#!/usr/bin/php . * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ include('lib/core/zpushdefs.php'); include('lib/core/zpush.php'); include('lib/core/stateobject.php'); include('lib/core/syncparameters.php'); include('lib/core/bodypreference.php'); include('lib/core/contentparameters.php'); include('lib/core/synccollections.php'); include('lib/core/zlog.php'); include('lib/core/statemanager.php'); include('lib/core/streamer.php'); include('lib/core/asdevice.php'); include('lib/core/interprocessdata.php'); include('lib/core/loopdetection.php'); include('lib/exceptions/exceptions.php'); include('lib/utils/utils.php'); include('lib/utils/zpushadmin.php'); include('lib/request/request.php'); include('lib/request/requestprocessor.php'); include('lib/interface/ibackend.php'); include('lib/interface/ichanges.php'); include('lib/interface/iexportchanges.php'); include('lib/interface/iimportchanges.php'); include('lib/interface/isearchprovider.php'); include('lib/interface/istatemachine.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncobject.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncbasebody.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncbaseattachment.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncmailflags.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncrecurrence.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncappointment.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncappointmentexception.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncattachment.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncattendee.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncmeetingrequestrecurrence.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncmeetingrequest.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncmail.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncnote.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/synccontact.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncfolder.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncprovisioning.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/synctaskrecurrence.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/synctask.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncoofmessage.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncoof.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncuserinformation.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncdeviceinformation.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncdevicepassword.php'); include('lib/syncobjects/syncitemoperationsattachment.php'); include('config.php'); include('version.php'); /** * //TODO resync of single folders of a users device */ /************************************************ * MAIN */ define('BASE_PATH_CLI', dirname(__FILE__) ."/"); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . BASE_PATH_CLI); try { ZPush::CheckConfig(); ZPushAdminCLI::CheckEnv(); ZPushAdminCLI::CheckOptions(); if (! ZPushAdminCLI::SureWhatToDo()) { // show error message if available if (ZPushAdminCLI::GetErrorMessage()) echo "ERROR: ". ZPushAdminCLI::GetErrorMessage() . "\n"; echo ZPushAdminCLI::UsageInstructions(); exit(1); } ZPushAdminCLI::RunCommand(); } catch (ZPushException $zpe) { die(get_class($zpe) . ": ". $zpe->getMessage() . "\n"); } /************************************************ * Z-Push-Admin CLI */ class ZPushAdminCLI { const COMMAND_SHOWALLDEVICES = 1; const COMMAND_SHOWDEVICESOFUSER = 2; const COMMAND_SHOWUSERSOFDEVICE = 3; const COMMAND_WIPEDEVICE = 4; const COMMAND_REMOVEDEVICE = 5; const COMMAND_RESYNCDEVICE = 6; const COMMAND_CLEARLOOP = 7; static private $command; static private $user = false; static private $device = false; static private $errormessage; /** * Returns usage instructions * * @return string * @access public */ static public function UsageInstructions() { return "Usage:\n\tz-push-admin.php -a ACTION [options]\n\n" . "Parameters:\n\t-a list/wipe/remove/resync/clearloop\n\t[-u] username\n\t[-d] deviceid\n\n" . "Actions:\n\tlist\t\t\t\t Lists all devices and synchronized users\n" . "\tlist -u USER\t\t\t Lists all devices of user USER\n" . "\tlist -d DEVICE\t\t\t Lists all users of device DEVICE\n" . "\twipe -u USER\t\t\t Remote wipes all devices of user USER\n" . "\twipe -d DEVICE\t\t\t Remote wipes device DEVICE\n" . "\twipe -u USER -d DEVICE\t\t Remote wipes device DEVICE of user USER\n" . "\tremove -u USER\t\t\t Removes all state data of all devices of user USER\n" . "\tremove -d DEVICE\t\t Removes all state data of all users synchronized on device DEVICE\n" . "\tremove -u USER -d DEVICE\t Removes all related state data of device DEVICE of user USER\n" . "\tresync -u USER -d DEVICE\t Resynchronizes all data of device DEVICE of user USER\n" . "\tclearloop\t\t\t Clears system wide loop detection data\n" . "\tclearloop -d DEVICE -u USER\t Clears all loop detection data of a device DEVICE and an optional user USER\n" . "\n"; } /** * Checks the environment * * @return * @access public */ static public function CheckEnv() { if (!isset($_SERVER["TERM"]) || !isset($_SERVER["LOGNAME"])) self::$errormessage = "This script should not be called in a browser."; if (!function_exists("getopt")) self::$errormessage = "PHP Function getopt not found. Please check your PHP version and settings."; } /** * Checks the options from the command line * * @return * @access public */ static public function CheckOptions() { if (self::$errormessage) return; $options = getopt("u:d:a:"); // get 'user' if (isset($options['u']) && !empty($options['u'])) self::$user = strtolower(trim($options['u'])); else if (isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) self::$user = strtolower(trim($options['user'])); // get 'device' if (isset($options['d']) && !empty($options['d'])) self::$device = trim($options['d']); else if (isset($options['device']) && !empty($options['device'])) self::$device = trim($options['device']); // get 'action' $action = false; if (isset($options['a']) && !empty($options['a'])) $action = strtolower(trim($options['a'])); elseif (isset($options['action']) && !empty($options['action'])) $action = strtolower(trim($options['action'])); // get a command for the requested action switch ($action) { // list data case "list": if (self::$user === false && self::$device === false) self::$command = self::COMMAND_SHOWALLDEVICES; if (self::$user !== false) self::$command = self::COMMAND_SHOWDEVICESOFUSER; if (self::$device !== false) self::$command = self::COMMAND_SHOWUSERSOFDEVICE; break; // remove wipe device case "wipe": if (self::$user === false && self::$device === false) self::$errormessage = "Not possible to execute remote wipe. Device, user or both must be specified."; else self::$command = self::COMMAND_WIPEDEVICE; break; // remove device data of user case "remove": if (self::$user === false && self::$device === false) self::$errormessage = "Not possible to remove data. Device, user or both must be specified."; else self::$command = self::COMMAND_REMOVEDEVICE; break; // resync a device case "resync": case "re-sync": case "sync": case "resynchronize": case "re-synchronize": case "synchronize": if (self::$user === false || self::$device === false) self::$errormessage = "Not possible to resynchronize device. Device and user must be specified."; else self::$command = self::COMMAND_RESYNCDEVICE; break; // clear loop detection data case "clearloop": case "clearloopdetection": self::$command = self::COMMAND_CLEARLOOP; break; default: self::UsageInstructions(); } } /** * Indicates if the options from the command line * could be processed correctly * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function SureWhatToDo() { return isset(self::$command); } /** * Returns a errormessage of things which could have gone wrong * * @return string * @access public */ static public function GetErrorMessage() { return (isset(self::$errormessage))?self::$errormessage:""; } /** * Runs a command requested from an action of the command line * * @return * @access public */ static public function RunCommand() { echo "\n"; switch(self::$command) { case self::COMMAND_SHOWALLDEVICES: self::CommandShowDevices(); break; case self::COMMAND_SHOWDEVICESOFUSER: self::CommandShowDevices(); break; case self::COMMAND_SHOWUSERSOFDEVICE: self::CommandDeviceUsers(); break; case self::COMMAND_WIPEDEVICE: if (self::$device) echo sprintf("Are you sure you want to REMOTE WIPE device '%s' [y/N]: ", self::$device); else echo sprintf("Are you sure you want to REMOTE WIPE all devices of user '%s' [y/N]: ", self::$user); $confirm = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN))); if ( $confirm === 'y' || $confirm === 'yes') self::CommandWipeDevice(); else echo "Aborted!\n"; break; case self::COMMAND_REMOVEDEVICE: self::CommandRemoveDevice(); break; case self::COMMAND_RESYNCDEVICE: if (self::$device == false) { echo sprintf("Are you sure you want to re-synchronize all devices of user '%s' [y/N]: ", self::$user); $confirm = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN))); if ( !($confirm === 'y' || $confirm === 'yes')) echo "Aborted!