--- /dev/null
+; Test program to verify correct emu8051 operation
+; Taken from http://www.vzsite.us/8051/
+; Test desc: 32-bit division
+; Test output: PC = $FFF0
+; Test output: SP = $60
+; Test output: R0 = $E6
+; Test output: R1 = $55
+; Test output: R2 = $00
+; Test output: R3 = $00
+; Test output: R4 = $20
+; Test output: R5 = $1B
+; Test output: PSW = $05
+;26 Oct 00 added code to zero remainder when dividend is zero
+;19 Dec 99 corrected comments, removed unnecessary instruction
+;16 May 99 8051 source code
+;DIV32U is called to divide (unsigned) a 32-bit dividend using a
+; 16-bit divisor.
+;DIV32U solves for quotient and remainder the equation:
+; dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder
+; r7,r6,r5,r4 = dividend
+; r1,r0 = divisor
+; lcall DIV32U
+; r5,r4 = quotient
+; r7,r6 = remainder
+; c flag set to 1 if overflow occured
+; All registers, acc, b and two caller-assigned direct memory bytes
+; (q0 and q1)have been changed.
+; Data pointer has not been disturbed
+; (1)Overflow is a divide by zero or any value that will cause
+; the quotient to be greater than 16 bits.
+; (2)Most significant (ms) register always listed first when comma separates
+; two in a comment. Example: r3,r2 (r3 contains the ms bits)
+; (3) The algorithm used in this code borrows heavily from work posted
+; by John C. Wren who said he got it from a C complier.
+;Original author: John Veazey, Ridgecrest, CA, 18 APR 99
+q0 EQU 70h
+q1 EQU 71h
+TOS EQU 60h ; Adresse du dessus de la pile.
+ ORG 0000h ; Reset vector
+ MOV SP,#TOS ; Init stack pointer
+ ;; Set dividend
+ MOV R7,#012h
+ MOV R6,#034h
+ MOV R5,#056h
+ MOV R4,#078h
+ ;; Set divisor
+ MOV R1,#0ABh
+ MOV R0,#0CDh
+;Clear the working quotient
+ clr a
+ mov q1,a
+ mov q0,a
+;Clear the msb's of a 32-bit working divisor (r3,r2,r1,r0)
+ mov r3,a
+ mov r2,a
+;b counts the number of places+1 the divisor was initially
+; shifted left to align its ms bit set with the ms bit set
+; in the dividend
+ mov b,#1
+;Make an error return if trying to divide by zero
+ mov a,r1
+ orl a,r0
+ jnz du100
+ ljmp du920 ;Make the error return
+;Just return with quotient and remainder zero if dividend is zero
+ mov a,r7
+ orl a,r6
+ orl a,r5
+ orl a,r4
+ jnz du200
+ mov r7,a
+ mov r6,a
+ ljmp du910 ;Make a normal return
+;Align the msb set in the demoninator with the msb set in the
+; numerator. Increment the shift count in b each time a shift left
+; is performed.
+ mov a,r3 ;Stop if msb set
+ clr c
+ rlc a
+ jc du600
+ subb a,r7 ;Compare r3 & r7, (c clear)
+ jz du210 ; jump if r3=r7
+ jnc du600 ; jump if r3>r7
+ sjmp du240 ; r3<r7
+ mov a,r6 ;r3=r7, so compare r2 & r6
+ subb a,r2
+ jc du600 ; jump if r2>r6
+ jnz du240 ; jump if r2<r6
+ mov a,r5 ;r2=r6, so compare r1 & r5
+ subb a,r1
+ jc du600 ; jump if r1>r5
+ jnz du240 ; jump if r1<r5
+ mov a,r4 ;r1=r5, so compare r0 & r4
+ subb a,r0
+ jc du600 ; jump if r0>r4
+ clr c ;Now shift the denominator
+ mov a,r0 ; left 1 bit position
+ rlc a
+ mov r0,a
+ mov a,r1
+ rlc a
+ mov r1,a
+ mov a,r2
+ rlc a
+ mov r2,a
+ mov a,r3
+ rlc a
+ mov r3,a
+ inc b ;Increment b counter and
+ sjmp du200 ; continue
+;Compare the shifted divisor with the remainder (what's
+; left of the dividend)
+ mov a,r7
+ clr c
+ subb a,r3
+ jc du720 ;jump if r3>r7
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r3<r7
+ mov a,r6
+ subb a,r2
+ jc du720 ;jump if r2>r6
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r2<r6
+ mov a,r5
+ subb a,r1
+ jc du720 ;jump if r1>r5
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r1<r5
+ mov a,r4
+ subb a,r0
+ jc du720 ;jump if r0>r4
+;Divisor is equal or smaller, so subtract it off and
+; get a 1 for the quotient
+ mov a,r4
+ clr c
+ subb a,r0
+ mov r4,a
+ mov a,r5
+ subb a,r1
+ mov r5,a
+ mov a,r6
+ subb a,r2
+ mov r6,a
+ mov a,r7
+ subb a,r3
+ mov r7,a
+ clr c
+ cpl c ;Get a 1 for the quotient
+ sjmp du730
+;Divisor is greater, get a 0 for the quotient
+ clr c
+;Shift 0 or 1 into quotient
+ mov a,q0
+ rlc a
+ mov q0,a
+ mov a,q1
+ rlc a
+ mov q1,a
+ jc du920 ;overflow - make the error return
+;Now shift the denominator right 1, decrement the counter
+; in b until b = 0
+ clr c
+ mov a,r3
+ rrc a
+ mov r3,a
+ mov a,r2
+ rrc a
+ mov r2,a
+ mov a,r1
+ rrc a
+ mov r1,a
+ mov a,r0
+ rrc a
+ mov r0,a
+ djnz b,du600
+;Move quotient and remainder
+ mov a,r5
+ mov r7,a
+ mov a,r4
+ mov r6,a
+ mov a,q1
+ mov r5,a
+ mov a,q0
+ mov r4,a
+;Make the normal return
+ clr c
+ ret
+;Make the error return
+ clr c
+ cpl c
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+; Test program to verify correct emu8051 operation
+; Taken from http://www.vzsite.us/8051/
+; Test desc: 32-bit division
+; Test output: PC = $FFF0
+; Test output: SP = $30
+; Test output: PSW = $04
+; Test output: A = $44
+; Test output: B = $44
+;17 Jan 00 re-written for consistency with assembler/compiler byte order
+;21 May 99 8051 source code
+;SQROOT1 is called to calculate the square root of a 32-bit number.
