--- /dev/null
+// Standardisation du nom des paramètres des composants d'une librairie\r
+Procedure CleanLibrary;\r
+ CurrentLib : ISch_Lib;\r
+ LibraryIterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ LibComp : ISch_Component;\r
+ PIterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ Parameter : ISch_Parameter;\r
+ \r
+ RefPrefix : String;\r
+ ImplIterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ SchImplementation : ISch_Implementation;\r
+ \r
+ If SchServer = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ CurrentLib := SchServer.GetCurrentSchDocument;\r
+ If CurrentLib = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ // check if the document is a schematic library\r
+ If CurrentLib.ObjectID <> eSchLib Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowError('Please open schematic library.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ // create a library iterator to look for\r
+ // symbols in the currently focussed library.\r
+ LibraryIterator := CurrentLib.SchLibIterator_Create;\r
+ LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eSchComponent));\r
+ Try\r
+ // obtain the first symbol in the library\r
+ LibComp := LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While LibComp <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ \r
+ RefPrefix := Copy(UpperCase(LibComp.Designator.Text), 1, 1);\r
+ \r
+ // Corrections champs description\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'RESISTOR FIXE' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Resistor';\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'CAPACITOR CERAMIQUE COG' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Capacitor Ceramic C0G';\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'CAPACITOR CERAMIQUE NPO' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Capacitor Ceramic NP0';\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'CAPACITOR CERAMIQUE X5R' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Capacitor Ceramic X5R';\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'CAPACITOR CERAMIQUE X7R' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Capacitor Ceramic X7R';\r
+ If UpperCase(LibComp.ComponentDescription) = 'CAPACITOR CERAMIQUE S-SERIE' Then\r
+ LibComp.ComponentDescription := 'Capacitor Ceramic NP0';\r
+ // look for parameters associated with this symbol in a library.\r
+ Try\r
+ PIterator := LibComp.SchIterator_Create;\r
+ PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eParameter));\r
+ Parameter := PIterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While Parameter <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'MANUFACTURIER', 13) Then\r
+ Parameter.Name := 'Manufacturer';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'MANUFACTURER', 12) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Parameter.Text := UpperCase(Parameter.Text); // Conversion majuscules\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'CAL CHIP', 8) Or\r
+ CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'CAL-CHIP', 8) Or\r
+ CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'CAL_CHIP', 8) Or\r
+ CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'CALCHIP', 7) Then\r
+ Parameter.Text := 'CAL-CHIP';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'ON SEMI', 7) Or\r
+ CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'ONSEMI', 6) Then\r
+ Parameter.Text := 'ON SEMICONDUCTOR';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'TEXAS', 5) Or\r
+ CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'TI', 2) Then\r
+ Parameter.Text := 'TEXAS INSTRUMENTS';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'ANALOG DEVICE', 13) Then\r
+ Parameter.Text := 'ANALOG DEVICES';\r
+ If CompareString(Parameter.Text, 'VISHAY', 6) Then\r
+ Parameter.Text := 'VISHAY';\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'PUISSANCE', 9) Then\r
+ Parameter.Name := 'Power';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'NO MANUF', 8) Then\r
+ Parameter.Name := 'MPN';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'TOL', 3) Then\r
+ Parameter.Name := 'Tolerance';\r
+ \r
+ ImplIterator := LibComp.SchIterator_Create;\r
+ ImplIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eImplementation));\r
+ SchImplementation := ImplIterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While SchImplementation <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ If StringsEqual(SchImplementation.ModelType, 'PCBLIB') Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '1206-016', 8) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_1206_016';\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '0402', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_0402';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '0603', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_0603';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '0805', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_0805';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '1206', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_1206';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '1210', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_1210';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '1812', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_1812';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '2010', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_2010';\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), '2225', 4) Then\r
+ SchImplementation.ModelName := RefPrefix + '_2225';\r
+ \r
+ // Remove duplicates\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(SchImplementation.ModelName), RefPrefix + '_0402', 6) And Not SchImplementation.IsCurrent Then\r
+ LibComp.RemoveSchObject(SchImplementation);\r
+ \r
+ End;\r
+ SchImplementation := ImplIterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ LibComp.SchIterator_Destroy(ImplIterator);\r
+ Parameter := PIterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ Finally\r
+ LibComp.SchIterator_Destroy(PIterator);\r
+ End;\r
+ // obtain the next symbol in the library\r
+ LibComp := LibraryIterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ Finally\r
+ // done with looking for symbols and parameters.\r
+ // destroy the library iterator.\r
+ CurrentLib.SchIterator_Destroy(LibraryIterator);\r
+ End;\r
--- /dev/null
+ MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY : Integer;
+Procedure RemoveSpaces(Var Str : AnsiString);
+ SpacePos : Integer;
+ Repeat
+ SpacePos := Pos(' ', Str);
+ If SpacePos <> 0 Then
+ Delete(Str, SpacePos, 1);
+ Until SpacePos = 0;
+Function IsNumber(AChar : Char) : Boolean;
+ Result := ('0' <= AChar) And (AChar <= '9');
+Function IsLetter(AChar : Char) : Boolean;
+ Result := ('a' <= AChar) And (AChar <= 'Z');
+Function CompareString(a, b : AnsiString; len : Integer) : Boolean;
+ a1, b1 : AnsiString;
+ Result := False;
+ a1 := Copy(a, 1, len);
+ b1 := Copy(b, 1, len);
+ Result := a1 = b1;
+Procedure ClearAssemblyLayer(Board : IPCB_Board; Layer : TLayer);
+ Comp : IPCB_Component;
+ Iterator : IPCB_BoardIterator;
+ // Setup Board iterator
+ Iterator := Board.BoardIterator_Create;
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(AllObjects);
+ Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(MkSet(Layer));
+ Iterator.AddFilter_Method(eProcessAll);
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstPCBObject;
+ While (Comp <> Nil) Do
+ Begin
+ Board.RemovePCBObject(Comp);
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;
+ End;
+ Board.BoardIterator_Destroy(Iterator);
+Procedure TrackAdd(Board : IPCB_Board; Layer : TLayer; x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer);
+ Track : IPCB_Track;
+ // Create a Track object.
