descriptionDockable battery monitor
ownerHugo Villeneuve
last changeWed, 29 May 2024 15:56:43 +0000 (11:56 -0400)
2024-05-29 Hugo VilleneuveRemove unused ErrorLocation() master
2024-05-29 Hugo VilleneuveAdd support for AC in sysfs online status path
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveDestroy cairo context after use
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveFix memory leak causing XServer to crash
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveAdd support to evaluate battery capacity from energy
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveImprove error handling
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveAdd Gtk+-3 support
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveUpdate documentation
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveUpdate autoconf files
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveAdd warning cflags
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveFix indentation
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveChangeLog is now automatically generated from git log...
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveShorten GPLv2 licence text in header of each source...
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveAdd diagram to show battery image layout
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveFix automake warning about deprecated INCLUDES
2022-01-02 Hugo VilleneuveRemove trailing whitespace
6 months ago master