\n"; exit(1); } self::CommandResyncDevices(); break; case self::COMMAND_CLEARLOOP: self::CommandClearLoopDetectionData(); break; } echo "\n"; } /** * Command "Show all devices" and "Show devices of user" * Prints the device id of/and connected users * * @return * @access public */ static public function CommandShowDevices() { $devicelist = ZPushAdmin::ListDevices(self::$user); if (empty($devicelist)) echo "\tno devices found\n"; else { if (self::$user === false) { echo "All synchronized devices\n\n"; echo str_pad("Device id", 36). "Synchronized users\n"; echo "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; } else echo "Synchronized devices of user: ". self::$user. "\n"; } foreach ($devicelist as $deviceId) { if (self::$user === false) { echo str_pad($deviceId, 36) . implode (",", ZPushAdmin::ListUsers($deviceId)) ."\n"; } else self::printDeviceData($deviceId, self::$user); } } /** * Command "Show users of device" * Prints informations about all users which use a device * * @return * @access public */ static public function CommandDeviceUsers() { $users = ZPushAdmin::ListUsers(self::$device); if (empty($users)) echo "\tno user data synchronized to device\n"; foreach ($users as $user) { echo "Synchronized by user: ". $user. "\n"; self::printDeviceData(self::$device, $user); } } /** * Command "Wipe device" * Marks a device of that user to be remotely wiped * * @return * @access public */ static public function CommandWipeDevice() { $stat = ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice($_SERVER["LOGNAME"], self::$user, self::$device); if (self::$user !== false && self::$device !== false) { echo sprintf("Mark device '%s' of user '%s' to be wiped: %s", self::$device, self::$user, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; if ($stat) { echo "Updated information about this device:\n"; self::printDeviceData(self::$device, self::$user); } } elseif (self::$user !== false) { echo sprintf("Mark devices of user '%s' to be wiped: %s", self::$user, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; self::CommandShowDevices(); } } /** * Command "Remove device" * Remove a device of that user from the device list * * @return * @access public */ static public function CommandRemoveDevice() { $stat = ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(self::$user, self::$device); if (self::$user === false) echo sprintf("State data of device '%s' removed: %s", self::$device, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; elseif (self::$device === false) echo sprintf("State data of all devices of user '%s' removed: %s", self::$user, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; else echo sprintf("State data of device '%s' of user '%s' removed: %s", self::$device, self::$user, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; } /** * Command "Resync device(s)" * Resyncs one or all devices of that user * * @return * @access public */ static public function CommandResyncDevices() { $stat = ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(self::$user, self::$device); echo sprintf("Resync of device '%s' of user '%s': %s", self::$device, self::$user, ($stat)?'Requested':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; } static public function CommandClearLoopDetectionData() { $stat = false; $stat = ZPushAdmin::ClearLoopDetectionData(self::$user, self::$device); if (self::$user === false && self::$device === false) echo sprintf("System wide loop detection data removed: %s", ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; elseif (self::$user === false) echo sprintf("Loop detection data of device '%s' removed: %s", self::$device, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; elseif (self::$device === false && self::$user !== false) echo sprintf("Error: %s", ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_WARN)). "\n"; else echo sprintf("Loop detection data of device '%s' of user '%s' removed: %s", self::$device, self::$user, ($stat)?'OK':ZLog::GetLastMessage(LOGLEVEL_ERROR)). "\n"; } /** * Prints detailed informations about a device * * @param string $deviceId the id of the device * * @return * @access private */ static private function printDeviceData($deviceId, $user) { $device = ZPushAdmin::GetDeviceDetails($deviceId, $user); if (! $device instanceof ASDevice) return false; // Gather some statistics about synchronized folders $folders = $device->GetAllFolderIds(); $synchedFolders = 0; $synchedFolderTypes = array(); foreach ($folders as $folderid) { if ($device->GetFolderUUID($folderid)) { $synchedFolders++; $type = $device->GetFolderType($folderid); switch($type) { case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_APPOINTMENT: case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_APPOINTMENT: $gentype = "Calendars"; break; case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_CONTACT: case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT: $gentype = "Contacts"; break; case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_TASK: case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_TASK: $gentype = "Tasks"; break; case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_NOTE: case SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_NOTE: $gentype = "Notes"; break; default: $gentype = "Emails"; break; } if (!isset($synchedFolderTypes[$gentype])) $synchedFolderTypes[$gentype] = 0; $synchedFolderTypes[$gentype]++; } } $folderinfo = ""; foreach ($synchedFolderTypes as $gentype=>$count) { $folderinfo .