+ Track := PCBServer.PCBObjectFactory(eTrackObject, eNoDimension, eCreate_Default);
+ Track.X1 := x1;
+ Track.Y1 := y1;
+ Track.X2 := x2;
+ Track.Y2 := y2;
+ Track.Layer := Layer;
+ Track.Width := MilsToCoord(MY_BOX_WIDTH_MILS);
+ Board.AddPCBObject(Track);
+Procedure CreateBondingBox(Board : IPCB_Board; Layer : TLayer);
+ TrackAdd(Board, Layer, MinX, MinY, MaxX, MinY);
+ TrackAdd(Board, Layer, MaxX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);
+ TrackAdd(Board, Layer, MaxX, MaxY, MinX, MaxY);
+ TrackAdd(Board, Layer, MinX, MaxY, MinX, MinY);
+Procedure CreateBondingCircle(Board : IPCB_Board; Layer : TLayer; x, y, r : Integer);
+ Arc : IPCB_Arc;
+ Arc := PCBServer.PCBObjectFactory(eArcObject, eNoDimension, eCreate_Default);
+ Arc.XCenter := x;
+ Arc.YCenter := y;
+ Arc.Radius := r;
+ Arc.LineWidth := MilsToCoord(MY_CIRCLE_WIDTH_MILS);
+ Arc.StartAngle := 0;
+ Arc.EndAngle := 360;
+ Arc.Layer := Layer;
+ Board.AddPCBObject(Arc);
+Procedure ProcessObjectsOfAComponent(Const P : IPCB_Primitive);
+ R : TCoordRect;
+ // check for comment / name objects
+ If P.ObjectId <> eTextObject Then
+ Begin
+ R := P.BoundingRectangle;
+ If R.left < MinX Then MinX := R.left;
+ If R.bottom < MinY Then MinY := R.bottom;
+ If R.right > MaxX Then MaxX := R.right;
+ If R.top > MaxY Then MaxY := R.top;
+ End;
+Procedure FetchComponentMidPoints(Comp : IPCB_Component; out MidX, MidY, MaxLen, MaxHeight);
+ GroupIterator : IPCB_GroupIterator;
+ GroupHandle : IPCB_Primitive;
+ // setting extreme constants...
+ MinX := 2147483647;
+ MinY := 2147483647;
+ MaxX := -2147483647;
+ MaxY := -2147483647;
+ GroupIterator := Comp.GroupIterator_Create;
+ GroupIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(AllObjects);
+ GroupHandle := GroupIterator.FirstPCBObject;
+ While GroupHandle <> Nil Do
+ Begin
+ ProcessObjectsOfAComponent(GroupHandle);
+ GroupHandle := GroupIterator.NextPCBObject;
+ End;
+ Comp.GroupIterator_Destroy(GroupIterator);
+ MidX := (MinX + MaxX) / 2;
+ MidY := (MinY + MaxY) / 2;
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of
+ 0 : MaxLen := MaxX - MinX;
+ 90 : MaxLen := MaxY - MinY;
+ 270 : MaxLen := MaxY - MinY;
+ End;
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of
+ 0 : MaxHeight := MaxY - MinY;
+ 90 : MaxHeight := MaxX - MinX;
+ 270 : MaxHeight := MaxX - MinX;
+ End;
+Procedure ResizeRefDes(Comp : IPCB_Component);
+ // Check if Component Name property exists before extracting the text
+ If Comp.Name = Nil Then Exit;
+ // Modify the component
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_BeginModify , c_NoEventData);
+ Comp.Name.Size := MilsToCoord(MY_REF_SIZE_MILS);;
+ Comp.Name.Width := MilsToCoord(MY_REF_WIDTH_MILS);
+ Comp.Name.UseTTFonts := False;
+ Comp.Name.Italic := False;
+ Comp.Name.Bold := False;
+ Comp.Name.FontName := 'Default';
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_EndModify , c_NoEventData);
--- /dev/null
+// Création des dessins d'assemblage sur les couches mécaniques 10 (TOP) et 11 (BOT)\r
+// TODO:\r
+// Afficher le nombre de composants total et celui qui est présentement traité (1/200)\r
+// Gérer les composants avec des orientations non multiples de 90 deg.\r
+ MY_REF_SIZE_MILS = 30;\r
+ \r
+ // La grosseur du texte en fonction de la taille du composant, jusqu´à cette limite.\r
+ \r
+ // Ratio de la longueur du texte du refdes par rapport à la longueur maximale permise par les dimensions du composant.\r
+ // Ratio de la hauteur du texte du refdes par rapport à la hauteur maximale permise par les dimensions du composant. \r
+ \r
+ // Ajustement empirique.\r
+ \r
+ TOP_ASSEMBLY_LAYER = eMechanical10;\r
+ BOT_ASSEMBLY_LAYER = eMechanical11;\r
+Procedure PCB_GenerateAssemblyDrawings;\r
+ Board : IPCB_Board;\r
+ Comp : IPCB_Component;\r
+ Iterator : IPCB_BoardIterator;\r
+ strlen, : Integer;\r
+ StrWidth : TCoord;\r
+ StrHeight : TCoord;\r
+ OffsetX : TCoord;\r
+ OffsetY : TCoord;\r
+ MidX, MidY : Integer;\r
+ MaxLen : Integer;\r
+ MaxHeight : Integer;\r
+ TempSize : Integer;\r
+ \r
+ IsCircle : Boolean;\r
+ \r
+ DestLayer : TLayer;\r
+ TextObj : IPCB_Text;\r
+ \r
+ // Pour sauvegarder les valeurs du composant original.\r
+ OldCommentOn : Boolean;\r
+ OldCompRotation : Integer;\r
+ OldCompNameRotation : Integer;\r
+ \r
+ // Attributs du nouveau composant sur la couche d'assemblage\r
+ NewRotation : Integer;\r
+ NewSize : Integer;\r
+ \r
+ Pcbserver.PreProcess;\r
+ Board := PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard;\r
+ If Not Assigned(Board) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The Current Document is not a Protel PCB Document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Efface les 2 couches d'assemblage\r
+ ClearAssemblyLayer(Board, TOP_ASSEMBLY_LAYER);\r
+ ClearAssemblyLayer(Board, BOT_ASSEMBLY_LAYER);\r
+ \r
+ // Setup Board iterator\r
+ Iterator := Board.BoardIterator_Create; \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eComponentObject)); \r
+ //Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(MkSet(eBottomLayer));\r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(AllLayers); \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_Method(eProcessAll);\r
+ \r
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstPCBObject;\r
+ While (Comp <> Nil) Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ IsCircle := False;\r
+ \r
