descriptionGrip un-Gnomified
ownerHugo Villeneuve
last changeWed, 26 Mar 2014 22:53:54 +0000 (18:53 -0400)
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveSimplify by using autoreconf master
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveReplace gnome function to display XML help
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveUse generic method to launch URL in external browser
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveAdd pre-generated html documentation
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveMove documentation images from C to images folder
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveModify documentation reference of libghttp by libcurl
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveUpdate documentation
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveChangeLog is now automatically generated from git log...
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveAdd files to GIT ignore list
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveAdd saving & restore of window position in config file
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveSet application icon with Gtk+ instead of Gnome
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveImprove GRIP home page opening in external browser
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveDelete trailing whitespace
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveAdd packaging script
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveFix configure warning about datarootdir
2014-03-26 Hugo VilleneuveUpdate AC_INIT informations
15 months ago autodoc
10 years ago geometry
10 years ago master