+; r0 => MSB of 32-bit input
+; lcall SQROOT1
+; computed square root is in acc(LSB's) and b(MSB's)
+; (root is also in est(MSB's) and est+1(LSB's))
+;SQROOT1 uses the formula
+; estimate = (last_estimate + input/last_estimate)/2
+;Method is described as Newton's, Newton-Raphson, and Babylonian method.
+;DIV32U is called to do the 32/16-bit division.
+;SQROOT1 perfoms a fixed number of iterations to converge to the root.
+;SQROOT1 will destroy all registers except r0, dptr.
+;Original Author: John Veazey, Ridgecrest, CA, 18 Apr 99
+q0 EQU 70h
+q1 EQU 71h
+est EQU 72h ; 2 bytes: The estimated value being developed
+sqrcnt EQU 74h ; Counts iterations
+square EQU 75h
+TOS EQU 30h ; Adresse du dessus de la pile.
+ ORG 0000h ; Reset vector
+ MOV SP,#TOS ; Init stack pointer
+ ;; Set 32-bit input value
+ MOV square+0,#012h
+ MOV square+1,#034h
+ MOV square+2,#032h
+ MOV square+3,#010h
+ ;; Set pointer to square
+ mov r0,#square
+;Save r0 on the stack
+ mov a,r0
+ push acc
+;Initialize the iteration counter
+ mov sqrcnt,#7 ;There will be seven calculations
+;Find the MSB set in input, call it n as in 2**n. Calculate
+; r = ceiling(n+1)/2, then set up the first estimate to
+; be (2**r)-1.
+ mov a,@r0 ;Is MS byte of input not-zero?
+ jz sqr112
+ mov r1,#33 ; Yes, set r1 to the bit number+2
+ sjmp sqr140
+ inc r0 ; No,
+ mov a,@r0 ;Is 2nd MS byte of input not-zero?
+ jz sqr114
+ mov r1,#25 ; Yes
+ sjmp sqr140
+ inc r0
+ mov a,@r0 ;Is 3rd MS byte of input not-zero?
+ jz sqr116
+ mov r1,#17 ; Yes
+ sjmp sqr140
+ inc r0
+ mov est,#0
+ mov a,@r0 ;Is LS byte of input zero?
+ jnz sqr122
+ mov est+1,#0 ; Yes, return with a zero
+ ljmp sqr900 ; because input is zero
+ mov est+1,#1
+ dec a ;Is LS byte of input = 1?