+ // Check if Component Name property exists before extracting the text\r
+ If Comp.Name = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ // On ne modifie pas le numéro du PCB, qui est la référence du logo de compagnie\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Pattern, 'LOGOCOMPANY', 7) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'MIRE', 4) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'CRACK', 5) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ // On n´affiche pas les fiducials\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'FIDG', 4) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ // On n´affiche pas la légende des couches\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'LAYERS', 6) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ // Modify the component\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_BeginModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ // Sauvegarde valeurs originales\r
+ OldCommentOn := Comp.CommentOn;\r
+ OldCompRotation := Comp.Rotation;\r
+ OldCompNameRotation := Comp.Name.Rotation;\r
+ // Sauf pour les MH\r
+ if CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'MH', 2) Then\r
+ IsCircle := True;\r
+ if CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'TP', 2) Then\r
+ IsCircle := True;\r
+ \r
+ If IsCircle Then\r
+ Comp.Rotation := 0;\r
+ // Et on désactive temporairement les commentaires\r
+ Comp.CommentOn := False;\r
+ \r
+ // On fait une rotation de la référence selon l'orientation du composant\r
+ Case Comp.Rotation of\r
+ 0, 180, 360 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 0;\r
+ 90, 270 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 90;\r
+ End;\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eBottomLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 90 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 270;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ FetchComponentMidPoints(Comp, MidX, MidY, MaxLen, MaxHeight);\r
+ \r
+ // string length * character_width <= MaxLen\r
+ // character_width = 2/3 * Size en mil.\r
+ // Ex: Si le size est de 30 mils, la largeur est environ de 20 mils.\r
+ // -> Size = MaxLen / strlen * 3/2 \r
+ strlen := Length(Comp.Name.Text);\r
+ // Calcul de la grosseur de la référence selon la longueur disponible (bonding box).\r
+ TempSize := CoordToMils(MaxLen * RATIO_MAXLEN_REFDES) / strlen * 0.9;\r
+ if TempSize > TEXT_SIZE_MAX_MILS Then\r
+ TempSize := TEXT_SIZE_MAX_MILS;\r
+ \r
+ // Ajustement selon la hauteur disponible (bonding box).\r
+ If TempSize > (CoordToMils(MaxHeight) * RATIO_MAXHEIGHT_REFDES) Then\r
+ TempSize := CoordToMils(MaxHeight) * RATIO_MAXHEIGHT_REFDES;\r
+ // Adjust size according to available space\r
+ NewSize := MilsToCoord(TempSize);\r
+ StrWidth := strlen * NewSize;\r
+ StrHeight:= NewSize;\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eTopLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ DestLayer := TOP_ASSEMBLY_LAYER;\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ 90 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := StrHeight / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eBottomLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ DestLayer := BOT_ASSEMBLY_LAYER;\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := StrWidth / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ 270 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Ajustement empirique... \r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 : OffsetX := OffsetX * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ 90 : OffsetY := OffsetY * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ 270 : OffsetY := OffsetY * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ End;\r
+ // Sauvegarde nouvelles valeurs pour nouveau composant sur couche d'assemblage\r
+ NewRotation := Comp.Name.Rotation;\r
+ // Restauration valeurs originales\r
+ Comp.CommentOn := OldCommentOn;\r
+ Comp.Rotation := OldCompRotation;\r
+ Comp.Name.Rotation := OldCompNameRotation;\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_EndModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ \r
+ If IsCircle Then\r
+ // Crée un cercle représentant le composant\r
+ CreateBondingcircle(Board, DestLayer, MidX, MidY, MaxLen / 2)\r
+ Else\r
+ // Crée une boite représentant le composant\r
+ CreateBondingBox(Board, DestLayer);\r
+ \r
+ //Create a first text object non True Type font.\r
+ TextObj := PCBServer.PCBObjectFactory(eTextObject, eNoDimension, eCreate_Default);\r
+ // notify that the pcb object is going to be modified\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(TextObj.I_ObjectAddress ,c_Broadcast, PCBM_BeginModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ TextObj.Layer := DestLayer;\r
+ TextObj.XLocation := MidX + OffsetX;\r
+ TextObj.YLocation := MidY + OffsetY;\r
+ TextObj.Rotation := NewRotation;\r
+ TextObj.Text := Comp.Name.Text;\r
+ TextObj.Size := NewSize;\r
+ TextObj.Width := MilsToCoord(MY_REF_WIDTH_MILS);\r
+ TextObj.UseTTFonts := False; \r
+ TextObj.Italic := False; \r
+ TextObj.Bold := False; \r
+ TextObj.FontName := 'Default';\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eBottomLayer Then\r
+ TextObj.MirrorFlag := True;\r
+ Board.AddPCBObject(TextObj);\r
