"; echo "That username is too short. Please make it more than 4 characters.

"; echo ""; } if($username_already_in_use==104) { echo ""; echo "That username is already in use. Please try again or log in to your existing account.

"; //
"; echo ""; } if($email_already_in_use==104) { echo ""; echo "That email is already in use. That probably means you have an existing account. Log in or reset your password

"; echo "
"; } if($pw_insecure==104){ echo ""; echo "Your Password is not formatted correctly. Please choose a password that is between 4 and 20 characters and has at least 1 uppercase letter, one lower case letter and one number I.E. Hello23.

"; echo "
"; } if($bad_email==104){ echo ""; echo "Your email does not appear to be valid"; echo "

"; } ?>