= $gentype; if ($count>1) $folderinfo .= "($count)"; $folderinfo .= " "; } if (!$folderinfo) $folderinfo = "None available"; echo "-----------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "DeviceId:\t\t$deviceId\n"; echo "Device type:\t\t". ($device->GetDeviceType() !== ASDevice::UNDEFINED ? $device->GetDeviceType() : "unknown") ."\n"; echo "UserAgent:\t\t".($device->GetDeviceUserAgent()!== ASDevice::UNDEFINED ? $device->GetDeviceUserAgent() : "unknown") ."\n"; // TODO implement $device->GetDeviceUserAgentHistory() // device information transmitted during Settings command if ($device->GetDeviceModel()) echo "Device Model:\t\t". $device->GetDeviceModel(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceIMEI()) echo "Device IMEI:\t\t". $device->GetDeviceIMEI(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceFriendlyName()) echo "Device friendly name:\t". $device->GetDeviceFriendlyName(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceOS()) echo "Device OS:\t\t". $device->GetDeviceOS(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceOSLanguage()) echo "Device OS Language:\t". $device->GetDeviceOSLanguage(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDevicePhoneNumber()) echo "Device Phone nr:\t". $device->GetDevicePhoneNumber(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceMobileOperator()) echo "Device Operator:\t\t". $device->GetDeviceMobileOperator(). "\n"; if ($device->GetDeviceEnableOutboundSMS()) echo "Device Outbound SMS:\t". $device->GetDeviceEnableOutboundSMS(). "\n"; echo "ActiveSync version:\t".($device->GetASVersion() ? $device->GetASVersion() : "unknown") ."\n"; echo "First sync:\t\t". strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $device->GetFirstSyncTime()) ."\n"; echo "Last sync:\t\t". ($device->GetLastSyncTime() ? strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $device->GetLastSyncTime()) : "never")."\n"; echo "Total folders:\t\t". count($folders). "\n"; echo "Synchronized folders:\t". $synchedFolders . "\n"; echo "Synchronized data:\t$folderinfo\n"; echo "Status:\t\t\t"; switch ($device->GetWipeStatus()) { case SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_OK: echo "OK\n"; break; case SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_PENDING: echo "Pending wipe\n"; break; case SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_REQUESTED: echo "Wipe requested on device\n"; break; case SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_WIPED: echo "Wiped\n"; break; default: echo "Not available\n"; break; } echo "WipeRequest on:\t\t". ($device->GetWipeRequestedOn() ? strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $device->GetWipeRequestedOn()) : "not set")."\n"; echo "WipeRequest by:\t\t". ($device->GetWipeRequestedBy() ? $device->GetWipeRequestedBy() : "not set")."\n"; echo "Wiped on:\t\t". ($device->GetWipeActionOn() ? strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $device->GetWipeActionOn()) : "not set")."\n"; echo "Attention needed:\t"; if ($device->GetDeviceError()) echo $device->GetDeviceError() ."\n"; else if (!isset($device->ignoredmessages) || empty($device->ignoredmessages)) { echo "No errors known\n"; } else { printf("%d messages need attention because they could not be synchronized\n", count($device->ignoredmessages)); foreach ($device->ignoredmessages as $im) { $info = ""; if (isset($im->asobject->subject)) $info .= sprintf("Subject: '%s'", $im->asobject->subject); if (isset($im->asobject->fileas)) $info .= sprintf("FileAs: '%s'", $im->asobject->fileas); if (isset($im->asobject->from)) $info .= sprintf(" - From: '%s'", $im->asobject->from); if (isset($im->asobject->starttime)) $info .= sprintf(" - On: '%s'", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $im->asobject->starttime)); $reason = $im->reasonstring; if ($im->reasoncode == 2) $reason = "Message was causing loop"; printf("\tBroken object:\t'%s' ignored on '%s'\n", $im->asclass, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $im->timestamp)); printf("\tInformation:\t%s\n", $info); printf("\tReason: \t%s (%s)\n", $reason, $im->reasoncode); printf("\tItem/Parent id: %s/%s\n", $im->id, $im->folderid); echo "\n"; } } } } ?>