#!/usr/bin/php . * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ include('lib/exceptions/exceptions.php'); include('lib/core/zpushdefs.php'); include('lib/core/zpush.php'); include('lib/core/zlog.php'); include('lib/core/interprocessdata.php'); include('lib/core/topcollector.php'); include('lib/utils/utils.php'); include('lib/request/request.php'); include('lib/request/requestprocessor.php'); include('config.php'); include('version.php'); /************************************************ * MAIN */ declare(ticks = 1); define('BASE_PATH_CLI', dirname(__FILE__) ."/"); try { ZPush::CheckConfig(); if (!function_exists("pcntl_signal")) throw new FatalException("Function pcntl_signal() is not available. Please install package 'php5-pcntl' (or similar) on your system."); $zpt = new ZPushTop(); // check if help was requested from CLI if (in_array('-h', $argv) || in_array('--help', $argv)) { echo $zpt->UsageInstructions(); exit(1); } if ($zpt->IsAvailable()) { pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($zpt, "SignalHandler")); $zpt->run(); $zpt->scrClear(); } else echo "Z-Push shared memory interprocess communication is not available.\n"; } catch (ZPushException $zpe) { die(get_class($zpe) . ": ". $zpe->getMessage() . "\n"); } echo "terminated\n"; /************************************************ * Z-Push-Top */ class ZPushTop { // show options const SHOW_DEFAULT = 0; const SHOW_ACTIVE_ONLY = 1; const SHOW_UNKNOWN_ONLY = 2; const SHOW_TERM_DEFAULT_TIME = 5; // 5 secs private $topCollector; private $starttime; private $action; private $filter; private $status; private $statusexpire; private $wide; private $wasEnabled; private $terminate; private $scrSize; private $pingInterval; private $showPush; private $showTermSec; private $linesActive = array(); private $linesOpen = array(); private $linesUnknown = array(); private $linesTerm = array(); private $pushConn = 0; private $activeConn = array(); private $activeHosts = array(); private $activeUsers = array(); private $activeDevices = array(); /** * Constructor * * @access public */ public function ZPushTop() { $this->starttime = time(); $this->currenttime = time(); $this->action = ""; $this->filter = false; $this->status = false; $this->statusexpire = 0; $this->helpexpire = 0; $this->doingTail = false; $this->wide = false; $this->terminate = false; $this->showPush = true; $this->showOption = self::SHOW_DEFAULT; $this->showTermSec = self::SHOW_TERM_DEFAULT_TIME; $this->scrSize = array('width' => 80, 'height' => 24); $this->pingInterval = (defined('PING_INTERVAL') && PING_INTERVAL > 0) ? PING_INTERVAL : 12; // get a TopCollector $this->topCollector = new TopCollector(); } /** * Requests data from the running Z-Push processes * * @access private * @return */ private function initialize() { // request feedback from active processes $this->wasEnabled = $this->topCollector->CollectData(); // remove obsolete data $this->topCollector->ClearLatest(true); // start with default colours $this->scrDefaultColors(); } /** * Main loop of Z-Push-top * Runs until termination is requested * * @access public * @return */ public function run() { $this->initialize(); do { $this->currenttime = time(); // see if shared memory is active if (!$this->IsAvailable()) $this->terminate = true; // active processes should continue sending data $this->topCollector->CollectData(); // get and process data from processes $this->topCollector->ClearLatest(); $topdata = $this->topCollector->ReadLatest(); $this->processData($topdata); // clear screen $this->scrClear(); // check if screen size changed $s = $this->scrGetSize(); if ($this->scrSize['width'] != $s['width']) { if ($s['width'] > 180) $this->wide = true; else $this->wide = false; } $this->scrSize = $s; // print overview $this->scrOverview(); // wait for user input $this->readLineProcess(); } while($this->terminate != true); } /** * Indicates if TopCollector is available collecting data * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function IsAvailable() { return $this->topCollector->IsActive(); } /** * Processes data written by the running processes * * @param array $data * * @access private * @return */ private function processData($data) { $this->linesActive = array(); $this->linesOpen = array(); $this->linesUnknown = array(); $this->linesTerm = array(); $this->pushConn = 0; $this->activeConn = array(); $this->activeHosts = array(); $this->activeUsers = array(); $this->activeDevices = array(); if (!is_array($data)) return; foreach ($data as $devid=>$users) { foreach ($users as $user=>$pids) { foreach ($pids as $pid=>$line) { if (!is_array($line)) continue; $line['command'] = Utils::GetCommandFromCode($line['command']); if ($line["ended"] == 0) { $this->activeDevices[$devid] = 1; $this->activeUsers[$user] = 1; $this->activeConn[$pid] = 1; $this->activeHosts[$line['ip']] = 1; $line["time"] = $this->currenttime - $line['start']; if ($line['push'] === true) $this->pushConn += 1; // ignore push connections if ($line['push'] === true && ! $this->showPush) continue; if ($this->filter !== false) { $f = $this->filter; if (!($line["pid"] == $f || $line["ip"] == $f || strtolower($line['command']) == strtolower($f) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['user']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['devagent']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['devid']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['addinfo']) )) continue; } $lastUpdate = $this->currenttime - $line["update"]; if ($this->currenttime - $line["update"] < 2) $this->linesActive[$line["update"].$line["pid"]] = $line; else if (($line['push'] === true && $lastUpdate > ($this->pingInterval+2)) || ($line['push'] !== true && $lastUpdate > 4)) $this->linesUnknown[$line["update"].$line["pid"]] = $line; else $this->linesOpen[$line["update"].$line["pid"]] = $line; } else { // do not show terminated + expired connections if ($line['ended'] + $this->showTermSec < $this->currenttime) continue; if ($this->filter !== false) { $f = $this->filter; if (!($line['pid'] == $f || $line['ip'] == $f || strtolower($line['command']) == strtolower($f) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['user']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['devagent']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['devid']) || preg_match("/.*?$f.*?/i", $line['addinfo']) )) continue; } $line['time'] = $line['ended'] - $line['start']; $this->linesTerm[$line['update'].$line['pid']] = $line; } } } } // sort by execution time krsort($this->linesActive); krsort($this->linesOpen); krsort($this->linesUnknown); krsort($this->linesTerm); } /** * Prints data to the terminal * * @access private * @return */ private function scrOverview() { $linesAvail = $this->scrSize['height'] - 8; $lc = 1; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[1mZ-Push top live statistics\033[0m\t\t\t\t\t". @strftime("%d/%m/%Y %T")."\n"); $lc++; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, sprintf("Open connections: %d\t\t\t\tUsers:\t %d\tZ-Push: %s ",count($this->activeConn),count($this->activeUsers), $this->getVersion())); $lc++; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, sprintf("Push connections: %d\t\t\t\tDevices: %d\tPHP-MAPI: %s", $this->pushConn, count($this->activeDevices),phpversion("mapi"))); $lc++; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, sprintf(" Hosts:\t %d", $this->pushConn, count($this->activeHosts))); $lc++; $lc++; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[4m". $this->getLine(array('pid'=>'PID', 'ip'=>'IP', 'user'=>'USER', 'command'=>'COMMAND', 'time'=>'TIME', 'devagent'=>'AGENT', 'devid'=>'DEVID', 'addinfo'=>'Additional Information')). str_repeat(" ",20)."\033[0m"); $lc++; // print help text if requested $hl = 0; if ($this->helpexpire > $this->currenttime) { $help = $this->scrHelp(); $linesAvail -= count($help); $hl = $this->scrSize['height'] - count($help) -1; foreach ($help as $h) { $this->scrPrintAt($hl,0, $h); $hl++; } } $toPrintActive = $linesAvail; $toPrintOpen = $linesAvail; $toPrintUnknown = $linesAvail; $toPrintTerm = $linesAvail; // default view: show all unknown, no terminated and half active+open if (count($this->linesActive) + count($this->linesOpen) + count($this->linesUnknown) > $linesAvail) { $toPrintUnknown = count($this->linesUnknown); $toPrintActive = count($this->linesActive); $toPrintOpen = $linesAvail-$toPrintUnknown-$toPrintActive; $toPrintTerm = 0; } if ($this->showOption == self::SHOW_ACTIVE_ONLY) { $toPrintActive = $linesAvail; $toPrintOpen = 0; $toPrintUnknown = 0; $toPrintTerm = 0; } if ($this->showOption == self::SHOW_UNKNOWN_ONLY) { $toPrintActive = 0; $toPrintOpen = 0; $toPrintUnknown = $linesAvail; $toPrintTerm = 0; } $linesprinted = 0; foreach ($this->linesActive as $time=>$l) { if ($linesprinted >= $toPrintActive) break; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[01m" . $this->getLine($l) ."