $value as $k => $v ) {
- $and .= $this->_validate_row_condition($row, $v);
- }
- $or .= (strpos($and, '0') !== false) ? '0' : '1' ;
- } else {
- $or .= $this->_validate_row_condition($row, $value);
- }
- }
- return (strpos($or, '1') !== false) ? true : false ;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Validate a row against a single condition
- * @param row array with values from a row
- * @param condition specified condition that the row must match
- * @return true of false
- */
- function _validate_row_condition ($row, $condition) {
- $operators = array(
- '=', 'equals', 'is',
- '!=', 'is not',
- '<', 'is less than',
- '>', 'is greater than',
- '<=', 'is less than or equals',
- '>=', 'is greater than or equals',
- 'contains',
- 'does not contain',
- );
- $operators_regex = array();
- foreach( $operators as $value ) {
- $operators_regex[] = preg_quote($value, '/');
- }
- $operators_regex = implode('|', $operators_regex);
- if ( preg_match('/^(.+) ('.$operators_regex.') (.+)$/i', trim($condition), $capture) ) {
- $field = $capture[1];
- $op = $capture[2];
- $value = $capture[3];
- if ( preg_match('/^([\'\"]{1})(.*)([\'\"]{1})$/i', $value, $capture) ) {
- if ( $capture[1] == $capture[3] ) {
- $value = $capture[2];
- $value = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $value);
- $value = str_replace("\\r", "\r", $value);
- $value = str_replace("\\t", "\t", $value);
- $value = stripslashes($value);
- }
- }
- if ( array_key_exists($field, $row) ) {
- if ( ($op == '=' || $op == 'equals' || $op == 'is') && $row[$field] == $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( ($op == '!=' || $op == 'is not') && $row[$field] != $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( ($op == '<' || $op == 'is less than' ) && $row[$field] < $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( ($op == '>' || $op == 'is greater than') && $row[$field] > $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( ($op == '<=' || $op == 'is less than or equals' ) && $row[$field] <= $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( ($op == '>=' || $op == 'is greater than or equals') && $row[$field] >= $value ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( $op == 'contains' && preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value, '/').'/i', $row[$field]) ) {
- return '1';
- } elseif ( $op == 'does not contain' && !preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value, '/').'/i', $row[$field]) ) {
- return '1';
- } else {
- return '0';
- }
- }
- }
- return '1';
- }
- /**
- * Validates if the row is within the offset or not if sorting is disabled
- * @param current_row the current row number being processed
- * @return true of false
- */
- function _validate_offset ($current_row) {
- if ( $this->sort_by === null && $this->offset !== null && $current_row < $this->offset ) return false;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Enclose values if needed
- * - only used by unparse()
- * @param value string to process
- * @return Processed value
- */
- function _enclose_value ($value = null) {
- if ( $value !== null && $value != '' ) {
- $delimiter = preg_quote($this->delimiter, '/');
- $enclosure = preg_quote($this->enclosure, '/');
- if ( preg_match("/".$delimiter."|".$enclosure."|\n|\r/i", $value) || ($value{0} == ' ' || substr($value, -1) == ' ') ) {
- $value = str_replace($this->enclosure, $this->enclosure.$this->enclosure, $value);
- $value = $this->enclosure.$value.$this->enclosure;
- }
- }
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * Check file data
- * @param file local filename
- * @return true or false
- */
- function _check_data ($file = null) {
- if ( empty($this->file_data) ) {
- if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
- return $this->load_data($file);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Check if passed info might be delimiter
- * - only used by find_delimiter()
- * @return special string used for delimiter selection, or false
- */
- function _check_count ($char, $array, $depth, $preferred) {
- if ( $depth == count($array) ) {
- $first = null;
- $equal = null;
- $almost = false;
- foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
- if ( $first == null ) {
- $first = $value;
- } elseif ( $value == $first && $equal !== false) {
- $equal = true;
- } elseif ( $value == $first+1 && $equal !== false ) {
- $equal = true;
- $almost = true;
- } else {
- $equal = false;
- }
- }
- if ( $equal ) {
- $match = ( $almost ) ? 2 : 1 ;
- $pref = strpos($preferred, $char);
- $pref = ( $pref !== false ) ? str_pad($pref, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '999' ;
- return $pref.$match.'.'.(99999 - str_pad($first, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
- } else return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Read local file
- * @param file local filename
- * @return Data from file, or false on failure
- */
- function _rfile ($file = null) {
- if ( is_readable($file) ) {
- if ( !($fh = fopen($file, 'r')) ) return false;
- $data = fread($fh, filesize($file));
- fclose($fh);
- return $data;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Write to local file
- * @param file local filename
- * @param string data to write to file
- * @param mode fopen() mode
- * @param lock flock() mode
- * @return true or false
- */
- function _wfile ($file, $string = '', $mode = 'wb', $lock = 2) {
- if ( $fp = fopen($file, $mode) ) {
- flock($fp, $lock);
- $re = fwrite($fp, $string);
- $re2 = fclose($fp);
- if ( $re != false && $re2 != false ) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file