+ jz sqr900 ; Yes, return with a one
+ inc a ; No
+ mov r1,#9
+ dec r1
+ rlc a
+ jnc sqr140
+ mov a,r1 ;Form ceiling[(n+1)/2]
+ clr c
+ rrc a ; (divide by 2, add remainder)
+ jnc sqr142
+ inc a
+ mov r1,a
+ clr a
+ mov est,a
+ setb c ;Get the 1 to shift in
+ rlc a
+ mov b,a
+ mov a,est
+ rlc a
+ mov est,a
+ mov a,b
+ dec r1
+ cjne r1,#0,sqr144
+ mov est+1,a
+;Load input into DIV32U dividend register
+ pop acc
+ push acc
+ mov r0,a
+ mov a,@r0 ;Set MSB's
+ mov r7,a
+ inc r0
+ mov a,@r0
+ mov r6,a
+ inc r0
+ mov a,@r0
+ mov r5,a
+ inc r0
+ mov a,@r0
+ mov r4,a
+;Load last estimate into DIV32U divisor registers
+ mov a,est+1 ;Set LSB's
+ mov r0,a
+ mov a,est ;Set MSB's
+ mov r1,a
+;Call DIV32U to do the 32/16-bit division (input/est)
+ lcall DIV32U ;(r7,r6,r5,r4)/(r1,r0) = (r5,r4)
+ jnc sqr310 ;If overflow, set to maximum number
+ mov r4,#-1
+ mov r5,#-1
+;Add the last estimate to the quotient
+ mov a,r4
+ add a,est+1 ;sets c
+ mov est+1,a
+ mov a,est
+ addc a,r5 ;sets c
+;Divide sum by 2 and save as new estimate
+ rrc a ;sets c
+ mov est,a
+ mov a,est+1
+ rrc a ;c discarded
+ mov est+1,a
+;Decrement the iteration counter and repeat if not zero
+ djnz sqrcnt,sqr200
+;Make the normal return
+ pop acc ;Restore caller's pointer
+ mov r0,a
+ mov b,est ;Get answer in (b,a)
+ mov a,est+1
+ ret
+;Clear the working quotient
+ clr a
+ mov q1,a
+ mov q0,a
+;Clear the msb's of a 32-bit working divisor (r3,r2,r1,r0)
+ mov r3,a
+ mov r2,a
+;b counts the number of places+1 the divisor was initially
+; shifted left to align its ms bit set with the ms bit set
+; in the dividend
+ mov b,#1
+;Make an error return if trying to divide by zero
+ mov a,r1
+ orl a,r0
+ jnz du100
+ ljmp du920 ;Make the error return
+;Just return with quotient and remainder zero if dividend is zero
+ mov a,r7
+ orl a,r6
+ orl a,r5
+ orl a,r4
+ jnz du200
+ mov r7,a
+ mov r6,a
+ ljmp du910 ;Make a normal return
+;Align the msb set in the demoninator with the msb set in the
+; numerator. Increment the shift count in b each time a shift left
+; is performed.
+ mov a,r3 ;Stop if msb set
+ clr c
+ rlc a
+ jc du600
+ subb a,r7 ;Compare r3 & r7, (c clear)
+ jz du210 ; jump if r3=r7
+ jnc du600 ; jump if r3>r7
+ sjmp du240 ; r3<r7
+ mov a,r6 ;r3=r7, so compare r2 & r6
+ subb a,r2
+ jc du600 ; jump if r2>r6
+ jnz du240 ; jump if r2<r6
+ mov a,r5 ;r2=r6, so compare r1 & r5
+ subb a,r1
+ jc du600 ; jump if r1>r5
+ jnz du240 ; jump if r1<r5
+ mov a,r4 ;r1=r5, so compare r0 & r4
+ subb a,r0
+ jc du600 ; jump if r0>r4
+ clr c ;Now shift the denominator
+ mov a,r0 ; left 1 bit position
+ rlc a
+ mov r0,a
+ mov a,r1
+ rlc a
+ mov r1,a
+ mov a,r2
+ rlc a
+ mov r2,a
+ mov a,r3
+ rlc a
+ mov r3,a
+ inc b ;Increment b counter and
+ sjmp du200 ; continue
+;Compare the shifted divisor with the remainder (what's
+; left of the dividend)
+ mov a,r7
+ clr c
+ subb a,r3
+ jc du720 ;jump if r3>r7
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r3<r7
+ mov a,r6
+ subb a,r2
+ jc du720 ;jump if r2>r6
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r2<r6
+ mov a,r5
+ subb a,r1
+ jc du720 ;jump if r1>r5
+ jnz du700 ;jump if r1<r5
+ mov a,r4
+ subb a,r0
+ jc du720 ;jump if r0>r4
+;Divisor is equal or smaller, so subtract it off and
+; get a 1 for the quotient
+ mov a,r4
+ clr c
+ subb a,r0
+ mov r4,a
+ mov a,r5
+ subb a,r1
+ mov r5,a
+ mov a,r6
+ subb a,r2
+ mov r6,a
+ mov a,r7
+ subb a,r3
+ mov r7,a
+ clr c
+ cpl c ;Get a 1 for the quotient
+ sjmp du730
+;Divisor is greater, get a 0 for the quotient
+ clr c
+;Shift 0 or 1 into quotient
+ mov a,q0
+ rlc a
+ mov q0,a
+ mov a,q1
+ rlc a
+ mov q1,a
+ jc du920 ;overflow - make the error return
+;Now shift the denominator right 1, decrement the counter
+; in b until b = 0
+ clr c
+ mov a,r3
+ rrc a
+ mov r3,a
+ mov a,r2
+ rrc a
+ mov r2,a
+ mov a,r1
+ rrc a
+ mov r1,a
+ mov a,r0
+ rrc a
+ mov r0,a
+ djnz b,du600
+;Move quotient and remainder
+ mov a,r5
+ mov r7,a
+ mov a,r4
+ mov r6,a
+ mov a,q1
+ mov r5,a
+ mov a,q0
+ mov r4,a
+;Make the normal return
+ clr c
+ ret
+;Make the error return
+ clr c
+ cpl c
+ ret