descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeThu, 25 Apr 2024 13:12:53 +0000 (09:12 -0400)
2024-04-25 Hugo VilleneuveAdd CLI option for global frames and disable by default master
2023-12-01 Hugo VilleneuveIgnore images beginning with a specific reference prefix
2023-11-30 Hugo VilleneuveParse line instead of file in get_pos()
2023-11-29 Hugo VilleneuveFix bug in get_pos() for negative positions
2023-10-25 Hugo VilleneuveAdd global frames and video generation latest
2023-10-25 Hugo VilleneuveAdd record_max_nf()
2023-10-25 Hugo VilleneuveSimplify PNG files detection
2023-10-24 Hugo VilleneuveAdd global prefix to all frames and video files
2023-10-24 Hugo VilleneuveUse variable for video output file
2023-10-24 Hugo VilleneuveAjout support lecture PSB
2023-10-10 Hugo VilleneuveBetter support spaces in src filename
2023-10-08 Hugo VilleneuveBUG: colorspace
2023-10-08 Hugo VilleneuveTODO: empty frames doc
2023-10-08 Hugo VilleneuveTEMP: force RGB for grayscale PNG
2023-10-08 Hugo VilleneuveAlways display new group
2023-10-08 Hugo VilleneuveAdd color for warning and errors
7 months ago master
13 months ago latest