\033[0m"); $lc++; $linesprinted++; } $linesprinted = 0; foreach ($this->linesOpen as $time=>$l) { if ($linesprinted >= $toPrintOpen) break; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, $this->getLine($l)); $lc++; $linesprinted++; } $linesprinted = 0; foreach ($this->linesUnknown as $time=>$l) { if ($linesprinted >= $toPrintUnknown) break; $color = "0;31m"; if ($l['push'] == false && $time - $l["start"] > 30) $color = "1;31m"; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[0". $color . $this->getLine($l) ."\033[0m"); $lc++; $linesprinted++; } if ($toPrintTerm > 0) $toPrintTerm = $linesAvail - $lc +6; $linesprinted = 0; foreach ($this->linesTerm as $time=>$l){ if ($linesprinted >= $toPrintTerm) break; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[01;30m" . $this->getLine($l) ."\033[0m"); $lc++; $linesprinted++; } // add the lines used when displaying the help text $lc += $hl; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "\033[K"); $lc++; $this->scrPrintAt($lc,0, "Colorscheme: \033[01mActive \033[0mOpen \033[01;31mUnknown \033[01;30mTerminated\033[0m"); // remove old status if ($this->statusexpire < $this->currenttime) $this->status = false; // show request information and help command if ($this->starttime + 6 > $this->currenttime) { $this->status = sprintf("Requesting information (takes up to %dsecs)", $this->pingInterval). str_repeat(".", ($this->currenttime-$this->starttime)) . " type \033[01;31mh\033[00;31m or \033[01;31mhelp\033[00;31m for usage instructions"; $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+1; } $str = ""; if (! $this->showPush) $str .= "\033[00;32mPush: \033[01;32mNo\033[0m "; if ($this->showOption == self::SHOW_ACTIVE_ONLY) $str .= "\033[01;32mActive only\033[0m "; if ($this->showOption == self::SHOW_UNKNOWN_ONLY) $str .= "\033[01;32mUnknown only\033[0m "; if ($this->showTermSec != self::SHOW_TERM_DEFAULT_TIME) $str .= "\033[01;32mTerminated: ". $this->showTermSec. "s\033[0m "; if ($this->filter !== false || ($this->status !== false && $this->statusexpire > $this->currenttime)) { // print filter in green if ($this->filter !== false) $str .= "\033[00;32mFilter: \033[01;32m$this->filter\033[0m "; // print status in red if ($this->status !== false) $str .= "\033[00;31m$this->status\033[0m"; } $this->scrPrintAt(5,0, $str); $this->scrPrintAt(4,0,"Action: \033[01m".$this->action . "\033[0m"); } /** * Waits for a keystroke and processes the requested command * * @access private * @return */ private function readLineProcess() { $ans = explode("^^", `bash -c "read -n 1 -t 1 ANS ; echo \\\$?^^\\\$ANS;"`); if ($ans[0] < 128) { if (isset($ans[1]) && bin2hex(trim($ans[1])) == "7f") { $this->action = substr($this->action,0,-1); } if (isset($ans[1]) && $ans[1] != "" ){ $this->action .= trim(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9:]/","",$ans[1])); } if (bin2hex($ans[0]) == "30" && bin2hex($ans[1]) == "0a") { $cmds = explode(':', $this->action); if ($cmds[0] == "quit" || $cmds[0] == "q" || (isset($cmds[1]) && $cmds[0] == "" && $cmds[1] == "q")) { $this->topCollector->CollectData(true); $this->topCollector->ClearLatest(true); $this->terminate = true; } else if ($cmds[0] == "clear" ) { $this->topCollector->ClearLatest(true); $this->topCollector->CollectData(true); $this->topCollector->ReInitSharedMem(); } else if ($cmds[0] == "filter" || $cmds[0] == "f") { if (!isset($cmds[1]) || $cmds[1] == "") { $this->filter = false; $this->status = "No filter"; $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+5; } else { $this->filter = $cmds[1]; $this->status = false; } } else if ($cmds[0] == "option" || $cmds[0] == "o") { if (!isset($cmds[1]) || $cmds[1] == "") { $this->status = sprintf("Option value needs to be specified. See 'help' or 'h' for instructions", $cmds[1]); $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+5; } else if ($cmds[1] == "p" || $cmds[1] == "push" || $cmds[1] == "ping") $this->showPush = !