echo $(git log --oneline HEAD~100..HEAD | grep "${1}" | awk {'print $1'})
+# Find SHA1 of preceding commit:
+# First arg: commit message
+ local sha1_end
+ sha1_end="$(find_commit_by_log "${1}")"
+ echo $(git log --oneline ${sha1_end}~2..${sha1_end}~1 | awk {'print $1'})
# Remove "Name" if present in email address. Needed because of a bug in
# even if we specify the "--non" option.
# Arg #1: "Name <email>" or "email"
exit 1
+if echo "${commit_end}" | grep -q "^end"; then
+ # Take commit just before end commit:
+ COMMIT_END_SHA1=$(find_preceding_commit_by_log "${commit_end}")
rm -rf ${srcdir}/*.patch
# If the cover letter is not between start and end commits, save a copy: