if ($op_destination == 18) { # @A+DPTR
cfw("unsigned int destination = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ ) + memory_sfr_read_dptr();");
-# Mis en commentaire car donnait un warning (destination et source unused variables...)
-# if ($op_destination == 20) { # AB
-# cfw("unsigned char destination = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ );");
-# cfw("unsigned char source = cpu8051_ReadD( _B_ );");
-# }
+ if ($op_destination == 20) { # AB
+ cfw("unsigned char destination = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ );");
+ cfw("unsigned char source = cpu8051_ReadD( _B_ );");
+ }
if ($op_destination == 21) { # DPTR
cfw("unsigned int destination = memory_sfr_read_dptr();");
if ($insttype[$i] == 29) {
- cfw("unsigned char A = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ ), B = cpu8051_ReadD( _B_ );");
+ # A = destination
+ # B = source
# If B is zero, the OV flag will be set indicating a
# division-by-zero error
- cfw("if ( B != 0 ) {");
- cfw(" cpu8051_WriteD( _ACC_, A/B ); cpu8051_WriteD( _B_, A%B );");
+ cfw("if (source != 0) {");
+ cfw(" cpu8051_WriteD(_ACC_, destination/source);");
+ cfw(" cpu8051_WriteD( _B_, destination%source);");
cfw(" psw_clr_ov();");
cfw("} else {");
cfw(" psw_set_ov();");
if ($insttype[$i] == 31) {
- cfw("unsigned char A = cpu8051_ReadD( _ACC_ ), B = cpu8051_ReadD( _B_ );");
+ # A = destination
+ # B = source
- cfw("psw_clr_ov();");
- cfw("cpu8051_WriteD( _ACC_ , ( ( A * B ) & 0x00FF ) ); cpu8051_WriteD( _B_, ( A * B ) / 0x100 );");
+ cfw("cpu8051_WriteD(_ACC_, destination * source);");
+ cfw("cpu8051_WriteD(_B_, (destination * source) / 0x100);");
cfw("if (cpu8051_ReadD(_B_) > 0)");
cfw(" psw_set_ov();");