+ // notify that the pcb object has been modified\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(TextObj.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_EndModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ \r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Board.BoardIterator_Destroy(Iterator);\r
+ \r
+ Pcbserver.PostProcess;\r
+ Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=Redraw', 255, Client.CurrentView);\r
--- /dev/null
+// Création d´un dessin pour lit de clou. Efface toutes les références\r
+// sauf pour les JP et MP\r
+ MY_REF_SIZE_MILS = 30;\r
+ \r
+ // La grosseur du texte en fonction de la taille du composant, jusqu´à cette limite.\r
+ \r
+ // Ratio de la longueur du texte du refdes par rapport à la longueur maximale permise par les dimensions du composant.\r
+ \r
+ // Ajustement empirique.\r
+ \r
+Procedure PCB_CreationDessinLitDeClou;\r
+ Board : IPCB_Board;\r
+ Comp : IPCB_Component;\r
+ Iterator : IPCB_BoardIterator;\r
+ strlen, : Integer;\r
+ StrWidth : TCoord;\r
+ StrHeight : TCoord;\r
+ OffsetX : TCoord;\r
+ OffsetY : TCoord;\r
+ MidX, MidY : Integer;\r
+ MaxLen : Integer;\r
+ TempSize : Integer;\r
+ \r
+ Valide : Boolean;\r
+ Pcbserver.PreProcess;\r
+ Board := PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard;\r
+ If Not Assigned(Board) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The Current Document is not a Protel PCB Document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Setup Board iterator \r
+ Iterator := Board.BoardIterator_Create; \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eComponentObject)); \r
+ //Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(MkSet(eTopLayer));\r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(AllLayers); \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_Method(eProcessAll);\r
+ \r
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstPCBObject;\r
+ While (Comp <> Nil) Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ // Check if Component Name property exists before extracting the text\r
+ If Comp.Name = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ /////ShowMessage('Processing component ' + Comp.Name.Text);\r
+ // Modify the component\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_BeginModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ Valide := False;\r
+ // On n´affiche pas la référence...\r
+ Comp.NameOn := False;\r
+ \r
+ // ..sauf pour ces composants:\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'MP', 2) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPA', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPB', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPD', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPE', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPF', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPG', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPH', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPI', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPJ', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPK', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPL', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPM', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPN', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'JPP', 3) Then\r
+ Valide := True;\r
+ \r
+ If NOT Valide Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Board.RemovePCBObject(Comp);\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End\r
+ Else\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp.NameOn := True;\r
+ End;\r
+ // Et on élimine les commentaires\r
+ Comp.CommentOn := False;\r
+ // On fait une rotation de la référence selon l´orientation du composant\r
+ // sauf pour les MP qui sont ronds\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Name.Text, 'MP', 2) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp.Name.Rotation := 0;\r
+ End\r
+ Else\r
+ Begin\r
+ Case Comp.Rotation of\r
+ 0 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 0;\r
+ 180 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 0;\r
+ 360 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 0;\r
+ 90 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 90;\r
+ 270 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 90;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ If Comp.Layer = eBottomLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 90 : Comp.Name.Rotation := 270;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ FetchComponentMidPoints(Comp, MidX, MidY, MaxLen);\r
+ \r
+ // string length * character_width <= MaxLen\r
+ // character_width = 2/3 * Size en mil.\r
+ // Ex: Si le size est de 30 mils, la largeur est environ de 20 mils.\r
+ // -> Size = MaxLen / strlen * 3/2 \r
+ strlen := Length(Comp.Name.Text);\r
+ // Adjust size\r
+ Comp.Name.UseTTFonts := False; \r
+ Comp.Name.Italic := False; \r
+ Comp.Name.Bold := False; \r
+ Comp.Name.FontName := 'Default';\r
+ \r
+ TempSize := CoordToMils(MaxLen * RATIO_MAXLEN_REFDES) / strlen * 0.9;\r
+ if TempSize > TEXT_SIZE_MAX_MILS Then\r
+ TempSize := TEXT_SIZE_MAX_MILS;\r
+ \r
+ Comp.Name.Size := MilsToCoord(TempSize);\r
+ Comp.Name.Width := MilsToCoord(MY_REF_WIDTH_MILS);\r
+ StrWidth := strlen * Comp.Name.Size;\r