$this->showPush; else if ($cmds[1] == "a" || $cmds[1] == "active") $this->showOption = self::SHOW_ACTIVE_ONLY; else if ($cmds[1] == "u" || $cmds[1] == "unknown") $this->showOption = self::SHOW_UNKNOWN_ONLY; else if ($cmds[1] == "d" || $cmds[1] == "default") { $this->showOption = self::SHOW_DEFAULT; $this->showTermSec = self::SHOW_TERM_DEFAULT_TIME; $this->showPush = true; } else if (is_numeric($cmds[1])) $this->showTermSec = $cmds[1]; else { $this->status = sprintf("Option '%s' unknown", $cmds[1]); $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+5; } } else if ($cmds[0] == "reset" || $cmds[0] == "r") { $this->filter = false; $this->wide = false; $this->helpexpire = 0; $this->status = "resetted"; $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+2; } else if ($cmds[0] == "wide" || $cmds[0] == "w") { $this->wide = true; $this->status = "w i d e view"; $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+2; } else if ($cmds[0] == "help" || $cmds[0] == "h") { $this->helpexpire = $this->currenttime+20; } else if (($cmds[0] == "log" || $cmds[0] == "l") && isset($cmds[1]) ) { if (!file_exists(LOGFILE)) { $this->status = "Logfile can not be found: ". LOGFILE; } else { system('bash -c "fgrep -a '.escapeshellarg($cmds[1]).' '. LOGFILE .' | less +G" > `tty`'); $this->status = "Returning from log, updating data"; } $this->statusexpire = time()+5; // it might be much "later" now } else if (($cmds[0] == "tail" || $cmds[0] == "t")) { if (!file_exists(LOGFILE)) { $this->status = "Logfile can not be found: ". LOGFILE; } else { $this->doingTail = true; $this->scrClear(); $this->scrPrintAt(1,0,$this->scrAsBold("Press CTRL+C to return to Z-Push-Top\n\n")); $secondary = ""; if (isset($cmds[1])) $secondary = " -n 200 | grep ".escapeshellarg($cmds[1]); system('bash -c "tail -f '. LOGFILE . $secondary . '" > `tty`'); $this->doingTail = false; $this->status = "Returning from tail, updating data"; } $this->statusexpire = time()+5; // it might be much "later" now } else if ($cmds[0] != "") { $this->status = sprintf("Command '%s' unknown", $cmds[0]); $this->statusexpire = $this->currenttime+8; } $this->action = ""; } } } /** * Signal handler function * * @param int $signo signal number * * @access public * @return */ public function SignalHandler($signo) { // don't terminate if the signal was sent by terminating tail if (!$this->doingTail) { $this->topCollector->CollectData(true); $this->topCollector->ClearLatest(true); $this->terminate = true; } } /** * Returns usage instructions * * @return string * @access public */ public function UsageInstructions() { $help = "Usage:\n\tz-push-top.php\n\n" . " Z-Push-Top is a live top-like overview of what Z-Push is doing. It does not have specific command line options.\n\n". " When Z-Push-Top is running you can specify certain actions and options which can be executed (listed below).\n". " This help information can also be shown inside Z-Push-Top by hitting 'help' or 'h'.\n\n"; $scrhelp = $this->scrHelp(); unset($scrhelp[0]); $help .= implode("\n", $scrhelp); $help .= "\n\n"; return $help; } /** * Prints a 'help' text at the end of the page * * @access private * @return array with help lines */ private function scrHelp() { $h = array(); $secs = $this->helpexpire - $this->currenttime; $h[] = "Actions supported by Z-Push-Top (help page still displayed for ".$secs."secs)"; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("Action")."\t\t".$this->scrAsBold("Comment"); $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("h")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("help")."\t\tDisplays this information."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("q").", ".$this->scrAsBold("quit")." or ".$this->scrAsBold(":q")."\t\tExits Z-Push-Top."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("w")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("wide")."\t\tTries not to truncate data. Automatically done if more than 180 columns available."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("f:VAL")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("filter:VAL")."\tOnly display connections which contain VAL. This value is case-insensitive."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("f:")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("filter:")."\t\tWithout a search word: resets the filter."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("l:STR")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("log:STR")."\tIssues 'less +G' on the logfile, after grepping on the optional STR."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("t:STR")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("tail:STR")."