When the comparison was true, the PC was advanced by 2 instead of 3 bytes.
Error reported and fixed by Tobias Diedrich (ranma at tdiedrich.de).
print INST_IMP "unsigned int reladdr = ((char) memory_read8(PGM_MEM_ID, cpu8051.pc)) + (cpu8051.pc + 1);\n";
print INST_IMP "cpu8051_WriteD( _PSW_, ( cpu8051_ReadD( _PSW_ ) & 0x7F ) );\n";
print INST_IMP "if ( destination < source ) cpu8051_WriteD( _PSW_, ( cpu8051_ReadD( _PSW_ ) | 0x80 ) );\n";
- print INST_IMP "if ( destination != source ) cpu8051.pc = reladdr;\n";
+ print INST_IMP "if ( destination != source ) cpu8051.pc = reladdr; else cpu8051.pc++; \n";