+ StrHeight:= Comp.Name.Size;\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eTopLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ 90 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := StrHeight / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ If Comp.Layer = eBottomLayer Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := StrWidth / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ 270 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ OffsetX := -StrHeight / 2;\r
+ OffsetY := -StrWidth / 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Ajustement empirique... \r
+ Case Comp.Name.Rotation of\r
+ 0 : OffsetX := OffsetX * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ 90 : OffsetY := OffsetY * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ 270 : OffsetY := OffsetY * AJUSTEMENT_CENTRAGE;\r
+ End;\r
+ Comp.Name.XLocation := MidX + OffsetX;\r
+ Comp.Name.YLocation := MidY + OffsetY;\r
+ PCBServer.SendMessageToRobots(Comp.I_ObjectAddress, c_Broadcast, PCBM_EndModify , c_NoEventData);\r
+ //Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=Redraw', 255, Client.CurrentView);\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Board.BoardIterator_Destroy(Iterator);\r
+ \r
+ Pcbserver.PostProcess;\r
+ Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=Redraw', 255, Client.CurrentView);\r
--- /dev/null
+// Redimensionnement du texte des références de tous les composants\r
+Procedure PCB_ResizeRefDes_All;\r
+ Board : IPCB_Board;\r
+ Comp : IPCB_Component;\r
+ Iterator : IPCB_BoardIterator;\r
+ Pcbserver.PreProcess;\r
+ Board := PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard;\r
+ If Not Assigned(Board) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The Current Document is not a Protel PCB Document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Setup Board iterator\r
+ Iterator := Board.BoardIterator_Create; \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eComponentObject)); \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_LayerSet(AllLayers); \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_Method(eProcessAll);\r
+ \r
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstPCBObject;\r
+ While (Comp <> Nil) Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ // On ne modifie pas le numéro du PCB, qui est la référence du logo de compagnie\r
+ If CompareString(Comp.Pattern, 'LOGOCOMPANY', 7) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'MIRE', 4) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'CRACK', 5) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ // On ne modifie pas les fiducials\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'FIDG', 4) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ // On ne modifie pas la légende des couches\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Comp.Pattern), 'LAYERS', 6) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ Continue;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Call resize function\r
+ ResizeRefDes(Comp);\r
+ \r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextPCBObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Board.BoardIterator_Destroy(Iterator);\r
+ \r
+ Pcbserver.PostProcess;\r
+ Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=Redraw', 255, Client.CurrentView);\r
--- /dev/null
+// Summary: Change reference designator text size of the selected component.\r
+Procedure PCB_ResizeRefDes_Selection;\r
+ Board : IPCB_Board;\r
+ Comp : IPCB_Component;\r
+ x,y, : TCoord;\r
+ \r
+ Pcbserver.PreProcess;\r
+ Try\r
+ Board := PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard;\r
+ If Not Assigned(Board) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The Current Document is not a Protel PCB Document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Board.ChooseLocation(x,y, 'Choose Component');\r
+ Comp := Board.GetObjectAtXYAskUserIfAmbiguous(x,y,MkSet(eComponentObject),AllLayers, eEditAction_Select);\r
+ If Not Assigned(Comp) Then Exit;\r
+ \r
+ // Call resize function\r
+ ResizeRefDes(Comp);\r
+ Finally\r
+ Pcbserver.PostProcess;\r
+ Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=Redraw', 255, Client.CurrentView);\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ \r
--- /dev/null
+// Alignement des attributs de tous les composants dans un schéma\r
+ \r
+Procedure SCH_ResizeRefDes_All;\r
+ CurrentSheet : ISch_Document;\r
+ Comp : ISch_Component;\r
+ Iterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ \r
+ // Check if schematic server exists or not.\r
+ If SchServer = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ \r
+ CurrentSheet := SchServer.GetCurrentSchDocument;\r
+ If CurrentSheet = Nil Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The current document is not a schematic document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Try\r
+ SchServer.ProcessControl.PreProcess(CurrentSheet, '');\r
+ \r
+ // Set up iterator to look for Component objects only\r
+ Iterator := CurrentSheet.SchIterator_Create;\r
+ If Iterator = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eSchComponent));\r
+ Try\r
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While Comp <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ SCH_AlignRefDes(Comp);\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Finally\r
+ Currentsheet.SchIterator_Destroy(iterator);\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Finally\r
+ SchServer.ProcessControl.PostProcess(CurrentSheet, '');\r
+ End;\r
+ CurrentSheet.GraphicallyInvalidate;\r