\tIssues 'tail -f' on the logfile, grepping for optional STR."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("r")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("reset")."\t\tResets 'wide' or 'filter'."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold("o:")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("option:")."\t\tSets display options. Valid options specified below"; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold(" p")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("push")."\t\tLists/not lists active and open push connections."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold(" a")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("action")."\t\tLists only active connections."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold(" u")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("unknown")."\tLists only unknown connections."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold(" 10")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("20")."\t\tLists terminated connections for 10 or 20 seconds. Any other number can be used."; $h[] = " ".$this->scrAsBold(" d")." or ".$this->scrAsBold("default")."\tUses default options"; return $h; } /** * Encapsulates string with different color escape characters * * @param string $text * * @access private * @return string same text as bold */ private function scrAsBold($text) { return "\033[01m" . $text ."\033[0m"; } /** * Prints one line of precessed data * * @param array $l line information * * @access private * @return string */ private function getLine($l) { if ($this->wide === true) return sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", $this->ptStr($l['pid'],6), $this->ptStr($l['ip'],16), $this->ptStr($l['user'],24), $this->ptStr($l['command'],16), $this->ptStr($this->sec2min($l['time']),8), $this->ptStr($l['devagent'],28), $this->ptStr($l['devid'],30, true), $l['addinfo']); else return sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", $this->ptStr($l['pid'],6), $this->ptStr($l['ip'],10), $this->ptStr($l['user'],8), $this->ptStr($l['command'],11), $this->ptStr($this->sec2min($l['time']),6), $this->ptStr($l['devagent'],20), $this->ptStr($l['devid'],12, true), $l['addinfo']); } /** * Pads and trims string * * @param string $string to be trimmed/padded * @param int $size characters to be considered * @param boolean $cutmiddle (optional) indicates where to long information should * be trimmed of, false means at the end * * @access private * @return string */ private function ptStr($str, $size, $cutmiddle = false) { if (strlen($str) < $size) return str_pad($str, $size); else if ($cutmiddle == true) { $cut = ($size-2)/2; return $this->ptStr(substr($str,0,$cut) ."..". substr($str,(-1)*($cut-1)), $size); } else { return substr($str,0,$size-3).".. "; } } /** * Tries to discover the size of the current terminal * * @access private * @return array 'width' and 'height' as keys */ private function scrGetSize() { preg_match_all("/rows.([0-9]+);.columns.([0-9]+);/", strtolower(exec('stty -a | fgrep columns')), $output); if(sizeof($output) == 3) return array('width' => $output[2][0], 'height' => $output[1][0]); return array('width' => 80, 'height' => 24); } /** * Returns the version of the current Z-Push installation * * @access private * @return string */ private function getVersion() { if (ZPUSH_VERSION == "SVN checkout" && file_exists(REAL_BASE_PATH.".svn/entries")) { $svn = file(REAL_BASE_PATH.".svn/entries"); return "SVN " . substr(trim($svn[4]),stripos($svn[4],"z-push")+7) ." r".trim($svn[3]); } return ZPUSH_VERSION; } /** * Converts seconds in MM:SS * * @param int $s seconds * * @access private * @return string */ private function sec2min($s) { if (!is_int($s)) return $s; return sprintf("%02.2d:%02.2d", floor($s/60), $s%60); } /** * Resets the default colors of the terminal * * @access private * @return */ private function scrDefaultColors() { echo "\033[0m"; } /** * Clears screen of the terminal * * @param array $data * * @access private * @return */ public function scrClear() { echo "\033[2J"; } /** * Prints a text at a specific screen/terminal coordinates * * @param int $row row number * @param int $col column number * @param string $text to be printed * * @access private * @return */ private function scrPrintAt($row, $col, $text="") { echo "\033[".$row.";".$col."H".$text; } } ?>