From: gobo72 <gobo72@364a67c3-989e-7be9-548d-dae8560ea662>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 02:55:37 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Corrige probleme d'installation de Bind qui s'eternisait (keyboard randomness avec... 

Corrige probleme d'installation de Bind qui s'eternisait (keyboard randomness avec rndc-confgen)

diff --git a/stage3/pkg/bind b/stage3/pkg/bind
index 39f549d..2c71ca0 100644
--- a/stage3/pkg/bind
+++ b/stage3/pkg/bind
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ hvbuild_post()
     chmod 755 /usr/lib/lib{bind9,isc{,cc,cfg},lwres,dns}.so.*.?.?
     # Generation of a key for use in the named.conf and rdnc.conf files using
-    # the rndc-confgen command.
-    BINDKEY=$(rndc-confgen -b 512 | grep -m 1 "secret" | cut -d '"' -f 2)
+    # the rndc-confgen command. If the option "-r /dev/random" is not specified,
+    # the source of randomness is the keyboard and the command will wait
+    # forever for keyboard input before continuing.
+    BINDKEY=$(rndc-confgen -b 512 -r /dev/random | grep -m 1 "secret" | cut -d '"' -f 2)
     cd /home/named
     mkdir -p dev etc/namedb/{pz,slave} var/run