--- /dev/null
+// Alignement des attributs du composant sélectionné dans un schéma\r
+ \r
+Procedure SCH_AlignRefDes_Selection;\r
+ CurrentSheet : ISch_Document;\r
+ Comp : ISch_Component;\r
+ Iterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ \r
+ // Check if schematic server exists or not.\r
+ If SchServer = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ \r
+ CurrentSheet := SchServer.GetCurrentSchDocument;\r
+ If CurrentSheet = Nil Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ShowMessage('The current document is not a schematic document.');\r
+ Exit;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Try\r
+ SchServer.ProcessControl.PreProcess(CurrentSheet, '');\r
+ \r
+ // Set up iterator to look for Component objects only\r
+ Iterator := CurrentSheet.SchIterator_Create;\r
+ If Iterator = Nil Then Exit;\r
+ \r
+ Iterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eSchComponent));\r
+ Try\r
+ Comp := Iterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While Comp <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ // Alignement seulement si le composant a été sélectionné.\r
+ If Comp.Selection Then SCH_AlignRefDes(Comp);\r
+ Comp := Iterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Finally\r
+ Currentsheet.SchIterator_Destroy(iterator);\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Finally\r
+ SchServer.ProcessControl.PostProcess(CurrentSheet, '');\r
+ End;\r
+ CurrentSheet.GraphicallyInvalidate;\r
--- /dev/null
+// Alignement des attributs des composants dans un schéma\r
+// TODO:\r
+// -Mettre attribut "Mirrored" à FALSE pour les R, C et L\r
+ DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = 'Arial';\r
+ \r
+ R_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS = 400; // Longueur du symbole\r
+ R_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS = 050; // Hauteur du symbole\r
+ \r
+ C_DISPLAY_VOLTAGE = True; // Affichage de l'attribut voltage\r
+ C_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS = 300; // Longueur du symbole\r
+ C_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS = 160; // Hauteur du symbole\r
+ \r
+ L_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS = 500; // Longueur du symbole\r
+ L_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS = 090; // Hauteur du symbole (2 différentes hauteurs, 50 et 100mil...)\r
+ \r
+ D_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS = 400; // Longueur du symbole\r
+ D_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS = 150; // Hauteur du symbole (2 différentes hauteurs, 50 et 100mil...)\r
+ PARAM_OFFSET_MILS = 025; // Distance entre le graphique et le texte\r
+ PARAM_TEXT_HEIGHT_ADJUST = 015; // Pour compenser la hauteur du texte si alignement vertical au centre.\r
+ PARAMS_Y_SEP = 080; // Distance verticale entre 2 paramètres\r
+ \r
+ // global variables\r
+ FontID : TFontID;\r
+ VALUE_POS : Integer;\r
+ VOLTAGE_POS : Integer;\r
+ POWER_POS : Integer;\r
+ CURRENT_POS : Integer;\r
+ MPN_POS : Integer;\r
+ SymbolLengthMils : Integer;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils : Integer;\r
+ \r
+Function SCH_AnalyseComponent(Comp : ISch_Component);\r
+ s : String;\r
+ \r
+ SymbolLengthMils := 0;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := 0;\r
+ s := Copy(UpperCase(Comp.Designator.Text), 1, 1);\r
+ \r
+ If s = 'R' Then Begin\r
+ SymbolLengthMils := R_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := R_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS;\r
+ VALUE_POS := 0;\r
+ POWER_POS := 1;\r
+ End;\r
+ If s = 'L' Then Begin\r
+ SymbolLengthMils := L_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := L_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS;\r
+ VALUE_POS := 0;\r
+ CURRENT_POS := 1;\r
+ End;\r
+ If s = 'C' Then Begin\r
+ SymbolLengthMils := C_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := C_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS;\r
+ VALUE_POS := 0;\r
+ VOLTAGE_POS := 1;\r
+ End;\r
+ If s = 'D' Then Begin\r
+ SymbolLengthMils := D_SYMBOL_LENGTH_MILS;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := D_SYMBOL_HEIGHT_MILS;\r
+ VALUE_POS := 0; // For LEDs, VALUE = COLOR \r
+ VOLTAGE_POS := 0;\r
+ CURRENT_POS := 1;\r
+ POWER_POS := 1;\r
+ MPN_POS := 2;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Pour avoir les ajustements à partir du milieu du composant\r
+ SymbolLengthMils := SymbolLengthMils / 2;\r
+ SymbolHeightMils := SymbolHeightMils / 2;\r
+Function SCH_ProcessRefDes(Comp : ISch_Component; Parameter : ISch_Parameter);\r
+ CompLoc : TLocation; // Position du composant\r
+ ParamLoc : TLocation;\r
+ DX, DY : Integer; // Position du paramètre (delta par rapport au composant)\r
+ ParamOffset : Integer;\r
+ ParamJust : TTextJustification;\r
+ s : String;\r
+ DX := 0;\r
+ DY := 0;\r
+ \r
+ s := Copy(UpperCase(Comp.Designator.Text), 1, 1);\r
+ // Trouve le X de départ, en Y le milieu du composant\r
+ Case Comp.Orientation of\r
+ eRotate0 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DX := SymbolLengthMils;\r
+ End;\r
+ eRotate90 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DX := SymbolHeightMils + PARAM_OFFSET_MILS;\r
+ DY := SymbolLengthMils;\r
+ End;\r
+ eRotate180 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DX := - SymbolLengthMils;\r
+ End;\r
