descriptionUtilities for working with EDA (Electronic Design automation) tools:
ownerHugo Villeneuve
last changeFri, 6 Dec 2024 20:02:05 +0000 (15:02 -0500)
2024-12-06 Hugo VilleneuveTest master
2015-10-09 Hugo VilleneuveAjouts pour AddÉnergie
2015-02-13 Hugo VilleneuveAdd script to convert BOM with remote server
2015-02-05 Hugo VilleneuveFix warnings about Undefined variable
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd option to specify project or board name
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd option to specify BOM revision
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveRemove redondant argument numbers check
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveRefactor code for clarity
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveRename constant
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd command line option to select PCAD or altium BOM
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveSupport second Altium BOM format
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd new Altium BOM test file
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveFix stripping of leading zero for text columns (footprint)
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd option to specify inventory file for Digikey BOM...
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd option to specify number of cards/kits for digikey...
2014-01-24 Hugo VilleneuveFix syntax error in help message
2 weeks ago master