+ eRotate270 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DX := SymbolHeightMils + PARAM_OFFSET_MILS;\r
+ DY := - SymbolLengthMils;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ Case Comp.Orientation of\r
+ eRotate0, eRotate180 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamJust := eJustify_Center;\r
+ If Parameter = Nil Then\r
+ DY := SymbolHeightMils + PARAM_OFFSET_MILS + PARAM_TEXT_HEIGHT_ADJUST; // Designator\r
+ end;\r
+ eRotate90, eRotate270 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamJust := eJustify_CenterLeft;\r
+ If Parameter = Nil Then // Designator\r
+ DY := DY + PARAMS_Y_SEP; // Devrait changer selon le nombre de paramètres à afficher\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ If Parameter <> Nil Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := -1;\r
+ \r
+ // Process Parameter, not designator\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'VALUE', 5) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := VALUE_POS;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'VOLTAGE', 7) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ If s = 'C' Then Parameter.IsHidden := False; // force display of voltage parameter\r
+ ParamOffset := VOLTAGE_POS;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'POWER', 5) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := POWER_POS;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'CURRENT', 7) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := CURRENT_POS;\r
+ End;\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'MPN', 3) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := MPN_POS;\r
+ End;\r
+ If ParamOffset < 0 Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ ParamOffset := 2; // TEMP!!!!!!!\r
+ End;\r
+ Case Comp.Orientation of\r
+ eRotate0, eRotate180 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DY := - (SymbolHeightMils + PARAM_OFFSET_MILS + PARAM_TEXT_HEIGHT_ADJUST + (PARAMS_Y_SEP * ParamOffset));\r
+ end;\r
+ eRotate90, eRotate270 :\r
+ Begin\r
+ DY := DY - (PARAMS_Y_SEP * ParamOffset);\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ // Debug\r
+ If s = 'X' Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ If Parameter = Nil Then\r
+ ShowMessage('LOC = ' + IntToStr(DX) + ',' + IntToStr(DY));\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+ CompLoc := Comp.GetState_Location;\r
+ ParamLoc := CompLoc;\r
+ ParamLoc.X := ParamLoc.X + MilsToCoord(DX);\r
+ ParamLoc.Y := ParamLoc.Y + MilsToCoord(DY);\r
+ \r
+ If Parameter = Nil Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ // Designator\r
+ Comp.Designator.Justification := ParamJust;\r
+ Comp.Designator.SetState_Location(ParamLoc);\r
+ Comp.Designator.Orientation := eRotate0;\r
+ End\r
+ Else\r
+ Begin\r
+ Parameter.Justification := ParamJust;\r
+ Parameter.SetState_Location(ParamLoc);\r
+ Parameter.SetState_Orientation(eRotate0);\r
+ End;\r
+ \r
+// Standardisation de la police de caractère \r
+Function SCH_SetFont(Comp : ISch_Component; Parameter : ISch_Parameter);\r
+ s : String;\r
+ If Parameter = Nil Then\r
+ Comp.Designator.FontId := FontID // Designator\r
+ Else\r
+ Parameter.FontId := FontID;\r
+Function SCH_AlignRefDes(Comp : ISch_Component);\r
+ PIterator : ISch_Iterator;\r
+ Parameter : ISch_Parameter;\r
+ FontID := SchServer.FontManager.GetFontID(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,0,False,False,False,False, DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);\r
+ Try\r
+ VALUE_POS := -1;\r
+ VOLTAGE_POS := -1;\r
+ POWER_POS := -1;\r
+ CURRENT_POS := -1;\r
+ MPN_POS := -1;\r
+ SCH_SetFont(Comp, Nil);\r
+ SCH_AnalyseComponent(Comp);\r
+ If SymbolLengthMils <> 0 Then\r
+ SCH_ProcessRefDes(Comp, Nil);\r
+ \r
+ PIterator := Comp.SchIterator_Create;\r
+ PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(MkSet(eParameter));\r
+ \r
+ Parameter := PIterator.FirstSchObject;\r
+ While Parameter <> Nil Do\r
+ Begin\r
+ If CompareString(UpperCase(Parameter.Name), 'COMMENT', 7) Then\r
+ Begin\r
+ // Pour ne pas afficher le commentaire (#compagnie)\r
+ Parameter.IsHidden := True;\r
+ End\r
+ Else\r
+ If SymbolLengthMils <> 0 Then\r
+ SCH_ProcessRefDes(Comp, Parameter);\r
+ \r
+ SCH_SetFont(Comp, Parameter);\r
+ Parameter := PIterator.NextSchObject;\r
+ End;\r
+ Finally\r
+ Comp.SchIterator_Destroy(PIterator);\r
+ End;\r
--- /dev/null
+Name=Default Configuration\r
+Variant=[No Variations]\r
+Name=Netlist Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=EDIF for PCB\r
+OutputName3=Pcad for PCB\r
+OutputName7=Verilog File\r
+OutputName8=VHDL File\r
+OutputName9=XSpice Netlist\r
+OutputName10=Cadnetix Netlist\r
+OutputName11=Calay Netlist\r
+OutputName12=EESof Netlist\r
+OutputName13=Intergraph Netlist\r
+OutputName14=Mentor BoardStation Netlist\r
+OutputName15=Orcad/PCB2 Netlist\r
+OutputName16=PADS ASCII Netlist\r
+OutputName17=PCAD Netlist\r
+OutputName18=PCADnlt Netlist\r
+OutputName19=Protel2 Netlist\r
+OutputName20=Racal Netlist\r
+OutputName21=RINF Netlist\r
+OutputName22=SciCards Netlist\r
+OutputName23=Tango Netlist\r
+OutputName24=Telesis Netlist\r
+OutputName25=WireList Netlist\r
+Name=Simulator Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Mixed Sim\r
+Name=Documentation Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Composite Drawing\r
+OutputType2=Logic Analyser Print\r
+OutputName2=Logic Analyser Prints\r
+OutputType3=OpenBus Print\r
+OutputName3=OpenBus Prints\r
+OutputType4=PCB 3D Print\r
+OutputName4=PCB 3D Prints\r
+OutputVariantName4=[No Variations]\r
+OutputType5=PCB Print\r
+OutputName5=PCB Prints\r
+OutputType6=Schematic Print\r
+OutputName6=Schematic Prints\r
+OutputType7=SimView Print\r
+OutputName7=SimView Prints\r
+OutputType8=Wave Print\r
+OutputName8=Wave Prints\r
+OutputType9=Assembler Source Print\r
+OutputName9=Assembler Source Prints\r
+OutputType10=C Source Print\r
+OutputName10=C Source Prints\r
+OutputType11=C/C++ Header Print\r
+OutputName11=C/C++ Header Prints\r
+OutputType12=C++ Source Print\r
+OutputName12=C++ Source Prints\r
+OutputType13=PCB 3D Video\r
+OutputName13=PCB 3D Video\r
+OutputVariantName13=[No Variations]\r
+OutputType14=Report Print\r
+OutputName14=Report Prints\r
+OutputType15=Software Platform Print\r
+OutputName15=Software Platform Prints\r
+OutputType16=VHDL Print\r
+OutputName16=VHDL Prints\r
+OutputType17=WaveSim Print\r
+OutputName17=WaveSim Prints\r
+Name=Assembly Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Assembly Drawings\r
+OutputVariantName1=[No Variations]\r
+OutputType2=Pick Place\r
+OutputName2=Generates pick and place files\r
+OutputVariantName2=[No Variations]\r
+OutputType3=Test Points For Assembly\r
+OutputName3=Test Point Report\r
+OutputVariantName3=[No Variations]\r
+Name=Fabrication Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Composite Drill Drawing\r
+OutputVariantName1=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName2=Drill Drawing/Guides\r
+OutputVariantName2=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName3=Final Artwork Prints\r
+OutputVariantName3=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName4=Gerber Files\r
+OutputVariantName4=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName5=Solder/Paste Mask Prints\r
+OutputType6=NC Drill\r
+OutputName6=NC Drill Files\r
+OutputName7=ODB++ Files\r
+OutputVariantName7=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName8=Power-Plane Prints\r
+OutputType9=Test Points\r
+OutputName9=Test Point Report\r
+Name=Report Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Bill of Materials\r
+OutputVariantName1=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName2=Component Cross Reference Report\r
+OutputVariantName2=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName3=Report Project Hierarchy\r
+OutputVariantName3=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName4=Simple BOM\r
+OutputVariantName4=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName5=Report Single Pin Nets\r
+OutputVariantName5=[No Variations]\r
+OutputName6=Script Output\r
+OutputVariantName6=[No Variations]\r
+Name=Other Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputType1=Text Print\r
+OutputName1=Text Print\r
+OutputType2=Text Print\r
+OutputName2=Text Print\r
+OutputType3=Text Print\r
+OutputName3=Text Print\r
+OutputType4=Text Print\r
+OutputName4=Text Print\r
+OutputType5=Text Print\r
+OutputName5=Text Print\r
+OutputType6=Text Print\r
+OutputName6=Text Print\r
+OutputType7=Text Print\r
+OutputName7=Text Print\r
+OutputType8=Text Print\r
+OutputName8=Text Print\r
+OutputType9=Text Print\r
+OutputName9=Text Print\r
+OutputType10=Text Print\r
+OutputName10=Text Print\r
+OutputType11=Text Print\r
+OutputName11=Text Print\r
+OutputType12=Text Print\r
+OutputName12=Text Print\r
+OutputType13=Text Print\r
+OutputName13=Text Print\r
+OutputType14=Text Print\r
+OutputName14=Text Print\r
+OutputType15=Text Print\r
+OutputName15=Text Print\r
+OutputType16=Text Print\r
+OutputName16=Text Print\r
+OutputType17=Text Print\r
+OutputName17=Text Print\r
+OutputType18=Text Print\r
+OutputName18=Text Print\r
+OutputType19=Text Print\r
+OutputName19=Text Print\r
+OutputType20=Text Print\r
+OutputName20=Text Print\r
+OutputType21=Text Print\r
+OutputName21=Text Print\r
+OutputType22=Text Print\r
+OutputName22=Text Print\r
+OutputType23=Text Print\r
+OutputName23=Text Print\r
+OutputType24=Text Print\r
+OutputName24=Text Print\r
+OutputType25=Text Print\r
+OutputName25=Text Print\r
+OutputType26=Text Print\r
+OutputName26=Text Print\r
+OutputType27=Text Print\r
+OutputName27=Text Print\r
+OutputType28=Text Print\r
+OutputName28=Text Print\r
+OutputType29=Text Print\r
+OutputName29=Text Print\r
+Name=Validation Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputType1=Design Rules Check\r
+OutputName1=Design Rules Check\r
+OutputType2=Differences Report\r
+OutputName2=Differences Report\r
+OutputType3=Electrical Rules Check\r
+OutputName3=Electrical Rules Check\r
+OutputType4=Footprint Comparison Report\r
+OutputName4=Footprint Comparison Report\r
+Name=Export Outputs\r
+TargetPrinter=HP LaserJet 1020\r
+OutputName1=Export STEP\r
+[Modification Levels]\r
+[Difference Levels]\r
+[Electrical Rules Check]\r
+[ERC Connection Matrix]\r
+MatchParameter2=Library Reference\r
+[Comparison Options]\r
+ComparisonOptions1=Kind=Net Class|MinPercent=75|MinMatch=3|ShowMatch=-1|Confirm=-1|UseName=-1|InclAllRules=0\r
+ComparisonOptions2=Kind=Component Class|MinPercent=75|MinMatch=3|ShowMatch=-1|Confirm=-1|UseName=-1|InclAllRules=0\r
+ComparisonOptions4=Kind=Differential Pair|MinPercent=50|MinMatch=1|ShowMatch=0|Confirm=0|UseName=0|InclAllRules=0\r
+ComparisonOptions5=Kind=Structure Class|MinPercent=75|MinMatch=3|ShowMatch=-1|Confirm=-1|UseName=-1|InclAllRules=0\r